RWBY x MaleReader

By CET999

1.5M 22.1K 40K

(Y/N) is a 17 yr old boy who's accidentally mutated with the power of electricity. (Y/N) was in a world full... More

Chapter 1: Rose Petals
Chapter 2: The Shining Beacon
Chapter 3: The Shining Beacon Part 2
Chapter 4: The First Step
Chapter 5: Players and Pieces
Chapter 6: The Badge and the Burden
Chapter 7: The Badge and the Burden Part 2
Chapter 8: Jaunedice
Chapter 9: Forever Fall
Chapter 10: Forever Fall Part 2
Chapter 11: The Stray
Chapter 12: Black, White and The Beast
Special Chapter: The Favor
Volume 2 Chapter 1: Best Day Ever.....
Volume 2 Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon.....
Volume 2 Chapter 3: Android?!
Volume 2 Chapter 4: Painting the town.....
Volume 2 Chapter 5: Extracurricular
Volume 2 Chapter 6: The Band and The Bonds
Volume 2 Chapter 7: Dance Dance Infiltration
Volume 2 Chapter 8: Field Trip
Volume 2 Chapter 9: Search & Destroy
Volume 2 Chapter 10: Mountain Glenn
Volume 2 Chapter 11: No Brakes
Volume 2 Chapter 12: The Demon and The Prototype
Volume 2 Chapter 13: The Demon and The Prototype Part 2
Special Chapter 2: Remedial Class
Special Chapter 3: Salutations Best Friend!
Volume 3 Chapter 1: Round One
Volume 3 Chapter 2: It's Brawl in the Family
Volume 3 Chapter 3: As The Ice Melts
Volume 3 Chapter 4: The Mentor and The Protege
Volume 3 Chapter 5: Ominous Unknown Killer
Volume 3 Chapter 6: Not Again...
Volume 3 Chapter 7: Why Can't We All Smile?
Volume 3 Chapter 8: The End of the Beginning
Volume 4 Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Volume 4 Chapter 2: A Small Reminder
Volume 4 Chapter 3: An Enemy Of My Enemy
Volume 4 Chapter 4: The Arrival
Volume 5 Chapter 1: Welcome To Menagerie
Volume 5 Chapter 2: Unforeseen Complications
Volume 5 Chapter 3: Faker
Volume 5 Chapter 4: Azazel
Volume 5 Chapter 5: Downfall
Volume 5 Chapter 6: Haven's Fate
Special Chapter 4: Nurse RWBY
Chapter 0: Gunpoint
Volume 4 Chapter 0: A Little Bit Of Summer Rose By My Side
Chapter 0.5: Go Crazy!
Special Chapter 5: Soft Kitty Warm Kitty
Special Chapter 6: A Night With The Sun Dragon
Special Chapter 7: A Schnee's Melting Point
Special Chapter 8: "Thus Kindly I Scatter"
Volume 6: The Lightning Raptor
Volume 6: The Demented Flame
Volume 6 Chapter 1: Argus Limited
Volume 6 Chapter 2: Uncovered
Volume 6 Chapter 3: So That's How It Is
Volume 6 Chapter 4: The Storm
Volume 6 Chapter 5: Sanity Break
Volume 6 Chapter 5.5: Aftermath
Volume 6 Chapter 6: A War No One Cares About
Volume 6 Chapter 7: Declaim
Volume 6 Chapter 8: Huntdown
Special Chapter 9: Picture Perfect
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 1
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 2
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 3
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 4
Volume 7 Chapter 1: The Greatest Kingdom
Volume 7 Chapter 2: Shattered Memories
Volume 7 Chapter 3: Graduation
Volume 7 Chapter 4: Sudden Connection
Volume 7 Chapter 5: The Rich And The Innocent
Volume 7 Chapter 6: Piece By Piece
Volume 7 Chapter 7: Fragments
Volume 7 Chapter 8: Mirror Mirror
Volume 7 Chapter 9: Perturbation
Volume 7 Chapter 10: Out In The Open
Volume 7 Chapter 11: Mirror Mirror, Tell Me Something
Volume 7 Chapter 12: Heart Be Turned To Stone
Volume 7 Chapter 13: The Loneliest Of All
Team SHLD: Sonya Goodwitch
Team SHLD: Haytham Saxe
Team SHLD: (F/N) (L/N)
Volume 8 Teaser
Team SHLD: The First Mission
Volume 8 Chapter 1: Grimm Escape
Volume 8 Chapter 2: The Lost Bird
Volume 8 Chapter 3: SHLD Forces
Volume 8 Chapter 4: When Flowers Bloom
Volume 8 Chapter 5: Reminiscense

