PeterxNed One-Shots

By deadaccount916

138K 3.5K 2.4K

This is a collection of short stories revolving around Peter Parker and Ned Leeds from the Marvel Universe. I... More

Author's Note
Sick Day(Fluff)
Plan Interwebs(Fluff/Humor)
Plan Interwebs Part 2 (fluff/humor)
Plan Interwebs Part 3(Fluff/Humor)
Plan Interwebs Part 4(Fluff/Humor)
Wisdom Teeth(Fluff/Humor)
Questions For PeterNed(Fluff/Humor)
Otp Prompts(Fluff/Humor)
Babysitting (Fluff/Angst)
Laundry Mat AU(Fluff/Humor)
Coming Out(Fluff/Humor)
Interwebs Child Part One(Angst)
Interwebs Child Part Two(Angst)
Interwebs Child Part Three(Angst)
DC Trip(Fluff/Angst)
Fondue (Fluff/Humor)
Hold My Hand(Fluff)
Suicide (Angst)
Why Are People Looking At Us?(Fluff)
Cancer 1/2(Angst)
Cancer 2/2(Angst)
Vodka Pineapples(Fluff/Humor)
Happy Pride(Fluff)
Love Advice From IronDad(Fluff/Humor)
Avengers+ Group Chat(Humor)
"Special" Brownies(Humor)
Spiders live in Barbie Houses(Fluff/Humor)
Spider Season(Fluff/Humor)
Pillow Talk(Fluff/Humor)
Wisdom Teeth(Fluff/Humor)
Shopping With Natasha(Fluff/Humor)
mr. stark I don't feel so good(angst)
Wakanda: Meeting Shuri(Fluff/Humor)
Venomous (Fluff/Humor)
Venomous Part Two (Fluff/Humor)
Shopping With Morgan Stark(Fluff/Humor)
Three Gay Dorks(Fluff/Humor)
The Proposal (Fluff/Humor)
The Announcement (Fluff/Humor)
The Wedding (Fluff/Humor)
Wine Husbands™(Humor)
The Fight(Angst/Smut-ish)
First Time(Smut)
Avengers Group Chat 2(Humor)
Morgan's Sick(Fluff)
Painting Loki's Nails(Humor)
Blushing and Baking(Fluff)
Flower Shop Au
Fire Escape(Fluff)
It's Been A Long, Long Time
Wine Husbands: Online (humor)
Farm Life Pt 1(Smut-ish/humor)
Farm Life Pt 2 (Smut/Humor)
Holiday Season (Fluff/Humor)
?Top Peter?(Smut)
Video Game Kisses(Fluff)
Homecoming Dance Practice
Only a Sith Deals in Absolutes
Peter and Ned's playlist
Valentines Day (Fluff)
Parent/Teacher Conference(humor/fluff)
Hospital AU(Fluff/Humor)
Leeds Family Reunion(Fluff)
No Way Home

Sensory Overload

1.7K 40 30
By deadaccount916

Peter's Pov:

I uncomfortablely shifted in the booth seat, cringing as the music in the background blares into my ears. Ned and I sat in a new dinner in Queens trying out their famous milkshakes, but the room was cramped with customers. I swear I could hear each conversation, each person jaw's crunching into their food, and even the waitress yelling out orders all in high definition. I knew someone left the bathroom sink on, I could hear each drop of water plopping into the bottom of the small bowl. My ears were throbbing and my eyes blurred with the harsh colors of the room and the bright neon signs.

"Peter are you ok?" I winced at the sudden closeness of his voice, What is happening?

"Yeah, I just have little headache." I moved my hand through my hair and tugged on it slightly to distract myself from my ringing ears. I always got a little headache in the lunchroom at school or anywhere with a ton of noise but not like this. I reached for the cup of water in front of me feeling a sudden wave of heat. My ears rang as the water moved down my throat I could hear each little molecule of water corse through my body. Ned's eyes only wore signs of worry and I myself was afraid, I feel like I'm gonna pass out!

"THAT'S TONY'S STARK'S KID!" A young man screamed causing me to cry out in pain, I immediately brought my hands up to my ears to relieve the pain. He ran over holding out a phone as others crowded around Ned and I.

"PETER WHY DID MR. STARK ADOPT YOU?" A woman yelled out in a high pitch tone, I felt my body start to shake.




Everything sounded like one high pitched screech and I forced my hands closer to my ears desperately trying to stop the noise. Then the flashes started, flash after flash boomed in front of me causing my body to shake violently. I felt tears pouring down my face from the immense pain.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Ned screamed only causing me to dig my nails into my head. Ned rushed over to me and grabbed my hand pulling me into his arms and although being gentle, I screamed in agony feeling my nerves tense up. Even with my screams the crowd only furthered questioning and flashing their cameras, the sounds started to bubble over as blood poured from my ears from the pressure.

My knees felt weak as Ned tried to pull me out of my seat, but my stomach didn't dare let me move, it gargled and burned it's way up my throat. As I spilled out liquids from my stomach, the crowd started to yell in disgust which only caused my ears to bleed at a quicker pace. I could taste the stomach acid on my tongue and it stabbed each taste bud, and the smell only intensified my urge to pass out. I could feel tears plopping onto my skin from Ned's terrified eyes. I knew he was screaming for me to respond, but all I heard was a high pitched ring.

The heat around me was overwhelming, and the darkness I was going to enter was reliving.

Ned's Pov:

Peter lies in front of me vomiting and screaming out in pain, even with my pleds the crowd still surrounds Peter flashing their cameras. The sheer sight of the Peter is horrifying, he's shaking and drenched in sweat, and his screams only get louder.

