Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise...

By ValyriaRizing

6.8K 466 358

It was a tough road, but Nera finally found harmony with Pennywise. Now she learns she is destined for an Imm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 2

314 16 14
By ValyriaRizing

All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 2..

The bitter sweet scent of sweet strawberries and ripe watermelon stung Nera's nose as she poured a glass of wine over a frozen berry medley for herself and Ezra. As odd as it might sound, just simply being in each others presence was kind of a big deal.

"I know it's nothing fancy Mr. Shade, but would you like a glass of strawberry wine, sir?" Nera asked as she offered the wine to her beloved.

In her heart and mind, she had never been happier than in this very moment. She'd suffered some terrible moments and so much pain in the past year. Now, she was finally able to just melt into the moment and enjoy happiness.

It was strange. It was like every step she took now, she was walking on air. The room around her just felt brighter and warmer. It was just so different. 

It was hard to imagine just a week or so ago she'd been restrained and raped by her ex-boyfriend, but sometimes that's life. It was hard to focus on the bad when something so incredibly good was happening now.

Ezra leaned, his hip pressing into the smooth counter as he watched her in love-stricken awe, happily accepting the glass. It might seem to some men such was a small thing, but to this Demon who had lost it all many years prior, this moment was insurmountably precious.

He'd dreamt and fantasized about Nera so long and now here she was, pouring him a glass of wine in their home.

No longer would they meet each other in inconvenient passing, kept apart by jealous humans or unfortunate circumstances. No, now she was his and they were free to just love one another.

One day soon, I'm going to make her Mrs. Shade. He'd loved before, but he'd never considered marriage. It had seemed like a silly human ritual to him back then. With Nera though, he would. With Nera, he wanted every single beautiful and sweet thing, no matter how insignificant or unnecessary. It had to be special though, it had to be just right. It would be a moment she would never forget, he would make sure of that.

"Dear, anything you serve me is perfect." he told her in that velvety dulcet tone that she loved so much, as he sipped softly on the fruity concoction.

She could hear the happiness and warmth in his voice as she sipped on her own glass, noticing how his eyes never left hers, nor did that incredible smile ever falter.

"What are you smiling at?" she inquired with a grin, her eyes glittering joyfully at him.

He shook his head playfully, "Only the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. That's all."

The sweet comment made her cheeks turn pink as he continued, "Shall we toast?" he suggested, reaching up and sweeping a lock of her long black hair from her eyes. She eagerly nodded.

"To timing," he began, "We may not always understand fate's design, but standing here with you now and knowing we have eternity to look forward to together, I realize it doesn't matter why we had to wait. We're here now and that is all that matters."

"I'll second that!" Nera agreed wholeheartedly.

She took a deep breath, leaning against the counter, "What a roller coaster ride this year has been," she marveled, thinking back on everything it took to get where they were today.

She absentmindedly watched the fruit bob up and down as she sipped on her wine again. "So, have you seen or heard from Duke or Sadie?" she asked as she swirled her glass around, watching the fruit float up into a weak little twister.

"Yes actually, I went up to the shop and discussed everything with Sadie. I told her you were taken care of but of course once Duke found out you were here he rushed over. Pennywise didn't let him in though. Duke was livid, but he knew he wasn't getting past Pennywise so I'm sure he's still very upset," Ezra relayed with a smug smile, then added, "Duke is not going to take these new developments very well, darling."

She crossed her arms and shook her head gently. "Yeah, I know. It's not gonna be pretty, but I have to let him know. If I don't get Duke on the same page as us, Pennywise... well, he might... make me kill him," she said thickly, "He's been looking for any excuse to get rid of him, and I don't care how many mistakes Duke makes, I care about him. I know he's a mess, but he has a good heart. I don't want him getting hurt," Nera pointed out, her voice breaking toward the end. The very idea that Pennywise might ask her to kill Duke was horrifying.

"It won't come to that, sweetheart. I won't let it." Ezra assured her as he stroked her cheek softly.

She rewarded him with an appreciative smile. "I think we should have dinner tomorrow night and get everything out in the open. It will be his decision then to stay in my life and take what I offer him. Any notions of us having a romantic future together will be laid to rest once and for all," she stated confidently.

She paused in thought for a moment as she remembered her many happy memories with Duke. "You know, it's funny. There was a time I thought he would be the one to fulfill my emotional needs but he kept messing it up with his drinking and jealousy. I realize now I was mistaken. It was you all along."

