godhead [COMPLETED]

By uncouthwriter

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Calla was a dreamer; always cherishing the idea of marriage while dreaming of her happily ever after: a magic... More



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By uncouthwriter


I woke up the next morning, taken back by the feeling of two strong arms around my waist. I had to admit, it was a strange feeling, waking up to the warmth of another body. I loved it of course, but it was still strange.

I turn to face Donatello and smile, taking in his handsome features. His beard was tight but scruffy while his body warm. He was a pretty thing to look at but so was his mind. I try to peel the blankets away to relieve myself but he tightened his grip, wrapping his arms tightly around my torso.

"So you are awake?" I whisper. A sly smile forms but he still keeps his eyes closed.

"I have been up since our last conversation." he admitted finally opening his eyes to watch me. Silence filled the quiet room and stare at each other, trying to determine the inner thoughts on one another. His eyes dropped to the ridges of my lips before he attacked them, pressing his warmth onto mine and again I felt that familiar feeling; a warmth that I could not describe for I have never felt it before; well before Donatello arrived.

We separated once again and gazed at each other. "You barley slept." He glances at a small watch that rested on top of bedside table. "It's only 4 am"

"I can say the same for you." I remind him. He smiles before pulling me into his arms, tugging the covers over me so I could sleep. "You still have time to rest." He kisses my forehead, blowing out the last candle that lazily illuminate. He was right. Truly, I  was tired and decided to listen to his advice, adjusting again to his warmth before closing my eyes  to sleep.


I woke again but frowned, looking at the empty place where Donatello once rested. A small smile appears upon my face as I remember our long night of passion. He was amazing and every bit of man. He was gentle yet so...commanding.

Nothing like Leo.
I cursed myself for even comparing him to that monster.

Still, I wondered where he was? His bed was empty and his clothes from yesterday were nowhere to be seen.

"Donatello?" I whispered, pulling the covers off in search. I walk over to his quarters and smile, peeking behind a curtained window. On his balcony he stood, hunched over his board and easel. He was in a pair of loose pants and a thick cloud of smoke painted the scene. I could see it was from the small pipe between his lips.

I tiptoe over to him, my feet barely touching the stone, before I push my soft palms around his chest, moving to message  his shoulders as he adjusted to my warmth. "Calla" he sighed my name, more smoke filled the air. He pulled my hand to his lips, placing his tender kisses upon it.


Another coat of paint and I was almost finished. I knew Calla would freak once she saw my art. Any sane person would.  My art was free thinking and a bit unconventional but it's what I enjoyed, what made the spectators hinder and discuss.

I continue but stop when I hear her footsteps. My  my heart leapt with joy at the sound of her gentle motions. I would have loved her beside me didn't wish to wake her, giving her the mercy to sleep.

Her warm hands formed around my chest and I smiled. Slowly she dragged them to my shoulders, massaging each ache with care.
I am helpless at her touch.

"Calla" I say, gently caressing her hand with mine. She presses her cheek against my spine, showering my skin with her sweet lips.
How feeble I was for the girl named Calla.


"Mmm good morning empress"  he sighed pulling out his smoke and lifting my hand to his lips to kiss it. I press my body against his back as he painted away curiously watching him. Every brush stroke was do calculated and confident; it was as if he knew what he was doing before he even did it.

A few moments passed before I took the pipe from his lips and pushed into my mouth, curious to taste it's flavor.

"Don't swallow the smoke." He warns me but it was too late. I immediately swallow the smoke and begin coughing, taking it out of my mouth and passing it over to him. He chuckles before pushing it between his lips and painting again. "I told you" he smiled.

I wrapped my arms around him once more but he pulled me into his arms, making me lean against his stomach, kissing my forehead lazily despite his gaze on the mural. He towered over me easily.

There was a comfortable silence in the air while he continued. He continued running his palm against my back, gently warming my skin. I found comfort in his hold.

I kissed him once more before deciding to leave. I needed to bathe and get ready for the day anyway.

"Not so fast" he whispers, turning me around to focus on the painting. I knew he didn't want me to go but I needed to start my day.

"Look" he motioned, signaling me to truly take in the painting. I gasped as I see our bodies intertwined in a passionate tale.

3 Suggestive Art images ahead:

"Donatello" I blushed, immediately feeling embarrassed by the painting. He smirked looking back at me before continuing. "It's called erotic art. It's all the rage in Spain"

I couldn't believe the vulgarity but yet again I wasn't too into the art scene.

"They just...look at paintings like these?"

"For hours upon hours." He braggged. "Come" he grabs my palms and leads me back inside before fishing for a box of folders in his chest. He unravels a few and shows them to me.

I tilted my head trying to take in every aspect of the lines and couldn't help but smile. It was unlike anything I've ever seen before and strangely, I was a little turned on.

"They have museums in Spain filled to the brim with pictures like these" Donatello speaks again, breaking the silence in the room.

"Your pictures?" I suggested. I wondered how famous Donatello truly was.

He nods again.

"I do see why some might favor it. It certainly captures one's attention" I approve, blushing as I think of our compromising positions that probably so accurately mimicked the art.

He pulled me into his arms and began kissing my lips before moving down to my body. "Would you visit my my gallery back home." He announced the question more like a demand. "It hasnt opened yet, but once it does thousands will flock. But I want you to be the first." His lips move slowly against my legs, still caressing my body.

I enjoyed his loving embrace but despite our airy conversation , I felt like there was an awkwardness that was apparent. I had told him of my plans to kill Leo but I hadn't heard his thoughts after drifting asleep.

"I must go. Elizabeth should be coming soon:"

"Don't leave yet. I favor your company".

