awae imagines

By -obriendylan

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awae character imagines x reader More

welcome to my book of imagines
josie pye
billy andrews part 1
billy andrews part 2
charlie sloane
moody spurgeon
jerry baynard part 1
ruby gillis
jerry baynard
prissy andrews
ruby 1
you choose
ruby gillis
Words Better Left Unsaid (Priscilla Andrews)
In Your Dreams (Jerry Baynard)
Heather (Gilbert Blythe)
Heather (Gilbert Blythe) Part 2
Heather (Gilbert Blythe) Part 3
In Progress (Billy Andrews)
Hidden Feelings (Moody Spurgeon)
In the Books (Moody Spurgeon)
Matchmaker (Billy Andrews)
Soul Searching (Jerry Baynard)
My Reason (Charlie Sloane)
Competition (Moody Spurgeon)
Something More (Billy Andrews)
Dates (Moody Spurgeon)
Promised To You (Gilbert Blythe)
Promised To You (Gilbert Blythe) Part 2
Jealous Love (Billy Andrews)
Risk It All (Billy Andrews)
Firsts (Gilbert Blythe)
Avoiding Confrontation (Diana Barry)
Night Changes (Gilbert Blythe)
Strangers to Friends (Ruby Gillis)
Academic Validation (Moody Spurgeon)
The Deal (Billy Andrews)
Dreams (Charlie Sloane)
Home Sweet Home (Cole Mackenzie)
Mistakes Were Made (Cole Mackenzie)
Right Timing (Billy Andrews)
Courtship (Charlie Sloane)
Memories of the Past (Gilbert Blythe)
Confidence Is Key (Moody Spurgeon)
A World Apart (Jane Andrews)
Decisions (Billy Andrews)
Playing Pretend (Josie Pye)
A Moth To A Flame (Cole Mackenzie)
Birthday Surprise (Jerry Baynard)
Proposal (Moody Spurgeon)

ruby 2

1.1K 29 5
By -obriendylan

requested by @alondratrevi
forgot to mention that ^

today was not at all what i expected to happen on my first day of school. adding on to that, i had no idea what anne and diana were up to. knowing them it wasn't anything to not get worked up over. i was worried for myself on what they were planning. that wasn't the only thing i was worried about, there was ruby too.

forget that. i need to help marilla. that will get things off my mind.

i dismiss my tiredness and walk downstairs finding marilla preparing tea for her and matthew as she always does. "do you need any help marilla?" i ask startling her. "sorry." i apologize sincerely, walking over to sit down. "go see if matthew or berry need help." she replies waving me off. i stand up right walking out the door in search of the two males. i come to see matthew in the barn. "do you require assistance?" i ask the man, ready to work. "jerry does go on up ahead." i let out a sigh, more walking. "thank you matthew." i say not quite sure why. i climb up the latter and see jerry hard at work. "matthew said you might need some help." i say not asking, because if i do he'll deny it. "so here i am." i walk over to him taking over as i stack the hay up. "thanks."

"no problem. go get some rest." i insist as he hits lays down. "where do you suppose anne and diana are?" i ask breaking the silence. "i'm not sure. probably her house." he responds as i ponder what their deal was earlier.

as the sun sets over the horizon i decide and head back home. "goodbye jerry. i'll see you tomorrow." i say climbing down after jerry, as he walk away. "goodbye."

i head inside seeing anne sat at the table. "where were you?" i ask out of curiosity. "y/n can you set the table?" marilla asks and i oblige walking behind anne grabbing the plates, walking around marilla careful not to bump into each other.

once the table is set we start eating, exchanging a few words here and there. "so how was your first day y/n?" matthew asks diverting the conversation onto me. "not quite how i imagined." i say looking over at anne. i see a smirk plastered on her face. i furrow my eyebrows in question. she only shakes her head in reply. "how so?"

"i'd rather not talk about it." i say in all honesty. they dismiss the topic before talking about something else. dinner is over and i head over to my room, recalling the lessons i didn't understand. which was basically everything.

i choose not to go over the lesson and go to sleep. tomorrow will be a day with no mistakes. none to be made. at least not yet i suppose.


i wake up eyes landing on anne. she is all dressed and ready to go. "you really should wake up earlier. we'll be late."