Team SHLD: Lucas Cardinal

1.5K 37 6
By CET999

It is nighttime in the streets of Mantle. Roman Torchwick is doing another Dust heist at another Dust shop. Henchmen are carrying boxes of dusts and are pointing their guns at the civilians, who are tied up on the ground.

Roman: Alright, let's go people, let's make this quick! I don't want this to end up in a complete failure! Unlike last time...

Roman makes his way to the store owner.

Roman: You!

The store owner quickly raise both of his hands in fear.

Shopkeep: P-Please! H-Haven't you taken enough?

Roman: I've lost my last haul to some wannabe Huntress. So no, I haven't taken enough! Grab 'em all!

"Those who want be a hero, step right up so we can settle this already."

None of the civilians dared to stand up.

"That's what I thought."

Roman: Good work, boys! This is actually going pretty well.

A crashes through the window, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Well, looks like someone wants to play hero."

Roman: Get out there and keep 'em busy then.

"Got it, boss. This won't take long."

Several henchmen head out of the shop and starts looking for the person who threw the rock. After a short while, they didn't find anyone.

"Trying to scare us, huh?"

"All bark, but no bite."

"Some hero this guy turned out to--"

Suddenly, a smoke bomb drops in front of them. As the smoke bomb explodes, inside all of the smoke, the henchmen are being taken down one-by-one by this mysterious hero.

Roman: What in the...

Roman heads outside along with the other henchmen as they point their weapons at the smoke.

Roman: Alright, who is it this time?

"Get out of the smoke, punk!"

The hero emerges out of the smoke and faces Roman and his henchmen.

Roman: Great... another one.

Lucas: Surrender those Dusts, Torchwick, if you know it's good for you!

Roman: Come on, pal, let's be real here.

Suddenly, Lucas gets surrounded by a group of henchmen equipped with swords.

Roman: What made you think that you could just waltz in here and play hero?

Lucas: You're about to find out.

Roman: Good thing I brought backup, this time. Get him, boys!

Before the henchmen got the chance to run towards him, Lucas stomps his foot down, creating a shockwave the pushed every henchmen around him. 

Lucas dashes at one of the henchmen and kicks up into the air. Two henchmen are charging from behind. Lucas trips the first henchman, blocks the second henchman's sword, snatches it and then stabs it on the henchman's leg.

Lucas trips three henchmen with a sweep kick. He then parries one of the henchmen, before kicking the henchman down and stomps his face. Five henchmen are now charging at him as he charges back. Lucas dodges the swing of one of the henchmen's sword by sliding down on the ground, tripping at least two of them.

After standing back up, he parries a henchman and pushes him to the side. Another henchman throws a front kick, in which Lucas catches his leg and breaks the henchman's knee. The henchman he pushed away thrusts his sword forward. Lucas dodges the sword, knee strikes the henchman's gut, then punches him down.

The two henchmen he tripped down, stand back up and charges at Lucas. Lucas' shoe starts glowing in purple, equipping a gravity dust on it. He slams his foot on the ground, making the two henchmen float in the air. Lucas leaps on top of a henchman to strike him down, and bounces off to another henchman to do the same, before landing back on the ground.

Meanwhile, the henchman that he kicked in the air is about to land on the ground. Lucas takes this chance to run towards the henchman and perform a flying kick on him, sending the henchman to crash inside the trash bin.

Lucas: It's over, Torchwick! Hand over the Dusts.

