Moon and Stars || OT7

By lilosworld

153K 7K 1.5K

"How can the reason you don't want me at Big Hit be that you're afraid the boys will fall in love with me?"... More

Prologue: Who's that?
The ISACs pt.2
The Afterparty
The Boyfriend
The Collab
The Collab pt.2
Release Day (m)
The Label
Messed Up
Truth or Dare
I'm Free
Season of Feelings
Valentine's Day
The Kiss
The Kiss pt.2
Enamored (m)
Not So Secret (m)
A Celebration of Sorts (m)
The Tour
Welcome Back
New Friends
The Family
The Family pt.2
Finding Out
Awards to remember
The End
Wake Up
My Choice
In My Feelings
Fake Love
A song about you
The Party
The Party pt.2
The Party pt.3
A Promise
The Date
Christmas (m)
First Time (m)
Stuck With You
The Photographer
What prison has done
New Steps
Another reveal
Hey Sister (m)
No More Playing
The Dinner (m)
The Aftermath
Hurting (m)
The Wedding
The Wedding pt.2
The Morning After
New Beginnings
What happens in Paris
Birth Day
Epilogue: Ever After
~ Character Index ~

Late Nights (m)

737 26 11
By lilosworld

April 2021

The morning of their first flight out to tour comes around sooner than they think. Moonhae had already left for her shows a few weeks earlier and Taehyung was not in a very good mood. Not because they're fighting, but because he doesn't sleep well when she's not around.

And on this morning at the airport Taehyung isn't the only one that seems kind of out of it. Jungkook shows up just in time, with tousled hair and dark circles under his eyes. Judging by his expression and half-closed eyes, it looks like he hasn't slept at all last night.

"You good, Jungkookie?", Hoseok chuckles a little, slapping the youngest on the back. It nearly makes him fall over on those shaky legs of his.

"Yeah...", he croaks, his voice still sleepy, "Gonna sleep on the plane..."

"Someone must've kept you up last night", Namjoon teases, making the maknae look up in alarm.

"W-what?", he stutters, panicking at the possibility of them knowing Eunjin had spent the night last night. Although he's been going to her place in the past month most of the time, they didn't make it very far yesterday.

"Ooh, you're hooking up with someone new?", Taehyung suddenly joins the conversation all interested, "Do tell."

"I-I'm not hooking up", he says slightly upset, "I stopped doing that."

"You're dating someone?", Jimin now hangs around his shoulders all curious.

"Can we just not talk about this?", he groans, pushing his hyung off of him, moving towards passport control instead.

Everyone just moves on not thinking too much about it, except for Jin who hesitates, a contemplating look painting his face.

As soon as their nights and nights of shows start, all the boys are left exhausted, giving each their all. After one concert, Yoongi makes his way back to the hotel completely done for the day. All he wants to do is sleep at that point, but at the same time his mind wanders to Minjun. He can't deny he really misses his boyfriend and his adorable smile that warms up his heart.

With him in mind, his mouth curls into a subconscious smile as he lies sprawled on his bed. So even though he's exhausted, he picks up his phone and tries FaceTiming him. After many rings however, he ends up not picking up. It makes him a little sad, so he sends him a short text asking him what he's doing.

Right before Yoongi's about to throw his phone back on his bedside table, it starts ringing. It's not Minjun calling him, but Myeong.

"Hey", he greets her as her cute face appears on his phone screen. She looks a little shy at first, but then breaks out into a smile, making the boy's day a little brighter.

"Hi, Yoongs", she greets him as well, tucking a few strands of her wavy auburn hair behind her ear. Her hair color is earily similar to Minjun's.

"What's going on?", he asks while propping himself up on his elbow in bed.

"Not much", she lets out a wavering sigh, her expression changing, "Just wanted to call you..."

"Do you know where Minjun is by any chance?", he then wonders.

"Honestly? No", she bites her bottom lip, "We hung out yesterday, but... He might be partying again, I don't know."

Yoongi gazes off into the distance for a moment, not saying anything. Minjun loves to party and just be around people, he knows that, but sometimes it bothers him a bit.

"Don't worry about it", she quickly assures him, "You know how he is. He'll be back tomorrow morning with a hangover, that's all."