"or you could wake me?" i suggest pushing her out the door to get ready. "breakfast is ready." i hear her voice through the door. "alright i'll be down in a minute." i say hearing her fading footsteps walk off. after a while i prepare very thing and head down not wanting to eat. "goodbye." i say walking out in search of the red head who i haven't seen since early morning. "anne." i yell out seeing her by the horse. "let's go." i rush her dragging her away.

"i forgot to ask, what did they want to talk about at lunch?" i question seeing her eyes wander over the trees. "anne of green gables. you and me, we're gonna talk. you said some pretty nasty stuff about my sister." as he takes steps forward i don't cower in fear. i don't manage to se how terrified anne really is. "and what have you been doing to anne since we got here?" i ask recalling his snarky remarks. "you've been saying nasty stuff to her, i don't doubt about her either. so why don't you just leave." i say anger getting the best of me, slipping away from anne's grip.

his eyes land onto me, shocked at my words. "this has nothing to do with you." he says going to walk around towards anne. "she's my sister her business is mine." i say back stepping in between the two. who does he think he is?

"who's your sister?" slight fear evident in her voice, anne begins to speak before things get carried away. "prissy andrews, dummy." he responds eyes glancing over both of us. "sorry. i truly meant no harm. i-" i hear her apologize, i stand in the middle of the two, preventing billy from getting any closer to her.

"hey, billy" i hear the voice not far into the woods. i see a boy emerge from behind a tree much like billy did, but seeming to be with good intentions. "how's it going?"

"hey, gilbert." billy now not to intimidating. i smile at that. "man, it's-its, um, it's good to be back." the boys goes on. "um. yeah. yeah, welcome back."

"yeah, it's good to see you, buddy. so you guys, uh, playing a game or something, right?" the boy asks eyes landing on both our figures. "looks fun, but we should probably get to school, eh? hate to be tardy. mr. phillips sure gets his dander up about that."

"yeah. i was just about to get going. see you there." what just happened?

"you alright miss?" the unfamiliar boy asks question diverted to both of us. "we're fine." i answer back. i help her collect her things from off the ground as she impatiently states at the boy. just as she has everything she begins to walk away. "school." she says as if excusing herself. "your welcome. need anything else? any dragons around here need slaying?"

"no. thank you!" anne replies back before she quickens her steps striding off into the direction  of school.

"who are you?" he says asking more questions. but we don't answer. "hey, who are you?"

"uh, miss? uh, what's your name?" he keeps asking and that is when i decide to leave anne to enter the classroom. she can handle him, he's harmless.

as i walk through the door placing my belongings in the cloakroom, i see the girls staring my way. weird. i hear the door open once again as anne and the boy walk in. their voices dispersing through the air as i focus solely on ruby.

i begin to walk to my desk, ignoring the constant glares. just as i am sat down i hear the footsteps of the obnoxious girls leave. there goes josie. i look around the classroom and don't see anne, wherever could she be? the only other option would be outside, but that's where...

i stand to leave and walk out the door. i search around and walk around the building. there standing before anne, is josie and her possy. "what are you doing?" i ask bringing their attention onto me. from what i can see everything is perfectly fine. i don't get what they're doing out here with anne. "can't you see," josie begins pointing to ruby, "look at her, she's crying. ruby has liked gilbert for three years." she goes on, i look to the girl and see her face flush in embarrassment, clearly not anymore.

they walk away leaving only me, diana and anne. "i'll try to smooth things over." diana says walking off after the rest. "what happened?" i ask. "they saw me walking with gilbert, ruby likes him. it didn't go well with josie."

"ok." i say confused. "are you alright though?" her distraught face morphs into happiness. "i'm fine." i don't press further knowing she doesn't want to talk about. instead i tickle her in hopes to make her laugh and walk with her inside the classroom. her smile is wide genuinely happy until we are met again by the girls. i ignore them in hopes they leave us be and they do. class starts to settle down once the teacher comes to view.


after a much needed break lunch comes around as i stroll over to my food to satisfy the hunger within me. i see anne walk past me headed out the door, just as i see josie and her friends sat by the window in their usual corner. deciding to have some fun i head on over to where they are looking outside seeing the one and only anne. "what are you doing here?" i hear the familiar voice ask as i turn to face the blonde. "just as curious as you. i guess anne has more of a life, for you to be spying on her." i state annoying her even more. "no."

