22 Times [Liam Payne]

By artpieces

2.7M 63.4K 27.4K

"If you ever feel stupid, remember you're not the girl who rejected Liam twenty two times." My friend tried t... More

1 Time
2 Times
3 Times
4 Times
5 Times
6 Times
7 Times
8 Times
9 Times
10 Times
11 Times
12 Times
13 Times
14 Times
15 Times
16 Times
17 Times
18 Times
19 Times
20 Times
21 Times
22 Times Part 1/2
22 Times 2/2
22+ Shout Outs
About The Sequel
"I'm not the jealous type!"
Valentine's Day
"I'm lost and I lost Loki."
"She will model but only for me."
Box. 1/2
Box. 2/2

From Two to Three... to Four

18.4K 606 157
By artpieces

I received lot of hate for the past months; I didn't even want to continue with the shots. But here it's another shot because I write because I love it and because my true readers support me. This is the last one shot... an early Christmas gift for you all. Thank you so much for waiting so long, for the messages and for sticking with this story. This one was difficult to write, but I hope you love it. I love you all and I can't thank you guys enough.

Not edited.


"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

8 Months Ago

Liam's POV

I follow Francis through the store as she heads to the electronics section. A bodyguard is behind me and others are around just incase I get spotted. It's early in the morning; we got inside as soon as the store opened since not many people were here.

"There it is!" She calls me over to see the camera she was talking about for days. She points at the crystal box, so I could see all the cameras inside. She points at the second one. "This is the one; I can't believe is still here."

"Obviously, love, it costs a lot."

She ignores me. She calls the employee to ask a few questions about it. Every answer he replies with, Francis' hand keeps getting closer to her purse until she takes her wallet out.

"I'll pay; consider it a gift for being an amazing photographer." I put an arm around her shoulder and push my hand inside my back pocket to take my wallet out. She shakes her head and takes my arm off her.

"No, no. You can't keep buying me things, I work to buy my own things too, babe. Thank you." She kisses me quickly on my chin before she turns to buy the camera. I shrug and softly pat her back.

Francis finally bought the camera, but instead of going back home, she stayed in the store.

Francis' POV

"I think we need a new lamp, don't you think?" I hold up a lamp and Liam tilts his head, staring at it. He purses his lips.

"The one we have at home is working perfectly fine."

"True, but this will match with the curtains and the color of the walls."

"You're right, do you want it?"

"I'll think about it. We should go eat something. I'm starving." I put the lamp on the shelf.

I take the bag from Liam's hand so I can carry it, but he takes it back like the gentleman he is. I roll my eyes.

"I'll carry it; you'd be too clumsy and drop it."

"Oh thank you, Liam." I sarcastically say.

"You're very welcome, babe."

We turn around to leave and we walk past the toys section, just to be stopped by a little girl who is crying. I look around wondering where her parents are.

"C-Can you help... me look for my mommy? I... I'm lost."

I share glances with Liam.

"Sure, where was the last time you saw here?" Liam gives me the bag and kneels down in front of her. She shrugs and covers her face.

"I don't... remember."

"Don't cry we'll find her, okay?"


He stands up and holds the little girl's hand; she slowly starts calming down as he walks with her. I'm left behind, standing in the same position with my mouth slightly open. My stomach flutters and my chest starts getting warm by the thought of Liam being a father. "You coming, babe?"

"I - yes," I shake my head and follow behind, just to keep staring at Liam's hand holding the little girl's hand.

"What's your name?" she asks him.


"And you?" She looks at me.

"Francine. You?"

"I won't tell you." She sticks her tongue at me and Liam starts laughing. I fake a hurt.

"Will you tell me instead?"

She nods and Liam leans. She whispers her name in his ear.

"That's a lovely name!"

"I know!" She nods she wipes her dried tears.

"To find your mommy you need to tell me how she's like."

"My mommy has long hair." She starts describing her mother to him. "Her hair is brown and she has um, brown eyes!"

"And how old are you?"

"I'm..." She lets go of his hand and she puts six fingers up, and proudly says, "I'm six years old!"

"Woah! You're a big girl!" He ruffles her brown curls and she giggles, forgetting the situation.

"My mommy said I'm a big girl too," she holds his hand again, and looks at me. "Is she your girlfriend?"

