The rose and the wolf (A sona...

By amilearose

51.1K 1.3K 149

When a girl named Amy Rose goes into the woods to a beautiful mountain sight on a full moon with many stars i... More

Author's Note
The BIG BAD Wolf..?
First time meeting and Familiar eyes..?
A bit of trouble
My New Wolf Friend
Meeting Sonic's Siblings
Christmas Party
Dropping Tempretures
Moving in and a Mysterious Guy
Roommates and Mistakes
Big brother, Movie night(afternoon), and Sky
Christmas Day and Troubling Pains
Sonic's complete Transformation and Kidnapping
Lost of a brother and Plan making
THE PLAN and...
An acquaintance of Shadows and Who?
Years Later...
Return of a Familiar Friend
Chaos in the Town and a Rose's rage
Freeing Sky and Abduction
Searching and Plans
Big brother and Sky on a mission
Rescue mission Successful
Taking care of the Rose and Friends
Doctors appointment and Unexpected circumstances
The unexplainable realization
Mrs. Robonik
Slowly building rage, and New help
Running out of Time
What used to be a lab and a New Guy?
The waking Rose and safely returned home
Learning something new and odd happenings
Packing up
Sky's Pain
Sonic's Pain
Hidden Secrets and Strang behaviors
Pain and...A date
Ticking Clock
Revealing Secret and Rage
Sonic's Interest/Crush
A Mysterious gift and Rainy days
Strange behaviors and Plan Making
The confession
Sleepover at Amy's and Nighttime work shift
Carnival and Secret protector
Author's note

My Big Bad(Nice) Wolf

1.7K 52 4
By amilearose


I have deleted a chapter, those who have read this book before would know, or well maybe not depending on how often they've read this book that is. Hehe.


Fun fact: Sky has a mind of his own. Meaning, whatever Sky does, Sonic won't have any memory of it unless he himself is in control of his werehog form, which isn't as often as it used to.


Chapter 6


It was now nighttime once more, as Amy was walking down the same trail with a flashlight heading to the same cliffside.

She knows who she was meeting up with, and she knows she was close to falling off said same cliff but...She just couldn't give up going there, it was like...That place was constantly calling for her.
The sakura pink hedgehog, wore a beautiful red hoodie dress, with the hood pulled over her head to keep warm during this cool night, long knee-high red boots that matched her original favorite heeled boots, and a picnic basket, in hand.

Though her adventure to the top was cut short when a familiar large werehog had gone towards her, his tail wagging softly as she smiled.

"Hi Sky," Amy said softly while moving closer to the creature who bowed his head down his glowing eyes had a hint of playfulness to them before licking her hand once she was close enough to him causing her to giggle.
"I missed you too," the pinkette said softly as she reached out and began to scratch the werehog behind his ear "I also brought snacks, are you hungry?" she questioned. 

As Sky pulled away then began heading to the cliff sight though Amy wasn't sure to follow until the werehog stopped and looked back watching her.

They had a small stare-off until the pinkette giggled a bit and jogged over as the two then continued their way to the meeting point where they sat down together under the many stars that twinkled and danced above them.
Amy then placed her basket in front of her before taking out a large stake which instantly earned the werehogs full attention as his tail wagged softly with excitement.

"Here you go," Amy said while holding the stake out this time, with much more confidence as Sky moved closer to her and then gently took the piece of stake from her hand making her smile before she used her other hand to take out a small box of strawberries that were perfectly sealed up.

So she could have something to snack on as well though, in the end, she ended up sharing some of her strawberries, with the overgrown canine.

After a while

Amy was now walking through the woods with Sky at her side since she decided to stray away from the trail to explore the woods, using the werehog as another form of sight for her since he kept her from running into trees.
But, she soon used her phone as a flashlight, so Sky wouldn't get annoyed with guiding her away from running into stuff that could possibly hurt her.

Until the werehog began growling causing Amy to stop walking and looked at the protective werehog who moved closer to her, his ears were bent back while baring his fangs at whoever or whatever it was that was triggering him.

When a light flashed through the trees nearly blinding the pinkette as she hide her face in the werehogs fur before peeking a bit when she saw, a few police officers stepping out of the shadows.
"Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to step away from the beast," one of the officers says as his backup began pointing their weapons at the werehog who was still growling at them.

"Beast?" Amy says confused until she started to gently pet the werehogs head to get him to calm down "this isn't a beast, he's my guard dog," Amy said confidently.

The officers looked at her a bit funny "ma'am, this is no time to play games, that's a very dangerous animal that you're hanging around," the officer pushed "but he's not doing anything if he really was dangerous. How come he hadn't attacked me? How come he hadn't attacked you?" Amy questioned.

As Sky soon calmed down, then sat beside the pinkette leaning into her touch when she began scratching him behind his ear.

"He's a really good boy, he even saved my life, ya'know," Amy continued on but the officers didn't seem to want to listen to her "Ma'am, don't make me repeat myself, you're going to have to step away from the beast. We've had many reports about it terrorizing the neighborhood," the officer says.

Until Sky rolled his eyes before getting up and then picking Amy up by the back of her hoodie dress she squeaked as the werehog began running off quickly while carrying the pinkette like a pup as the officers quickly went into action trying to chase the two down but couldn't fire their weapons in fear of accidentally hitting Amy.
"Hey!!" another officer yelled out but the two only managed to go further and further away until they ended up elsewhere when Sky carefully placed the pinkette down when he knew they were far enough.

"Sky, are you crazy? Why did you do that?" Amy says scolding him a bit until the werehog whimpers and then pressed his muzzle into her cheek as if trying to apologize to her.

The pinkette soon sighed and then hugged Sky "fine, I'll forgive you this time, but please be careful ok, I don't want anything happening to you,"  she says as she then gave Sky a stern look until the werehog gently started to push her with his muzzle causing her to walk backward.

All the way, until she was out of the forest when she noticed that the moon was going down "oh, I was really out for that long huh?" Amy asked as Sky nodded his head.

"I should really head home then. Thanks, Sky," the pinkette says before she began running home, which was pretty close by but she didn't question it.

While, for Sky, he turned tail and ran off so he could beat the Sun.

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