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A few days later.


"What Juju?"

"Where my dada at?  I mish him.. mama no tell me."

Autumn looked at her little sister.  There was such a sadness in her sweet little eyes.

"Sweet girl.. your daddy.. uhm.. honey, I don't know.  Let's go find mommy and speak to her."

"Sishy, she no tell me!" Julia says on the verge of tears.

"Oh.. well let me talk to her and I'll let you know what she says, okay?"

"Kayyyy." Julia rubs her tear filled eyes.

"Oh sweetie, come here!" Autumn holds her arms out and hugs her.

"Juju, you know I love you?"

"Ya and I lub you too, sishy!"

Autumn hugs her and squeezes her a bit tighter.

"Well mommy loves you, and so does Theo, and Simba!  Remember, he sent you to us?"

"Ya!  I happy he sent me here!  I lub you guysh!"

"Juju, We love YOU!  So does Landon and so Sam!"

"I lub them too!  Sham is my fwiend and Landon is like my bwuder!"

Autumn smiles and moves her curls out of her face.

"Does my daddy lub me?"

"... He loves you, Juju."

Julia pouts and rubs her eye.
"Kay.. we gonna go home?" She slightly lifts her shoulders.

"I don't know, Ju."

"I miss my woom."

"I know.. but let's look on the brought side!" Autumn smiles.

"It's almost your birthday!"

"YEAH!  I gonna be tree!"

"You ARE!  How exciting!"

"Yeah!" Julia smiles and stomps her feet.

Autumn giggles and kisses her cheek.

"I give sishy kisses!" Julia puckers and wraps her arms around the back of her neck.

"Aw thank you, beautiful!"


After leaving her sister to play with Theodore, Autumn left to find Jessica.

"Mommy?" Jessica heard Autumn's tearful voice.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I feel bad for Julia."


"Well I feel bad for everyone in this situation, but Juju.. she misses Danny so much!  She asked me where he was, if he loved her, and if we were going back home.  Momma, I can't take this!  How could Danny leave his babies?"

With tear filled eyes, Jessica nods her head and says, "I don't know.. I.. I really don't know.  I don't know what to tell her, Autumn.  How do I tell her that he wants nothing to do with her?  With his own daughter!"

A sob escapes Autumn and Jessica continues.

"I don't know what to do.. do I call him?"

"Maybe you can call Mr. and Mrs. Huston.
Maybe they don't know he left.  Maybe they can talk some sense into him."

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