"then stop bothering her, if you know what's good for you." i say feeling a hand grasp onto my arm. thinking it's diana i turn and see ruby. "stop." she lowly whispers pushing me slightly away from them. "i'm not going to sit back and watch while you torment her life." i say beginning to yell but quieting down not wanting to repeat yesterday. "what's your problem?" i hear her ask scoffing as the words leave her mouth. "i'm surprised you haven't noticed. although i wouldn't doubt it with that big brain of yours." i say the comment rolling off my tongue.


"i was just leaving." i interrupt her knowing if i say more it'll leave to more trouble. i walk off through the door and rest on an unoccupied tree. faint footsteps are heard prying me away from my peace. i open my eyes to see ruby once again. "what do you want?"

"why do you hate them? they haven't done anything to you."

"what about anne? i'm sorry ruby, but she's my sister. i have to defend her."

she turns to walk away only to freeze in place. "i've already talked to josie. can you at least pretend to like each other for one day?"

"did she actually agree on that?" i ask surprised if josie to even consider the option. ruby sees my shocked expression groaning in response. "so?" she asks.

"fine." i agree watching as she sighs in satisfaction her smile widening as she walks away and into the classroom. what did i get myself into?


why did i agree?

ruby has set up seating arrangements which means i have to sit by the annoying blonde. since i stepped foot into the classroom i have been pressed up against josie. i try to put on a smile, a fake one will do. but nothing comes up.

anne looks back to me a smile plastered on her freckled face. almost taunting. "if we're going to have to be friends we might as well get along." i hear the whisper from beside me. i face the girl. "i guess." i say ending the small discussion. "why did you agree to this?" i ask.

"ruby asked me to."

"you could have said no."

"whatever makes her happy."

what's that supposed to mean?

by the end of the day ruby is happy seeing as she got two people who hated each other to hate each other even less. "it's an improvement." i hear her soft voice speak up as all the girls face us. "now hug it out."

"ruby you made us hang around each other all da-" i am cut off with arms wrapping themselves around me. "just get it over with." i hear josie say sighing in exhaustion. i lift my arms up to her sides wrapping themselves around her. "happy?" i ask once we've pulled apart. "more than happy." wow

she walks off with the other as i am left with josie. "earlier you said 'whatever makes her happy', what does that mean?" i question, thoughts still roaming around of the possible meaning. "as much as it irritates me she talks abut you so much. you make her happy." she explains with the usual annoyance laced in her voice. i stand there shocked at her words. at a loss for words.

"i have to go." i dismiss myself going to where i last saw ruby.

there i see her in the cloakroom getting ready to head out for the day. "ruby can i talk to you?" i ask as she slowly turns and faces me, a smile apparent on her face. she gives me a nod before telling me she'll wait outside. i pack my things and walk towards the blonde for a needed conversation. "why did you really want us to get along?" i say below a whisper but she manages to hear it. "i can't handle you two fighting all the time." she says after some time of pondering the question. i notice her play with her fingers. "you're lying." i point out, as i am responded only by silence. quiet footsteps are heard behind us as i try to focus on the girl beside me.

"i told you." i hear her say. when exactly did she tell me? "i don't think you did." i tell her coming to a stop to fully give her all my attention. she lets out a groan seemingly tired of the topic. "i like you."

"i know that." i answer back. "i thought since we liked each other we could hang out," she hesitates before choosing her next words, "that would also mean with my friends." she explains.

i avert my eyes from the girl to the ground. "that's reasonable." i mumble knowing she's right. i meet her eyes once again getting trapped in the familiar blue orbs. i hesitate what i'm about to do, before finally building up the courage to take her face in my hands resting my forehead on hers. "c-can i kiss you?" i stutter out nerves making their way to my stomach clouding my mind. "y-yes." i hover my lips above hers leaving only limited space in between us. with a gentle movement she smashes her lips into mine. i feel the softness if her lips move around as i smile. i pull back all nerves leaving my body. "you don't know how long i've waited to do that." i hear her just as cheers erupt behind us. i look to see anne and diana smiling and clapping. "finally!" i hear them shout in unison walking on over to us.

"how much of that did you see?" i ask feeling warmth spread across my face. "all of it." anne replies teasing me.

i look the the blonde seeing she's just as red.

sorry it took so long to finish

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