Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise...

By ValyriaRizing

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It was a tough road, but Nera finally found harmony with Pennywise. Now she learns she is destined for an Imm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 9

249 16 17
By ValyriaRizing

All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the character's I've created.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 9..

"Okay," came Nera's voice as she walked back in the room. "I'm gunna call them over to see if they like it. It's way better than that cramped little apartment they're living in now." Nera noted.

Pennywise and Ezra were now seated in the living room. It had a bright, airy but cozy atmosphere. The room had light birch wood flooring, the walls a light blue with an ivory couch that had light blue and lime green throw pillows.

The couple that lived there had definitely been book nerds like Sadie because there was a beautiful desk built into an enormous bookshelf, all made of birch wood and filled with all kinds of books. There was a nice sized flat panel tv on the wall and a lime green arm chair next to a light blue plaid one.

Ezra stood behind the armchair where Pennywise sat, seeming more content to stand vigilant and be on the look out when he was around his mates. It hadn't occurred to him until this very moment that he was becoming more protective by the minute while Pennywise was usually too proud to behave that way.

Perhaps it was that Ezra had it all before and had to bear the loss of it all being taken away without warning. That would seem a fair reason for him to fiercely protect what he had now. He couldn't bear to lose it all again.

Pennywise didn't need to look out, he would sense anything around him anyways. His sense for energies could nearly rival Lucifer's. Nera stood next to Ezra, his arm around her as he kissed her on the forehead.

'Santiago, come to me and bring Sadie.'

A few moments later, the couple appeared and looked around. "Oh cute! Where are we?" asked Sadie.

Santiago saw Nera and gently released Sadie after giving her a kiss on the cheek, then made his way to her.

"Your new home! If you want it. It's right next door to us!" Nera announced happily. As Santiago neared, Ezra released her, knowing his inferior was biting at the bit to embrace her.

Ezra knew it couldn't be easy on Santiago. The Demon had to sit back and watch Nera bond to someone else while he was completely in love with her. Despite that, Santiago hadn't once complained or tried anything stupid. As soon as Ezra made it known to his followers he'd set his sights on on an Angel named Nera, Santiago had accepted it without question.

Ezra trusted Anzu more than anyone. The Demon had served beneath him since the very beginning. They had fought beside one another many times. They'd even shared a bed on occasion. Santiago would never betray him. He knew it.

"What? Your kidding!" squealed Sadie just as Santiago pulled Nera into his arms.

"I already cleared it out for you, it's all yours. Go check it out!" Nera suggested, then turned her attention to Santiago who's eyes were already laden with hunger and desire.

"Hey baby," he murmured quietly as Sadie stepped into the kitchen to check out her new home.

"You better go with Sadie and check out your new home," Nera warned despite not wanting to let him go.

He smiled a bit mischievously, then ran his hand up the back of her head and pulled her in for a kiss; his tongue slipping into her mouth as if he couldn't move on without a taste of her.

'I missed you," he told her silently, keeping silent the ache he felt when they were apart. Telling her the truth would only unsettle her happiness, and there was nothing he wanted more than to see the woman he loved happy.

'I missed you too.' She responded and wrapped her arms loosely around his neck as he ran his hands down her back and around her waist.

He pressed his body into hers and grunted, his blood beginning to run hot with longing for her. The desperation he felt for her never went away. He controlled it well, but the truth was that being near her brought him peace. He felt complete with her. Unfortunately, it didn't matter how amazing Sadie might be, she literally could never do for Santiago what Nera could.

After kissing her a few moments, he reluctantly let her go and went off to join Sadie in checking out their new home.

Breathless, Nera happily turned back to Pennywise who gestured with a finger for her to go to him. She grinned as a rush of excitement ran through her, going to him and being pulled into his lap in a sitting position, her legs settling between his thighs. He began kissing her neck and she closed her eyes and reached up behind him, laying her arm behind his neck along his shoulder, just enjoying the feel of his warm lips and tongue upon her skin.

Ezra was content just listening to the sound of Nera's soft moans, carefully taking a seat on the arm of the chair and running his hand through the back of Penny's silky soft hair as he kept an eye out around them. Soon the sound of Penny's deep purr could be heard along with Nera delectable little sounds of pleasure.

This is my family. The thought made a pleasurable sensation sing in the center of his chest and he sound himself smiling. To him, they were absolutely perfect.

