Guilty Love |COMPLETED|

By iammarty10

6.4K 698 627

THIS CONTAINS MATURE SCENES! "Why are you looking me like that?" He asked. "Like what?" I ask startled "Like... More



197 13 9
By iammarty10

Dare to dream! If you don't have the capability to make the wildest wishes come true, your mind will not  have the capability to conjure such ideas in the first place. There is no limitation on what you can potentially achieve, except the limitation you chose to impose on your own imagination. What you believe to be possible will always come to pass - to the extent that you deem it possible. It is really as simple as that.

- Anthon st. Marten -


We were awoken by someone banging loudly on the door.

Who the hell would do that so early in the morning?

Reluctantly I got up, not caring about my appearance and I opened the door only to find Adam and Nathan standing there.

"Sorry, Kate. I forgot the keys and...What the hell happened here? Was there a party or something yesterday?" I looked around to see why he was being so dramatic and I was shocked.

Did we do that?

The whole room was covered with leftovers of the food we ate yesterday.

One could even think that it was a poultry farm.

Everything inside the apartment was scattered on the floor unattractively.


It probably happened when Allie had suggested that we drink to kill the embarrassment since hot chocolate was not having the desired effect.

"Uh...Not a party but a girl's night." I answered, even more embarrassed.

"So, this is what happens during a girl's night? I'm definitely not allowing Elsa to do it." Nathan commented gazing at Allie who was fast asleep like a drunken man.

Her legs were on the sofa and her upper body was lying on the floor. That must have been very uncomfortable. Speaking of which, my back started aching.

"I feel sorry for whoever is going to clean this room." Adam said, unable to contain his laughter as he burst out laughing. Seconds later, Nathan joined him. That seemed to wake Allie up.

She stretched her legs until they hit Nathan's balls.


The whole room grew silent as everyone registered what had just happened.

"Kate, why are there so many noises?" She was still completely unaware of what she was doing to Nathan, "What did you put under my feet because it...Sweet Jesus!"

Thank God she finally realized what she was doing.

"Nathan, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that..."

"No worries. But I think you need to get up from that position. I'm still wondering how you managed to sleep."

"Okay, ladies. We are going to go out so that you can, umm, prepare yourself or rather return to earth. Nathan, let's go." Adam said dragging his cousin outside.

"Kate, what just happened?" She asked.

"I should ask you that question."

"Arh! Don't even remind me. Come on let's take a shower and clean this place. How did we even do this?"

"This is all your fault. The moment you decided to bring alcohol into it." I told her.


The trip back to the car was uneventful and filled with silence until Adam finally broke it, "Are you going directly home?" He asked.

"Uh...Yes. I have no other plans."

"What if I take you somewhere?"

"Is Gladys not waiting for you at home?"

I did not like his idea. It was trouble.

"She could be. But I have something to take care of first."

"And by that you mean..." I trailed off.

"We have to talk, Kate." He replied.

Now that was really bad.

With nothing else to say, I looked outside and let the rushing wind hit my face, hoping to clear my head because I felt like I was about to explode with the weight of my thoughts. I knew the right thing to do was to refuse but I could not bring myself to say no.

Who was I kidding? I wanted it as much as he did.

We continued driving, moments later we entered through a metallic gate which opened itself. We drove across an endless lawn surrounded by tall trees which created a canopy that would make you believe it was night time. When a house finally came into view, he parked the car and got out. I did the same.

He unlocked the door simultaneously disarming the alarm. He looked at me, motioning for me to enter through the front door, I complied. It was not a house, it was more like a cabin. You could see everything inside just by standing at the front door. It was cozy and small. Somewhere you would want to be alone.

"Do you own this place?"

"Yes. This is my secret hideout. Whenever I have problems or when I want to clear my head, I come here. This is the only place we could come without getting interrupted."

"That also indicates that this is not good." I replied.

"Yes, but we have to settle this thing between us." I said.

"What thing?" I question him.

"Come on! Are you going to continue denying what you feel for me?" He rolled his eyes.

That caught me.

"So, according to you, what do we do?"

He stopped lighting the fireplace and approached me, trapping me between his body and the wall so that I had no escape.

He looked at me and said, "I suggest we relive that night you ran away because I can't concentrate on anything until we do. I keep wondering what it would feel like to make you helpless with my hands and tongue."

I started to feel the effect of his words when I could no longer breathe and when my legs started to wobble.

"And this time, I'm not letting you go, Kate."


Hello my lovely readers!

I don't think it is necessary to announce that the next chapter will be hot 🔥🔥🔥.
So people under 18, beware!

Do you this is early or it came at the right moment? Drop your thoughts.

And happy 1k reads!!!!

I love you soooooo much guys, stay blessed 🧡

Until next time.


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