godhead [COMPLETED]

By uncouthwriter

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Calla was a dreamer; always cherishing the idea of marriage while dreaming of her happily ever after: a magic... More



1.7K 113 175
By uncouthwriter

A week later


"Fuck" Leo cursed, his sweat dripping down to my naked chest. He grabbed a perky breast into his hand as he rocked against my body. Another morning and here he was, filling me with his disgusting seed. He didn't even bother to say good morning anymore.

Of course, Lizabeth made sure to stick a wedge of lemon up my flower. I needed to make sure I never grew pregnant with his child. If I were to kill him, I would have to make sure he had no kin to pass on the throne.

He moans and huffs, pulling me closer as he did his bidding. I fold my hands over my chest, waiting for him until he finished, feeling disgusted as he paved his way. I had no say in matters pertaining to my life in Genovia or my body....

"Don't look at me like that" he stops, hovering over me.

"I am not looking at you Leo" I frown, trying to focus on the painting behind him.

"Yes you are and you're turning me off" he cursed, continuing his tempo.

"I will just close my eyes then. Just pretend as if I am not even here Leo" I smirked, closing my eyes so he could concentrate. My sarcasm never reached his tiny little brain.

"Fuck" he curses again, finally releasing inside me. I felt his warmth and he collapsed above my body, pulling my chin so he could kiss my lips but I swiftly turned my cheek to the side. I would never allow him to kiss me again...

He understood my rejection and stood, buckling his paints once more. "Empress" he bids his farewell.

"Emperor" I nod, pulling my robe to stand. He pushes his crown on before departing. I watch him silently until the guards close the heavy doors, finally leaving me alone.

A bath!"

A week later


Breakfast came and I took my place at the dining table, sitting beside Calla as she read silently. "Good morning" I try to break the silence. She continued reading her book, casually looking up at me. "Morning" she mutters before returning to her manuscript.

"You know, we do not have to eat breakfast together every day." I hinted.

"And you do not have to be an egotistical stripling but here we are." she sighed, smiling faintly as she turned the page.

"Look Calla...." I begin, trying to hold her hand but she rebuffed my contact.

"Well...you probably don't remember but 2 weeks ago I shot your fox and slapped you. I think it has created a damaging strife between us?"

"I suppose but was it only those two occurrences?" she mutters unconvincingly.

"Yes...and I think I was angry at both those time. I hate that I hit you and that I killed your fox but no one has ever not liked me?"

"Or, some people are just pretending to like you?" she says, pulling a pot of water near her placemat.

"Either way, I am allowing you to hear my apology so take it! I am sorry" I say, sticking a piece of bacon into my mouth, "If I were you, I would accept it and move on" I suggested.

She pushed a finger to her lips, pondering my words.

"Look Calla, I know you came into the palace with some sort of romanticized view of me. You thought I was this devilishly handsome emperor who would whisk you off your dainty feet into a life of bliss and endless love. It was a bit naive of you"

She opened her mouth to refute my claim but of course, I was one step ahead. "Not a criticism of you , it is a rather lovely attribute, but you met me and I am nothing of the sort. I am a realist, more...down to earth? My heads are not in the clouds?"

"Your point" she sighed.

"My point is... I want you to be happy Calla. I am a man and you a woman. Why cannot we make amends?"

"Amends? Oh! Such a brilliant idea! We make amends and everything goes back to normal?" she gasps, gently closing her book. I could tell there was a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Look, I am trying Calla!"

"Are you Leo?" she frowned, leaning forward to face me. I cursed benath my breath as I observed her beautiful features. The way her almond-shaped eyes turned into a smile was making me.... feel things.

"Refresh my memory? At which point did you try? Hmm... when you burned my shed? Made me sleep with your whore? Or was it when you hid my letters and burned them in front of me? Oh! Oh! Or maybe it was when you killed my beloved fox" she smiled pretending to think about the events.

"Look...I know I have my flaws Calla but you have not been a walk in the park either! What happened to the little optimistic woman who stood before me quoting poetry? The youthful maiden that gave me that leaf she picked by the sea?"

"She died." was all she said before opening her book again.

"Point is, we are married but we do not do it for each other. I know your heart and as much as I hate to say it aloud, you are disgusted by me"

"One usually develops hatred when one forces themselves upon another" she smiled sipping her cup of tea. She was testing my patience of course.