I wave at her with a smile.

"My wife." Liam's eyes meet mine with a cheeky smile.

"She's beautiful." She tugs at his arm.

"I know right? I did well." He continues to walk, but he's still staring at me.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes at him and my attempt of hiding my smile didn't work.

"I love you."

"Me too," I mouth at him and he turns his face with a smile.

We keep walking around the store for a few minutes. I wasn't really looking for her mother, I just couldn't stop thinking about Liam carrying my daughter in his arms, being overprotective over her, and giving her hugs and kisses. I can't wait for that day I get home and find Liam asleep with our son or daughter in his arms.

"You see something that you like? Do you want a toy or something?" He asks.

"Avery!" A woman yells and Liam stops.

Oh, so that's her name.

"Mommy! We found mommy!"

"Oh my God, you're okay." The little girl hugs her mother and she carries her.

"Forgetting your children like that? That's a bit low." I comment.

"Francis." Liam knits his eyebrows.

The woman ignores my comment, "Thank you so much, uh..."

"Liam!" The little girl tells her.

"Thank you very much for taking care of her, Liam."

"No problem, bye Avery! Nice meeting you."

"Bye Liam, bye Francine!" She hides her face on the crook of her mother's neck.


"You shouldn't have said that." Liam starts the car.

"Said what?"

"Calling that mother low."

"If I were a mother, I wouldn't forget about my kids."

"You're a woman, babe you should know more than that. Not every mother is perfect. And you wouldn't know what is like to be one."

My mouth opened in shock.

"Excuse me? Have you ever been a mother Liam?" I cross my arms against my chest and he rolls his eyes with a sigh, and then continues to look at the road.

"No, but I know what being kind is, Francis." He shuts me up with that.

"Sorry, I just... I don't know. I got quite jealous of her."


I look out of the window. I feel his hand rest on my thigh.


"I don't know if I should even ask you this."


He stops at the red light and turns to me. I stay quiet not even sure, how he would react.

"I think we've been together long enough to be able to say anything we need to say. We trust each other, right?"

I nod and play with my fingers.

"When are we- are we having children?"

I should've asked him in a different way.

"You want to have kids?"

"Yeah... don't you think it's time?"

"Of course, love." He caress my chin with his thumb. "We need to plan and decide if we're ready, okay?"

"Geez. I thought you were going to say no."

"Why would I say no?"

"I don't know."

"Come on, there might be a reason."

"Well, I thought you were going to say we needed to wait because of your job."

"My job?" Someone behind us honks at Liam. We jump and he notices it's a green light, continuing driving. Without removing his eyes from the road, he grabs my hand and kisses its top. "Forget about my job, you're my priority."

3 Months Ago

Liam's POV

I sit on the edge of the bed, my knees bouncing anxiously. I look up at the bathroom door. She walks out of there and by the look of her face; I know is not the result we were hoping for.

"There's always another try,"

She scoffs, "It's been the second time, are you insane? I can't get pregnant. There's definitely something wrong with me."

"Don't bring yourself down," I stand up and walk towards her, cupping her face. "We won't give up, okay?"

"What if we never be parents?"

"Now you're being negative." I turn around and sit on the bed. "Look Francis, what I've learned in life is that if you want something you have to fight for it."

"Thank you, but it feels like I'm the only one upset."

"I am upset, Francis. I want to be a parent as much as you do, baby. Don't be offensive."

"I'm sorry." She lies in bed and I hold her in my arms. "Everything's going to be okay."

"Hope so."

2 Months ago.

"Nice swing!" Niall tells Harry, both of them checking where the golf ball landed.

"Your turn, mate." Harry pats my back. "Good luck."

"Oh, no I don't want to play anymore. I promised Zayn I would help him pick a car."

"I knew we shouldn't have invited you." Niall mutters. "Such a party pooper."

"Oh yeah, it's a real party. Thanks, Niall." I throw the golf stick on the ground.

Harry slaps the back of his neck.

"Don't you get that Liam is having a bad time, you idiot? Do you want to talk about it? Is Francis still sad because..."

"Yeah she is, we keep trying, and..." my voice cracks. Niall mad expression starts fading.

"Woah, you look guilty." Harry gestured us to sit down on the grass.

"I am."

"Why? You don't know why she can't get pregnant. Did she go to the doctor?"

