I won't hesitate

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"Should we tell the kids we're engaged?" Sam asks.
Jessica smiled as she continued straddling him.

"We can! How do you think they'll react?"

"Well Juju asked me to marry you earlier sooo.. I think she'll take it well!"

Jessica laughs. "Sure, we can tell them! Wait, but what about Landon?"

"I'll tell him when he gets back. It's probably best I tell him separately."

"Yeah, you're right."

"KIIIDS!" Sam shouts.

"Quiet, the baby's asleep!"

"No she isn't, mommy." Autumn walks in holding the baby.

"Oh! What are you doing up from your nap already, pretty girl?"

"She wanted to play!" Julia smiles.

"Oh did she?" Jessica chuckles and takes the baby from Autumn.

"Thank you for getting her, Auttie." Jessica says kissing her forehead.

"You're welcome!" Autumn giggles.

"Kids, Mama and I have some news!" Sam says.

"Another baby?!" Julia smiles and clasps her hands together.

"No!" Jessica laughs.

"Then what da surpwise?" She lifts her chubby hands.

"Mommy asked me to marry her." Sam smiles.

"What?! Mommy asked yous to marry her?!!!!!"

"You're getting married?!" Autumn shouts.

"Yep! Two girls proposed to me in one day! Pretty cool, huh?" Sam chuckles.

"SO Coooool! I gonna be a flower girl!" Julia smiles.

"Yeah!  Hey Theo! How do you feel about it, buddy?" Sam sits Theodore on his lap.

Theodore smiles and moves his little hand.

"Excited?" Sam signs.

Theodore giggles then babbles loudly.

"I think he's excited!" Jessica smiles.
"Or he has no idea what you're ire talking about!" She laughs.


The next day.


"Hey buddy! Did you have fun?"

"Yeah! We saw mommy on the tv!"

"Aw, you did?"

"John and I showed him your wedding video, and the video from his first birthday." Megan's mother says.

"Aw that's nice!"

After picking him up, Sam drove to the restaurant of Landon's choosing; which was McDonald's.

"Are your chicken nuggets okay?"


"Good.. Hey Lan?"


"Can I ask you a question?"


"Do you like Jessica?"

"I love her!"

"Aw that's good, buddy." Sam smiles.
"Would you like it if Jessie were to one day marry me?"

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