Soon Santiago and Sadie returned hand in hand, both of them looking very happy. "Thank you so much, Nera. We love every inch of it." Sadie reported gratefully. Nera opened her eyes and beamed up at them.

"I'm glad you like it. Well, I think we are gunna head back home and get ready to go out tonight. You guys are still coming right?" Nera inquired as she slid off Penny's lap and stood up, stretching.

"Oh of course." replied Sadie, "We're gonna run back to the house and bring back the essentials so we can start staying here tonight then we'll head over there after we get ready."

"Okay, see you two love birds in a bit then." Nera responded with a smile. She couldn't get over how much she loved seeing Sadie with someone who made her happy.

Maybe Santiago was in love with Nera, that was true, but he was already so good to Sadie. Every time he was with her, he was holding her in his arms or nuzzling or kissing her. He was definitely into her, that was for sure.

He winked at Nera as they left though, always careful to remind her in his not-so-subtle ways that she still had his heart. Nera just hoped that Sadie would continue to accept it because she wasn't sure she and Santiago would ever be able to stay away from each other.

As Nera and her two loves headed outside, she took each of their hands and led them down to the sidewalk.

"Why the long way, sweetness?" Pennywise asked since he'd seen her and Ezra cross through the grass earlier.

She slowed down then paused, then turned to them both, taking hold of their hands again as they now faced her, with a blissful smile on sweet face.

They both saw her energy suddenly magnify, a bright shimmering white mass with tendrils of dark blue running through it, swirling at their ends. Her golden eyes shimmered in a stunning way, as if they were literally made of liquid gold and it was being stirred. Neither of them had ever seen anything like it. Standing there with the afternoon sunlight behind her, it was like the edges of her body were glowing. She was magnificent in her joy.

"When I was still in my first few hundred years of life, there was this book... it was the first love story I ever read. There was this young woman with cancer and she fell in love with a nurse who was treating her." Nera began as she stepped closer to her loves.

"He learned so many things about her, I mean that's what the book was mostly about, her re-living her life in detail for him, one of which was how when she was a little girl, before her own Mother died of cancer, she would take her on these walks under the glow of the afternoon sun. It was all she could do toward the end because she was so weak, but the girl always remembered those walks, and missed them dearly."

"Growing up without her Mother and always being ill herself, she never had anyone to walk with. She never knew her Father and had no friends. She confessed to her love that all she wanted was to walk down the sidewalk with him before she died. He tried talking her out of it, because she was so weak but she knew it was the last thing she ever wanted to do."

"Finally he realized he had to let her have this one thing, because he loved her so much. Somehow they both knew it would be the last thing she ever did but he had to let her do it, out of his love for her. When they went for that walk, she stood from her wheelchair and held his hand, then they walked slowly for awhile. It was an afternoon like this, that's what the book described."

"When he got her back safely to her room, it was the happiest he'd ever seen her. She passed away that night in her sleep, with a smile on her face and he eventually went on to find love and have a family. When he did, he never forgot his first love and even took his daughter on their own walks, remembering his first love every time. Every time he walked on a beautiful sunny day like this, he could hear her voice, smell her perfume, and feel her next to him. Ever since I read that, I've always dreamed of having my own love to walk with down a sidewalk under the warmth of the Earth's sun. I knew it would never happen. I was an Angel, when and how could this ever happen for me? Thousands of years later, here I stand... in the Mortal Realm under the warmth of the evening sun, holding hands with not just one love, but two. I just wanted to make one of my little dreams come true, that's all." She finished, her big beautiful eyes sparkled happily.

Ezra couldn't help but tear up a little at her story. It was tragic and beautiful all at once. "We can walk a little further if you'd like, sweetheart." He offered.

She bit her lip nervously and looked at Pennywise. "Can we?" She asked him hopefully.

Pennywise wasn't big on the soft and sentimental stuff, but he was intelligent enough to know when something was truly important, and somehow this small thing was. "Of course, my sweet." He replied.

They spent a little while walking through the neighborhood and unavoidably, did receive a few strange stares along the way. Pretty much everyone in town knew Ezra Shade and it strange enough seeing him with this new and mysterious woman, but to also see him with this man, well it was certainly enough to get the rumor mills up and running

Both Ezra and Pennywise could feel Nera's energy radiating powerfully, a direct result of them making this little dream of hers come true. Both males enjoyed literally basking in her happiness, but eventually they had to head back to the house.

