Our Love

By JessicaLangeLove

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Seven Beautiful Years
Goodbye Sam
The one
A new face
I love you
Romantic Weekend
Our Baby
I love him
Little baby
You are my sunshine
Baby Simba
I get to be the one
Two little hands
Saying goodbye
His stroller
His home
Big Sister
It's gone
38 weeks
I prayed
Special little girl
Uncle Sam
First night
The one that got away
I only have eyes for you
She sees him
Momma's girl
The baby
So good in love
Best Friend
Mother of the Century
I know
Thank you
Should we?
One isn't enough
Will it?
I'm sorry
Best Friends
No more tears
The truth
Our girl
Who's your daddy?
You're mine
Sam's baby
All I need
I won't hesitate
Phone call
I will take your pain
This is new
Hang on
I'm sorry
If I lose him
God has a plan
Say Goodbye
I hope
On my heart
Help me remember!
I can't believe this
It's all over
He's Back
Gift from Heaven
New Friend
Little Sassy Pants
Due Date
The Tea
Baby Brother
My Prince
Only You
It will get better

Our Love

190 13 10
By JessicaLangeLove


"Happy Anniversary, my beautiful little Button." Sam smiles and pinches Jessica's nose.

"Happy Anniversary, Sammy Wammy!"

Sam smiles and kisses her lips.

"Mmm.. Love you, baby."

"Love you too.  What do you want for breakfast, beautiful?"

"You!" Jessica smirk, then runs the tip of her tongue along her top lip.

"Ooh yes.  I think I deserve that." Sam nods.

Jessica laughs. "But I get a turn afterwards!"

"Well yeah!  I'm hungry too!" Sam chuckles and kisses her lips.  He then runs his hand up her shirt, and massages her breast.


Jessica then reaches down and grabs a hold of his underwear.
"Take these off." She giggles.

"Show me your boobs."

Jessica laughs and takes her shirt off.

"YOWZA!" Sam's eyes widen with excitement.

Jessica's laugh becomes louder before Sam launches forward and bites her boob.

"Fuck!  You animal, you!"

"RAWR!" Sam smirks.

"You are such a dork!" She laughs and brings his face back to her breasts.


After their love making, Sam and Jessica both hopped in the shower, then went down for breakfast.

"Good morning!  We made breakfast!" Autumn smiles.  All of the kids were in the kitchen waiting for their parents.

"Well it took you long enough!" Julia says.

"Hey I was busy lovin' on my woman!" Sam hugs Jessica around her waist.

"EWWWW!" All of the kids say in unison.

"Oh come on!  Chill out!"

Jessica laughs and gently pushes Sam off of her.
"Thank you all for making breakfast!"

"You're welcome, mommy!" Samuel giggles and hugs her waist.

"Me and Sam Sam put the fruit on the plates!" Evangeline says.

"Oh really?!  Well thank you, babies!  Great job!"


Jessica chuckles.

"Autumn, I'm glad you're able to have breakfast with us." Sam says.

"Aw yes!  My baby girl has to go back to school today!" Jessica pouts.

"I know!  But I'll be back before you know it!"

"Thanksgiving!" Jessica whines.

"Yeah.. But it'll go by fast!" Autumn smiles.

"She just wants to go so she can have sex with Austin!"

"LANDON!  Stop that!" Jessica shouts.

"What, Mom?  You know it's true!" He laughs.

"You are thirteen, you shouldn't be talking like that.  Especially in front of your family!"

"Alright, sorry.."

"And Autumn Rae Shepard, you better not be having sex!"

"Mom!" Autumn's voice went high, and her face went red.

"You're the age your father and I were when we got pregnant with you.  Even though were the biggest blessing to us, it was hard!  We were so young!  So keep your legs closed, little girl!" Jessica points her at her.

"Oh my gosh.  Okay, mom!"

"Well.. Let's dig in!" Sam says awkwardly.

"No more sex talk!" Julia shouts.

"I don't even know that word!" Samuel says.

"Aw of course not, my baby boy!  You're momma's baby, huh?" Jessica sits down and pats her thighs.  Samuel smiles and walks over to sit on her.

"I am, mommy!  I'm the most perfect little boy!"

Jessica laughs and kisses his cheek.

"So perfect, you didn't want to have anymore babies cause I'm SO perfect!"

Jessica laughs.

"Or so bad they decided to stop!" Autumn jokes.

"Stop!" Jessica laughs. "Leave the baby alone!" Jessica rocks him.

"Yeah, don't pick on the little guy!" He says cutely, making his family laugh.



All of their family came over to the Shepard's house for Thanksgiving dinner.
Sam and Jessica wanted to cook everything themselves, and surprisingly to them, everything came out perfect!

"Look at Sam and Jessie.  Practically attached at the hip!" Ann says to her mother as she stared at Sam and Jessica from across the room.