Roman: I could, but you see; I really need them. I just really need the money for my grandmother. She... she... has breast cancer and.... she only has three days to live....

Lucas: ...

Roman: Pfft! Who am I kidding? I just want my Lien!

Lucas: Enough with the dirty jokes! Hand them over and there will be no further violence.

Roman: Yeah, that's the thing. I love violence.... and my grandmother already died of breast cancer. THE POINT IS, we're not done yet.

Footsteps are heard coming from behind Torchwick.

Roman: I still have this big guy on my side.

Lucas is staring Hazel down.

Roman: That's your cue, Hazel.

Hazel: Hmph...

Hazel steps forward. The two is staring at each other in complete silence for a brief moment.

Hazel: I do not wish to fight.

Lucas: Then stand aside.

Hazel: I can't do that.

Lucas: Then I'm putting you down as well.

He stated while getting into a fighting pose.

Hazel: (cracking his neck and knuckles) Very well, then.

Hazel proceeds forward while cracking his knuckles.

Lucas: Come on!

He yelled, while Hazel is still walking forward. After getting near Lucas, Hazel stares him down.

Hazel: I'll end this quickly.

Before Hazel could land a punch, Lucas quickly punches first. Not feeling any sort of pain, but still made Hazel stagger, surprising both Roman and Hazel by how hard their opponent can punch.

Roman: What?!

Lucas taunts Hazel to stand back up. 

Hazel gets more serious as he charges forward. Lucas rolls away from Hazel's punch, before throwing two punches of his own. Hazel elbow strikes Lucas. Lucas retorts by knee striking Hazel's face. Afterwards the two starts trading blows for awhile.

Hazel blocks the last punch and starts throwing a series of combos at Lucas. Lucas parries Hazel's last strike, before throwing his own series of combos. The two returns to trading punches, blow-after-blow. 

Lucas catches Hazel's fist. His gloves starts glowing in yellow, equipping with lightning Dust, pushing Hazel away with a lightning punch across the road.

Lucas: You're strong, I'll give you that. But it's over.

Roman: Oh, it's far from over.

He stated while playing with two lightning dust crystals.

Roman: Catch!

Roman tosses the dust crystals to Hazel in which he catches it. Hazel stands back up, dusting casually dusting off the dirt on his clothes.

Hazel: You're a strong fighter.

Lucas: ...

Hazel: Identify yourself.

Lucas: Lucas Cardinal.

Hazel: Hazel Rainart.

After their introductions, Hazel stabs the lightning Dust into his arms, with his blood vessels turning yellow and popping out from his skin as well as having some lightning coat them. His eyes glow yellow, and he lets out an intimidating roar. Lucas is holding cautiously.

Hazel leaps towards him while Lucas vaults over Hazel. Lucas dodges several blows as one punch hits the wall of the dust shop, almost hitting Roman as he ducks to the ground. Lucas lands a strong punch on Hazel's face, only to make him angrier. Hazel tries to smash him with his fists, but Lucas is too fast for him. Nimbly dashing around while striking Hazel several times. 

After dodging a bunch lightning bolts from Hazel, Lucas jabs him several times in the chest. Lucas backs up a bit to land a strong kick, but is quickly caught by Hazel. Hazel then starts swinging and slamming Lucas around before throwing him away.

Lucas: *groans* [It's like he can't feel pain...]

Hazel then approaches the fallen Lucas.

Hazel: There was only one person who can get my blood pumping from a fight.... Who would've known that there was another?

He holds his fists in the air.

Hazel: And I'll make sure that only one can provoke me from holding back.

Lucas: Seriously? I thought you were holding back this whole time. Now you tell me.

As Hazel slams his fists down, Lucas catches it with one hand. Hazel trying to push him down, Lucas casually stood back up and puts Hazel on all fours by pushing both of Hazel's fists down at him. As Hazel is struggling to fight back Lucas' strength, Lucas is staring him down.

Roman: What?! No human can stand up to Hazel!

Lucas: Well listen carefully, Roman Torchwick. Most people have these limits that prevent them from using 100% of their strength.... And I'm not most people.

Hazel: What?

