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"Why do I have to leave?  This is my house!" Julia says making a face and crossing her arms.

"Because mommy and I are going to spend the evening together." Sam says.

"You just want us to leave so you can kiss!"

"Heh!  No, no." Jessica felt a little awkward.  She knows Sam doesn't see her in that way anymore, so this situation was uncomfortable.

"I'm teaching daddy how to cook."

"Daddy knows how to cook!  He used to cook better than you!"

"Thanks, Julia." Jessica says sarcastically.

"Mommy is an excellent cook, Juju!  That's why I'm asking her to teach me a few things.
That way I can help out a bit more."

"But why do I got to leave?"

"Julia, mom and dad need to have alone time so they can connect." Autumn says.

"Connect?  Like my legos?"

"No!" Jessica says.

"Julia, you're going to your grandparents, and daddy and I will see you after school tomorrow."

"Wow, that's SO far away!"

"Not really. You'll be okay, Ju."

"I guess!" Julia sighs.

Soon Sam and Jessica's parents came to pick the kids up.

"It's kinda crazy to see this house empty!" Sam says.

"Right? It's weird.."

There was then a silence.

"So! Wanna get started?" Sam asked.

"Sure! Go sit at the table and I'll bring some stuff over. I know you're hurting today."

"I'm okay. What are we making?"

"Well I thought we'd make something the kids ask for most, so-"

Sam gasps and says, "Chicken alfredo lasagna roll ups?"

"Yes!" Jessica laughs. "They love that stuff!"

"Awesome! I'm excited! I'm pretty tired of only cooking for Evangeline.
.. Mashing food isn't the most exciting food to prepare."

"Aw! Well I'm sure Evangeline loves that her daddy makes her food!" Jessica giggles.

"Maybe." Sam chuckles.

"She does!  Anyway! Let's get started!"


"I don't think I'm the best chopper of food."

Jessica laughs. "I think you're doing fine!"

"Yours is perfect, and mine looks like ass!"

"Ah! Sam!" Jessica laughs. "It looks good!"

"No, it's shit."

"Samuel stop it, I'm gonna pee!" Jessica cracks up.

"Do it, I dare ya!" Sam drops his knife and begins tickling Jessica.

"AH! Oh my gosh, NO! Sam! SAM!" She laughs.

Suddenly she and Sam make eye contact.
Breathing deeply, they just stare at each other for a few seconds.

Just then they hear the timer.
"Oh! I better get that!" Jessica quickly stands.

Sam watches her walk away, and smiles softly.

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