"I guess", Yoongi pouts a little, "I just miss him. And I miss all of us hanging out."

"I do too", she grins happily, "But we'll see each other again soon! You invited us to the show in New York, remember?"

"Yeah and you better spend all of your money on army bombs and merch otherwise you're a fake fan", he says in a serious tone, although joking.

"I have a Chimmy hat that Minjun bought me a while back, is that enough?", she giggles.

"No. Only Shooky merch is allowed", he replies deadpan, "You two belong to me."

Laughing a bit, she covers her mouth, "I know for a fact that Minjun is not going to want to rep some dumbass cookie at a concert."

"Hey!", he plays offended, "Shooky is not some dumbass cookie! He's a struggling baker that wants to help his dying grandpa."

As they laugh together, Yoongi's mood really brightens up. Something that happens a lot when he's around Minjun and Myeong. When he first met his boyfriend's best friend, he wasn't sure how to feel about her and was frankly a little irritated, but she sort of grew on him in the amount of time the three of them would hang out.

"Anyway...", Yoongi feels his battery slowly draining as he becomes more sleepy, "Tell Minjun I miss him when you see him. And tell him not to get too many hangovers."

"Will do", she giggles again, "Sweet dreams to you, Yoongs."

"Thanks", he sighs gently, watching her space out as there's only a trace of her smile left, "You're good, right Myeong?"

Although he's never spoken about it to her directly, Minjun mentioned Myeong's mental health struggles to him a few times. Knowing it's very late in Korea right now and the fact that she called him unprompted, can't help but make his mind wander.

"Yeah, I'm fine", she gives another smile, "Just sleepy like you."

"Okay", he accepts it, being too tired himself, "Good night, Myeong."

"Good night, Yoongi."

Her soft voice is the last thing he hears before the call hangs up and he drifts into deep sleep shortly thereafter.

The California tour dates arrive sooner than expected and so do Taehyung's little guests to the shows. Both Moonhae and Eunjin arrive at the same time at the venue from the airport. Although Moon has a tour of her own to take care of, she has a week between performances at the moment. Wanting to support her boyfriend in the same way he supports her, she arrived on the soonest flight. Eunjin, of course, followed suit, being promised a ticket to one of the oversees shows by her brother. Other motives she may have for coming are obviously completely unknown to Taehyung.

Entering the boy's dressing room with Moonhae, her brother is the first to greet them wholeheartedly. He's obviously missed Moon a lot, for their hug lasts a whole two minutes before he finally turns to Eunjin.

"How was your flight?", he looks between the two.

"Good", Moonhae smiles and cups his cheeks, leaning up to kiss him lightly.

At the same time, all Eunjin can seem to focus on is an intense gaze on her from across the room. Jungkook sits, leaning against one of the makeup tables, while fiddling with his outfit and his eyes never leaving her. She can see the way he has his tongue in cheek, refraining from jumping up and embracing her, having to hold back in front of everyone.

Instead, he walks over casually, "Hey, Eunjin."

"Hi, Kook", she replies, trying to keep her expression neutral. Them pretending to be strangers all while Taehyung's just talking to his girlfriend next to them makes her want to burst out laughing.

"Kook?", Jimin, who sits in his makeup chair near them, looks up in surprise.

"A nickname", she clarifies, hoping he won't think too much of it. Luckily, he just shrugs and goes back to texting on his phone.

"So you just wanna hang out here until the concert starts?", Taehyung then speaks up to the two girls.

"Um... yeah", Eunjin responds before glancing at Jungkook, "But I kinda need to use the bathroom..."

The maknae quickly catching her drift, volunteers, "I can show you where it is."

"Great", she suppresses her smile until she steps out of the dressing room with him in tow.

Both of them immediately start running down the hallway, finally being able to laugh about the situation. With their hands intertwined, they dodge staff members and anyone else that may recognize them until reaching some kind of secluded room.

"C'mon, quick!", she rushes the boy into one of the small closet spaces along the hall.

Both of them have a hard time containing each other's giggles, breathing heavily from laughing and running around the whole venue.

"You're crazy", he breathes out, but steps towards her to wrap his arms around her waist.