As she spoke, Ezra came to lean on the counter next to her and slipped an arm around her shoulder. He knew this wasn't going to be easy for her. She cared deeply for the human. He had to be supportive of that, but he knew she'd made the right decision. He would be the one to make her desires for a normal, happy life come true, not the human. Despite the human's best efforts, he wasn't cut out for it.

"I've watched you for a year," She continued. "You're kind and loving almost to a fault at times. It's hard to believe you're even a Demon, honestly. There's no one better for me to share my happy moments with." She paused and stared off into the distance as if picturing their future in her mind right at that moment. "One day I want a picture book laid on that coffee table full of our laughter and smiles, our hugs and kisses... parties and get togethers with our friends. I want a life."

"You will have it all, Kitten. Tomorrow we will cook your friends a tasty dinner. I will cook it, I know that your cooking skills aren't extremely developed just yet," he mocked playfully with a wink.

She laughed and clapped him on the shoulder. "I'll have you know I can make a really delicious spaghetti, thank you," she exclaimed.

He chuckled, stepping in front of her and sliding his arms around her. "Okay, but admit it. You ordered take-out on the steak last month for that little company get-together," he accused with a knowing smile.

She tried to look the other way and held back a laugh.

"Nera, you can't lie to me."

She blushed and he kissed her cheek. "You couldn't be more adorable if you tried."

"Okay fine. You win. I'm a terrible cook, Ezra. I admit it!" They both burst into laughter. "Okay so while we're on the subject, your Healer, Santiago... or Anzu... I need him to come too. I need to ask a favor of him."

"Anything you want, my love. He will be here." Ezra promised without hesitation, not even needing to know her reasons.

"By the way, I'm kind of curious, is Santiago how you found out about me? I mean, way back when, before we actually met?"

With a nostalgic smile he replied, "No actually. Santiago kept you a secret from me to be totally honest. I think he did that for your safety. He wasn't sure how I would react to the presence of an Angel. It wasn't until I met you that I told Santiago about you. That's when I found out he'd already had the pleasure of meeting you."

"Oh." Nera couldn't help but blush at the memories she'd made with Santiago that first day.

"I understand you and Santiago share a sort of connection, Nera." Ezra began, "Just know that I will never stop you from spending time with him. You are free to do as you please."

This made Nera's heart happy to hear. She wasn't sure she could have stayed away from Santiago. She felt very much to connected with him.

Suddenly Pennywise appeared, crouching on his haunches upon the counter behind Nera and almost knocking over the glasses of wine. He held his finger up so Ezra didn't alert Nera to his presence, but Nera rolled her eyes and giggled.

"Um, I know you're there Pennywise. Do you think after a year of you sneaking up on me I haven't learned to sense your energy even when you try to hide it from me?" She turned to face her savage beast and took his face into both her hands and kissed him.

"So you see, the student has become the Master!" Nera proclaimed dramatically, sticking her finger into the air as if she was making an extremely important point.

He growled low in his belly, then plunged his tongue into her mouth as his hands groped her behind, making her moan and blush a deep scarlet red. He then released her, leaning back and studying her obvious arousal. Then, he confidently stated, "No, my sweet. I am still the Master."

She sighed as she gazed up at him, knowing he was right. She been interacting with Pennywise and Ezra for a year now and a simple touch from either one of them could make her weak in the knees. It was clear he was definitely the Master. They both were.

"Yes I suppose you're right," she conceded dreamily as she gazed up at her lover. "By the way Penny," she began, sliding her hands up into his hair, stroking him lovingly, "We're having Duke and Sadie over tomorrow to set the record straight about... well.. this." She gestured to all three of them. "Us." She smiled. "I know this isn't your sort of thing so I figured I would tell you so that you can go hunt and avoid the entire domestic experience."

"Does this not mean that I would be able to watch the human squirm while he realizes that he's lost out to a superior being such as myself and the Demonic Lord of Lust?" His eyes turned yellow with sadistic satisfaction.

"Well that's a rather cruel way of putting it-"

"Cruel is what I do best, doll-face." He reminded her, cutting her off mid sentence.

The words died in on the tip of her tongue and she just smiled at him. "As I recall there are a few things you can do even better than cruel."

He abruptly hopped down and kissed her passionately, lifting her with ease and setting her on the counter, so she wrapped her legs around his massive waist.

