awae imagines

By -obriendylan

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awae character imagines x reader More

welcome to my book of imagines
josie pye
billy andrews part 1
billy andrews part 2
charlie sloane
moody spurgeon
jerry baynard part 1
ruby gillis
jerry baynard
prissy andrews
ruby 1
ruby 2
you choose
ruby gillis
Words Better Left Unsaid (Priscilla Andrews)
In Your Dreams (Jerry Baynard)
Heather (Gilbert Blythe)
Heather (Gilbert Blythe) Part 2
Heather (Gilbert Blythe) Part 3
In Progress (Billy Andrews)
Hidden Feelings (Moody Spurgeon)
In the Books (Moody Spurgeon)
Matchmaker (Billy Andrews)
Soul Searching (Jerry Baynard)
My Reason (Charlie Sloane)
Competition (Moody Spurgeon)
Something More (Billy Andrews)
Dates (Moody Spurgeon)
Promised To You (Gilbert Blythe)
Promised To You (Gilbert Blythe) Part 2
Jealous Love (Billy Andrews)
Risk It All (Billy Andrews)
Firsts (Gilbert Blythe)
Avoiding Confrontation (Diana Barry)
Night Changes (Gilbert Blythe)
Strangers to Friends (Ruby Gillis)
Academic Validation (Moody Spurgeon)
The Deal (Billy Andrews)
Dreams (Charlie Sloane)
Home Sweet Home (Cole Mackenzie)
Mistakes Were Made (Cole Mackenzie)
Right Timing (Billy Andrews)
Courtship (Charlie Sloane)
Memories of the Past (Gilbert Blythe)
Confidence Is Key (Moody Spurgeon)
A World Apart (Jane Andrews)
Decisions (Billy Andrews)
Playing Pretend (Josie Pye)
A Moth To A Flame (Cole Mackenzie)
Birthday Surprise (Jerry Baynard)
Proposal (Moody Spurgeon)


1.9K 38 6
By -obriendylan

f/c- favorite color

i sit beside moody on one of the tables to watch the other students practice dancing. i am only sitting it out because...

1. i already know how to dance

2. i don't want to

simple as that really

moody is currently playing away at his banjo, and i see ruby from the corner of my eye sit down beside us, i had no clue why she decided to sit out the dance. my eyes wander back to the people dancing. eyes immediately landing on charlie, for what reason i wasn't even sure of. i see him with a smile on his face dancing away.

as the song finishes they disperse from the groups and go to leave. as if on cue moody shakes me out of my thoughts. "y/n."

"yes?" i ask the boy tying to process what it was that i was feeling. i look over to moody and see a smirk on his face. "what?" i ask confused at his change in mood.

"oh it's nothing. it's time to leave." he says, that devious smirk still plastered on his face. i stand up, feet solid on the ground and collect my things.

"don't be such a weirdo moody. i'll see you at the county-fair barn dance." i say dismissing myself from the conversation, walking off to head home. i walk the way home thinking of what to wear. surely mother will want to choose what's best for me. i'll leave it to her.

walking inside i am immediately rushed to my room by none other than my mother. "which dress would you like to wear?" i hear her say as she opens the door to my room. there on my bed are a few dresses, each a different color form the rest. i glance over at them, then over to her shrugging.

"whichever one." i say indecisively. it's not like i'll need to impress anyone.

"the f/c one will do just fine, don't you think?" she asks, giving me a weird look. she picks the f/c dress up and examining over it. i nod agreeing with her. it looks pretty.


the whole day my parents have been dragging me around looking for possible suitors. as if that will ever happen. i stumble upon my friends sneaking around to meet up with them.

"where have you been?" i hear over the loud music as people dance around the barn.

"i honestly don't know." i answer hugging each one of them in relief that i finally escaped my parents.

"moody is playing tonight." ruby says as the music dies down. i look up ahead to where the music was last heard and see moody. i wave at him to catch his attention. he finally sees me and sends me a wink, a smirk plastered on his face. "don't be weird." i mumble, as if moody could hear. i shake my head at him and go back to talk to the girls.

"who are you dancing with?" i look to my side and see tillie.

"i'm not sure." i tell her glancing over familiar faces and some unfamiliar ones.

"what about charlie?" i freeze in place at the sudden name. what about him? i look to tillie with curious eyes as she has that same smirk moody had on moments prior.

