
By bitchgettingd8

10.1K 344 181

His crush More

Meeting him
hung out
Hung out 2
Worst birthday
Worst birthday 2
kick out
New House
First day
Weird gift
Her family
new things
his fault?
Finding out.


472 18 14
By bitchgettingd8

Kairi pov

We walk downstairs behind Evelyn and Alvaro's mom to the kitchen where we saw a girl with a baby.

Rs=she is gonna love him, she loves baby" roshuan whisper to me and the boys.

But I was just looking at Evelyn how she made and adorable face when she saw the baby.

E=ahhh his adorable, when can i have kids" she said while picking up the baby who smile at her.

Evelyn face was going crazy. she was so cute.

Nor= okey so he hasn't eat, he would do a sign with his hand opening and closing it, when his hungry and you would now when his sleepy just put him to sleep beside you and he would sleep" norma said to Evelyn but she wasn't listen at all.

E=okey" Evelyn said, they all say bye and Alvaro hold the baby.

Alv=you changing him" Alvaro said while holding him.

E=did you see him, his so cute" Evelyn said while shaking Mattias arm.

M=yeah i saw him" mattia said and Evelyn walk up to me and did the same she did to Mattia.

K=yeah I saw him" I said to and she walk to the baby and hold him before running upstairs.

We all walk behind her and she walk in Anna room.

E=Anna baby, did you saw the baby, wait what his name?" Evelyn said turning to Alvaro.

Alv=his name is Gabriel" Alvaro said rolling his eyes and Evelyn sit in Anna bed

E=omg this baby is beautiful I am gonna kidnap him" Evelyn whisper but we could hear her.

Rs=okey you have to give me the baby now" roshuan said and take the baby from Evelyn and she frown.

E=who am I gonna cuddle now" she said and mattia push my shoulder slightly.

Alv=you can cuddle with kairi" Alvaro said and Evelyn look up.

E=who is that?" She ask while getting up from Anna bed.

Ale=him, kairi cosentino" ale said pushing me to her, I blush and she smile before grabbing my hand and pulling me to Alvaro's room were we jumped on his bed and she cuddle me, while I was just blushing.

I was laying down on my back while Evelyn had one leg on top of my legs and her head in my chest while she hug my waist.

E=play with my hair" she said putting my hand in her head, I did as she told me and play with her hair, then the other's walk in with Gabriel.

They all smirk at me and I just look away from them, roshuan sat Gabriel next to us on the bed and he crawl over to us.

The boys were playing in Alvaro Xbox while I play in my phone and Evelyn was kind of sleeping and the baby was by my side playing with one of his toys.

G=hejkemwwkehdkj" Gabriel said and Evelyn quickly sit up scaring me.

Eve=awww did you hear that" she ask while jumping over me.

I just zone out again looking directly at her beautiful face how come she is so beautiful and I have never have the guts to talk to her

E=cookie!! I was talking to you" Evelyn said, I hadn't even notice that she was sitting in my stomach.

K=what sorry?" I said blushing, she nod and get off of me.

E=I asked if you heard him, he is so cute I can't" she said while sitting beside me, and sit Gabriel in her lap and he layed down on her stomach with his head in her boobs.

K=yeah he is really cute" I said sitting up too, then Gabriel start making some type of stuff with his hand, then he start pulling Evelyn shirt.

Not gonna lie I had time to look and I did, her tits are perfect no what are you doing, stop you sound like a pervert.

M=I think he want you to give him milk from your tits" mattia said to Evelyn.

E=ewww that's disgusting" she said while giving me Gabriel, Mattia laughed while Evelyn got Gabriel's milk.

She came back and sit next to me again, she grabbed Gabriel and sit him on her lap while giving him milk.

I just can't wait until I married this girl she look beautiful, she love baby's, she is adorable, and hot-

E=boy you need to stop saying your thoughts aloud" Evelyn said while passing her hand in front of my face, I got red from the embarrassment and I just look down.

E=don't worry baby, I am gonna be the same when we get married" Evelyn whisper in my ear smiling, I smile back and blush hard like a lot.

And my stupid self though it would be cute to lean to kiss her, she grab me by my cheeks and turn my face to kiss my cheek

E=to fast baby boy" she said smirking and I got red again from embarrassment that she denied my kiss, a lot of girl would kill to kiss me but Evelyn doesn't want me or any of the boys.


It was now 2am the baby had already fell sleep, me and the boys were already ready to sleep in Alvaro brother room, and Evelyn was sleeping in Alvaro room, cause she still wasn't comfortable sleeping with me, ale and Mattia which we understand.

Alv=so what was all the whispering thing with you and Evelyn" Alvaro ask me and I instantly blush remembering what she told me.

K=oh she just-I I was talking my thoughts aloud" I said turning around to face the wall not wanting them to see me blushing.

Ale=what were you're thoughts?" Ale ask I could see his smirk.

K= I said that I want to marry her and have a baby with her" I said trying to sound normal and not exceeded.

Rs=what did she said?" Roshuan ask

K=she said that I don't have to worried cause she is gonna be the same when we get married, then I tried to kiss her but she kissed my cheek and said 'to fast baby boy'" I said sitting up and everyone was looking at me already.

M=uhh my boy is gonna get some" mattia teas while messing my hair.

Rs=do really like her or you want to fuck and leave" Roshuan ask me.

K= no I really want to try with her I mean I have been having a crush in her since freshman if she give me a chance I would try it" I said and Roshuan nod.

Alv= flirt with her be touchy but not a lot, do cute stuff with her, and call her cute nicknames" Alvaro said and I nod again.

Rs=she is gonna be rude sometimes, and when she is horny she is gonna me all over you, she is gonna call you nicknames after she get comfortable, don't be so loud with her, she is sensitive and cry's when someone yell at her, and you need to cuddle her anytime you have the chance too, good luck" Roshuan said and I nod again, we all get to bed and turn off the lights and everyone went to sleep.

But I couldn't sleep, I was to stuck in my thoughts do I really want to leave my hoes and be with her? Is she gonna give me a chance?...

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just read :)
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just read it.... this is also a thank you for 200 reads on my other story so check that out to
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Um just some cute content:) maybe some smut * wink * * wink * REQUESTS ARE OPEN:D