Giggling into him, she welcomes his touch and leans up to kiss him. They've missed each other as well and it shows in the way he kisses her back. His lips move against hers longingly, his hands running along her small figure.

"It's been too long", he groans a little as his mouth moves down along her neck to leave a trail of kisses.

"It's been two weeks", she chuckles, but lets herself fall apart under his lips.

"I know", he replies lowly, moving to gaze into her eyes again, before meeting her heart-shaped lips once more.

It doesn't take long for him to remove her top and move on to unhooking her bra. Both of them know that if they want to do this now, it's going to have to be quick. So she helps him by unzipping her skirt and letting it drop to the ground before going to remove his t-shirt. It's a good thing they haven't changed into their performance outfits yet.

Her hands move to his pants buckle and she can't help biting her lip at the growing excitement she's about to unleash. When she does, Jungkook presses her up against the wall, holding her tightly as he slides her underwear down. Lips moving to kiss at her neck, his hard length rubs up against her, but they both know that's not enough.

"Fuck me", her mischievous smirk makes an appearance as he finally lines himself up, but he knows it'll be wiped away before long.

Granting her wish or rather her command, he thrusts into her, eliciting loud moans from both of them. Moving faster as her legs wrap around his waist, it's definitely a challenge for them to keep quiet.

"Fuck, Eunjin", he groans into her ear, his breathing heavy as he thrusts all while pressing her up against the wall, "Y-you feel so good..."

"Shut up", she moans in response, her fingernails digging into his back in pleasure.

Both of them reach their climaxes fairly quickly, falling apart under each other's spell and panting to catch their breaths. Jungkook puts Eunjin down, kissing and embracing her softly as aftercare. While they move to put their clothes back on, she can't help but chuckle.

"What are you gonna tell the stylist why you're so sweaty?", she grins and caresses his face that gleams under the closet lights.

"Pre-performance workout", he says seriously, but she bursts out laughing.

Quickly shushing her before someone knows they're in here, he defends himself, "Hey, that's a believable excuse, you know? We work out to get toned before performances all the time."

"Well, I guess you aren't really lying to anyone then, huh?", she smirks, pulling the last of her clothing, her top, over her head.

Jungkook, already dressed again, moves to touch the door handle, "Now, I'll go back to get ready and you better pretend like you're coming from the bathroom. It's down the hall to your left."

"Good luck, hot stuff", she giggles when he playfully rolls his eyes at that and leaves the closet. Not soon after, she exits as well, acting naturally as she makes her way to the bathroom.

The next few days in California go by in just about the same way. The two maneuver around Jungkook's concerts, rehearsals and soundchecks to sneak off with one another and get into all sorts of trouble. They get the occasional glances from some of the other boys, but Taehyung never seems to notice anything out of the ordinary, so they don't really mind.

It's another late night that Eunjin sneaks off to Jungkook's hotel room to have some fun. Only this time she happens to forget her phone in her room. It doesn't seem too important in the moment, so she just forgets about it.

Snuggling under the sheets while caressing through Jungkook's dark, fluffy hair, they stare at each other in admiration. They're winding down after another round of sex and can't seem to look away from one another. Everything about Jungkook, from his doe-eyes to the mole under his lip, is just perfect to her, and to him, all the cute little details like her boxy smile and youthful eyes, couldn't be more ethereal.

"You're beautiful, Eunie", he whispers out without meaning to.

Her cheeks darken a little and she looks away, "Shut up, Kook."

"I mean that kind of slipped out, but it's completely true", he moves to hover over her, so she can't avoid his eyes any longer.

"Well...", she bites her bottom lip, "You're pretty too."

"I'm... pretty?", he seems highly amused, his bunny smile making an appearance as his chain necklace dangles just under her chin.

"Yes", she puckers her lips, but doesn't back down from her statement.

"Well, thank you", his smile grows wider and he leans down to kiss her softly.

Although it's already in the early hours of the morning, they always seem wide awake in each other's company. But with Jungkook's crazy schedule and their extra 'activities', he does get tired, so he finally rests himself on top of Eunjin with a sigh.

"I'll let you go to bed", she runs her hand along his muscular back before moving to push him off of her.

"Can't you stay here?", he whines and doesn't budge.