"what about charlie?" i ask over the talking of the many people throughout the room, suspiciously looking in between moody and the girls.

"you seem to have taking a liking towards the him." i roll my eyes at her crossing my arms at her sudden interest in my life. they just stand there waiting for me to say something, anything. "no." i deny.

"next up is the dashing white sergeant. form up in sets of six." is all i hear before being pushed around towards the tall boy, heading towards the middle of the room. i stand there not knowing what to do. before i know it the girls are out of sight and i am left alone. with charlie. not alone per se.

"hi y/n."

"hi." i say letting the word slip past my lips. the beating of my heart showing just how nervous i really am.

we dance about as we were taught. his laughs making their way to my ears. such a pleasant sound. his smile making its way to his face just as it did before. such a wonderful sight.

the music stops once again and all that is heard is the cheering and clapping, coming from the people around me.

i walk away and sit down at a table. soon i see charlie follow striding over to me. "you're a pretty good dancer." he says going to sit beside me. i smile at his kind words. "anyways moody said he wanted to talk to you." i hear charlie say pointing to where moody is. i walk over calming myself down from the fluttering in my stomach.

"what?" i ask. he gives me a look before coming to his senses and speaking.

"so how did it go?" he asks, raising his eyebrows up and down.

"how did what go?" i ask feeling tired already from the events of today. adding to that, the dancing.

"dancing," he explains, "with charlie?"

"what the hell dude." i say scoffing at his plan. i hold back the need to smack him across the head. with one look he puts his arms up defensively.

"we only wanted to help." he explains in a sincere tone. from what i can tell this was all on good intentions. from the good of their hearts. wait we?

"we?" i ask curious as to who was in on his plan. he raises his arm pointing out the girls who are staring our way. i groan out in frustration.

"i should've known. i'll see you later." i say going to leave to let him play. i turn my back and head over to charlie seeing him stare at a certain red head. not like he's going to reciprocate my feelings or anything.

"next dance is the circassian circle. woo whoo. all aboard." i hear as charlie extends an arm over to me as he realizes i'm by his side.

"no no no. go ask anne." i suggest already pushing the boy towards her direction. he doesn't budge and turns around to face me, he places his hands on my shoulders.

"i can't." he says.

"can't or won't?" i ask intertwining our fingers together as we make our way over to the girl. i hear him mumble some incoherent words but choose to ignore them. i let go once we've reached anne, and turn to josie. she looks distraught. "what's wrong?" i ask. she walks away and sits at a table. i decide it's best to leave her be. i walk outside the circle and look over to charlie, giving him a thumbs up. a sad smile on my face as jealousy consumes me.

they begin dancing as i hear talking amongst the boys. before i know it anne is out, so i replace her spot dancing with charlie. "what happened?" i ask.

he ignores my question. "billy and josie had a brush outside." he says although that does sort of answer my question. no wonder josie was acting different.


all of avonlea heard about the news through the newspaper. heard about the incident between billy and josie. now we are helping anne with her plan to remind the town that all voices matter.

i sit down besides charlie painting the letters across the wood. i smile at my work when i finish. i can't wait for tomorrow.

"goodbye anne." i say walking out of the barn closely behind gilbert. i am shocked to see charlie waiting outside. "anne is still in there." i inform him, pointing behind me to where the girl is.

"i was actually wondering if i could walk you home?" he asks.

i am perplexed i don't have time to think before my mouth opens again speaking, "yes." i say rather too fast for my liking. he chuckles as he extends his arm signaling me to lead the way. for a few moments we wander around the woods in comfortable silence the only thing heard, the chirping of the birds and the rustling of the leaves. then a clearing of a throat.

i spin on my heels almost trippin in the process facing charlie. he quickly brings his arms to my sides to steady me. "are you alright?" i cant help but to blush at the sudden contact.

"thank you." i say.

his smile only grows. we walk side by side our hands brushing against each other, i retract my hand feeling the warmth emitting from his. "so how did you like the dance?" i ask, casually looking to him for an answer.

"it was great," he responds smile evident on his face as he recalls the day, "i got to spend it with the girl i liked. got to dance with her." he explains, and at that moment, i could only think about how nice it would be if he were talking about me.