"Yeah, the doctor tell she's perfectly fine and doesn't know what the problem is... therefore, I went to get checked and I am the problem."

"You?" Niall raises his eyebrows.

"I took a male infertility test and-" I couldn't finish.

"Oh no, don't tell me you haven't told her."

"I told her I wasn't the problem either."

"Are you fucking insane?" Niall shouts at me. Harry pushed Niall's face, making him fall backwards.

"You have to tell her, mate."

"I can't stand her being sad and knowing that I'm the reason why she's devastated."

"What do you want? Do you prefer having her thinking why she can't pregnant and continue to get even sadder or tell her the truth?" Harry puts a hand on my shoulder and my face falls to my hands.

"I prefer her not knowing."

I look up at Niall who's getting up to grab the golf stick. "You're being selfish."

"Niall, could you please stop?"

"He's right, Liam."

"I don't want her to hate me."

"She will find out anyways when she will start asking questions..."

"Yeah so you better grow some balls-" Niall starts, Harry interrupts him.

"Bad choice of words, Niall."

I sigh. I take the golf stick, standing up, trying to light up the mood, "So you said it was my turn?"

Niall smirked, "Swing it, Payno."

Francis POV

Eleanor and I are watching old films while we eat popcorns.

"He's so hot. Such a badass actor."

"He's 65 now, Eleanor."

"I bet he's still hot." I laugh at her and she rests her head on my shoulder. "Anyway, how are you feeling?"

"Still devastated."

"You would've been such a hot ass mother."

"I know right?"

Eleanor nods. The house phone rings and she gives me space for me to get up. I pause the movie and pass her the bowl of popcorn. I take telephone and put it against my ear.

"Good Afternoon."

"Ah, good afternoon Mrs. Payne, may I speak to Mr. Payne?"

"Who is it?" Eleanor whispers. I wave at her to shut up.

"He's not at home now. Who's this?

"Doctor Anglin."

"Oh, I didn't recognize your voice. How can I help you? What happened?"

"Don't worry, just wanted to ask Liam when is he free to start his treatment. Can you tell him to call me back?"

"Uh... sure." I put the phone back where it belongs. I don't move, I just stare at the phone.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know. Our doctor called and he was wondering when is Liam free to start his treatment."

"Treatment for what? Oh my God, is he okay?"

"I don't know."

"Come sit down," Eleanor patted the space next to her. I sit down and she covered our bodies with the duvet. "Do you want to talk about it or continue watching the movie?"

I ignore her question, "Liam looks perfectly healthy. He wouldn't be hiding something from me, right?"

"I hope he's okay. Hey, you haven't told me how did it go with your doctor's appointment?"

"It went okay. I'm not the problem."

"So it's Liam?"

"No, he went to the doctor and he told me he isn't the problem either."

Eleanor and I stay quiet for a moment until our eyes meet with shock.

"Oh my God... he lied!" I cover my mouth.


I wait for Liam to come home and when he does, I stand up from the sofa turning on the lights.

"You scared me,"

"You seem jumpy."

"Yeah, uh, where's Eleanor?"

"Louis picked her up." I eye him. He takes his white cap off. "How was golfing with Harry and Niall?"

"Awful. I'm horrible playing that."

"Oh." I fake a laugh and he notices. I sit down on the sofa and he does too.

"Is there something wrong?" He grabs the bowl to check if we left any popcorn. He pouts and puts it back on the table before turning to me. "Hm?"

"I think we've been together long enough to be able to say anything we need to say. We trust each other, right?" I return what he once said to me. I feel him tense and hear him swallow. He's hesitating.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" He asks.

"No. Is there something you need to tell me?"

He laughs nervously, "No. Goodnight."

He starts walking away from me.

"Your doctor called." I stop him.

"Don't worry, I told him to you will call back to tell him when to start your treatment."

He turns around and looks at me.

"Treatment for what, Li?" I ask him, but I know the answer. He knows that I know.

Liam sadly looks back at me and shakes his head. He turns around and walks upstairs in silent. I let my face fall to my hands. "Wait, Liam..."

"Liam..." I follow him upstairs. "I'm such a bitch. I should've understood you first."

"Thanks for being so harsh with me; do you know how hard for me is being the reason why I can't make you happy?" Liam gets into the bathroom and before he could close the door on my face, I get inside.