Ezra leaned back as he watched them, feeling himself grow excited. For a brief moment, he pictured how their lives would be here. He pictured random lovemaking all over the house and memorable parties with friends, events around town where they'd all three go together, unashamed of their love and commitment to each other. He couldn't wait to experience every moment with them.

Pennywise then plunged his teeth into her neck and began to feed. She moaned softly and he rewarded her by pressing himself into her core. Finally, he released her.

"Like that?" He whispered into her ear, his hot breath billowing down onto her neck.

"Yes... like that." She breathed quietly, and smiled up at him.

She's so beautiful... so perfect for me in every way, Pennywise thought. A year ago he'd tried so many times to kill her. Now that just felt ludicrous for him to even contemplate.

Unable to simply spectate, Ezra leaned in and began to kiss Nera, tasting the sweet cotton candy-like flavor of the clown on her tongue. How pleasantly peculiar.

Without warning, Ezra felt a thousand sharp teeth sink into his own neck and realized Pennywise was feeding from him now. The sensation was intense. He'd never been bitten by an immortal with a set of teeth like Pennywise had. Despite the pain, Ezra felt the burn of arousal in his lower belly at what the three of them now shared.

He had very little experience with the cosmic being, but he was enjoying it so far. He groaned in pleasure, letting his Alpha know he liked it. A moment later he felt the creatures sharp claws slid up the back of his head into his hair, using it as leverage to press his teeth deeper into Ezra's neck.

Pennywise hadn't expected the Demon Lord to taste as good as he did. He'd had Demon blood before but it wasn't like this. Ezra's blood was rich, thick, and sweet. Where Nera's made him feel almost high like a drug, Ezra's blood made him feel a pleasant warmth in his loins, and immediately he was hard as a rock. How interesting, he noted. Feeding on them both in one sitting would be absolutely enrapturing.

Ezra's eyes closed a moment as the clown drained him of quite a bit of blood, pressing the Demon Lord into the counter as his teeth nestled deeper into the tasty muscle bound beneath his skin.

Pennywise pulled back after a few minutes, his eyes glowing red. "Well what do you know. Demon Lord is almost as good as Angel. Not quite, but close." then turned back to Nera as he released Ezra. "I will attend your little coming out party tomorrow, my sweet. I wouldn't miss the look on the human's face for anything in the world." He rasped, then bowed and disappeared.

Ezra gave Nera an incredulous look. "This is going to be a VERY interesting dinner."

"God." Nera muttered with a laugh.


Sadie and Duke were quick to accept invites to dinner the following night and Nera didn't have to worry about Santiago. If Ezra said he would be there, she knew he would be. Ezra was cooking dinner of course and Nera was upstairs getting ready.

She'd chosen a velvet fitted wine red dress and a pair of heels. She loved impressing Ezra and Pennywise. Seeing the way they looked at her always gives her a thrill.

It was about 5pm right now and her friend's were supposed to be arriving at 6:00. She'd asked for Santiago to come early, around 5:30. She needed to discuss a certain possible bonding situation with Sadie. She wore her hair straight and down around her shoulders, parted to the side so as she walked downstairs it billowed around like raven-colored silk.

She paused halfway down the stairs to close her eyes and listen to the sound of dinner being cooked. She could hear Ezra humming a tune and shifting dishes and pots and pans around. It was so unbelievably and domestically wonderful.

For over a year her home had been a very dark place for her. Now the atmosphere felt light, warm, and inviting. It had been an absolute roller coaster of emotions up until this point and while she had been completely successful at her actual mission she had at times felt that she was still failing God. It had all been a part of the learning process though.

She'd given her life once to save Penny and nearly a second time to protect both him and Ezra, which she could see now wasn't necessary. The two of them were a force to be reckoned with.

Despite all the painful parts, Nera was grateful for her journey. She'd spent most of her life being afraid, but with all she'd been through she'd become so much more than that. She felt strong, confident, fast... and honestly, not exactly like an Angel anymore.

Upon bonding with Pennywise, she'd formed a taste for flesh and blood. It was manageable, but she definitely loved it. So, what was she? So far she didn't have a clear answer on that. Penny's cosmic energy had drastically changed her.

She at least knew she wasn't "corrupt" because Lucian had corrupted himself when trying to force a bond on her and it was a hideous thing indeed. It wasn't pretty or pleasant at all. Either way, whatever she was, she accepted it. She was perfectly happy with who she'd become.

