godhead [COMPLETED]

By uncouthwriter

89.3K 4.7K 4.5K

Calla was a dreamer; always cherishing the idea of marriage while dreaming of her happily ever after: a magic... More



1K 64 29
By uncouthwriter

Lightly edited! I wanted to update ASAP 🥰


Donatello and I were insuperable for the next few days but of course all good things must come to an end in the kingdom of Genovia.

"Empress? Empress Calla!" Oslo paced over. I was making my way to the dinning hall for breakfast with Leo but I guess that would have to wait for now.

"Good morning Oslo." I smile, taking in his distinctive features. He was such a peculiar man. Kind but peculiar.

"Any chance on scheduling a meeting with the general J'offre?"

"No. He's been off meeting with some fellow generals in nearby country but when he returns I will make sure to...talk to him" I hinted.

"When is he set to return?" Oslo asks.

"Leo said in 3 days, so until then. We wait" I shrug.

"Good, good." He nodded still lingering. He extended a palm, signaling me to walk on. I took note and continued on my path to the dining room.

"Is something wrong Oslo? You seem ...agitated?" I suggest. He exchanges a nervous glance before looking to the floor. "There has been talks of sending Donatello back to his hometown in Spain"

"What!" My footsteps halted as I heard his news.

"Just hushed whispers." He reassures me, trying to calm me down. He pulls my arm and leads me to a tiny corner near the edge of the hallway. "Nothing is set in stone yet but Leo hates Donatello. He is jealous of him and the time you spend with him."

"But Leo was the one who brought him here! He can't—"

"He has. Donatello is already packing."


"Just to a separate wing across the palace. He doesn't like you being empress and having another man in your room."

"Seriously? He has Vanessa in his room evey night."

"He says he summons for her so it's diffierent. It's one thing to let them sleep over like Leo does with Vanessa but Donatello's wing is in your quarters. He has no room to himself." I glare into the distance before punching the wall.

"Don't worry too much empress. I just though you should know. I think I like Donatello more than you" he teases.

I try to force a smile to match his but I couldn't. I was to upset!. "No..no. I refuse it." I whisper loud enough so Oslo could hear.

"Calla, remember? We patiently wait until the right time."

"No! He has taken everything.
He has taken my letters!
My fox!
My autonomy!
He cannot take Donatello. He cannot!" I whisper turning on my heel to find Leo. He would hear my mouth today!

"Calla! Calla!!" Oslo runs after me. "Don't make decisions rashly. Think about all you said and all we still have to do. Patience."

"No Oslo! I don't care!" I yelled, storming to find Leo!

He will not take my happiness; not again.


"Where is he!!" I screamed, making my way through the palace. He wasn't in the dining room I planned to meet him in. "Where is he!!!" I shrieked again. The people in the palace clear a path so I could pass. They knew my anger was lethal.

I kick open a couple of doors until I come to a quaint breakfast nook near the outer edge of the palace. He was propped lazily against the table with a spread of fresh fruits and pastries.

"Oh good morning my beautiful wife Calla!" he greeted me warmly, spreading more jam into his toast. He continued sloppily chewing his food.

"You disgusting piece of SHIT"


"You think you can send him away? And then what? What will that solve Leo?"

He wiped his mouth clean, gently lifting his eyes towards mine."My dear calla! Please why are you so upset?"

"You know exactly why I'm upset you little dipshi—"

"Calla! I suggest you learn to control your tongue."

"Why? What are you going to do? Cut it off?" I mocked him. Just as I said that, he lifts his fork and points it behind my figure.

I turned around and my heart stops instantly.
It was a vision.
An image I never thought would transpire.

I see my mother, my father, and Sarai standing together as they watched me. They looked at me with shock in their eyes but hidden behind the surface was a hint in joy?

"Mother... father...Sarai??"

What were they doing here? In Genovia?

Sarai was the first to step foward, timidly meeting me halfway.

Before she had the chance to complete her steps, I ran over to them and hugged her, pulling her and my mother into my arms before hugging my father.

The tears in my eyes had no interest of ceasing. I dropped down to the floor to kiss Sarai and now thick tears dropped from her cheeks as she buried her head between my arms.

I pull her away and cup her jaw into mine. "Sarai! Look at you!" I admire, kissing her forehead with care.

"Calla!! Look at you! You look like a dream!" she smiled.

"How grown you've become. You're beautiful Sarai"

"No! Look at you Calla" she sighs, lifting her eyes to my crown and we giggle in familiarity, hugging and embracing each other in love. Leo comes behind us, pulling Sarai and my mother into his arms as he kisses my cheek.

"When Calla told me how much she missed her family, I simply had to bring you all here!"

I frowned trying to hide my grimace as he held me. So that was his plan? To pretend that all was fine in the kingdom of Genovia? He purposely did this... to make me look mad.

"Our letters Calla! You never replied?" Sarai frowned. "We thought you became too good for us." She pouted playfully.

"I have just been so busy with ruling and palace life" I lied, looking over at Leo.

"I thought it best if I brought them here wife. A late birthday gift to you my love." He smiles, kissing my cheek carefully. He turned his attention over to my family and smiled. "I baked Calla a magnificent cake but she seemed to not really favor the flavor" he bragged.

My family smiled politely then looked over at me.

"I know! Why don't my guards show them to their rooms" he snaps, ushering a small company of guards.

"Oh emperor how wise you are but I will show them myself" I interrupted. I knew he was trying to get me in the room alone but I did not care to be in his company.

"Oh I insist Calla. guards?" He calls out for them again, "show them to their quarters" he demanded. I hug Sarai and my mother goodbye before the door closes.

"Nice people. They bear no resemblance to you" he shrugged, making his way to the table to eat again.

"And that is your plan? To win my families graces?"

