Will it?

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"Merry Christmas, little munchkins!"

"It cwismas! Teo, it cwismas!" Julia jumps with excitement.

"Yeah, Juju! Let's go see what Santa brought you!
Daddy, sister and grandma and Grandpa Huston are downstairs already!"

"Let's goooo!" Julia runs.

"No Juju, wait for mommy!"

"I go myself!"

"No, you're not used to the stairs, you need to hold my hand!"

"No I go myself!"

While holding the baby, Jessica rushes over and grabs Julia's hand.
Julia gives her mother a face and stomps her foot.

"No help!"

"Julia Summer, what is that face?" Jessica laughs.  Julia's mad face made everyone laugh.  It was too cute!

"Let's just go, you're fine Juju!"


Later that day Jessica took the kids to her parents' house. Sam and Landon were going to be there as well.

"Merry Christmas, babes! Jess, where's Danny?" Ann asks.

"He's with his family. They didn't want him to leave so I told him to just stay." Jessica smiles softly.

"It's not because he hates us?"

"What?! No! He doesn't hate you guys!"

"Really? Cause I hate him."

"Ann!" Dorothy pats her arm.

Jessica sighs and says, "I'm sorry that you feel that way, Ann. Danny's really a great man and I wish you'd see that."

"Bite your tongue, Ann!" Jane whispers to her sister.

Ann rolls her eyes and says, "Well I'm glad.. hopefully one day we'll see that side of him."

Jessica then walked out and went to sit with Sam.

"Jessie! Jessie!"

"What, Landon?!" Jessica matches his excitement.

"My daddy gave me all the toys!"

"Awesome, buddy! I'm so happy for you!"

"Yeah and my grandma gave us a picture of me, Auttie, Mommy and Daddy! And daddy cried!"

"Aw!" Jessica pouts. "Sammy.." She then reaches over and rubs his thigh.

"It was a nice picture. One we took right before we found out she was sick.. I just can't help but be mad that we didn't do something sooner. She'd still be here!"

"Sam." Jessica scoots closer and wraps her arm around him. "I know it's hard, honey. I know you blame yourself and think of all of the things you'd do over.. but God has a plan, and everything happens for a reason."

Sam looks at Jessica. She looked deeply into his eyes. It was obvious she really cared for him.

"I know. I know this was all apart of his plan.. his plan sucks." Sam chuckles.

Jessica smiles and wipes the tear that rolled down his cheek.

From afar Autumn watched with a smile on her face.
She doesn't remember a time where her parents were together, and lately she's been thinking about what it would be like if they had never separated.
However, Autumn does know that if Danny wasn't in their lives, neither would her siblings.  So that thought would always quickly disappear. She does have a great love for Danny, but she has seen him hurt her mother many many times.

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