On the way there, Pennywise began realizing he felt truly at peace when he made Nera happy. It felt really good. He watched her closely as she walked, the way she gently swayed her hips back and forth and how she was constantly looking around and taking in the world around her. She appreciated every moment and attempted to absorb every detail.

Once they reached the house, Nera headed up the stairs and Ezra and Pennywise followed, only a few feet behind her. They both watched her like dogs in heat while she undressed and turned on the water.

"You guys coming? It's our first group shower. Kind of a big deal. It works better with us all in here though." She pointed out with a sonorous giggle. Pennywise couldn't deny her, nor could Ezra.

Ezra was the first to strip down and join her, Pennywise only lagging behind because he'd admittedly been watching Ezra undress.

The Demon Lord had an incredible body for a male. He was a just a bit shorter than Pennywise, but his body was built thicker and he was well muscled, his skin smooth all over. The sight of him in the nude made Pennywise ache with welcome desire in his loins.

Pennywise then made his clothes disappear and stepped in. Incredibly they were able to keep their hormones in check, content with the plans they'd made for later that night, but it wasn't all easy. They took turns silently washing each other and when the males hands ran all over Nera's body, it excited them both but she reminded them they were already running behind.

Nera opted for a glittery fitted black dress that she'd seen awhile back but she had been holding off for a really special occasion to try it out. Tonight was about as special it could get for her. She would be going out with Ezra publicly for the first time, and afterward they would all three bond. This was sure to be the best night of her life. The material felt cool and smooth on her skin and as she turned and admired herself in the mirror, she began to truly feel like the Goddess everyone believed her to be.

Was she something special? Was there a reason God had made her so different from the other Angels? Why else would she have two destined mates and why such powerful ones? Perhaps the prophecy they spoke of was God's plan, but there was still so much unknown about what he had in store for them.

"Baby, what are you wearing?" Ezra called from downstairs. He was waiting to see what she chose so he could match with her.

"I'll be down in a sec!" She called back down the stairs, deciding what shoes to wear.

Ezra took a seat on the couch and looked up at Pennywise, who seemed deep in thought, leaning against a wall and watching him quietly.

They barely spoke. Everything between them was still so new, it was like they didn't know how. Ezra felt an extreme attraction to the cosmic being, just like he did Nera. He wanted to know him better, and unbeknownst to him, Pennywise felt the same.

The conditions orchestrated by God had thrown Pennywise and Ezra into this situation, but after all that had happened, Pennywise wasn't willing to fight it. He had been at first, but nearly losing Nera a second time made him realize the value of what they shared and if Ezra was a part of it, he was okay with that. If it was for Nera, he would do anything.

At this point though, it had also become about Ezra. Pennywise desired him deeply, a fact that he was still coming to terms with. There was still a wall up between them though, which bothered him now that he knew Ezra was also to be his. He needed it brought down. Ezra would submit to him, he would belong to him, he would call him Master, and it would happen tonight.

Pennywise recalled suddenly how alcohol relaxes both mortals and immortals alike. He wondered if they would drink tonight. He was actually hoping they would, but he had no way of ensuring they did unless he went with them. As much as he despised social settings, he was extremely tempted to join them. He needed to pull some strings.

Suddenly Nera came down the stairs and both men's jaws almost hit the floor. The black glittery dress looked magical on her, like space and all it's stars, and her hair was pulled up in a messy bun with tendrils framing her face. On her feet she wore a pair of matching black glittery platform high heeled sandals that strapped around the ankle.

Pennywise immediately pulled her into his arms, running his hands up and down the black glittery dress. Within moments Ezra was behind her, sinking his teeth in her neck. Her mouth dropped open and she gasped in pleasure, pulling Ezra's mouth down harder and urging him to sink his fangs in deeper. Pennywise then covered her mouth with his, tasting her sweetness. When the kiss became more heated and she felt her lovers pulling her dress up, she broke the kiss.

"Wait, not yet." She breathed, "Let's save it for tonight." As hard as it was, both men knew she was right. They wanted this night to be perfect, not rushed. Slowly they released her. She panted as she recomposed herself.

"You look incredible, sweetheart. There really are no words for the way you look tonight but that will have to suffice." Ezra told her, his voice deep and thick was his longing for her.

