PeterxNed One-Shots

Par deadaccount916

138K 3.5K 2.4K

This is a collection of short stories revolving around Peter Parker and Ned Leeds from the Marvel Universe. I... Plus

Author's Note
Sick Day(Fluff)
Plan Interwebs(Fluff/Humor)
Plan Interwebs Part 2 (fluff/humor)
Plan Interwebs Part 3(Fluff/Humor)
Plan Interwebs Part 4(Fluff/Humor)
Wisdom Teeth(Fluff/Humor)
Questions For PeterNed(Fluff/Humor)
Otp Prompts(Fluff/Humor)
Babysitting (Fluff/Angst)
Laundry Mat AU(Fluff/Humor)
Coming Out(Fluff/Humor)
Interwebs Child Part One(Angst)
Interwebs Child Part Two(Angst)
Interwebs Child Part Three(Angst)
DC Trip(Fluff/Angst)
Fondue (Fluff/Humor)
Hold My Hand(Fluff)
Suicide (Angst)
Why Are People Looking At Us?(Fluff)
Cancer 1/2(Angst)
Cancer 2/2(Angst)
Vodka Pineapples(Fluff/Humor)
Happy Pride(Fluff)
Love Advice From IronDad(Fluff/Humor)
Avengers+ Group Chat(Humor)
"Special" Brownies(Humor)
Spiders live in Barbie Houses(Fluff/Humor)
Sensory Overload
Pillow Talk(Fluff/Humor)
Wisdom Teeth(Fluff/Humor)
Shopping With Natasha(Fluff/Humor)
mr. stark I don't feel so good(angst)
Wakanda: Meeting Shuri(Fluff/Humor)
Venomous (Fluff/Humor)
Venomous Part Two (Fluff/Humor)
Shopping With Morgan Stark(Fluff/Humor)
Three Gay Dorks(Fluff/Humor)
The Proposal (Fluff/Humor)
The Announcement (Fluff/Humor)
The Wedding (Fluff/Humor)
Wine Husbands™(Humor)
The Fight(Angst/Smut-ish)
First Time(Smut)
Avengers Group Chat 2(Humor)
Morgan's Sick(Fluff)
Painting Loki's Nails(Humor)
Blushing and Baking(Fluff)
Flower Shop Au
Fire Escape(Fluff)
It's Been A Long, Long Time
Wine Husbands: Online (humor)
Farm Life Pt 1(Smut-ish/humor)
Farm Life Pt 2 (Smut/Humor)
Holiday Season (Fluff/Humor)
?Top Peter?(Smut)
Video Game Kisses(Fluff)
Homecoming Dance Practice
Only a Sith Deals in Absolutes
Peter and Ned's playlist
Valentines Day (Fluff)
Parent/Teacher Conference(humor/fluff)
Hospital AU(Fluff/Humor)
Leeds Family Reunion(Fluff)
No Way Home

Spider Season(Fluff/Humor)

1.5K 47 60
Par deadaccount916

Peter's Pov:

I'm dying, everything hurts and I'm dying. My whole body feels limp and my stomach feels like there's a cheese grater scraping my insides. I cry silently in bed squeezing the lower part of my stomach in pain. I'm so tired I want to sleep but then again I want to shove my face in food. I drag myself out of bed wincing in pain as I shuffle my way into the kitchen of the compound wearing the most comfortable baggy clothes. I see Mr. Stark, Nat, Thor, Steve, and Bucky all huddled in the kitchen drinking and eating food talking about an up coming misson.

"Woah kid, did you sleep at all last night you look terrible!" Mr. Stark asked a little worried, I just snarled and mumbled a quiet, "you look terrible" and went into the fridge and grabbed a pizza box and plopped myself down at on a bar stool and shoveled down the cold pieces. I got werid looks from all 5 of them but could care less, my stomach was going to kill me if I didn't feed it. Thor took a large and rather annoying slurp of his coffee and it made my whole body convulse.

"STOP SLURPING YOU ABSOLUTE MORON, LEARN HOW TO DRINK!" I screamed feeling a sudden burst of anger and grabbed my pizza and ran into my room. I wrapped the blanket around my body and head incasing me in it's warmth. I went to go grab another piece of pizza but nothing, nothing at all! My heart fell and I felt tears pricking my eyes.

Why am I crying over pizza?

I grabbed the box and threw it across the room because it betrayed me. As it flew the door opened and Nat's eyes widened and in the heat of the moment her reflexes kicked in and she pulled out a huge knife stabbing into the box in midair. I'm not even going to lie, it was single handedly the most badass I've ever seen.

"What did I do to get a pizza box thrown at me?" Nat laughed slightly pulling out her precious knife. I felt a little bad but I didn't know she would be bursting through the door like that.
I shifted awkwardly on the bed and then it hit me, it hit me like a train going 3,000 miles an hour. I felt dizzy and hot as the fluid started to rush up my throat. I jumped up and ran into my bathroom falling over the toilet letting puke spill into bowl burning my throat. I felt hand on my back and on my head holding back my hair and comforting me. This continued for about 5 minutes and I fell to the bathroom floor in exhaustion. Yet again I felt another sharp pain in my stomach, I wrapped my arms around my sides in pain. Nat's face dropped and gasped in realization of what could be happening.

