godhead [COMPLETED]

By uncouthwriter

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Calla was a dreamer; always cherishing the idea of marriage while dreaming of her happily ever after: a magic... More



1.8K 114 46
By uncouthwriter


Lizabeth peeked through the double wooden doors, watching the stranger as he bathed in the guest quarters.

"Oh, he sure is cute. He looks like a divine god of some sort?" Lizabeth whispers, cursing at fate for not allowing him to be a gift to her.

"Emperor Leonardo is daft and deranged. Why would he send him to pleasure me?"

"And his butt is delicious! Calla come look!" Lizabeth shrieks jumping up and down with excitement.

"Lizabeth!" I snapped, reminding her to lower her voice. "And I am not that kind of woman. I know he once spoke of letting me take a lover but..."

Lizabeth detached from the door and turned to face me. "I understand you are not that type of woman empress, but you should be fearful of what Leo might do you him if he found out you did not sleep with him" Lizabeth pouted, trying so hard to hide her smirk.

"Oh stop it Lizabeth"

"What? You know it's true!" she insisted, jumping on the bed to be by my side. I moved off the sheets and walked to my desk near the window.

"Leo said my face is always downturned so I just need to pretend to be happy. Like I'm truly enjoying my time here and all will be will in the kingdom of Genovia" I clued her in, tuning to finish my book on Machiavelli.

"Haven't you already been pretending Calla?" Lizabeth chimed knowingly.

"Apparently not hard enough" I pouted, curling my hair into a loose bun.

She went over to spy on the man but just as she pushed her eyes through the slit she gasped. "He's finished!" she yelped, running to my desk to sit next to me as I wrote in my diary. It was a pastime I had found joy in, being I had no where else to send my letters through. Maybe when I killed Leo and the people begged for insight on my brilliance, I could publish this as a memoir?

Donatello came through the steamy room that connected to my quarters and smiled sheepishly. A long white towel was secured around his waist. His healthy body was on full display.


Lizabeth and I stared at him curiously, the silence of the room showing our emotions.

"Hmm" he clears his throat awkwardly, "Sorry to bother you empress but it seems as if my...clothes have been displaced?" he hinted, looking back into the bathroom to look again.

Lizabeth showed off a mischievous smirk but pretended to continue sewing the small towel in her lap.

"Or stolen" I grumbled beneath a whisper, looking at Lizabeth as she stared to the floor.

I lifted my head so I could meet his eyes. "I will tell the guards to fetch more clothes for you Donatello."

"Thank you empress. I am truly indebted to you" he smirked, nodding once more before leaving to retreat to his side.

Once he left, I turn to hit Lizabeth on her arm. "You mischievous devil!" I giggled.

"What!" she beamed, pulling out his clothes from a spot hidden beneath my chest draw. "You need to see what you are missing Calla"

I giggled softly as I saw the pile. It was no surprise that Donatello had caught my eye. He was well mannered, educated, and artistic but I would never let him know this.

It was no use getting attached to someone who would be so quick to send away.

He would be here for a week? Maybe two. I had no interest in taking him as a lover.


PARTIALLY NUDE GIF USED AHEAD! Turn your brightness down! Or tilt your phones 👀

Probably like 3 days later?

The morning came and I wake at the crack of dawn, running to the lake that caressed the edge of the palace. I always came here to think and clear my mind.

Oslo had made a small grave in memorandum of Paxton. It was a small tombstone that rested against our favorite tree near the cliff. It has been 1 month since Leo shot him and how I missed him so!

The chilly winds violently caressed the nape of my exposed skin. Although my dress was warm, it was very thin but despite this, the clearness if the lake was tempting me.

Maybe I could do a quick swim to wake myself? It wouldn't be so bad once I grew accustomed to the temperature. Paxton always jumped into the sea when we took our walks along the shore; I would do it in memory of him.

Just as I sat on the rocks to peel off my shoes I see bubbles forming at the surface.