She smiled bashfully and blushed. With Penny and Ezra, there was no getting use to them. Every time they complimented or flirted or touched her, it was like the first time.

Finally Ezra dressed, with a simple snap of his fingers, into a black 3 piece suit to compliment Nera's.

Nera's eyes lit up as she visually devoured her beautiful Demon lover. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder turn her around.

There stood Pennywise in sexy eye-catching Italian suit that looked absolutely fantastic on him on him.. She cocked her head in curiosity.

"And why are you dressed so deliciously?" Nera implored, holding her her hands up in a prayer position as she hoped he'd decided to come with them.

He straightened, looking down as he smoothed his vest and jacket, then his eyes shot up at her devilishly. "I've had a change of heart, my sweet. I'll be going with you both tonight." He explained.

She almost jumped for joy. She wasn't sure why he changed his mind but she didn't care. She jumped on him and wrapped her arms around him tight, causing him to fall back a few feet, but he caught himself.

"Thank you, Penny." She whispered happily.

Ezra was pleasantly surprised to. He was actually hoping that at some point Pennywise would become more comfortable in the public's eye.

While he and his Alpha might not be close yet, the desire to have it known they were both his mates was strong. For some inexplicable reason, despite never being human, Ezra was a family man at heart. It might not have seemed that way as he fucked his way through the first thousands of years of his life, but deep down he was had an emptiness he yearned to fill.

It would seem that Nera and Pennywise were what he'd been searching for. He was proud of them both and wanted to be seen with them. He knew humans would find it eccentric, perhaps even distasteful to have such a relationship, but he couldn't care less.

A little while later, Santiago and Sadie arrived. While Sadie took a seat in the living room, accepting a glass of wine from Ezra, Santiago was quick to take his leave and head upstairs in search of Nera.

While Sadie knew she'd agreed to their intimacy, she did find herself wishing she could be Santiago's number one. She had to remind herself that they'd gotten together not for love but to make Sadie immortal. He was already in love with Nera from the start, but wasn't everyone? She brushed off the negative feelings as she sipped on her wine and listened to some dulcet jazz tones emanating from the stereo system, waiting for her lover to return.

Santiago quietly entered Nera's room without a knock. They were long past such formalities. Despite Nera having bonded mates, Santiago still considered himself in a relationship with her. The fact that they didn't live together or wouldn't be bonded mattered not. She was still his and he was hers.

He heard a soft, beautiful humming coming from the bathroom and as he rounded the corner and looked in, witnessing her bent over her bathroom vanity in a sexy little black dress, applying some lipstick, his lustful urges immediately took over. Nera quickly noticed him as he approached and she smiled warmly at him.

He came up behind her as he began speaking a different language under his breath heatedly, running his hands down her sides and pulling the dress up. He then reached over and closed the bathroom door as he pulled her body back against his, sinking his teeth into the same holes Ezra had just made.

"Mmm, Santiago... we probably shouldn't be doing this right now." She purred playfully, but he was already unbuckling his pants.

"I can't focus on anything else right now. I need to have your first baby." He explained quietly, sliding her panties down. They slowly fell to the ground at her feet.

As his warm fingers found her heat, she knew she couldn't deny him. It was Santiago. Every time she saw him, she wanted him inside her. It had always been that way with them.

Although she adored and loved him, she couldn't understand the raw urgency between them. She didn't waste much time questioning it though. She needed him as much as he needed her.

She bent over the counter for him and seconds later he thrust inside her. "Fuck yes, I missed this." He muttered as he ravaged her from behind.

She held onto the counter and arched her spine as she pushed back to meet his every thrust. She begged him for more and he gave it, quickly reaching orgasm and filling her up.

As soon as he finished she reached hers, his cock still firm inside and stroking in and out. She enjoyed the feel of it for a bit as he gradually softened, but eventually she turned around and took his face in her hands.

"You're amazing Santiago. You make me wish I could bond with four instead of just three." She purred to him. He smiled lovingly down at her as he took one of her hands in his.

"Baby, if we ever find a way... it will be done." He vowed to her, kissing one of her knuckles.

"But what about Sadie?" Nera asked, "I couldn't do that to her."

He began to kiss her then, wet, soft, passionate kisses. "Then we find her another partner." He pointed out matter of factly between kisses. "You are my true love, Nera. She would have to understand." His kisses moved down her neck toward her chest, each one becoming hungrier than the last. She could feel the urgency building in him again then.

