Hang on

112 16 12

Jessica buckled Evangeline into her car seat, and then the three hit the road.

"He's not answering!" Jessica said dialing him again.

"Call his mom." Sam suggests.

"Yeah. Shit, I need someone to pick the other kids up."

"Want me to call my mom?"

"That's too many kids. I can call mine."

"Do you want to worry her about this right now?"

"Well she's gonna find out eventually! I have way too many kids for your poor mother. Let me just call her quickly so I can try and get ahold of Zoe."


After speaking with Dorothy, Jessica tried Zoe.

"Pick up, pick up.."



"Jessica? Is everything alright, dear?"

"No. Zoe, where is Danny?"

"I haven't spoke to him today. Why? What's wrong?"

"He took Julia out of school, and tried taking Theo from his daycare. I have no idea where he has my baby."

"Did he ask you about maybe picking her up today?"

"No! And now he's not answering his phone. I just want my daughter! Him and his little whore have treated my kids like shit, Zoe! I don't want her over there!"

"Okay, okay, I'll see if I can get ahold of him. I'll call you back."

"Thank you.."

Jessica hung up her phone and sat back in her seat.
As she began to cry, Sam placed his hand on her thigh.

"It's okay. We'll find her and we'll make sure Danny gets exactly what he has coming to him."

"There's nothing I can do, Sam.."

"What do you mean?"

"He's her father. I can't call the police and tell them she was kidnapped. They'll think I'm crazy!
I should have just taken him to court for full custody right after the divorce was final. If I did then there would be something I could do. What are we supposed to do now? What if he takes off somewhere far away with her? With my baby?" Jessica says, her voice becoming high pitched and shaky.

"We're gonna find her tonight. Zoe's gonna help us out."

Jessica sighs and lays her head back.
"I hope so."


Julia's POV.

"Why did you take me? I don't want to be here with you. You no love me. You just hate my mommy!  That's why you did this!"

"I do love you, honey."

"You left us!" Julia shouts.

"Only because I loved Christine. I wanted to be with her. And then I had your brother Daniel."

"He is NOT my brother!"

"I had him and I had a new baby on the way. I didn't want to be away from them."

"Mommy was having a baby too."

"Not my baby."

"Yeah well Evie is lucky you're not her daddy. You're the meanest man in the whole world!  I have a new daddy!  A better daddy!"

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