"I didn't force you. You are my wife, therefore you are my property. I am allowed to fuck you anytime I want." I snapped, growing more impatient each time she spoke her mind.

"Of course Leo. Silly me! I forgot I am just a body to do your horny bidding." she sighs pushing her book into her lap.

"Huzzah! We finally agree on something." I sighed, pushing more bacon into my mouth.

"I suppose we do" she snapped, rolling her eyes to wait for my words.

"This union will not be simple but the most we can do is try to get along. I cannot have you moping around my palace. It only looks bad on me. I will get you another fox, and maybe let you send your letters. I will also get you a lover"

"Take a lover?" she asks, shocked at the crude suggestion.

"I mean what is the alternative? You remain unhappy, I grow more annoyed with you and then I end up killing you. You are a good person and I do not wish to kill you" I confessed.

She looked down at her cup then smiled. "You are a horrible person. I could kill you?" she whispers. I look into her eyes before letting out a chortle. At times she could be funny. "Ah! So the empress knows a good jest?"

"That I do" she smiles before pushing out her chair, "I am going to sun bathe on the lawn. Emperor" she bids her farewell.

"Empress" I say, watching her leave to the garden.


Another month passed and Calla and I were more distant than before. She refused to look me in the eyes, only staring at the ceiling as I fucked her senseless. The only reason I hadn't killed her yet was because I needed an heir to the throne.

Every other woman that was forced to marry me had either drowned trying to escape my kingdom or killed themselves citing insanity. Even despite these occurrences, I knew the problem wasn't me.

I studied Calla as she basked in the fields. It was all she did nowadays; a sort of pastime for her. She had four guards stationed around the perimeter of her range, preventing any wandering eyes as she bathed. She pulled off her purple gown, exposing her supple breasts, letting her natural womanhood run free.

I've never seen skin so kissed by the sun. How brilliantly it radiated in the afternoon light. She was beautiful I could not lie; a natural beauty with curves that molded so perfectly against my co--

"AHHH!" a nameless whore screamed as she rode my front. I slowed her down, trying to watch Calla from the window.

"Shut up. You know I hate screamers" I warned her. This girl was a good fuck but she was nothing compared to Calla. Callas's body was insane, hips to grip onto and a face to match. But no matter how much I enjoyed Calla's body, her heart did not belong to me.

I wondered why she was so closed off?  Why did she hate me? I mean I gifted her a fox and the only reason I killed it was because she bragged she would love it more than me? Any sane person would have done the same? And I only intercepted her letters to make sure she wasn't telling her family lies about Genovia.
And the only reason I burned down her school was because she lied about its origins? Besides those trivial things, what else could I have possibly done?

"Shit" I cursed, mad for polluting my mind with images of her as I rocked the woman harder.

"Emperor ... you seem... distracted" she gasped grabbing the wall for strength.

"No... I'm not... I'm just ...watching the surroundings" I cursed pulling out before releasing in her. My seed was only meant for Calla, not these bimbo palace whores. She fell into my arms but I let her drop to the floor, gently pulling my robe to my body and leaning against the window of my room to watch closer.

Calla shot up, watching a bird that passed her before basking in the sun once more. A few minutes passed before she pulled a few grapes from her basket and snacked.

I've never met someone as strange as her. She was dim-witted and innocent, yet alluring all at once; but she continued to sulk around the palace and I couldn't have that in my kingdom.  It didn't look good on my end.

"Sir, the artist is here?" a servant announces.

"Bring him in" I say before sitting on my bed.

My best friend Levy comes in, laughing at the woman that was sprawled on the floor. "Boy, she must have been a thrill" he chuckles.

"Not much for screamers." I complained, pushing my crown on before the artist arrived.

He was escorted in, looking for the stature to carve before meeting my eyes. "Emperor Leonardo" he bowed with respect.

"Donatello. I've heard much about you. My father and your father got along well."

"And I you. The pleasure is mine emperor" he nods. I stand to face him, circling around him to take in his physique.

"Tall, muscular, with a hint of boyish charm that does not come off as too demanding." I say. He watches me curiously shifting the easel in his hand.

"I am starting to suspect my arrival is not for art emperor?"