"Wait... we need to go." She urged breathlessly as he slid her dress back up over her hips. "Santiago.." she breathed but clearly he wasn't listening. Before she could stop him he was sliding inside her again and she was back in heaven.

Eventually they finished and headed downstairs together, finding everyone waiting on them. Ezra smiled knowingly at Nera as he took her into his embrace.

It was true that all he wanted was to make his mates happy. He knew how much Santiago and Nera loved each other, so sharing her with him didn't bother him one bit. He had complete trust in her loyalty to him.

"Ready sweetheart?" He asked and she nodded happily.

This was it. She was going out with both her loves for the first time, and not just the two of them, but Santiago and Sadie as well. Something about this moment made her feel so complete and full of joy. It was like they were all one big happy family.

As they rose to head out, Nera glanced over at Sadie and caught her eye, smiling adoringly at her friend. She took Sadie's hand and pulled her close, causing her friend to giggle happily as she hugged her. "This is going to be the best night ever." Nera whispered to her.

Sadie's earlier irritation melted away as she realized how good it felt to be in Nera's arms. She blushed heavily at the feel of Nera's hand settling on her lower waist as her chin was tilted upward to look into Nera's beautiful gold eyes.

"Are you okay, Sadie?" Nera asked.

Sadie smiled happily and lost herself in those eyes, the worries from earlier long gone. "Yeah, I'm great actually." She responded.

Nera stroked her cheek softly and kissed her forehead. "Yay! Let's go!" She grabbed Sadie's hand led her out with the group of male immortals following close behind.

They allowed Santiago to drive with Sadie in the front seat so Nera, Pennywise and Ezra could sit together in the back. It was dark outside now, a chilly Saturday night, but immortals didn't notice it too much. School had recently started and to celebrate, there where more adults out tonight than normal, walking along the streets huddled together in groups of two or more.

The Falcon was a hot spot that night, cars lining the streets all around it, so they had to park down the block a bit.

As they approached the bar, it was clear to the people standing outside taking a break from the ruckus inside that the stunning raven-haired woman had two partners, both of which had a hand wrapped around her waist as they walked. They looked like something right out of a magazine or straight out of Hollywood.

Just behind them walked Santiago with a beautiful Sadie on his arm, which was almost just as shocking. Everyone knew Santiago was married, and not just that... he was a bit older. Mid-forties or so. That in of itself created a bit of shock. Sadie easily could have been young enough to be his daughter, as could Nera.

Like Ezra he was well-known and well-liked in town because of his business. Everyone knew of his wife, but they'd also seen him with Nera a few times. The rumors about the two of them had had circulating for awhile and now this new development with them all out together would only add fuel to the fire.

"Damn, you don't see that every day." murmured one man as the passed. His eyes remained glued to Nera as they walked away.

Soon they were inside, and once they reached the bar, Nera used her influence to make some people move so they could grab seats and place their drink orders.

It was louder than the normal, the air buzzing with conversation and laughter. There was a light fog hanging in the air from all the smokers and the heavy scent of men and women's cologne, dabbed on heavily in their attempts at gaining the attention of the opposite sex so they wouldn't have to go home alone that night.

Pennywise presented a blood red satin-finish credit card and tossed it down on the counter, his piercing eyes meeting the bartender and unnerving the usually jovial man.

"Start a tab, friend." His words poured smoothly and naturally from his tongue despite the fact he wanted to eat everyone in the room.

The bartender nodded nervously. Something about the tall, refined-looking man just set his nerves on edge, but he did as requested without a word. Of course it wasn't a real card but when the staff ran it tonight it would appear to go through nonetheless, perks of being able to manipulate reality.

While Ezra and Nera sat on two stools by the bar, Pennywise stood behind them. This time it was his turn to stand guard. He felt many immortal presences in the room and unfortunately, there's no way to tell which present a threat or not until they turn visibly violent. Just because a presence is dark or evil doesn't mean it actually poses a threat.

Santiago allowed Sadie to take the seat on the other side of Nera but floated behind her, standing next to Pennywise and running his hands up and down Sadie's arms as he whispered something to her and made her blush.

