RWBY x MaleReader

By CET999

1.6M 22.2K 40.2K

(Y/N) is a 17 yr old boy who's accidentally mutated with the power of electricity. (Y/N) was in a world full... More

Chapter 1: Rose Petals
Chapter 2: The Shining Beacon
Chapter 3: The Shining Beacon Part 2
Chapter 4: The First Step
Chapter 5: Players and Pieces
Chapter 6: The Badge and the Burden
Chapter 7: The Badge and the Burden Part 2
Chapter 8: Jaunedice
Chapter 9: Forever Fall
Chapter 10: Forever Fall Part 2
Chapter 11: The Stray
Chapter 12: Black, White and The Beast
Special Chapter: The Favor
Volume 2 Chapter 1: Best Day Ever.....
Volume 2 Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon.....
Volume 2 Chapter 3: Android?!
Volume 2 Chapter 4: Painting the town.....
Volume 2 Chapter 5: Extracurricular
Volume 2 Chapter 6: The Band and The Bonds
Volume 2 Chapter 7: Dance Dance Infiltration
Volume 2 Chapter 8: Field Trip
Volume 2 Chapter 9: Search & Destroy
Volume 2 Chapter 10: Mountain Glenn
Volume 2 Chapter 11: No Brakes
Volume 2 Chapter 12: The Demon and The Prototype
Volume 2 Chapter 13: The Demon and The Prototype Part 2
Special Chapter 2: Remedial Class
Special Chapter 3: Salutations Best Friend!
Volume 3 Chapter 1: Round One
Volume 3 Chapter 2: It's Brawl in the Family
Volume 3 Chapter 3: As The Ice Melts
Volume 3 Chapter 4: The Mentor and The Protege
Volume 3 Chapter 5: Ominous Unknown Killer
Volume 3 Chapter 6: Not Again...
Volume 3 Chapter 7: Why Can't We All Smile?
Volume 3 Chapter 8: The End of the Beginning
Volume 4 Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Volume 4 Chapter 2: A Small Reminder
Volume 4 Chapter 3: An Enemy Of My Enemy
Volume 4 Chapter 4: The Arrival
Volume 5 Chapter 1: Welcome To Menagerie
Volume 5 Chapter 2: Unforeseen Complications
Volume 5 Chapter 3: Faker
Volume 5 Chapter 4: Azazel
Volume 5 Chapter 5: Downfall
Volume 5 Chapter 6: Haven's Fate
Special Chapter 4: Nurse RWBY
Chapter 0: Gunpoint
Volume 4 Chapter 0: A Little Bit Of Summer Rose By My Side
Chapter 0.5: Go Crazy!
Special Chapter 5: Soft Kitty Warm Kitty
Special Chapter 6: A Night With The Sun Dragon
Special Chapter 7: A Schnee's Melting Point
Special Chapter 8: "Thus Kindly I Scatter"
Volume 6: The Lightning Raptor
Volume 6: The Demented Flame
Volume 6 Chapter 1: Argus Limited
Volume 6 Chapter 2: Uncovered
Volume 6 Chapter 3: So That's How It Is
Volume 6 Chapter 4: The Storm
Volume 6 Chapter 5: Sanity Break
Volume 6 Chapter 5.5: Aftermath
Volume 6 Chapter 6: A War No One Cares About
Volume 6 Chapter 7: Declaim
Volume 6 Chapter 8: Huntdown
Special Chapter 9: Picture Perfect
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 1
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 2
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 3
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 4
Volume 7 Chapter 1: The Greatest Kingdom
Volume 7 Chapter 2: Shattered Memories
Volume 7 Chapter 3: Graduation
Volume 7 Chapter 4: Sudden Connection
Volume 7 Chapter 5: The Rich And The Innocent
Volume 7 Chapter 6: Piece By Piece
Volume 7 Chapter 7: Fragments
Volume 7 Chapter 8: Mirror Mirror
Volume 7 Chapter 9: Perturbation
Volume 7 Chapter 10: Out In The Open
Volume 7 Chapter 11: Mirror Mirror, Tell Me Something
Volume 7 Chapter 12: Heart Be Turned To Stone
Volume 7 Chapter 13: The Loneliest Of All
Team SHLD: Haytham Saxe
Team SHLD: Lucas Cardinal
Team SHLD: (F/N) (L/N)
Volume 8 Teaser
Team SHLD: The First Mission
Volume 8 Chapter 1: Grimm Escape
Volume 8 Chapter 2: The Lost Bird
Volume 8 Chapter 3: SHLD Forces
Volume 8 Chapter 4: When Flowers Bloom
Volume 8 Chapter 5: Reminiscense