"I know.  They're so sweet.  I think their time apart, and Sam's accident really made them realize that each and every moment is special.  I don't think I've ever even seen them fight!"

"Right?  They're so happy it's sickening!" Ann laughs.

Meanwhile in the corner, Sam is lightly scratching Jessica's back, and whispering in her ear.

"Pull my finger, babe."

"Will you shut up?" Jessica laughs and playfully pushes him.

Sam chuckles and kisses her cheek.
"You're beautiful."

"Thank you."

"And you smell like turkey."

"Oh thanks!"

"It's okay, I kinda like it." Sam smirks.

Jessica laughs and kisses his lips.

"Mom and dad, stop making out!" Julia shouts.

"Juju!" Jessica laughs.

"Oh my Jewels." Sam smiles and shakes his head.

Julia giggles and squeezes between her parents.
"There.  This is better."

Jessica chuckles and kisses her forehead as Sam pats Julia's leg.

Julia kisses Jessica's cheek, then cuddles into Sam.

Jessica pats her back and smiles at them.
"Daddy's girl."


"I'M Daddy's girl!" Evangeline runs and climbs on Sam.

"Always fighting over me!" Sam chuckles.

Just then Autumn walks over with the phone.

"Yes?  What's wrong?  Who is it?"

"Come here."

Jessica panics, and quickly stands up.

"Autumn, what is it?"

"It's Zoe."

"Oh!  You scared me, I thought something was wrong!  She probably just wants to talk to Theodore and Julia."

Autumn shakes her head and hands her mother the phone.

"Hello?  Zoe?"

"Hello, Jessica."

"Is everything okay?  You sound upset."

"Jessica.. Danny's been shot."


"Yes.  I got a call at four am.. They tried to save him but.." Zoe breaks down.

Jessica feels herself want to get emotional.  Why?  Why when Danny was nothing but horrible to her?

"He passed away, Jessica."

"Oh.. Oh wow."

Jessica has not spoken a word to Danny since her day, seven years ago.

"I know you and him didn't speak.. I know he was terrible to you.. but I.. He's my son!  Please, tell the kids.  I hope they'll be at the services.  I'll keep in touch."

"Of course.. I'm so sorry.  Goodbye, Zoe."

Jessica then hangs up and looks at Autmn.

"I can't believe this."

"I know.."

"And on the anniversary the bitch left me." Jessica chuckles then runs her hands through her hair.

"Well.. I need a drink."

Sam follows Jessica and Autumn to see what happened.

"Hey babe.  Everything okay?"

Jessica looks up to Danny and whispers, "Danny's dead."

".... Did you kill him?"

Jessica rolls her eyes.
"He was shot this morning."

"What the hell?  Are you serious?"

"No, I'm joking!" Jessica says sarcastically.

"Sorry.  You okay?"

"Yeah!  I mean.. I couldn't stand the guy.  I.. I.. I don't know why I.. I.." Jessica says as tears begin to fall.

Sam sighs and wraps his arms around her.

"I don't know why I feel like this.  Why I feel sad.."

"Jessica, you were married to this man.  At some point in your life, you loved him.  You had three children together."

Jessica looks up and says, "What if now that he's with Simba, he turns him against me?"

Sam chuckles.
"Honey.  Baby girl.. Danny is nowhere near Simba!  Danny's somewhere down south."

Jessica chuckles and nods her head before laying on his chest.

"Oh gosh.. Danny Boy.. you stupid son of a bitch."


Jessica decided to wait until the next morning to tell Julia and Theodore about Danny.
Sam of course sat in for support.

"What's going on?  Why are you being weird?" Julia asks.

"Is mom pregnant?" Theodore asks.

"Oh good Lord, please no!" Julia grabs her head.

"Your mother is not pregnant!" Sam laughs.  He then looks at Jessica with a straight face. "Are you?"

"No!  Are you crazy?"


"Then what is it?" Theodore asks.

"Well.. Grandma Zoe called and um.. Well.."

Sam reaches over and grabs Jessica's hand.

"Danny.. he.. he passed away."

"He did?" Theodore asks with zero emotion.

"What happened?" Julia asks.

"He um.. someone.. someone shot him."

".. Was it you?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?!  No!"

"Who did it?"

"I don't know.  Zoe called me just a little while ago and, the services are in a couple days.
  Now, I won't force you to do anything but, your grandmother would like for you both to be there."

"I'll think about it." Theodore says.

"Me too."

"Okay.. How do you guys feel?  We can talk."

"Well.. To be honest, I don't really remember him.  I just know I hated him, and he hated me."

"He didn't put batteries in your hearing aids, I can see why you didn't like him!" Julia shouts and places her hand on her little brother's back.

Jessica closes her eyes and nods her head.

"I'll let you know my answer by tonight." Julia stands up and leaves the room.