Whatever could that be?
Maybe a small turtle or a beached seal! I had never seen one in person.
Or maybe it could be a mermaid?

I walk down the steep slope, curious to observe the waters. Just before I reached the coastline, Donatello's head shot up from the surface.

He pulled his body from the waters, letting every inch of himself in my direct line of vision.

I cursed my polluted mind, disappointed in myself for staring to long. But I couldn't help it! His body was nothing less than invasive. Physically, he was perfect. Tall, sharp featured, well built, with a balanced weight. I couldn't understand why he tortured me like this?

My feet strike the surface of every pebble I passed as I ran back to the shore, trying so hard to make myself invisible.

Maybe he hadn't seen me yet?

He pulled his arms over his head, stretching his arms before walking to where I was.

I ducked to the ground, crouching low so he wouldn't see me.

But...I didn't even intend to spy on him! I was simply going for a walk and a quick swim?

Hurriedly I crawled to the sharp rocks near the west side of the lake, pushing a palm against my lips to stifle my breaths. If he found out I was here... I didn't even want to think about it.

I heard his footsteps approaching where I hid and wondered why was he coming over?

"Great!" I cursed, pouting once I saw a pile of clothing near me.
Oh great!
Now he would really think I was spying on him with vulgarity.

I only had two options.

One, to reveal myself and be honest or two, lie... and you can guess which I chose...


"Empress?" his voice rang. I peeked from behind the rock and slowly stand to face him. He looked at me with a smirk, curious as to why I was there, crouching behind a rock.

"Umm... umm..I I— " I stuttered foolishly, trying so hard to maintain my gaze as he stood naked. He waited to hear my words.

"Donatello... I did not know you were here!?
I mean! I did not even see you here!" I lie pathetically, trying so hard not to stare at his ....identity in all its glory but it was so hard.

I didn't really take in his physique under the dim lighting of the room the past night but now, being in the sunlight?

His body was not meant to be covered.

"I guess hiding behind a rock is just something you Genovians do for fun? Must be good for the soul?" he asked, teasing me through a wicked smile.

I knew he was onto me.
But in all honesty, I was not spying. I knew my truth but guilt was painted all over my face.

He nodded again, still watching me as I stood frozen in my sport. It wasn't too long before he looked down at his body, acknowledging his nudity.

He walked past me, bending down to take his clothes from the surface of the rock.

I turned away, making sure to shield my eyes so he knew I was not too eager to watch him. "You know Donatello, I wish you would wipe that smirk off your face." I say, finally finding my voice.

"Smirk? No empress, this is a satisfied grin."

"Satisfied?" I asked, pulling my hands away to face him.

"Yes. Now I know this palace is full of spies" he says, pulling his legs through his pants.

"And what gives you the right to assume I was spying! Yes, I was behind the rock but I visit this lake practically everyday. I come here to swim and clear my thoughts! Not to spy on unsuspecting artists."

"Oh, do you now?" he asked, pushing his palm through his wet hair.

"I do!" I snapped trying to defend myself. I didn't like the tone in his voice.

"Is palace life that dull empress ?" he queried, pulling on his white blouse.

"Dull would not be the word I would use to describe it" I corrected him, thinking of Leo's insane antics.

"And what word would you use to describe it then?" he says, making sure his gaze cemented onto mine.

I thought a little before I answered his question. "Aimless" I say, looking down to my feet.

He walked over to where I was, purposely invading my space. "Then I guess I came at just the right time?" he said, his words instantly making me lift my vision into his eyes. We both stared at each other, gently trying to determine our emotions before I backed away.

I gathered my dress and make a run for it, quickly hastening my steps to return to the palace.

"Empress....Empress, wait!!" He called after me but I ignored him to humiliated to face him.

I was mortified...

And I why was he making me feel this way? Making me stumble over my words while making my heart stop beating?


Author note
Hmm? How we feeling about Donatello so far? 👀

Do y'all see how THICK my man Theo has gotten? He been skipping no meals!
My hearty king!

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