Team SHLD: Sonya Goodwitch

3.8K 46 18
By CET999

Fifteen years ago.

It is nighttime in the streets of Vale. Somewhere in an alleyway, a group of men in suits is carrying boxes of dusts, loading it on the truck. Suddenly, a man with a familiar figure emerges out of the shadows, in the corner of the alleyway...

Roman: Come on, boys, let's get moving! These dusts aren't gonna load themselves!

After a while, they finally finished loading the dusts on the truck.

"All done, boss."

Roman: Finally! You, idiots, are no better than the White Fang, I'll tell you that much. Let's go! Let's go!

"What about the civilians?"

One of his henchmen stated, pointing at the tied up civilians that are laying on the ground.

Roman: What about them? Leave them. I don't care. They're bound to escape anyway.

With that said, all of them finally got inside the truck and drove off, leaving the civilians in the store.

Driver: That was a good haul, boss!

Roman: Meh, I've had better. You boys need to work more on your muscles, I noticed almost EVERYONE OF YOU WERE STRUGGLING TO CARRY JUST ONE BOX!

Stating the last part as if to call out the other henchmen in the back of the truck.

"We're sorry, boss!"

"Hey, at least we got out of there clean. Right, boss?"

Roman: Barely! One of them almost pushed the emergency button. If I weren't there to stop that idiot, we would've been--


One of his henchmen yelled and point out the car in front of them, that had just arrived. 

Driver: The brake's jammed!

Roman: Oh, just ram into them. It's just a car. We're in a truck, for Pete's sa--

After bumping into the car, their truck flips over the car and starts tumbling across the street. Leaving the car undamaged. Roman and his henchmen survived the crash. They exited the truck, all ragged and bruised, and point their weapons at the car.

Roman: Alright! Out of the car! Don't make this harder than it already is!

He yelled though the driver didn't listen.

Roman: I'm not in the mood, driver! Get out! Now!

The driver of the car then slowly exits the car...

Sonya: Sorry about that, boys. I... planned to do that.

One of the henchmen whistled in delight before getting smacked in the head by another one of the henchmen.

Roman: That is one sturdy car you got there, sweetheart.

Sonya: Oh, this old thing? Thanks. It's a gift from myself. But believe me, Mr. Torchwick, what happened to your truck has got nothing to do with my car.

Roman: You know me?

Sonya: Who doesn't? The infamous Roman Torchwick, stealer of dusts. What's wrong? Has Atlas already ran out of dusts, and that's why you're here in Vale?

Roman: You've done your research. I'm impressed.

Sonya: I may have gone too deep, but thank you.

Roman: Too bad it's going to be put to waste... Speaking of "waste". WASTE HER!

His henchmen start firing their weapons at her. Before the bullets reach her, she gestures her palm outward, casting a circle of protection over her, blocking the bullets as it sticks. She waves her hand, firing the bullets towards the henchmen's guns, disarming them, as she smirks.

Roman: Huh... I know a certain Goodwitch who can also that.

Sonya: Hey, so do I.

Roman: Get her!

The henchmen ready their swords and charge towards her. Meanwhile, Sonya pulls out her whip and cracks it to the side as the sound echoes.

Sonya: All eyes on me.

