It will get better

93 11 3

August 2023.

The kids' ages.

Autumn 16

Landon 10

Julia 8

Theodore 7

Evangeline 5

Samuel 4


"And that's the story!  That's mine and mommy's love story.  And that is why she and I celebrate so many times throughout the year.  We have quite a few anniversaries.  But I love her, so I want to celebrate with her as much as I possibly can to make up for the time we spent apart.

Samuel looks up to his father with a blank expression on his face.

"Oh stop that!" Sam chuckles and playfully shoves him.

"Hey no pushing me!"

"I didn't!"

"You a lie!"

"What?!  NOOOO!"

"You a lie, daddy!"

"Okay, I'm a lie." Sam laughs.

Samuel laughs and climbs on top of his father.

"Oh my goodness, you're getting me!  You're getting me!  Ahhh!"

"I gotted you, daddy!" He laughs.

"You did!  You're so strong!"

"YEAH!  I STROOOONG!" Samuel stands on his father, and shows him his muscles as he speaks in a deep voice.

Just then Jessica walks in.
"What are my boys up to?"

"I beating daddy up."

"Oh fun!"

Sam laughs.
"What's up, baby?"

"I just got a call from the school.. It's Theodore."

"Did it happen again?"


"Aw man.."

"He's such a sweet boy!" Jessica says with sadness in her voice.
"Maybe we should pull him out of school and just homeschool him for a while.  Kids are so cruel!"

"We can talk to him and ask if that's something he wants.

"Yeah.. Bullying is so scary!  That really messes with a child, Sam."

"I know.  It's terrifying."

"Auttie is bringing the girls and Landon home from school today for me.  I think I'll take him out to eat just him and I, and we'll talk about it.  Is that okay?"

"Of course!  Sounds good, baby."


"OoooOOOOHHHH!" Sam sings, making Jessica laugh.

"No, Dad!" Samuel smacks Sam's hand.

"Hey, no hitting!" Jessica grabs Samuel's hand.

"I have to!"

"No you don't." Jessica says holding her laughter in.

"Yeah doooo!"

"You're a mess!  You, Evie, and Juju are too much!"




"Sam Sam, don't shout, honey."

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