Santiago did honestly enjoy his little Dove. She was beautiful, kind and definitely excited him, but he could never get Nera out of his head. He was crazy about her. What he felt for her was on a whole other level. It was almost like a never-ending desperation. He wanted her all the time and could barely stand being away from her, but he had incredible self-control. If he didn't, he'd literally never leave her side. He'd probably fuck her nonstop every second of the day if he allowed himself to follow his raw urges.

"What would you guys like to drink?" The bartender then asked with a friendly smile. Nera was glad to see he had help tonight. There were a couple of cute young women tending the bar with him due to the large crowd.

Ezra ordered them a few rounds of shots first, swiveling in his chair to hand one to Pennywise. Pennywise was about to refuse when Ezra's hand slipped under his jacket and squeezed his waist firmly as he raised his brow at Pennywise in a rather seductive way.

It was a simple maneuver but immediately got the cosmic being's attention and excited the hell out of him. He was held captive by the insistent, heated look in Ezra's deep brown eyes and quickly caved to the Demon Lord's obvious desire to have him drink along with them tonight.

Reluctantly he took the shot from Ezra's hand, and the smug yet charming smile that Ezra flashed next, when he knew he was getting his way, only served to turn Pennywise on more. His supernatural blood quickened in his veins, and he felt his teeth begin to sharpen as his desire peaked. Fuck, we just got here and already I wanna tear into him.

Sadie and Nera turned their stools as well so they were all facing each other now and everyone raised their glasses. Nera noticed Ezras's hand around Pennywise's waist and felt a rush of excitement at the thought of them together. Being around them when they were discovering their feelings for each other was almost too arousing. It drove her crazy. Tonight is going to be an amazing night.

The group finally clinked their glasses together and shot their drinks quickly. The men downed them like they were water, but the women made funny faces and gagged a little. Ezra chuckled in amusement.

"Baby, you bite into the lemon afterward, it helps." He advised her with a laugh, absentmindedly pulling Pennywise a little closer to him as he held the lemon up for Nera to bite into. Pennywise was gazing down at Nera as well, a genuine smile spreading across his face watching her adorable reaction to the bitterness of the lemon.

Ezra turned to the bartender and ordered some more shots, this time something sweeter for the girls. As they took their next round of shots, Pennywise watched the Demon closely as he threw back the shot, stepping closer, his hip pressing between Ezra's knees. Ezra recognized the desire coming from his Alpha and pulled him in closer, breathing in his scent and feeling content having his Alpha so close.

"What do you guys think?" Ezra asked, "More shots or shall we switch to regular drinks?"

"One more round!" Sadie happily shouted over the crowd and Nera happily clapped her hands in agreement.

While they waited for their next round, the alcohol settled into Penny's system and relaxed him. He rarely ever drank so he had no tolerance for it. It had been hundreds of years since he had any and even then it was just a taste while he was stalking his prey pretending to be someone else.

He glanced up and saw that Nera, Sadie, and Santiago were engaged in some conversation. Ezra leaned back casually onto the bar, running a hand through Nera's hair but still watching Pennywise.

Pennywise found himself studying the Demon Lord much like he'd done with Nera. The way he moved, the way he spoke, his smooth olive skin, thick, black well-kept hair, those dark brown eyes and full lips, the shape of his muscular body, and the way his legs parted so that Pennywise could slide in closer to him. He was absolutely delicious and he was all his.

Suddenly one of Ezra's business associates came up, his gaze immediately falling upon Ezra's hand which was under another mans coat. His brow was raised, a slightly appalled look on his face. Clearly he wasn't a fan of what he was seeing.

"Ezra?" He asked.

"Hey, Nick. How are you?" Ezra asked, his thumb rubbing Penny's lower belly slowly. He had no concern over anyone seeing him with a man, he was actually amused to see their reactions.

"Um, well I'm good. So... who's your friend?" He asked with an incredulous, surprised smile.

"Oh actually it's been a few months since I last saw you. Please, let me introduce you to my partners-"

'Robert,' Pennywise quickly advised him telepathically.

"Robert and Nera." Nera's head quickly turned when she heard her name. She slid her arm around Ezra's shoulder and looked at the man that Ezra was talking to.

The human had a rather sour face at the moment and Nera quickly realized it was because of Ezra and Pennywise being so close and his hand being under Pennywise's jacket, gripping his waist.

"Guys, this is a fellow business associate of mine, Nick. We go back many years." The man happily took Nera's hand to shake but hesitantly accepted Penny's.