Lucas: I can be strong as I want to be! With my Semblance, LIMITS DON'T APPLY TO ME!

Lucas knee strikes Hazel's face to stand him back up.

Lucas: Here's 100%!

Lucas punches Hazel's chest that unleashes a blasting shockwave through his chest.

Lucas: 120%!

Lucas starts throwing a barrage of punches, stunning Hazel in place.

Lucas: 150%!

He then starts throwing several strikes before finishing with a punch, equipped with lightning dust, knocking Hazel away.

Lucas: Got anymore tricks up your sleeve, Torchwick?

Roman: I still got one.

Roman Torchwick holds up two red Dusts.

Roman: Call it my last resort.

He throws the dusts into the shop and shoots it, exploding inside as the fire starts to spread.

Roman: What's it going to be, hero, the people's lives or mine?

Lucas takes a moment to decide while the screams of the civilians are heard from inside the shop. Suddenly, Roman is now driving away with one of the two trucks, loaded with Dusts. Leaving one truck of loaded Dusts behind.

Lucas: Damn it!

Lucas dashes inside to save the civilians in the fire. After walking with a bunch of civilians, one woman screams.

Mother: My daughter! My daughter is still in there!

The mother pointed out.

Lucas: Stay here, ma'am, I'll get her for you!

Mother: Please!

Lucas: (muttering) Who brings a kid to a Dust shop?

Lucas dashes back inside the shop to find the mother's daughter, even with the fire growing larger.

Lucas: Hello?! (coughing from the smoke) Anyone still here?!

Calling out anyone who is left behind the fire while shielding his face from the smoke. After a short while of calling out, someone replies.

Little Girl: Hello! Mommy!

Lucas: Where are you! Can you see me?!

Little Girl: I-I can see you! Over here!

Lucas turns to where the voice is and see a little girl trapped inside the debris, at the corner of the store.

Lucas: Hold on, I'm coming!

The fire grew larger in front of them, making the little girl shriek in terror as she closes her eyes and covers her ears.

Lucas: 200%!

Lucas pounds both hands together, creating a large thunderclap extinguishing the flames in front of him. Suddenly, as his aura flickers he drops down to one knee and notice that his aura gauge has dropped into red, displayed on his gloves.

Lucas: Shit...

Lucas starts removing the debris.

Lucas: Come on, kid, I'll take you to your mommy.

Little Girl: O-Okay.

Lucas is carries the girl in his arms and starts running towards the exit. Suddenly, a fiery debris falls down and blocks the exit door. Lucas puts the girl down and punches the debris, only for him to get hurt.

Lucas: *groans* Shit!

Little Girl: Are you okay?

Lucas: I'm fine... [How the hell are we gonna get out of here.]

Lucas looks back at the girl's worried face for a moment. After looking at her, he starts feeling sorry for the girl as he keeps looking for an exit. He noticed a small hole under the debris, giving him the idea that he can lift it up for the girl to escape. 

Suddenly, a voice echoes in his head, saying:


"Don't ever be a hero, Lucas. You'll only get yourself killed!"

"Do yourself a favor and stop these vigilante bullshit. Go back to IT school, you'll be more safer there."

"You're making me worry, little bro."


Lucas: Sorry, Devin.

Little Girl: Mister?

Lucas: Listen kid; I'm gonna lift this up and you're going to escape under it. You understand me?

Little Girl: But what about you?

Lucas simply patted the little girl's head and gave her a warm smile.

Lucas: You're mommy's worried for you.

Afterwards, he then lifts up the debris, holding it up for the girl.

Lucas: Go... get out of here...

Little Girl: What about you?

Lucas: Forget me, just go!

Little Girl: I can't! I can't just leave you here, Mister!

Lucas: Do as I say!

Mother: (heard from outside) Sweetie?! Are you okay?!

Little Girl: Mommy?

Lucas: Go! She's waiting for you!

Little Girl: But I.... I...

Suddenly, the debris is being lift up even higher, revealing it to be Hazel Rainart to be their savior. Hazel silently gestured the both of them to get out. Lucas limps out of the fire while the little girl starts running towards her mother.