"No, you know that Taehyung picks me up from my room in the mornings", she reiterates and tries pushing him again.

With an unhappy groan, he rolls off of her and sprawls out onto the mattress. Eunjin gets up and gathers her clothing, putting it on piece by piece. Of course he watches her do all this with a soft smile on his face. He could watch her like that for hours.

But she's eventually ready to go and gives the shirtless boy his goodbye kiss for the night. He whines a little more seeing her go, but falls asleep as soon as the door shuts behind her.

Taking the elevator back to her floor, she ruffles a hand through her dark hair to get it slightly less messy. She's yawning her whole way back to her hotel room and when she finally gets there, it takes her a moment to find her keycard. Stepping into the room, however, she notices the lights are on.

Hesitantly moving forward, she almost has a heart attack when she finds someone sitting in the armchair in the corner of the room.

"Holy shit-", she swears, "What are you doing here?!"

"What am I doing here?", Taehyung looks real upset sitting there, giving her a deadly stare, "The real question is where the hell were you?! It's four in the morning, why aren't you in your room?!"

"W-what?", she stutters, desperately trying to come up with an excuse, "I-I was hanging out with Moonhae."

His expression darkens at that and to her misfortune, a voice comes from her bathroom in that moment and that exact girl steps out into the room.

"Oh, hey, Eunjin", Moonhae greets her, not really sure what exactly is going on herself, "I was just using your bathroom, I hope that's okay."

"So, Eunie, wanna try again?", Taehyung speaks up darkly, "Where were you?"

"Why do you even care?", she then gets upset, "Why are you here in my room at 4am?!"

"Believe it or not, I wanted to spend time with you and Moonhae for dinner, so we came here and when you didn't even answer your phone, I used the spare keycard to get in! And we've been here waiting for hours, Eunjin! Hours", he yells at her, "Without a single sign of you! It's a foreign country for fucks sake! I was fucking worried!"

"Can you just relax? I forgot my phone, okay?", she shoots back.

"But why do you feel the need to lie about where you were then?!", he stands up in agitation.

"Why do you feel the need to play the overprotective brother all of a sudden?!", her yelling hits him right where it hurts, "You don't have the right, Taehyung! You can't be all overprotective now when you were never there for us as kids!"

Taehyung just stares at her, his mouth opening and closing, the pain in his heart clearly displaying itself in his expression. She can see him tearing up and she knows she's been too harsh, but at the same time those are feelings she's had for a damn long time.

"Eunjin...", Moonhae interferes, wanting to calm the situation.

"No", Eunjin immediately cuts her off, getting emotional herself, "I know it sounds mean, but he has to know. It really hurt when you left to be a trainee, Tae, and we were so young. Do you know how hard it was in school after your popularity went up and up? Of course we were happy, but there was so much hate around us. And you were never there for us. You couldn't even make it to a single holiday, let alone any of our fucking birthdays! So eventually we stopped trying as well. And that's why you have no right to suddenly pretend like you have any say in my life whatsoever! I grew up just fine without you, so I can damn well take care of myself!"

They're both crying by the end of her rant, both hurt so deeply by what's happened in the past. Eunjin's goal isn't to hurt Taehyung though, rather she feels the need to finally let out all the anger and resentment both her and Jeonggyu have felt over the years. He needs to hear this no matter how difficult it is, otherwise none of them can ever move on and change things.

"I'm sorry", he sniffles, wavering on his feet, "You know that I'm sorry. You know that I'd didn't want to leave. I wanted to be there for you and Jeonggyu and even mom and dad, but I was also chasing my dreams. And I can't be sorry for that. I tried and still try to be there for you, but if you stop trying there's not much I can do. I want things to be good between us."

Wiping the tears from her eyes with her sleeve, she looks up at him, "You can start by leaving me some space."

It aches his heart, but he slowly nods, although still crying. Moonhae goes to put a comforting arm around him and leads him out of the room. Glancing back at Eunjin, she doesn't seem upset, just saddened by both of them fighting. Never having had siblings, she doesn't quite understand where they're coming from, but seeing them like this hurts her as well.

"Good night", she whispers quietly, before shutting Eunjin's hotel room door behind her, leaving the young girl feeling distraught all alone.

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