"Smart too!" I clapped, sitting back at my bed. "My only question is, what are you working with? Drop your pants"

He looked at me then my friend and obediently obliged. I tilted my head taking in his member with consideration. "Big, but not as big as mine. You will do." I nodded moving to to start my day.

He followed after me, still unsure of his job. "Umm Emperor Leonardo? What exactly do you need me for?" he asked, still fastening his pants.

"You will fuck my wife.
Fuck her in the morning.
In the evening, even at night. Please her, and I will spare your life. Simple?" I asked, holding his arms with care.

"Simple" he agrees indifferently.

"Huzzah!" I nodded before departing for the day.



I treasured  the days in the sun; everybody knew to bother me not as I leveled my tone.


I open my eyes and see the general in my vision. I quickly sit up, pulling my dress up, to conceal my charity.

"I didn't mean to astound you, empress," he said.

"How long have you been standing here?"

"Just a couple of moments. I was curious to see what the hype was about" he said unmistakably. I looked up, squinting to observe him.

"I am jealous of the sun"

"And why is that general?"

"For the sun is a constant mockery of my inadequacies to caress your skin."

I sat up and pulled the sleeves of my dress to conceal my bosoms. What a strange and perverted man he was. "And what would Leo say if he knew you were watching me basking in the sun?"

He smirked and folded his arms over his healthy frame. "He would say I was a lucky man."

I instantly blushed and stood to be escorted back. "That is very... presumptuous of you general."

"I suppose it is" he says pulling my arm to kiss it. "J'offre." He introduced himself. Although the general was a handsome man, I was not interested in his advances. But then again, I remember Lizabeth's words of advice. She said I needed everyone on my side if I planned to kill Leo so having the general's influence may prove beneficial.

I lift up the back of my dress and push it above my shoulders. Purposely, I turn around so he could tie it. He jumped to aide me, letting his fingers trail down my spine. "Thank you general, I am forever indebted to you" I breathed carefully. He would be the perfect defense for the coupé. I needed J'offre and his men on my side if I planned to kill Leo and have protection.


I come in from my day of adventure in the wonderful garden, walking to find Lizabeth. I needed to give her a new leaf I had found  and tell her of the general's advances.

"Liza!! Liza!!" I yell before coming to face a man in my room. He was hunched over my wardrobe with one hand leaned against its surface. In his other hand was a book...my favorite book by Athello. He heard my movements, turning his head over to face me.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my room?" I asked rather impatiently.

"Empress Calla" he said bowing his head in regard before closing the book. His eyes lingered over my face then down to my body. He was trying so hard to excuse his staring but it was inevitable."Pardon my snooping but it is my favorite, from Athello" he says before he lifted his eyes to meet my gaze.

The first thing I noticed was his hallmarks. He was a handsome man with handsome features to match. He was tall, even taller than a Leo with a healthy physique. He easily towered over me.

"Again...what are you doing in here?"

"Umm... how do I say this without sounding outlandish?" he mutters, tossing the book into a chair, "I am here to fuck you!" he smiled proudly and there was silence in the room.

"Guards!! There is another one!" I yelled backing away to have him escorted out.

"No! No! Wait" he said trying to explain himself as the guards took him away. I looked at the guards, nodding my head so they could release him.

"I am Donatello Montonia from the kingdom of Spainia. Emperor Leonardo deemed it best I sleep with you? He knew you were sulking around the palace and it looked bad on his end so he said you required a lover?"

"Boy is he daft" I muttered beneath a breath.

He looked at me, chuckling quietly. "I am not a brazen man. Just keep me for a few days until he asks you about our passionate rendezvous and once that is done, I'll be out of your hair." he suggested.

"You prefer to live under a rouge Sir Donatello?"

"If death didn't look so tempting...I would take it in a heartbeat" he teased. I push my fingers to my lips to suppress my laughter and stare at him once more. "You have not asked? He is quick to take a life?"

"Alas, but... he denied me."

I squinted my eyes suspiciously looking at the man before me. He had an easel and board beside his chair.

"You blend in with the arts?"

"Yes empress. I sculpt and paint. Maybe I can do one of you before I go?" he states.

"I would like that" I nodded before turning out the room, "Guards? Escort him to the west side of my chambers. "


Author note:

I am ready to POP POP POP this man named Leo!!

I'm letting you know right now, I am in love with Theo James. So these smut scenes about to be LIT! That is all.

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