"Nat I think I'm pregnant, only explanation!" I started nervously laughing. Nat just rolled her eyes.
"Not possible on so many levels. I think you just have a stomach bug." Nat said trying to stay logical but it reminded her of something she has gone through.

"Well everything makes me cry or want to kill someone and I want to eat allll the time!" I said getting a urge to eat.

"Peter welcome to being a teenager." Nat said sarcastically putting her hand on my shoulder.

"No really I'm worried, it started yesterday and I have these sharp pains in my stomach and I well I'm-" I cut myself off in embarrassment but slowly gained the confidence to tell her. "Ithinkimhavingaperiod" I whispered quickly so it was indecipherable. But Nat eyes still went wide with shock and she looked like she didn't know what to say.

"Um well you can't get a period because you're a boy and don't have well, lady parts which-"

"Ok, ok yes I get that part." I said really not wanting to have that conversation.

"Ok fine but you're not wrong, all of your symptoms sound like that but there be hundreds of other things causing this." Nat said a little worried and confused. But yet again I was keeping information hidden about the situation.

"I'm going to tell you something you can't tell anyone" I said with a stern look staring into Nat's eyes.

"What happens in the Spider Squad stays in the Spider Squad." Nat said holding out her pinky towards mine and I knew she could keep the secret, pinky promise was a method only used by ones with mass intellect and a impeccable moral highground. I just gulped and took large breath of air.

"When I was bitten by the radioactive spider it caused a lot about me to change but I later found out that the spider was a girl and I thought that wouldn't affect me, well until now." I cringed at the words escaping my mouth and saw Nat look in deep thought.

"So you think being bit by a female spider would cause you to have period like symptoms?" Nat's voice wasn't mocking, she was genuinely interested in my answer.

"Yes! What if I lay eggs or something or have weird mating call things or I start getting th urge to eat the person I fall in love with!" I was spiralling out of control with my thoughts and Nat just seemed to just roll her eyes.

"God you're dramatic! Just relax I'm sure I can do some research on spiders to help you, but in the mean time I'll get you some tylenol." Nat just smiled trying to calm me down and it helped.

Nat's Pov:

As cool and collected I acted around Peter, this is the strangest thing that's ever happened with Peter. I mean he's basically on a spider period and I don't think I have to research to know what's going to happen. All arachnids and animals have a mating season and when they get mature things like this happen. I think he's showing these symptoms because he's trying to well find a mate. It's strange that he's basically a spider stuck in a humans body. I stop my thoughts and walk into the kitchen ingorneing the awkward and questioning stares from Steve, Bucky, and Tony. Thor must have left, he probably got his feelings hurt, he's such a baby.

I look into the cabinet through multiple medications to finally find the tylenol. I grab a few and pour a glass of water, the stares become more intense. I know there're worried about Peter but I can't break the Spider Squad code!

"Ok update on Peter, I can't tell you exactly what's happening because its a spider thing but he's ok." I say and Tony just raises his eyebrows and pursed his lips.

"Oh I already know what's going on." Tony said in his signature cocky voice.
How does he know?

"Yeah Tony told all of us that Peter was having a puberty or something!" Bucky said still shoving his face in waffles, how much did that man eat?

"No Buck, his body is always changing but he's going through spider season." Steve replied matter of factly. What the hell is spider season? I think Tony noticed my confused face and took advantage to inform me like I was a child.

"Spiders go through a mating season and as we all know Peter was bit by a female spider which is causing him to go through female mating season problems."

"Wait you knew about the female spider thing, Peter said he only told me!" I felt a little jealous, Tony just scoffed a little offended.

"You think he told me, ha no I took his DNA and ran tests and conducted experiments to find out that his behavior was extremely close to a female arachnid." I was a little worried about his parenting style but it's not time for that conversation.

"Well he's in the first stage of the season which lasts a week, extreme period like pain, he will keep experiencing this until the second stage we're he releases fumes when he around his chosen mate."

"So what will happen if he doesn't find a mate by the end of the week?" I sat down on the counter tiredly worried about Peter.

"Well that's the issue, the pain will get worse until he marks his mate because female spiders are extremely dominant and will hurt their mate if not under full control." Tony cringed a little at his words thinking about Peter in that state. I noicted Bucky laughing and honestly couldn't tell why so I gave him a death stare.

"Ha Nat sorry, I just can't imagine Peter being the dominant one, he's just such a little baby man." Bucky had to hold onto the Steve to keep himself from falling to the ground. Steve just pushed Bucky off of him frustrated.

"Wow you're real mature Bucky, just stop."