"Calla, that just shows how little you know. I just wanted to bring them to you. My late birthday gift to you." He smiles, shoving another sausage into his mouth.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I heard his words. Did he really think I would belive him? After all he's done?

"Join me for breakfast?" He asked, pulling a chair out. I squinted suspiciously, contemplating his change of heart. Why was he being so wholesome suddenly?

"I ate already. I'll go see my family if you don't mind"

He nodded calmly and focused his attention back tor he spread before him.


I guess chewing out Leo would have to wait for now. I couldn't focus on his actions now that my family was here!

I skip to the visitor's quarters, eager to see my mother and Sarai once again for I had so much to tell them; and I must introduce them to Donatello!

A long line of guards greeted my vision as I pace closer to their quarters. Heavy boxes and barells were being carried into their room. I supposed they were gifts from the emperor?

I enter into their room, shifting my vision at any sign of Sarai or my mother. I pass another wing of the room before meeting the eyes of my mother.

"Calla!" She smiles, extending her arms. I run over to her then Sarai to embrace them again. My dad beamed, standing idle at the side. He sensed my hostility towards him for selling me to a lunatic.

"I missed you all so much! How is Cedonia?" I smile, leading them to three chairs in the corner of the room.

"Dull without you" Sarai replies.

"Oh, how I miss it so. How is our little farm and house on the fields?"

"In good condition." My mother smiles politely. A knowing silence fills the room. I knew they wished to know about my frantic outburst in the breakfast room.

I wanted to tell them all of my hatred for Leo. How he tortured me and burned my letters but it would have to wait for now. I wanted them to enjoy their time here in Genovia.

"How long are you all here for?"

"3 days" my mother answers.

"That's it?" I pouted, looking at the view of their windows. It was a pretty sight. The sea of Genovia was in clear sight.

"At least it is something." Sarai mutters. I nodded my head in agreement and turn around to face her.

"Come!" I grab my mother's and Sarai's hand. "Let me show you my room!"

"Yay!" Sarai claps excitedly and we run carelessly through the palace. My mother tried her hardest to keep up but eventually lessens her steps. "I am not as young as I once was. You two go ahead! I will meet you there"

Sarai and I giggle and continue running throughout the palace.

Good morning Empress

The people in the hallway greeted me making Sarai beam, for she never saw her sister so popular.

We dashed across the palace until I stop in front of the two Golden Arches that signaled the entrance to my room.

"Guards?" I address them purposely to show off a little to Sarai. She beams taking it all in. They push open the doors and she gasps, seeing the luxurious surroundings and sights.

"A gold bed?" She screams then runs to jump in it's softness. I smile and run over to join her. Minutes must have passed before we grew tired and fell to the center, giggling as we stared at each other.

"Why didn't you write us Calla?" I could hear the tears in her eyes.


"We thought you were dead or you hated us. Mother said you were busy but you promised!" she began to cry. I pull her into my arms as she sobs.

I wanted to tell her all Leo had done but I didn't want to make Sarai worried. Still, I didn't care to spare his image.

"Sarai...my life in the palace is not all it turned out to be. I have to be here when Leo says so and be there when he commands me. I have no autonomy"

"None?" she gasped.

"I get to wear pretty dresses and done like royalty but... I am not as free to do things I cherish. She hugged me and smiled, staring into my brown eyes. "Well, let us catch up now! We have time together now?" she suggested and so we giggled as we spoke of everything! From Genovia to Cedonia.

"I just laid that" Lizabeth's voice sounded from behind us. We both turn our heads and smile.

"Lizabeth guess what?" I announce, scooting off the ruffled bed.


"Guess! You have to guess" Lizabeth smiles, looking at Sarai then at me. "You had a secret child that you have adopted as an orphan."

"No Lizabeth!" I pull Sarai and press against her so we could be cheek to cheek. "Do you not see the resemblance?" I ask, lifting a hand to single my cue.
I knew I was only messing with Lizabeth. She knew not of my family or even how they looked.

"This is Sarai" I bragged. Lizabeth gasps, looking down at her then at me. "Calla... ? No?" she smiles, gently stepping over. She bends down to hug her and Sarai was polite enough to return her embrace.

"Oh, Calla has told me so much about you. She talks about you non stop!" Lizabeth beams. Sarai giggles looking up at the woman she hardly knew but accepted so warmly.

"Sarai this is Lizabeth. My best friend and confidante. My only sense of sanity in the palace"

"Pleasure yo meet you." Sarai beams.

"Lizabeth where are you off to?"

"After this? I was going to draw your mid morning bath."

"Cease your plans. Actually cease all your day plans. You are spending the day with me and my family"

"Surely you don't mean that Empress"

"I do. You are like family? Why not?" I shrugged, walking over to my closet to change into something a bit more causal.

"Thank you empress." Lizabeth smiles.

"Calla?" My mother finally comes into the room and gasps, taking in all the luxury. "What a beautiful room!"

"Come mother! This is Lizabeth. My best friend and confidant."

"Pleasure to meet you." My mother smiles, taking her palm to greet her.

"We only have three days together so we must cherish it! I must show you all the places I love. The library, the fountain in the garden! Oh! and you must meet Donatello!"

"Donatello?" my sister repeated after me."That name sounds as rich and prosperous as the emperors."

"Yes and I must introduce you to Oslo!"
Oh I was so happy! "Lizabeth pick a dress"

"Of course empress, which would you like?"

"Not for me! For you!
And mother and Sarai? You two pick a dress as well! You will all walk the palace with pride and prestige. We are as important as anyone else."

Sarai skips and runs to my closet while my mother beams at all of us being together.

These three days would be filled with so much fun and happiness, I couldn't wait!

Author note:

Me if my family came and my "husband" was treating me horribly.

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