"And what shall I do? Just watch you paint Donatello?"

"Exactly that Calla." he shrugged, flashing another handsome smile. I agree to it of course, not wanting to leave his side.


We are on the balcony once more and an hour or so must have passed before I mustered the courge to speak. "Was I drunk in tiredness last night?"

"No.... you were not" he sighed.

"So you have heard my words?"

"I did" He stopped painting, looking up to face me. I looked into his eyes hesitant to push further. Maybe he thought I was a mad man? He continued painting flicking light brushstrokes against the canvas.

"And now you think I'm insane?" I accuse. He sighed, letting his brushes rest in the water before pulling a dirty cloth near the corner of the stool.

"I did not say that" he smirked, wiping his hands clean and standing to face me. He ran a palm against the nape of my neck pulling through my hair. I looked at him anxious, impatiently waiting for his words.

"Maybe I am insane?"

"Why?" I whispered almost instantly.

"For wanting to go along with your little plan?" I covered my mouth gasping with glee as I heard his words. He nodded calmly before cupping my jaw to show his support

"I promised you Calla that I would follow you to the ends of the earth" he cursed, rubbing the bottom of my lip with care. " You have my loyalty forever and always."

I beam with happiness as he caressed my cheek for I was ecstatic at his support. I cursed myself for being doubtful of his loyalty to me.

I kissed him carelessly, the silence of the nature echoing our smacks until the doors burst open.

The emperor storms in, walking through my chambers before heading to Donatello's. He sees us intertwined in our embrace, my naked body in Donatello's lap leaving nothing to his imagination.

I rolled my eyes, irritated by his very existence but continue kissing him. Why must he always ruin my peace?

Donatello opens his eyes, slowly realizing Leo's appearance and pulls me off. "Emperor Leonardo" He nods his head out of respect. I am unmoved by his presence and push Donatello back to the seat, making sure he still kept his hand around my waist. I didn't care to keep my dignity as I kissed Donatello, showing only him my interest.

Leo simply stood there, staring at us while I deepened our embrace. I knew Donatello and he was not as brash as Leo. He grabbed my jaw before looking over at Leo then politely pulls me off, heading to the balcony out of respect to the emperor.

"What do you want" I sighed, pulling my robe on so I could face him.

"Can't I see how my new wife and empress is doing."

"No, you cannot because your intentions are ingenuine."

I looked over at Donatello on the balcony as he sketched something in a small notepad.

"Careful Calla,. Remember what happened last time when you showed your interest to something."

I snapped my head away and stood to face Leo. "Is that a threat emperor?" I fumed, challenging his gaze.

"It is whatever you assume it to be Calla. You are the empress which means you are free to assume things."'He says in spite.

I frown and look back at Donatello as he read over something.

"Hmmm...You still frown? Is Donatello not pleasing you? Maybe his services are no longer needed" he threatens again.

"No... look!" I force a smile, " I am happy" I curse before pushing past Leo to head to my room.

Leo of course refused my will to to leave, instead pulling me into his arms to kiss my shoulders.
"Remember who this body belongs to Calla" He fumed, grabbing my butt with pride.

"Surely, not you emperor" I snapped, pushing him off and heading to my quarters. Lizabeth is already is in the bathroom with a warm bath prepared. "Empress" she bowed but I rolled my eyes, shooting into the bath.

"I hate him"

"Lower your voice. He is still here" she advises me.

"I HATE HIM!!" I say again, loud enough so he could hear. I honestly did not care if he heard me. What more could he do that he hadn't already done? Kill me?

I bit my tongue as he paced inside. He pulled me out of the bath, gripping my arm before bending down to face my stomach. He presses an ear then a palm to the wetness.

"I'm not pregnant" I snapped

"And why not?"

"Ask your god" I fumed. He smirked and stood up, lifting his eyes to face mine. "Or Ask Istev? Wasn't it he who had the vision of a virginal maiden sent by God to carry your child?" I snapped, sitting back into the tub.

"Or? I guess your swimmers aren't as strong?" I say sarcastically. He grabbed my throat, his grip was uncomfortably tight. I knew he was almost close to kill me there. "Do it then. I would be the 9th or 10th? I am sure you lost count" I smirked, letting him ponder my quip.

He pushes me back into the waters,deciding it best not to kill me today. The room was silent before he turned on his heel to leave. "Be in my chambers tonight." he announced.

"Why are you so eager for an heir?" I answer.

"No reason" he mutters "and even if there was a reason, it is of no concern to you. Your job is to give me an heir and be my wife understand?" He asks, waiting for my response.

I am silent, making sure to hinder my words. He paced over to where I sat before pulling my neck into his cold palm. "I said do you understand Empress?" he says, pressing his lips against my cheek. I knew it was best if I answer accordingly.

"Of course emperor. It is my joy to be filled with your festering seed" I whispered. I couldn't help it. I guess almost dying gave me the gusto I needed to answer back.

l take relish watching him rage as he saw witnessed calm. Leo only smirked and nodded, releasing my neck before leaving the room and it was with the last click of his heel that I collapsed into the waters, shrinking into a curled ball as the soapy waters engulfed my skin.

"Empress." Lizabeth sounded from above me. She had stepped in after Leo departed. I lifted my head from the waters before darting my eyes to face her.

"Leave me Lizabeth" I whisper, a lump of sadness saturated my throat.

"Empress" she says again.

"Leave me....please?" I say trying to hold back my tears. She nodded and slowly turned away. Just as the door closed, I submerged myself in the tub again, letting the waters engulf me as I thought of my dismal future in the palace of Genovia.


Author note:
Just wanted to leave this gif here 💕I love visuals

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