godhead [COMPLETED]

By uncouthwriter

89.2K 4.7K 4.5K

Calla was a dreamer; always cherishing the idea of marriage while dreaming of her happily ever after: a magic... More



2.4K 146 314
By uncouthwriter

Emperor Leonardo and I were swiftly married, about two days after I settled into the kingdom. Elegant dresses, magnificent feasts, and important dignitaries alike gathered into the palace of Genovia, eager to see the new empress chosen by God.


"And do you, emperor Leonardo take Calla of Cedonia to be your wedded wife and reigning empress of Genovia?" the high priest tang, looking down to him as we kneeled together at the altar.

"I do" he nods, forcibly rolling his eyes before letting out a impatient breath.

"And do you Calla, take Leonardo of Genovia to be yours and rising up to taking the title of Empress of Genovia?" the priest announced, turning over to me. Before I had a chance to even speak, two guards came behind me and brandished their swords, making me hesitate for just a moment.

I looked at each of them as they stood at my side, confused at their sudden movement. Leo only looked down to his palms, inspecting them and refusing to meet my eyes.

I guess I didn't have a chance to reject the vow?

"I do" I announced loudly even though I was still a bit scared. Leo flashed me a wicked smile before nodding his head, signaling the guards to fall back.

"So by the power vested in me and by God almighty! I now pronounce you husband and wife. All hail emperor Leonardo and empress Calla of Genoiva!" the priest announced. He reached to the altar to grab an elegant crown, gently placing it upon my head.

And in that instant, I felt whole. Like I was born to do this; ordained by God.

I am empress! I think to myself, grinning from cheek to cheek as the sound of cheers surround me.

"You may now embrace" the priest announced, leading us to stand.

Leo turns to me and lifted my chiffon viel, staring into my eyes before pulling me into his arms. He kisses my cheek before placing a soft kiss against my lips. He wrapped a heavy arm around my waist, pulling me deeper into his mouth and attacking me with a passion so real. The crowds cheered and hooted as I wrapped my arms around his neck, gently running a palm against his short hair.

Finally we broke and we looked into each other's eyes. It was strange... reading fairlytes all my life, I was expecting to feel a spark, maybe a little more passion, but as I kissed the emperor... I felt.... nothing?

Maybe my nerves were to blame?


Of course it was my nerves! This was the man I loved! The man who was now my husband.

I would love him forever.

I tempted a peak as he smirked at the people. I couldn't quite read his emotions. His eyes were glossy....Each orb holding a look of warmth? Maybe anger?
Either way, I could not tell.

We walked hand in hand down the aisle, smiling at each dignitary and fellow until we reached the end of the room and continued onto the main dining hall where the celebrations continued.


Soon we cut into the wedding cake, cheering and laughing in jovial merriment.

I looked to the women and men in the decorated room as they whispered and cheered amongst each other, each person eager to glance upon the empress chosen by God.

"This goat is divine!" Leonardo announced, looking over at me for approval.

"Yes...it is very delicious emperor" I smiled politely trying to figure out his aspect. He licked his fingers in glutton, looking to the Ystev from across the room.

"YSTEV! This goat! Is it not delicious?" he exclaimed.

"Very delicious!" Ystev agreed with fear; his plate barley touched.

"But not as juicy and ripe as PUSSY" he yelled to the cheers and laughs of the men close by. I sit up a little straighter hearing his vulgar words. "I bet you have never tasted pussy as delicious as this goat Ystev" he sneered. He knew priests had to withhold from any intimacy.

"No...I have not emperor Leo" he frowned looking over at me through a smirk blatantly reminding me of his inspection from earlier and I hated him for it.

"My my! God is a cruel man." Leo yelled, taking in another mouthful of seasoned goat. The people laughed and cheered louder, finding the young emperor even more hilarious.

Surely he was not that amusing? He finished the bone of his goat and stood up to bang his cup.

The heavy conversations slowly lessened as the crowds focused on the emperor. "Tonight, we usher in a new era! A new Change.
To the new queen of Genovia!
May she rule wisely and give me many children!"

"Here here!!" the people yelled, breaking their glasses against the wall and floor. I smiled with pride and was so moved by the energy in the room,  I stood up to address my subjects.

"Thank you all for—"

"No no...No no" Leo frowns whispering softly into my ear before ushering me to sit. "You don't talk" he advises me.

"Oh....okay" I frown and sit down, quietly sipping on my wine to avoid the gazes of the crowds as they stared at me.


The night carried on in gay carols and play until Leo stands again, guzzling another cup of wine before throwing his glass to the wall to shatter it. "I think it is time for a gift! For my beautiful wife Calla!"

He snapped his fingers and instantly the doors opened. Two men came in with a large silver cage; in its base was a precious little fox! It was just what I wanted!

"A fox! You got me a baby fox!!" I yelled, kissing Leo's cheek with care then dashing over to the men, bending to open its cage.

He was beautiful.

I hold the warm cub in my palm before skipping around the room and showing it to evey person with pride. Once I was done showing off my new love, I take my seat at the end table next to Leo. "I've always wanted a fox! I heard the ones from Genovia were elite! They are the envy of every woman"

"Of course they are elite. Eveything in Genovia is better." he shrugged, "Better food. Better girls. Better pussy" he brags before staring over at me with a smirk. "Well... I guess we'll see about the last part tonight?" he says running his palm against my thigh.
I smiled down at my new ball of fur and place a gentle kiss on its head, convincing myself not to be bothered by Leonardo's vulgarity.

I guess it was something I would have to get used to.

"What will you call him?" Leo asks, poking at the little ball in my arms as it wiggled awake.

"Hmmm...what about Leonardo the 2nd?"

"That won't do. It would demean my great name." he frowned, pulling the foxes tail with play, "plus that's what we're going to name our son" he assumes casually.

"Okay.... how about ...Paxton?"

"Paxton? It is an odd name isn't it?" he frowned.

"I suppose so? But we are all a bit odd aren't we?" I say, looking to meet his gaze.

"Then the name suits him." he chimes. I smiled kissing Paxton's forehead with care. "Thank you Leo. I will love this saint with every fiber of my being!"

"I know you will. But just don't love him more than the emperor that gifted it to you" he advises, pressing his cup of wine to his lips.

"That will be hard to avoid emperor. The fox you gave me is just too cute!" I teased, chuckling at his jealously but immediately stopping as I saw his stone hard face.

I continued letting Paxton play in my lap for a few more minutes before looking at him curiously. "I was only jesting Leo" I admitted but he seemed to take it more serious than I.

"Leave the jesting to me Calla" he grumbled, guzzling down his mead. He bit down on his jaw before staring forward, most likely holding back the words he wanted to say to me.

Soon, my lady in waiting stood behind me, whispering something into my ear. "It is time empress" she says. I had told her to fetch me when the time had come so she could prepare me for my night of ecstasy.

"I am a bit tired Leo. I am going to retreat to my room" I confess, hinting him of my interest.

"Make sure you stay up. I still need to fuck you to consummate our union." he said coldly, signaling a lady to come to him then pulling her into his lap. I thought it was a bit strange he had such a close companion sit on his lap but I thought nothing of it and nodded, turning to walk with my chambermaid as she escorted me to my room.


Author note

I know it's early, but what do you think of Leo so far?

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