If I lose him

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"I can't believe this!  You have rights!" Dorothy shouts.

"Apparently I'm no one!"

"You're his fiancé!  You have two kids together for christ's sake!  They have to tell you something!"

"Why are his parents in Chicago anyway?  Sam and I didn't even know they were out of town!"

"Who has a spontaneous trip like that at their age?" George asks.

Dorothy gives her son a look before turning back to Jessica.
"I'm sure Sam is alright.  I mean if it were really bad, they would have told you."

"I just hate not knowing.  I want to go back there and see him.... My poor Sammy."

"Ms. Lange?"

"Yes?" Jessica quickly stands.

"I need an emergency contact number for Mr. Shepard.  A parent if possible."

"Why, wha-what's wrong?"

"Ma'am, please.  We've already told you we can only release that information to family."

"I am his family, Goddamnit!" Jessica screams.

"Ma'am, I need a number immediately.  This is a life or death situation."

"What?" Jessica felt her heart ache.

"I have his mother's number here." George steps in as Dorothy pulls Jessica to the side.

"Why won't they tell me what's going on?!  I need to see him!  I NEED TO SEE HIM!"

"Shh, shh, it's okay.. it's okay.."

"No it's not, Mom!"

"They'll call his mother and she'll call you.  It'll be okay."

"I am his partner, why can't they just tell me?!"

"I know, baby..  I'm so sorry."


A few minutes have passed, and Sam's father is speaking with Jessica.
Dorothy and George sat beside her as Jessica sobbed loudly on the phone.

Dorothy rubbed her back as tears slowly ran down her cheeks.

"Okay.. thank you for letting me know.. y'all be safe." Jessica says in a low and tearful voice.

"You too.  Just pray.. pray for my boy, Jessica."

"I am, Mr. Shepard.  He's my whole world.  I can't lose him."

Once Jessica hung up, she cried even harder.

"Jessica, what happened?" George asks.

"Shh.. Let her be for a second, George." Dorothy whispers.

Once Jessica had calmed down just a bit, she sat up and wiped her nose.
"He said.. he said they already had to take him into surgery.. He has a ruptured spleen.. several broken bones...
  and.." Jessica couldn't speak, she was too upset.

Dorothy held her close.  She felt terrible for her baby girl.

"His brain is swelling, so.. they're going to have to remove part of his skull-" Jessica says taking a deep breath in before she continues. "To relieve some of the pressure.  I.. I can't believe this.. this is all my fault."

"Stop that!  It is not your fault, Jessica!" Dorothy says.

"Yes.  It is.
  I hate, Danny.  I hate him so much!  I hate that I kept my kids around him for so long.  I hate that I pulled Sam into my messy life.  I don't know what I'll do if I lose him.."

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