"did you enjoy it? the dance?" i hear. i only nod in reply giving him a small smile.

before it can get anymore awkward i finally see my house in view. "well i'll see you tomorrow." i say and watch as he waves goodbye heading in the opposite direction.


today's the day. the day the plan takes place. i run over to the schoolhouse excitement bubbling up inside me as i see anne and gilbert. "hi guys." i yell steadying my breaths. they laugh at my state and tell me to sit down for rest. i do as i'm told and overhear their words of exchange. "they wouldn't not come? after all this?" anne asks.

"have faith," gilbert tells anne in a way of comfort? "just a suggestion. not telling you what to do."

"they'll come. i'm here aren't i?" i joke standing by her side. just then i hear ms. stacy riding her bike as gilbert catches our attention bringing my eyes to see moody and charlie, as well as tillie and ruby. soon everyone in on the plan arrives besides diana. prissy is even here.

we march our way to the town hall bringing people along with us. as soon as we make it we grab the boards and head inside. i see mrs. lynde along with four other men crowd around a table. i ignore their talking and walk behind the curtains. wow i'm nervous.

"you don't need to be nervous." i hear as charlie moved around to align the boards.

"you heard that?" from the corner of my eyes i see him nod. "makes me wonder what else i've said aloud." i think of all the times it's been about him, could he have possibly heard me mutter them under my breath.

"yes." just as he says this he puts the cloth around his mouth, i follow his lead in confusion at that one word. the curtains open and the people below are all in shock.

i can't pay attention to what they're saying even if i wanted to. what could he have possibly meant. what did he mean. i try and place all my attention on the crowd in front of us. eyes occasionally wanting to wander off the the boy beside me.

a bright light brings me out of my thoughts turning my head to the side i see the minister by tillie. "thanks for the suggestions." gilbert says as he rips the paper in two.

"ms. stacy control your children." the minister says full of rage.

"they are not children and they are not out of control."  she says and everyone starts clapping. cheering


i stand by moody and gilbert as they both talk to each other. we are currently celebrating at ms. stacys house. the conversation drifting onto me. "yeah y/n likes charlie." i turn my head to look at the two. i hit him on his side.

"he could be nearby." i say eyes glancing over the people surrounding us. just then i see him enter the room. his eyes locking with mine. i suck in a breath and both moody and gilbert see my change in behavior. they look to where i see and knock me out of my daze.

"hello y/n."

"charlie." i hear the other two try and stifle a laugh. i elbow the closest one. they let out a groan of pain before walking off. charlie looks over to the other boy. then i see moody walk off.

"can i talk to you?"

"what are you doing right now?" i ask joking around to replace the nervousness i feel inside. i look up and see his serious expression. i nod my head and he takes me by the hand leading me around the house. we soon make it outside far away from the loud chatter.

more butterflies erupt in my stomach. the beating of my heart only increasing. my hand sweating from his grip on it. my cheeks flushing red from how close he is.

"sorry." he takes back his hand, and i immediately feel the coldness hit.

"i wanted to tell you," he stops, hesitating on whether or not he wanted to tell me, "i like your dress."

i look down and see my plain blue dress. for a moment i thought, just maybe, he was going to tell me he felt how i felt towards him. "thanks." i say recovering myself.

i sit down on the porch looking up to the stars. "i like your hair." i say regretting it as quickly as i said it. he chuckled at that and sits down to my side.

"i like your smile."

"i like your eyes."

"i like the stars." he says, pointing up to the sky.

"i like the moon." i say, with a smile as i look up to the bright light illuminating the darkness.

"i like you." i furrow my eyebrows, facing him. i open my mouth to say something. nothing comes out. i'm left like a nervous wreck.

"that's what i wanted to tell you. but i do like your dress, and everything else about you." he compliments and i see the slightest of pink on his face.

"i thought you liked anne." i finally say. he gives me a cheeky smile. "you didn't." he nods going back to look at the stars.

"i like you too." i say releasing a breath of relief.

"i know." he says laughing. he throws his head back as his hair ruffles around.

"how?" i ask.

"you think out loud." he answers scooting closer to me. i take the opportunity to rest my head on his shoulder. he places his arm around me. silence overcoming us.

"i'm glad i do." i admit. because if i hadn't then maybe we wouldn't be here right now.

"i totally agree."

"i said that out loud." i gasp placing my hand over my mouth.

"yes you did." he says planting a kiss to my head.

i'm sorry if there are wrong pronouns i was going to write this about jane but didn't know how to finish it. so i made it a charlie one.

i didn't know how to end it so if you have any suggestion feel free to pm me or comment

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