She swings her whip, wrapping it around a henchman's neck, pulls him in for knee strike to the face before sending him off by grabbing him and unleashes a blast of purple aura through his chest.

One down, three more to go. Two henchmen are charging towards her from behind. She swings her whip at one of the henchmen, wrapping around its ankles, making him trip and fall. The other henchman, however, starts swinging his sword on Sonya, in which she casually dodges all of it. She then retorts back with several strikes of her own with her whip, before wrapping her whip around his hips and throw him away.

The henchman she tripped down stood back up, now charging back at her with the other remaining henchman. She sends one of the henchmen into the air, with her semblance, and whips the other henchman's gut, before vaulting over him. She swings her whip upward, grabbing the henchman that is in the air and pulls him back down by throwing him towards the other henchman.

The henchman she threw pulls out a grenade from his pocket and throws it at her. The grenade explodes in front of her. Luckily, she uses her semblance to catch the explosion before throwing it back at the henchman as it explodes in his face. The henchman landed back face-first on the ground with his butt sticking out. While the henchman is slowly standing back up, Sonya stops him by whipping the henchman's rear end, making him squeal with both pain and... pleasure, leaving a trail of tears from his eyes as he drops back.

Sonya: (to Torchwick) Here's a tip: Recruit better henchmen.

Roman: Could have said it better myself. Anyways...

He raises his cane and opens the bottom to reveal a rifle with a cross grid and fires a fire dust at Sonya. She starts twirling her whip in front of her, absorbing the fire dust, making her whip glow red. She then swings it upward, performing a vertical slash that sends a fiery shockwave down the street.

Torchwick rolls away from the shockwave, hitting the truck as it explodes into bits.

Roman: Great... Just great...

Sonya cracks a whip in front of Torchwick.

Sonya: Nowhere to run, kid.

Roman: First off; we're the same age. Second; so are you.

An Ursa Grimm appears from behind her, about to strike down its paw. Sonya quickly activates her Semblance, pushing the Ursai away. She turns back around and see that Torchwick has escaped.

Sonya: Dammit!


One of the henchmen is about to get mauled by a Beowolf Grimm. Sonya quickly dashes in and unleashes several combos of strikes with her whip before it disintegrates.

The Ursa she pushed away is charging back at her. She magically gathers all of the debris on the ground to create a large arrow, which she throws at the Ursa. The Ursa shatters the arrow after getting hit multiple times, but it reforms just in time to pierce it to the side. While slowly approaching the Ursa, she keeps swinging her whip around, striking the Ursa multiple times. 

For her finishing strike, she rotates the switch on her handle making her whip glow in yellow. After throwing several electrifying whip strikes, she wraps her whip around the Ursa's body and electrocutes it, killing the Ursa as it disintegrates. With all said and done, she then wraps her whip around her arm.

Sonya: Grimm? In here?

While she is thinking, the henchmen use this time to escape, until they are quickly wrapped together by Sonya's whip.

Sonya: ... I guess I was right.


Inside Beacon Academy, Glynda had just entered her office only to be surprised by Sonya, who is drinking coffee... 

...And 4 tied up henchmen placed in the corner of the room.

Sonya: Hello, sister.

Glynda: *sighs* What are you doing here, Sonya?

Sonya: Doing your job, obviously. You're welcome, by the way.

Glynda: You know you are not authorized to be here. I appreciate you capturing these thugs, but you could've gotten hurt.

Sonya: Always the big sister. Just because you already graduated and got the job as professor, doesn't necessarily mean that you have the authority. When are you gonna put me in here? I'm sick of being in Argus. 

Glynda: What about school?

Sonya: *giggles* What school?

Glynda: ...

Sonya: ...

Glynda: .... Don't tell me you dropped out of Argus.

Sonya: Oooohh... Hate to burst your bubble, but--

Glynda: Sonya!

Sonya: I'll cut right to the chase, I know you're hiding something.

Glynda: Oh my goodness, what would mother and father say?

