Big Sister

163 14 6

16 weeks pregnant.

Within the past few days, Jessica has finally felt the baby wiggling around.
That of course came with many emotions. She was thrilled to feel her baby move, but she was also sad and terrified all at the same time. Constant worry has become Jessica's new norm.

On the bright side, today is an exciting day, today she and Danny are finding out the gender of their baby.

"Danny, if all goes well, I'd like to tell Autumn about the baby later."

"Really?" Danny smiled.
"How should we tell her?"

"I don't know. I think I just want to sit and talk with her. I don't want anything extravagant."

"Oh.. So no writing Big Sister in the sky?" Danny jokes.

"Well she already is a big sister, silly!"

"That's true. I was only joking. This is good! I think she'll be very happy."

"I hope so." Jessica smiles.


Jessica sat back with her hand placed on her bump as they waited to be called back.

"It's weird that I don't have to hide being pregnant here. It feels kinda nice to just relax."

Danny smiles softly then looks down and places his hand on her stomach.

"What do you think it is?" She asks him.

"Definitely a boy."

"Oh yeah?" Jessica laughs.
"How are you so sure?"

"I'm a manly man and creating little manly men is what I do best!"

"Oh jeez!" Jessica rolls her eyes.

"Jessica Lange."

"Oh that's me! Let's go, Big Guy."Jessica pats him on the leg before using it as support to stand.


"Alright, Ms. Lange, your blood pressure is a little high but--"

"What?! But I've been so careful about everything! Is the baby okay?!  Can you please check?!"

"It's okay, ma'am. Just relax." The nurse smiles sweetly.
"It's just slightly elevated. Make sure to watch your sodium intake, and don't be afraid to be active. Don't overdo it, but take a walk here and there. It'll do you good."

"Jessica is never active!" Danny chuckles.

Jessica's face turns red.
"I'll start being more active! If it helps the baby, then I promise I will!"

"Alright! Well then if there are no more questions, I'll leave you two alone. Your doctor will be with you in just a moment."

"Okay, thank you!" Jessica smiles.

A few minutes pass before the doctor makes his way in.

"Everything looks good! The baby is measuring around seventeen weeks, about a week ahead, so that's good! Are you two wanting to find out the gender today?"

"Yes!" Jessica smiles.

"Perfect! Let me just get situated, and we'll start the ultrasound shortly."

"Okay." A smile was glued onto Jessica's face.

Soon he started the scan.
Seeing the baby moving around on the monitor brought tears to Jessica's eyes.

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