Ezra was half amused and half angry at this point, managing to hide it perfectly behind a diplomatic smile. He'd had a working relationship with Nick many years and wanted to give him a chance to come around.

"Partners?" He chuckled, then looked Nera up and down as she slid of her barstool and snaked a hand around the other side of Penny's waist.

"Yeah," she started in a silky, sultry voice. "Like lovers. Partners in life. You know?" She asked with a sly smile, intentionally trying to weird him out.

He shot his eyes back to Ezra and down at his arm again. Sadie started giggling from the back of the group. Nick cut his eyes at her in annoyance, causing Santiago to growl low in his belly.

The man couldn't hear it but Nera could. She reached up and took Santiago's jaw in one hand, causing him to look down at her.

'He's not worth it. Just a small minded human.'

He visibly calmed and smiled down at Nera, leaning over to kiss her tenderly, placing his hands on her hips and lifting her back onto the barstool. She giggled happily as he pressed her against the bar and slid his hands around the small of her waist, kissing his way down her neck, tickling her there and causing her to giggle blissfully,

Nick watched in disbelief as Ezra allowed another man to kiss his so-called partner and became even more perplexed. "Well, I must say this has been... illuminating." Nick said scratching his head, "I always knew you were good with the ladies, Ezra... but this is on a whole other level."

"I've only allowed people to see what I wanted them to see, Nick." Ezra enlightened him with a smug smile.

Nick finally chuckled, his mood lightening up. No one wanted to be on Ezra's bad side. He was too well-liked and too important of a connection to burn a bridge over a difference of sexual preference.

"I suppose that makes sense. Well... you look good my friend. Honestly, you look well. I was a little worried about you a few months back, you seemed really down. Whatever you're doing... or... whoever," he looked down and chuckled, not in a taunting way, just in a genuinely shocked way. "Then I say keep doing it."

"Thank you, Nick." Ezra responded. Nick then excused himself and headed to the other side of the bar. Ezra turned his attention back to his friends.

"We are going to get this a lot, we might as well get used to it. Many won't be nearly this nice about it either." Ezra looked at Santiago, "but we have to stay calm and handle it the way a human would. One who has a reputation to uphold." He explained.

"Yes, of course, my Lord." Santiago agreed.

"Your shots, Ezra." Pennywise gestured behind him. The Demon Lord immediately noticed this was the first time Pennywise had used his name, and it sent a thrill through him. Up until now he'd just been "Demon" to the creature.

He turned, grabbing and handing out the shots again to the group. They switched to regular drinks after that and Sadie and Nera got into a conversation about the boutique with Santiago standing between them, sliding a hand around Nera's waist and caressing her lower back.

Pennywise watched for a moment, then looked back at Ezra who's eyes were just a little glassy now. He'd been ordering himself harder shots than the others since his tolerance was higher, but by this time they were beginning to get the better of him.

Pennywise had been feeling the effects for awhile now but was doing a fantastic job of hiding it. His body felt more relaxed than normal, and he felt much more comfortable with the Demon Lord, allowing one of his hands to rest on Ezra's thigh, moving his thumb back and forth softly across the smooth material of his suit.

"So, Robert?" Ezra stated, curious why of all names, he'd chosen that one. Pennywise placed both his hands now upon the Demons thighs and leaned closer so he could whisper to him what he didn't need any humans to hear.

"It was the name of a human I ate many years back. This human form I assume was actually his, as was the clown he worked as at the circus..." he paused as the scent of the Demon this close began to trigger distracting thoughts in his mind, making him throb down below.

Ezra was quick to pick up on it and pulled Pennywise against him, pressing their erections together and eliciting a hiss of pleasure from the cosmic being.

"You're as big a tease as she is, Demon." He snarled, his real voice coming through as drool began to gather on his lip. Ezra felt Penny's hands dig into his thighs more firmly as he grew more excited.

"I don't hear you complaining, Ancient One." Ezra retorted back smugly as he reached up, wiping the drool from his Alpha's lip.

Pennywise ran his hand up into the back of Ezra's hair as he pressed his hips into him. "No, not complaining. A pleasant observation. I may make you sorry for it later though, regardless." Pennywise rasped, imagining himself ravaging the Demon's ass with his cock. He then bit into Ezra's neck with normal teeth, just working to further arouse the Demon. Ezra grunted in pleasure.

"I look forward to it." He snarled back.

* Word Count: 6,697 *

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