Sonya: .... I don't know... Why don't we visit their graves and ask them?

Glynda: I'm serious, Sonya, this is not for you to know.

Sonya: Not for me to know? What is it that it is not for me to know, Glynda? The Grimm lurking around Vale? Dust shops getting robbed by the same person? The all powerful being that controls Grimm?

Glynda: ...

Sonya: You and Headmaster Ozpin aren't that hard to read.

Glynda: Sonya, I'm serious! I'm doing this for mother and father.

Sonya: They're my parents too!

Glynda: And I don't want you to end up like one of them!

Sonya: ... I know where the Grimms are lurking.

Glynda: Sister...

Sonya: They're somewhere in Mountain Glenn, and I've come to a conclusion that the dust robbers are hauled there as well. Every time a dust shop is robbed, the same truck keeps passing through the same route. The same route that is headed out of Vale. Vale is breached, Sister, and we didn't even know it.

Glynda: ...

Sonya: I can fix this. All I need is some backup and I'm good to go.

Glynda places a hand on Sonya's shoulder.

Glynda: Being a Huntress is more than just hunting Grimm, and I'm sure you already found that out as well. I will report this to the other Huntsmen. 

Sonya: Glynda...

Glynda: You're the only family I have left... I can't afford to lose you too.

Sonya: I just want to help.

Ozpin: Maybe you can.

Ozpin enters the room.

Glynda: Ozpin!

Ozpin: Good evening, Glynda. Aren't you going to introduce your friend here?

Glynda: *sighs* This is Sonya Goodwitch, my younger sister.

Sonya: Pleased to meet you, Headmaster Ozpin.

Ozpin: And to you as well. What's your business here?

Sonya: Vale has been breached, Headmaster.

Glynda: Sonya!

Sonya: These dust robbers told me that they're being hauled up somewhere in Mountain Glenn.

Ozpin: So I've heard.

Sonya: The very same place that is infested with Grimm. Both wise and idiotic for them to be living there if I may say.

Ozpin: May I ask where you are going with this?

Sonya: People are gonna get into a panic once they find out about this, won't they?

Ozpin: ...

Sonya: I can take care of this problem for you.

Glynda: Sonya...

Ozpin: This is a very big mission, Ms. Sonya. Usually, people who ask of this wants a reward.

Sonya smiles.

Sonya: In exchange, I want to start learning here in Beacon Academy. No entrance exams.

Ozpin: And if I give this mission to someone else?

Sonya: .... You wouldn't want people to know about what you Huntsmen are really fighting against, would you?

Ozpin raises an eyebrow.

Sonya: An all powerful being that creates Grimm, the source of fear. I've put it all together, Headmaster Ozpin. Besides, how else would such dark creatures exist in the first place?

They both stare at each other for a brief moment until Ozpin smiles.

Ozpin: You're sharp, Ms. Sonya. Put in a lot of effort only to enroll in my academy. Both wise and... *chuckles* idiotic if I may say.

Sonya: Fair enough.

Ozpin: Alright. You can have this mission.

Glynda: Ozpin!

Ozpin: If your sister wants to help, she can help. The more the merrier, isn't that right?

Sonya: Right.

Ozpin: Do this mission, and we will welcome you and your teammates in Beacon Academy with open arms.

Sonya: Teammates?

Ozpin: Oh, didn't your academy have such a thing? You need to be in a group of four to be Beacon Academy.

Sonya: ...

Ozpin: Lucky for you, I have three lucky students whom I have my eyes on. Talk to them and see if they're interested into doing this mission. If it is successful, you four are welcome in Beacon Academy.

Sonya: Three lucky students, huh?

Ozpin: Glynda, give her their profiles.

Glynda: A-Are you sure about this?

Ozpin: If they succeed, I will be.

Glynda taps on to her tablet, sending pictures of three other students on Sonya's scroll. Sonya smiles after seeing the pictures of her future members.

Sonya: They look promising....

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