PeterxNed One-Shots

By deadaccount916

140K 3.5K 2.4K

This is a collection of short stories revolving around Peter Parker and Ned Leeds from the Marvel Universe. I... More

Author's Note
Sick Day(Fluff)
Plan Interwebs(Fluff/Humor)
Plan Interwebs Part 2 (fluff/humor)
Plan Interwebs Part 3(Fluff/Humor)
Plan Interwebs Part 4(Fluff/Humor)
Wisdom Teeth(Fluff/Humor)
Questions For PeterNed(Fluff/Humor)
Otp Prompts(Fluff/Humor)
Babysitting (Fluff/Angst)
Laundry Mat AU(Fluff/Humor)
Coming Out(Fluff/Humor)
Interwebs Child Part One(Angst)
Interwebs Child Part Two(Angst)
Interwebs Child Part Three(Angst)
DC Trip(Fluff/Angst)
Fondue (Fluff/Humor)
Hold My Hand(Fluff)
Suicide (Angst)
Why Are People Looking At Us?(Fluff)
Cancer 2/2(Angst)
Vodka Pineapples(Fluff/Humor)
Happy Pride(Fluff)
Love Advice From IronDad(Fluff/Humor)
Avengers+ Group Chat(Humor)
"Special" Brownies(Humor)
Spiders live in Barbie Houses(Fluff/Humor)
Sensory Overload
Spider Season(Fluff/Humor)
Pillow Talk(Fluff/Humor)
Wisdom Teeth(Fluff/Humor)
Shopping With Natasha(Fluff/Humor)
mr. stark I don't feel so good(angst)
Wakanda: Meeting Shuri(Fluff/Humor)
Venomous (Fluff/Humor)
Venomous Part Two (Fluff/Humor)
Shopping With Morgan Stark(Fluff/Humor)
Three Gay Dorks(Fluff/Humor)
The Proposal (Fluff/Humor)
The Announcement (Fluff/Humor)
The Wedding (Fluff/Humor)
Wine Husbands™(Humor)
The Fight(Angst/Smut-ish)
First Time(Smut)
Avengers Group Chat 2(Humor)
Morgan's Sick(Fluff)
Painting Loki's Nails(Humor)
Blushing and Baking(Fluff)
Flower Shop Au
Fire Escape(Fluff)
It's Been A Long, Long Time
Wine Husbands: Online (humor)
Farm Life Pt 1(Smut-ish/humor)
Farm Life Pt 2 (Smut/Humor)
Holiday Season (Fluff/Humor)
?Top Peter?(Smut)
Video Game Kisses(Fluff)
Homecoming Dance Practice
Only a Sith Deals in Absolutes
Peter and Ned's playlist
Valentines Day (Fluff)
Parent/Teacher Conference(humor/fluff)
Hospital AU(Fluff/Humor)
Leeds Family Reunion(Fluff)
No Way Home

Cancer 1/2(Angst)

1.2K 35 0
By deadaccount916

Peter's Pov:

It's been a whole year since Ned got chemotherapy and he was finally in remission. I remember the day he was diagnosed, it broke my heart. Why him? Ned had so much ahead of him, he couldn't die! I was so stressed and worried, I remember hugging him in my arms as we cried. In the moment I realized I had to tell him that I loved him, that if this was the end we would spend it as a couple. It was weeks of blood tests, spinal taps, x-rays, and loads of radiation. I had a vague sense of hope that chemotherapy would work, that Ned could live. It broke me down to even see him. He was covered in bruises and blood scares, his face was pale and distressed.

What used to be nights of patrolling as Spiderman became nights in the hospital holding Ned's hands shaking in fear. I was so emotionally and physically drained, I had dark circles covering my tear filled eyes, I was extremely thin due to not eating full meals, my clothes dirty due to spending every day and night with Ned. Mr. Stark and Aunt May begged for me to take a break and go home but I couldn't leave him. Ned also told me to take a break and shower because he said I smelled terrible, which made all the nurses laugh. Ned always kept a smile no matter how bad things got, no matter how worried I was.

Chemotherapy lasted 6 months then Ned went into remission, meaning he was getting better, he had a chance. I got to draw on his bald held while he slept. He did not appreciate it but he still laughed.

Now I'm sitting in this ugly and sad hospital room next to Ned, my head felt like a ton of bricks on my shoulders, God I needed sleep! I glanced up to see Ned flutter his eyes open and move them to meet my gaze.

"You know watching people while they sleep is a little creepy." Ned said laughing through a yawn.

God he's so cute I can't even handle it!

"Been doing it for months, get used to it." I said with a small smirk. Ned's smile slowly faded away as he noticed my state.

"Peter please sleep, I'm ok." Ned said softly, putting his hand on mine. I just looked down to see the hand covered in bruises, Was Ned getting better? I pushed away my dread and just moved to the rock hard couch. It was the most uncomfortable thing I've ever slept on but I was so exhausted sleep just completely took over.

"P-peter" Was all I heard, the voice sounded afaid and unsure. I winced as I rolled my body off what felt like a slab of concrete and slowly walked over to Ned to see tears streaming from his eyes. Ned was shaking and his heart monitor was beeping quickly.

"Ned are you ok, what happened!" I frantically said in a hushed voice.

His breath was shaking and he was drenched in sweat.

"I-i don't wanna talk about it." Ned said trough tears while I desperately was trying to avoid my own tears. I just moved around the countless cords and tubes connected to Ned and crawled into the small hospital bed with him. I moved my arms around his waist and held his weak body against my own. Ned was so cold, deathly cold. I say my aching head on his shoulders and just desperately tried to warm him up.

"Ned please tell me, I can help." I said whispering.
Ned sighed and grabbed my hand for comfort.

"I had a nightmare and chemotherapy didn't work, I....died. It was like I could feel the pain pushing through my veins. I was so scared, I was all alone, I died alone." Ned was shaking and his tears were the only thing masking the silence of the room. I pulled him closer, feeling tears stain my cheeks.

"Ned you are the strongest person I know and I know the Avengers. I will be with you no matter what, you're going to get through this." I kissed Ned's bald head and he just giggled, he hated when I did that. Even in such a terrible time, Ned made it such an amazing moment.

"I love you so much." Ned said while snuggling into my chest.

"I love you too." I said knowing that this may be our last peaceful moment together.

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