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Jessica quickly ran to the restroom to clean herself up, she then called her mother.

"Is it a lot of blood, Jessica?"

"Yes, mom!  I don't know what to do!  I can't lose another child!"

"I'm on my way, baby."

"No, it's late.  I.. I'll just go alone."

"You will not!  Your father and I are coming.  He can stay at the house and I'll go with you."

"Thank you.."

"Of course!  Just relax, we're on out way."


After hanging up, Jessica went up to check on the kids.
When she walked into Evangeline and Julia's bedroom, she found Evangeline sitting in her crib with her pacifier in her mouth.

"What are you doing up?" Jessica whispers.

"Dada?" She mumbles.

"No it's mama."


"No." Jessica sighs and takes her out of the crib.
She then quietly walks into her bedroom to find some clothes.

"Dada?" Evangeline looks at Sam.

"Shh.. he's sleeping."

"Dada!" She shouts.

"Be quiet, Evie. You're gonna wake him up!"

"You okay?" Sam mumbles.

Jessica quickly turns when she hears Sam's voice.
"Yeah.. I'm fine."

"Where are you going?"

"The hospital.."

"The hospital?  Why, what happened?"

"I.. I think I'm losing the baby." Jessica says in a tearful voice.

"No!  Let me come with you."

"No.  No, my mother is coming with me.."

"Oh.. but I want to be there for you."

"It's fine, Sam.  Just go back to sleep."

"I can't sleep, I'm worried!"

Jessica sighs. "Don't worry.  Just go to sleep.  My dad is going to stay here while my mom takes me to the emergency room."

"I'm okay to stay by myself for a few hours."

"Sam, you are in a wheelchair. I'm not leaving you alone with the kids."

"Alright. Well I'm sorry I can't go with you."

"It's okay.." Jessica then walks into the bathroom to change, taking the baby with her.


After a few minutes, Jessica's parents arrive.

"They're here, Sam. I'm gonna take the baby with me."

"You sure?"

"Yeah cause she's wide awake now, and I don't want my dad having to stay up with her."


"Do you need anything before I go?"

"No, thanks.. Be careful."

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