"You make me happy. You had to tell me, Liam."

"I know. I'm sorry, Francis."

We stay silent for a moment.

"So... do you think the treatments will work?"

"I don't know." He takes his shirt off. "Can we shower together?"

I nod and he walks towards me taking my clothes off delicately.




Liam has been taking his treatments.

And we adopted a baby girl.

"Hey, how was the interview?"

"Great, it airs tomorrow night. Where's Lillian?"

"She's sleeping. Dinner is ready though." I continue to wipe the counter. Unexpectedly, he grabs my arm and turns me around. "Wow, Liam."

He kisses me and his hands squeeze my bum.

"Liam!" I interrupt the kiss and hold his face. "What is wrong with you?"

"Hm, I don't know, you keep wearing tank tops without any pants on. You know that drives me crazy babe."

My cheeks start heating, "What is that?" I look at the bag on the kitchen island.

"Niall was being a nice uncle and bought a few toys for our daughter."

"Aw, that's so sweet. I need to call him."

"And... before that..." he carries me, "I'm taking you to bed."

Present Time

"She's so cute, oh my God." Eleanor tells Liam who's holding the baby. "It's so nice of you to decide to adopt."

Liam and I look at each other. We promised to take care of our little girl and be the best parents she deserves.

We're happy.


"So you two are having... unprotected sex freely?" Mia asks.

"Mia." Eleanor slaps her shoulder.

"oh my God." I put my hand on my forehead.

"Geez, sorry."

"Yeah, that's the answer." Liam answers Mia.

"That's personal, Mia."

"Yet he answered."

I shake my head. I stand up to go to the kitchen, "I'm going to the kitchen. I'm making burgers."

"Oh, bring me a cup of water." Mia says.


I open the fridge and suddenly the smell of the food inside made me nauseous.

I close the fridge and rest my forehead against it, feeling dizzy.

"I came to help you with the burgers... Are you okay?"

I turn to look at Eleanor, "Yeah I'm ok-"

I start falling down and Eleanor holds me.

"Oh, my Liam!" She shouts.



I wake up to find Liam holding my hand against his lips.

"What happened?"

"Francis..." he lets out a relieve sigh. He kisses my forehead. "You passed out."

"That explains why I'm in the hospital?" I cross my arms against my chest. "I'm fine, Li. You didn't have to take me here."

"Of course I had to; no one faints without a reason."

I sit up, "Where's Lillian?"

"She's with Eleanor outside."


A doctor and a nurse walk into the room. Our doctor greets me.

"You're awake..." he states and walks over to me. "Do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah, I only fainted. Right?"

"Yeah, why she did that, doc?" Liam stood up.

"Well after the examinations we have the results...."

"If I'm diabetic, I'm done with life." I nervously say.

"Shh..." Liam taps my hand.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Payne..." he looks at me and adds, "You're pregnant."

"Wait... wait, you mean..."

"You're responding to your treatments, Mr. Payne."

Liam looks at me with a wide smile.

"Ah!" I happily shout.

He hugs me tightly.

Eleanor enters the room, "Can I come in? Oops, I'm already in."

"Eleanor I'm having a baby!"

"Oh my Gosh, congratulations! This is amazing!"

Liam carries Lillian while we hug.

"Lillian is having a little sibling!" Eleanor says.

While Eleanor starts rambling about how happy she is for me, I stare at Liam He looks so happy and it warms my heart. His eyes goes from Lillian to me and we lock eyes.

"I love you." I mouth at him.

"I love you." He mouths back.

He walks towards me to hug each other softly, with Lilly in the middle.

There you have it. Remember the end of the story was the Epilogue. This is the last one shot. I hope you all enjoyed this, I tried to make it different and I hope it wasn't weird to read and anything. I had many things to say but I forgot. P.S I started writing this in November.

Anyways, continue reading the sequel NIALL AND HARRY TAKE MIAMI! I'm almost finish writing the sequel and you'll see a little bit of Liam and Francis with their kids in the Epilogue.

Check out my other Liam Fanfic "Not Since You".

My Niall FanFic "Polaroid" <3

My Harry Fanfic "Animalistic" :)

Thank you. I love you.

Twitter: @lwnharry

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