She continued down the stairs, eager to see Ezra and find out what he was making. The smell of roast beef and potatoes filled her nose. It smelled intoxicating.

As she stepped into the living room, Ezra was walking into it from the kitchen side and he stopped short, as did she. They'd agreed on what color to wear so it was no surprise that his vest matched her dress, but he looked incredible. It a black suit with an elegant dark red double breasted vest. It had a very dracula-type feel to it.

"Holy Mother of all that is tempting and impure," Nera blurted out, devouring every inch of him with her eyes.

Ezra chuckled in amusement, beaming lovingly at her. As the Lord of Lust, Ezra had probably been with thousands of women in all his years, mostly human, vampire, or demon, but never an Angel. The energy she possessed, especially now that it was combined with the Ancient One's cosmic energy was sublime just to be in the presence of, and she tasted so incredible when he fed from her that it took all his restraint to stop himself from drinking her dry.

She was kind, affectionate, sensual, yet still innocent in some ways. She was truly one of a kind. He couldn't stop imagining all the things they'd experience as they went through life together. Their journey had just begun and already he knew with absolute certainty he wanted her to have his child. Of course, first they'd have to figure how their 3-way bond would work.

I never thought I'd bond with anyone again after what happened to my dear, sweet Heidi.

Heidi had been his mate 200 years ago. She'd had long dark brown hair, forest green eyes, fair skin, and a figure much like Nera's, but perhaps not quite as curvy in the chest and rear. She was actually a lot like Nera in her character and personality too. She was naturally sexy, but innocent and affectionate.

She'd been pregnant with his child too, but tragedy befell them. Another Demon had grown fond of her and when he realized she was carrying Ezra's baby, he was overcome with jealousy and killed both her and consequently, their precious unborn child.

Ezra had completely lost it. He was devastated and filled with rage. He'd spent the next 170 years killing every demon he could get his hands on. They all feared him now. He had a small following like Anzu that were loyal to him, but the rest avoided him.

With the obvious exception of Lucifer, no one else in Hell was as strong as Ezra was, so they avoided him at all costs. Eventually Ezra's anger subsided and he began seeking peace.

That's when he found Derry. There was just something about the little town that drew him in. At that point he'd worked to gain a position of power within the town, but not to harm anyone or anything. He was the Lord of Lust, his biggest sin was pleasures of the flesh, which he did regularly partake in. He had tried taking on a girlfriend or two throughout that time but none of them inspired him to make them his one and only.

However, he had treated them all very well, except when they misbehaved. The Demon in him came out when it was time to punish a female. For some, his punishment might seem erotic, but it really wasn't if you were in the hot seat. He could be absolutely ruthless when he wanted to be.

Then, he'd laid eyes on Nera the day she adorably bumped into him and his ex-girlfriend while looking down an alleyway. He'd looked into those beautiful blue eyes and had felt her angelic energy right away. He knew she'd be terrified of him if she knew what he was though, so he blocked her from sensing his energy and power.

Now here she was, standing there waiting for him, eyes glittering with love and desire for him, and he couldn't imagine wanting to ever bed another female. She demanded all his desire without ever having asked for it. He crossed the room, taking her into his arms.

"You have no idea how honored I am that you chose to bring me here to be with you. I thought after we saved you, that I'd lost you," he admitted.

He remembered that night vividly. Upon realizing she was going to be okay, Santiago had taken his leave to give them space and Pennywise had laid down next to Nera, just watching over her.

From that moment on, it was as if Ezra didn't exist at all. He was intelligent enough to know that there was a very good chance the Ancient One might never tell Nera about their fated bond and never allow him near her again. Ezra had watched her sleep for a few brief moments, but soon he sensed his time with her was over. It was time to let her go so she and Pennywise could live their life.

He'd stepped forward, his chest so tight he could hardly breath, and had kissed her on the head gently. "Good-bye, sweetheart," he'd whispered very quietly. He raised his eyes up and addressed Pennywise next. "You truly are blessed to have earned her love. I hope you never leave her side again. You are everything to her," he told the cosmic being.

More than anything, Ezra just wanted Nera to be happy and it was always clear who her number one was. Now that she had Pennywise again, he knew she'd be okay.

The clown had given him a small nod of acknowledgment, then looked back at Nera, forgetting Ezra was even there. So, Ezra took his leave and transported back home. Devastated that he'd lost her, he'd put his hand through his bathroom mirror.