With Lucas down to one knee, Hazel walks over to him to stare him down. They both silently and menacingly stare at each other for a little while, until Hazel extends a hand to Lucas, helping him to stand back up. Lucas reluctantly accepts Hazel's hand.

Hazel: I won't achieve anything by killing an injured warrior.

Lucas: ...

Hazel: We'll settle this another time, Lucas Cardinal.

Hazel walks over to the back of the truck and opens it, revealing the crates of Dusts inside. Afterwards, he starts walking away, leaving the truck behind.

Lucas: Hazel Rainart.

The police have just arrived at the scene. Lucas' brother, Devin Cardinal, bursts out of the police car and notice the fire going out in the shop.

Devin: (to his radio) This is Cardinal. We have a code 10-82, down in Main Street. Possibly Arson. 

Radio: "Copy that, Chief. Sending in the Fire Department"

He notice his younger brother, Lucas, is helping with old shopkeeper unloading all of the Dust crates from the truck as he approaches him.

Devin: Lucas?

Lucas: *sighs* You took your, Devin.

Devin: ... Please tell me you weren't involved.

Lucas: ...


The two brothers are now inside Devin's police car, with Lucas sitting in front.

Devin: What did I say? What did I say?!

Lucas: You policemen took your sweet time.

Devin: Lucas, this isn't about me, alright? This is about you! What were you thinking?!

Lucas: Well, forgive me for doing your job. You know, if I wasn't there, those people would've died!

Devin: What about the Dusts in the shop, huh?

Lucas: I--

Devin: Were you able to recover all of it?

Lucas: ... Roman Torchwick took half of the Dusts in the shop.

Devin: Of course he did.

Lucas: Do you seriously care more about the Dusts than the people inside?!

Devin: I care about you, Lucas!

Lucas: Here we go...

Devin: You know being a vigilante is against the law. When are you going to stop, huh? Until you're six feet under?

Lucas: Until you guys do your job right!

Devin: For fuck's sake, Lucas!

Lucas: You policemen are all talk, even the Huntsmen! You don't care about the people you save, you just care about how many, to boost your ego!

Devin: ... This is about last year, isn't it?

Lucas: ...

Devin: *sighs* Lucas, I'm sorry, I was busy.

Lucas: Of course, you always are. I guess pushing pencils is more important than saving your own brother's life from being robbed and kidnapped.

Devin: I sent some back up, didn't I?

Lucas: I got out of that warehouse by myself, Devin! No thanks to you or your friends. But hey, can I blame you guys? You're always busy, right?

Devin: Lucas, ever since your Semblance kicked in, you've caused nothing but trouble for me.

Lucas: Playing the victim card, huh?

Devin: Do you know how many cases you have on my desk? Every time your name pops up on the case files, I have to find away to throw it out and put a good word for you. Do you have any idea how hard my job is?

Lucas: I didn't see you handling Roman Torchwick, that's for sure.

Devin: Lucas...

They have finally arrived in front of Lucas' apartment.

Devin: *sighs* I gotta get home, my wife is probably getting worried. Listen promise me this is--

Lucas: Hang on.

Lucas immediately exits the car and walks inside his the apartment building.

Devin: Lucas!

Devin sighs in defeat and decides to wait for Lucas for a moment. Afterwards, Devin sees his own brother dragging two thugs with him. Lucas opens the door at the passenger, throwing the thugs in there.

Devin: What's going on?

Lucas: House robbery. Inside my neighbor's house, next door to mine. She said she called the police ten minutes ago.

He stated while he slams the car door close. Lucas sighed and faces his brother one last time.

Lucas: Devin, I forgive you for not saving back then. But I'm not gonna stop this.

Devin: Lucas.

Lucas: I don't want other people to experience the same thing that happened to me.

Devin: .... You're gonna kill yourself eventually, Lucas.

Lucas: So is being a policeman.

Devin: ...

Lucas: About your question earlier.... Yeah... I will not stop until I am put down. Until I am a thousand feet under. Bet on that.

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