"That's not what you were telling me last night!" Bucky yelled smacking Steve's butt and I'm sure Steve was going to pass out in embarrassment.

"Gosh get a room!" Tony said sarcastically, Bucky looked like he was going to take that advice but Steve was still angry.

"So what do we do with Peter, I don't want Peter to be in pain but how do we find out who is mate is in time?"

"If he already has a crush or somehow knows who his mate is, he should release the fumes. I don't know what it will smell like but it should be a smell that attracts their mate." Tony said rubbing his chin in thought.

"So technically we have to come up with possible crushes and then ask them what sent they like and see with if that's the smell he releases?" Steve asked confused and Tony mumbled out a small "yup"

"Tony why couldn't of you adopted a normal kid!" Bucky laughed out which caused me to let out a small giggle. I took that as my queue to go check on Peter, I made my way to his room and saw him on the floor crying, I ran over to him and pulled him into my arms.

"It hurts so bad, Nat it hurts so bad!" Peter cried out squeezing onto my back sobbing into my shoulder. I rubbed his back with one hand and ran my hand through his hair with the other.
"Sweetie I know, it's ok I've got tylenol." I brought up the pills and water and he shakily put them into his mouth and took a weak gulp of water. He moved back into my shoulder and he just kept crying. I felt terrible, he's been through so much and this is just the cherry ontop.
"I-i want Ned, I want to see him I-" He was sobbing so violently that he couldn't even continue talking.

"I know but I think you need to rest, ok" I kept rubbing his back and sobbed even more and grabbed his stomach in pain.

"No I need him, I need him" He started to scream out in pain holding his stomach and a light bulb went off in my head, Ned is the answer, he needs Ned.

"Ok Ned's going to be over right away." Peter slowly released his hands from his stomach and moved back into my arms still crying. Ned was the answer, Ned would stop the pain. A sweet fresh smell filled the room. Peter was releasing his fumes, Ned should be able to smell it no matter how far away he is. The smell wasn't very strong but to Ned it should draw him here. I kept holding Peter in my arms as he sobbed in pain and I felt terrible. I wonder what will happen when Peter sees Ned? I sure hope things stay PG. I shook my head not waiting to see Peter lose his innocence, God I hope Ned gets here soon.

Ned's Pov:

I'm sitting in my small home working rerouting my computers motherboard when I'm hit by a sweet smell, it was clean and reminded me of spring. My mind started to fuld with images of Peter, he was in pain, he needed me. He was at the compound and for some reason the smell was intoxicating, I needed to get closer, I needed to smell more. I quickly pulled on my shoes and coat and got into my car driving I past as I could to get to the compound. After what seemed like hours I was finally in the elevator and the smell made my knees weak.

Narrator's Pov:

Peter didn't know what it was but he pushed himself off Nat and ran into the livingroom leaving Nat utterly confused. She ran after him and once in the livingroom she saw Peter standing directly in front of the elevator. Bucky, Steve, and Tony also joined into the livingroom confused with all the commotion. Peter was practically shaking and a meer inches from the elevator door. The door dinged opened and Peter's face looked shocked. Peter jumped into the elevator pinning Ned up against the wall and violently forced his lips upon Ned's and the room was filled with sweet vanilla smell. The elevator door closed leaving the 4 to only worry about what else was going happen.

"Thirsty Bitch!" Bucky yelled at the elevator and Tony looked like he was going to pass out.

"Soooo this is awkward, um I'll never be able to look at Peter the same way but at least this will be the only time this happens." Steve said sighing wishing he didn't just witness Peter being so well like Bucky said, "Thirsty".

"Actually this will happen once a year until, well he actually, um does the do." Tony said awkwardly, because well he was talking about his 16 year old son.

"Do you think he'll eat Ned after words, that would be hilarious!" Bucky was practically on the floor from laughter.

"He's the new black widow!" Bucky seemed to cause the others to start laughing too, it made light of such an awkward situation. Then the elevator door dinged and there stood Peter and Ned side by side with ruffled hair and wrinkled clothes. Nat seemed to notice the large hickey on Ned's neck and just smirked.

"Uh Ned whatcha got there?" Nat said pointing at his neck with sass.

"Um a smoothie!" Ned said taking a long sip of the purple drink, Peter just snorted and Bucky also seemed to find it amusing.

"Thank god! Spider season is over!!" Tony yelled which caused Peter to blush violently.

"I'm surprised Peter actually gave Ned a hicky!" Bucky snorted out punching Peter in the shoulder slightly.

"What! Why?" Peter asked slightly offended. Bucky just raised his brows giving the are you serious face.

"Well you're not exactly at the top of the class if you know what I mean!" Peter just blushed and Ned just took full advantage and pinned Peter back into the elevator pushing the close button.

"I knew it!"

A/N: I honestly don't even know so don't ask. So I want to write a one-shot were people ask Peter and Ned personal questions about anything, so if you have some questions for the couple send them in and if you have any requests also send them in, thanks!

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