Gift from Heaven

131 14 4

Valentine's Day.
29 weeks and five days pregnant.

"Happy Valentine's Day, boo!" Sam smiles.


"Yeah, I thought it was cute." He shrugs, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Danny used to call me Boo."

"Okay, Boo ends here."

"Aw no!  You calling me Boo is so much sweeter than Danny calling me Boo.  I say keep it!"

"Okay, Boo Boo!" He smiles.

Jessica giggles and kisses his lips.
"Oh and Happy Valentine's Day to you too!"

"Thanks!" Sam chuckles before kissing her once again.

"Mommy and Daddy, stop kissing for TWO SECONDS!" Julia shouts.

"What's up, Juju?" Sam smiles.

"Look at me, I'm gorgeous!"

"Oh you are SO gorgeous, Julia Summer!" Jessica says.

"Just like your mommy!"

"Daddy, you only say that cause you love my mommy and you love kissing her lips."

"I do!" Sam chuckles.

"You're a silly Sam."

"I am!"

"My Sammy.. you're my daddy too!" Julia giggles.

"I am!"

"Yep.  When are you gonna marry my mommy?"

"Julia." Jessica chuckles nervously.

"Oh uh, I don't know." Sam turns red.

"Don't forget I'm gonna be the flower girl! You have to buy me a pwetty dress!"

"I will buy you all the dresses in the world, Juju."

"Well I am a pwincess, but don't be cwazy dad!"

"Yeah, don't be crazy, dad!" Jessica says to Sam.

Just then Autumn walks in holding the baby away from her body.

"I'm done playing with her."

"Aw, are you bored of her?" Jessica laughs.

"She pooped and then laughed when I told her she smelled."

"Yeah! Be proud of that stink, Princess!" Sam takes her from Autumn.

Jessica laughs and rubs the baby's back.

"Evangeline, are you stinky?"

"Mama!" Evangeline smiles and throws herself to her mother.

"Oh you want mama?! Oh my goodness, what a surprise! You usually only want Dada!" She says taking her and kissing her chubby cheek.

Evangeline giggles.

Jessica's eyes then widen.
"Did you hear her?!  Evie, what did you eat, child?!"

"Ummm, well she had boobie milk, and avocadooosss." Julia counts on her chubby fingers.

"And then I gave her some of my pasghetti.."

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