That evening.

"Goodnight, Juju." Jessica walks into Julia's bedroom.


"Hey.. You okay?"

Julia looks at her mother and nods her head.

"Were you crying?"


Jessica walks in and shuts the door behind her.
"Baby girl, it's okay to cry.  He was your father."

"No he wasn't.  He never was."

Jessica sits beside her and softly rubs her back.
"I just thought that.. maybe one day he would come back and.. not replace daddy.  But apologize, and at least try to be my friend.  Now I'll never have that.  I'll never see if he felt bad for what he did."

"I know it's hard, Juju.  I'm so sorry you've lost that."


"Yes, baby?"

"I want to go to the funeral.  I want to say goodbye."

"Okay.  We can go."

"Teddy said he'll do whatever I do, but that he really doesn't care."

"Okay.  That's fine."

"I love you, momma."

"I love you more, precious girl."


Three days later.

Jessica sat behind the wheel of her van outside of the funeral home.
She then looked back to Julia and Theodore.

"How do you guys feel?"

"I feel sick." Julia says.

"I feel creeped out because there are dead bodies in there."

"Are you sure you guys want to go in?  I'm not forcing anyone."

"No, I want to go.  I need to go." Julia says.

"I don't care.  I'll go.  Will they have snacks?"

"Theodore." Jessica gives him a look.

"I make jokes when I feel uncomfortable.  Come on, let's get this over with." Theodore unbuckles himself and steps out of the van.


Jessica held her kids hands as they entered the funeral home.
Jessica felt completely numb.  She didn't want to see Danny this way.

Jessica has always hoped Danny would change for his kids, and want to be in their lives.  Not as a father, but like Julia said, like a friend.

"You two okay?" Jessica looks down to her children.

They both nod, and squeeze her hand a bit tighter.

The three then slowly make their way to the casket.
There Danny laid.  Flashbacks hit Jessica.  Their first time meeting in the doctor's office.
He was just as handsome now as he was then.

Julia looked down and tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.
"Danny.. you were mean to my mommy.  You hurt my daddy.  You didn't love us.
You did love me and Theo.  You gave us away.
  But.. You were my dad.  I didn't want you to die so young, Danny.
I wanted you to want to get to know us and start over.  We'll never know what could have been."

Jessica rubs Julia's back as she continues.
"Even though you didn't feel the same about me.. I love you, Daddy.  Goodbye." Julia reached over and pecked his cheek twice.

Jessica then looks down to Theodore.

"I don't ave anything to say."

"That's fine." Jessica pats his back, then takes a deep breath.
"Daniel.. Thank you for giving me three beautiful babies.
.. And thank you for giving our children the best father in the world.  That's all I ave to say..
  Goodbye, Danny."


"Kids.. your grandmother gave me this."

"What is it?" Theodore asks.

"A letter your dad wrote in case anything ever happened to him.

".. What does it say?" Julia asks.

Jessica put her glasses on and took a deep breath.

"To my family.
  I want to know how truly sorry I am for not being there.  I love each of you.." Jessica stops when tears fill her eyes.

"I'm sorry I never appreciated you guys the way I should have, or showed you how much I love you.  Julia, Theodore, Jessica, and Autumn; who I used to have a very good relationship with.
I wish you all the best.  Please thank Sam for being what I could not be.  A great father.
I love you all.  Until we meet again.

Jessica was happy the kids finally had closure.  This letter was what they needed to close that chapter of their lives, and move on.


Christmas 2036.

"Sam Sam, are you excited for everyone to come over today?  I know you don't like being the only one home!" Jessica laughs.


"Hey I'm here!" Evangeline shouts.  She's been staying there since being home from school.

"Yeah but you bore me." Samuel jokes.

Evangeline laughs and playfully hits his arm.

"Evie!" Jessica giggles.

Just then Jessica hears someone in the driveway.

"Oh Sammy, Autumn and Austin are here!  Go upstairs, quick!"

"I'm going!  I'm going!" Sam runs upstairs.

Jessica then walks over and opens the door.

"Oh come in!  Get out of the cold!  Come on, get those babies in!"

"Grandma!  Grandma!"

"Hello Elijah!  Merry Christmas!" Jessica picks her grandson up.

"Merry Christmas, Jessica Shepard!" Autumn's six year old son laughs.

"Thank you, Elijah Simba Vanos!"

"Hey that's me!"

"It is!  Oh gosh, Elijah.. you look exactly like I know my Simba would look like."

"Yeah?" He smiles.

"Yes!  Your newborn pictures look just like his!" Jessica tears up thinking of her son who would be twenty two years old.

"I dreamt about him last night." Jessica looks at Autumn.

"Aw you did?"

"Yes." Jessica smiles through her tears and nods.

"He always makes mommy feel better.  My beautiful baby boy." Jessica says in a shaky voice as she looks up.

