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"Daddy.  The little man called me daddy.  This is one of the best days of my entire life, babe."

"Aw!" Jessica reaches over and rubs Sam's arm.

"It's like.. when you have a child and they tell you they love you.. it's incredible!  It's the most incredible feeling ever!
.. But when a child that isn't biologically yours, and he tells you he loves you, and calls you daddy.. I mean that is wild!" Sam says with tears in his eyes.

"He doesn't have to love me.  But he does.  He doesn't have to call me daddy.. but he did.  That makes me feel so good." Sam then turns to Jessica and says, "I hope this is okay with you."

"Are you kidding?  Sammy, this makes me so happy!
You're his daddy!" Jessica giggles.

Sam nods his head and looks down as tears roll down his cheeks.

"Aw baby!  Come here." Jessica holds her arms out for him. "I love you so so much, and the fact that you love my kids as much as I do is incredible.  I feel so blessed."

Sam sniffles and Jessica pulls away to hold his face.
"Oh my gosh, you are so cute!"

Sam chuckles and wipes his cheek.

Jessica smiles and places two kisses on his cheeks before softly kissing his cheeks.
"I love you." She says.

"I love you too."

"Yeah?  Kiss me."

Sam smiles and kisses her lips.


Jessica pulls away and giggles as she looks to the back seat.

"What do you want?" She asks.

"Boobies!" Sam chuckles.

"I think you're right. Okay, I'm comin', noisy!"


A few hours later.

"Come on, pretty girl

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"Come on, pretty girl. We're gonna pick up brother!" Jessica says getting Evangeline out of her car seat.

"Hey!  Where are your cute little sandals?
.. Here they are.  On the floor!  Why do you hate wearing shoes?  They look so cute on your little feeties!"

Jessica quickly slips her shoes back on and Evangeline starts crying.

"Jess, she doesn't like the shoes, babe." Sam chuckles.

"But I do!" Jessica pouts.
"Fine!  Don't wear them, Miss sassy pants!"

Sam chuckles and they walk into the daycare.

Walking up to Theodore's classroom, Sam opened the door and let Jessica walk in first.

"Aw Sam, look at him!  He's coloring!  He looks so smart!" Jessica giggles.

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