The next few days he'd gone and helped Sadie out at the shop and reassured her Nera was okay. It honestly had helped him get things off his mind and in addition to that, continuing to work with Nera when she came back would provide a friendship that could ease the inner suffering he felt a little bit. He'd assumed he'd end up sleeping with other women at some point, but he knew he would never commit to anyone ever again. His heart already belonged to Nera, regardless of if they were together or not.

Months ago he'd hired someone to run the office for him so he could be there with Nera full-time and he had no intention on shirking that commitment just because they weren't together. What kind of a man would that make him? No. She was so precious to him, and that wouldn't change just because he couldn't sleep with her.

The last thing in the world he expected was to be summoned and pulled into bed with Nera and her mate. He couldn't believe his luck.

She beamed up at him. "Honestly Ezra, I couldn't have let you go." She placed her hands on his chest, fingers sliding over the red fabric of his vest and then up around his neck and into his hair. His hands slipped around her tiny waist. She stood on her tip-toes and kissed him. As the kiss deepened, Ezra's hands began to explore her velvet-clad body, desire beginning to burn between his legs again.

"Do you think we have time?" he growled softly, pulling the end of her dress up slowly. As the fabric moved up, the tips of his fingers grazed her bare skin. He slid his fingers down her middle, pulling out the thin fabric of her g-string. "Naughty little kitten." He whispered, then pulled the fabric taut, creating pressure between her legs.

Her breath caught and she closed her eyes. "I don't think we do. Santiago will be here any-"

As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Ezra growled in frustration, but was quick to recompose himself, smiling down at her as he released her.

"Ezra, can you let them in? I've gotta run back upstairs real quick," she told him. He nodded and she ran upstairs to try out a new perfume she'd found earlier that day while doing a bit of shopping.

After lightly spritzing herself, she opened her bedroom door just as Santiago approached it with a raised hand, ready to knock. He was dressed in all black like he had been the other night and it looked sexy as hell on him. She guessed he was done pretending to be a simple handy man around her now. She didn't mind though, she liked this look much better.

Santiago had never felt such relief. He stepped forward quickly and swept her into his arms, "Damn it, I was so worried about you, baby," he whispered.

"I can't believe you're a Demon and I had no idea. You guys are really good at hiding your energy from me," she told him, taking his hand and going to the bed to sit down.

He took a seat next to her with a sly grin on his face, "It's a deceptive practice that Angels aren't familiar with. Not to mention, you would have sent me straight to Hell if you'd known, sweet girl," he pointed out as he leaned over and gave her a peck on her cheek.

She laughed. "Yes, I guess I might have."

"Asmodeus said you needed to speak with me." He said, placing a hand on her exposed thigh, gently caressing her skin.

"Yes, I have a huge favor to ask of you. If you say no it's okay, I understand."

"You are my goddess, Nera. My Queen. I will never say no to you," he assured her with a warm, loving smile.

Her heart melted and she smiled at the sweet comment, not having realized he felt that way for her. The more she thought about it though, the less surprising it was.  She and Santiago had always shared a strong pull toward each other that she'd never quite understood. It couldn't simply be dismissed as lust either. They found a desperately desired peace in each other's company. It had always been that way with them.

"Thank you. See, it's about my best friend in the world, Sadie. She's a mortal, but she's all I have. She's like my family. I want to make her immortal and I heard there is one way of doing that," she explained.

Santiago seemed to consider this for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, an Immortal can bond with her, baby. Is that what you ask of me?" he inquired, leaning in and kissing her neck gently.

"Yes, is it too much to ask?" She asked, gasping a little as his warm lips moved down her neck. Her heart was pounding and heat was pooling between her legs again.

"Not at all. I'm honored to do anything that you ask of me. I will release my wife and make Sadie immortal for you," he offered as he slid his fingers softly up her thigh, the hem of her velvet dress riding up as he did so. "I only have one request to make in exchange."

"And what is that?" She asked, taking a deep breath, noticing the heated look in his warm brown eyes.

"That it doesn't change anything between us. She will need to accept what you and I share," he explained, his body twisting toward her as he laid her down onto the bed, his muscular, warm body coming to rest on top of hers.

She understood exactly what he was getting at. He wanted them to continue being lovers, and with Sadie being a typical human, this might be hard for her. She would have to accept it though, because bonded or not, Nera felt very strongly for Santiago and she had no intention of ever changing what they shared.

"Nothing can change that Santiago," she promised.

* Word Count: 4,689 *

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