"That's sweet!  Hey grandma!  You wanna see my baby sister?  She's brand new!"

"I know!" Jessica laughs. "Let me see her!"

"Wait where's grandpa?"

"Oh I think he's upstairs!  He'll be down soon!"

"Okay!  HURRY, GRANDPA!" Elijah shouts.

"Now!  Go look at my baby sister!  Noelle, say HIII!"


"Julia Summer is here with baby Cruz!"

"More babies!" Jessica squeals.

Julia and Autumn both had girl's just weeks apart in November.

"I'm here too!" Julia's boyfriend smiles.

"Hello Liam!  Now, give me that baby girl! Hi, precious!"

"Hi Samuel!  Hey Miss Vaaangie!" Julia walks over to hug her younger siblings.

"Aw my babies!  Oh and look!  Teddy and Landon are here too!"

"Hi mom!"

"Landy!  Hello, Christie!" Jessica hugs her son and his new wife.

"How was Greece?"

"Gorgeous!  So breathtaking!"

"IT IS!  Sam and I went there on our honeymoon, and loved it!"

Jessica then hugged Theodore.

"Teddy!  Hi, baby!"

"Hi momma!  You look beautiful!"

"Thank you, handsome!  And hello, Pierre!"

"Hello, Mrs. Shepard!"

"Oh come on, you've been dating my son for two years now!  Call me Jessie!"

"Yes ma'am!" Pierre chuckles and hugs her.

"You've got a sweet one, Theo!" Jessica smiles.

"Haha!  I know!
  Where's dad?"

"He'll be down in a second!" Jessica smiles.

"HO!  HO!  HO!  Merryyyyy Christmaaaaas!"

"No way!  It's Santa!" Elijah jumps.

"It's Santa!" Jessica matches her grandson's excitement.

"Oh no but grandpa is missing it!"

"Oh he'll be down in a second!" Jessica laughs.

After pictures with 'Santa', everyone sat around to open presents.

"Mom, dad-"

"Jessica gives Landon a look.

"Sorry!  Mom and Santa!" He smiles. "This is from Christie and I."

"Aw thank you!" Jessica opens the bag and freezes.

"World's greatest grandma and grandpa shirts.  WHAT?!"

"No way!" Sam chuckles.

"We're having' a baby!" Landon smiles.

"AHHH!  Another baby!" Jessica jumps up and hugs her son tightly.

Sam teared up thinking about how Megan would never meet her grandchild, then smiled because he knows she's the one who sent them.

"Oh this is so incredible.  All of my babies here..
  Autumn, Landon, Julia, Theodore, Evangeline, and Samuel.. daddy and I are so so proud of each of you."

"We love you guys!" Autumn shouts.

"We love you!" Sam smiles.

The kids then start talking, and Jessica pulls Sam aside.

"Another baby!  Aw Sammy, I'm so happy!"

"Me too, Button." Sam smiles and playfully pinches her nose.

Jessica giggles and he kisses the tip of her nose before kissing her lips passionately.

"WHAT?!  Mommy!  Grandma's kissing Santa!" Elijah points.

Jessica laughs, and Elijah gets a closer look at Santa.

"WHAT?!" He shouts once again.

"GRANDPA?!  You're Santa?!"

Sam laughs, then pats his belly. "HO!  HO!  HO!  Surprise!"


Jessica laughs and turns to Sam.

"Look at this, Sammy.  All because we fell in love.
  We met, we fell in love.. we created this beautiful blended family.
This is all because of our love, Sammy!"

Sam smiles and holds Jessica's waist. "Because of Our Love."

The two share an incredible kiss.
  Both Sam and Jessica deserve each other more than anything.

Loss, abuse, depression.  All of that is over.
This is it.  This is their happy ending they've always wanted and deserved so badly.


Autumn and Austin went on to have one more son.

Landon and Christie had a total of five kids!

Julia married Liam, and had a little boy shortly after.

Theodore Married Pierre, and had a little boy through surrogacy.
A little boy just like his daddy with glasses and hearing aids.  He was loved so deeply by his parents.

Evangeline became a model, and married at the age of 30.  She had twin girls at 32.

Samuel became a doctor, and married his girlfriend of six years before having two boys.

Sam and Jessica lived their lives until their old and final days at their family home.
Until the day they parted, Sam was always her 'Sammy', and Jessica his 'Button'.

Their love inspired their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

Losing them was hard, but it made their children smile to know that they were with the loved ones they lost before.  Jessica finally got to hold and kiss her Simba after years and years.

  And it was a joyous reunion.

In the end everyone was happy.  That's all anyone ever asked for.

The End.

Wow.  That's it!  We're done!
If I feel this sad about ending this story, I don't even want to think about Two Fools ending lol!

Thank you all for reading.  Love y'all!

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