"Peter, Please Mr. Stark will be here soon, please hold one." I whispered into his ear which made him wince in pain. I was shaking in fear and the crowd didn't seem to care about the safety of Peter.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM, YOU'RE HURTING HIM!" I yelled through tears still trying to comfort Peter. He was pale and the vomiting slowed down but his body seemed to fall to ground lifelessly.

"PETER!!" I screamed falling to my knees and pulling him into my arms, I felt his heart beat and it was moving a mile a minute, practically going to burst out of his chest.

"HELP, PLEASE HELP!" I didn't want this crowd to help, I needed Mr. Stark to get here, but nothing. After what seemed like hours, I heard a siren in the distance and soon saw the flashing red lights. My heart skipped a beat as the paramedics rushed in with a stretcher. They pulled Peter carefully onto the stretcher and rushed him into the ambulance. I followed them close behind and watched as Peter was moved into the back of the large vehicle. I got onto the ambulance with him and watched his body twitch and roll under the straps, still unconscious.

Please Peter, be ok.

After countless questions from the paramedic we finally arrived at the hospital with Peter still unconscious. They rushed him into the hospital still on the stretcher making their way to a hospital room trying to desperately get him to a monitor. As I tired to get past the front desk I was instantly stopped by the security guard.

"I can't let you past this is for family and medical personnel only, please take a seat in the waiting room." He relayed with a stern face and I broke under the pressure, tears were already streaming down my face.

"Please I need to see him, I-I" My voice was high pitched and shaking trying to get through the wall of tears.

"I'm sorry family members or medical personnel only." I didn't know what to say, I don't exactly look like a potential family member.

"I, he needs me, he's my-my boyfriend please!" I blushed at the lie and my heart fell at the disgusted look on the man's face. He let me pass by and I ran through the long hallways looking for Peter in each room not knowing which one he was in. Then my body froze as I saw multiple nurses hovering over a limp body inserting needles and reading machines. I rushed into the room running to Peter. Yet again I was stopped by a nurse.

"You can't be in here sir."

"No please he's my boyfriend, please." I begged still looking disheveled and crying. She let me pass and I stood over his body connected to machines and I.Vs.

"What happened?" I asked quietly as the machine made loud beeps in the background.

"He was brought in unconscious and we weren't told a lot of information but he's dehydrated and his eyes and ears are blood shot, these as sure signs of a sensory overload." Her voice was kind but her words were horrific. I was confused at first but soon it all made sense, just like most of Peter's problems, the spider must have caused his senses to become enhanced. I pulled up a chair and sat next to Peter holding his hand trying to keep myself of losing it again. I pulled out my phone and found Mr. Starks contact which I still can't believe I have! After waiting a few seconds I heard Mr.Stark's voice and it was so comforting to hear.

"Ned is everything ok, I told you not to keep calling me at random times."

"No, Mr.Stark it's Peter he's-" I huffed in air and stifled back tears.

"Ned what's wrong with Peter." His voice went from sarcastic to afraid.

"He had a sensory overload and is in the hospital, he's unconscious but he's ok."

"Ned I'll be there as soon as possible, please keep him safe." With that Mr.Stark hung up leaving me alone with my thoughts. I went onto my phone and worried to even press on Google. When I did a newstory popped up that made me boil with anger.

"Intern Turned Son, Peter Stark has Stroke After Reporters Find Him With Boyfriend?" My eyes went wide, how was it already published? All of that is wrong!

"Peter Stark, Gay?" Another newstory read, which made me blush slightly.

"Peter Stark Has Panic Attack While Being Caught With Boyfriend!" Why are they assuming I'm his boyfriend? Oh wait I did just tell the nurses and security guard that I was his boyfriend, but that doesn't count. Suddenly a nurse came through the door and started to check the I.Vs. Then Peter started to twitch and his eyes fluttered opened groggily.

"Ned?" His voice was low and husky from recently waking up and I felt my face heat up. I gasped and pulled Peter into a hug making sure it was gentle.

"Where am I?" Peter looked around the dimly lited room trying to figure out his surroundings.

"The crowd at the dinner caused you to have a sensory overload and you passed out so now we're in the hospital." Peter seemed to laugh awkwardly, which was werid because it wasn't exactly funny.

"I can't even imagine what the newstorys will say!" Peter giggled out smiling. I rolled my eyes, wondering how he could only think of that and not the fact he passed out and is in a hospital bed.

"Oh yeah it's rough, one is, "Peter Stark has a Stroke after he's caught with boyfriend!" I laughed out blushing, Peter laughed but also seemed to be deep in thought.

"Why is that "rough", Peter made little finger quotes while saddly saying rough and I sank a little in my seat.
"Uh well you know, I mean you didn't have a stroke so just bad reporting I guess."

"Yeah but they also got the last part wrong, we aren't dating," Peter raised one eyebrow and smirked slightly.
"Unless?" Peter giggled out, I almost fell back from sheer blush power.

"Peter you're high on pain meds, stop." I giggled out trying to mask the fact that I actually wanted him to be serious.

"Yes maybe I am, but not high enough to not realize that I want the Reporters to at least have some accurate news!"

It took a second for me to process what Peter just said but once I did I felt like I was hit by a bus. I just starred into Peter's face with my mouth wide open in shock.

"Great I broke him" Peter giggled out, I felt a hand reach up and cup my cheek and Peter slowly moved his face closer to mine, I could now feel his warm breath brush against my lips. I broke out of my trance and pushed myself into Peter's lips. They were soft and warm and I never wanted to leave their grasp. Then the door opened suddenly revealing no other than the famous Tony Stark.

"So I guess the news story's were right about one thing!"

So this one-shot was for hehitsmeh and I hope this is what you wanted!  Thanks for over 2k read!

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