A Jori Story: After The Plati...

By Darkob996

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Read for days with this Jori fanfic with over 50 chapters! The first 16 are the complete main story, the foll... More

Chapter 1 - After the Platinum Awards
Chapter 2 - ...It wasn't true right?
Chapter 3 - Caught
Chapter 4 - We want to be a secret...?
Chapter 5 - School time
Chapter 6 - We are together!
Chapter 7 - First Date
Chapter 8 - Tori's first time
Chapter 9 - The morning after...
Chapter 10 - Jade meets Tori's parents
Chapter 11 - You don't know me
Chapter 12 - After the Full Moon Jam
Chapter 13 - Jade's mom
Chapter 14 - Love is in the air
Chapter 15 - Parents and jealousy
Final Chapter - Jori and the Killer Tuna Jump
Special Chapter - Brain Squeezers
Special Chapter 2 - Jori and Sam & Cat
Special Chapter 3 - The Chat
Special Chapter 4 - The proposal
Special Chapter 5 - Flashbacks and shocking news
Prequel Chapter
Special Chapter 6 - Tori and Jade talk to Trina
Special Chapter 7 - I kissed a girl...
Special Chapter 8 - Star Spangled Jori
Special Chapter 9 - The Vega-West family
Special Chapter 10 - The 100 days kiss
Special Chapter 11 - During Tori and Jade's first year
Special Chapter 12 - Tori and Jade's family life
Special Chapter 13 - Jealous Jade
Special Chapter 14 - Night of passion
Special Chapter 15 - Jori through the years
Special Chapter 16 - Guess who comes to dinner...
Special Chapter 17 - Love is love
Special Chapter 18 - You are my everything
Special Chapter 19 - Sleepover at Tori's
Special Chapter 20 - Jennifer and Lola
Special Chapter 21 - The Prom
Special Chapter 22 - She is my girl
Special Chapter 23 - Sweet moments
Special Chapter 24 - A crazy return
Special Chapter 26 - Jori and their careers
Special Chapter 27 - Teenage girlfriends
Special Chapter 28 - Birthdays
Special Chapter 29 - No photoshoot
Special Chapter 30 - Ex, fans and friends
Special Chapter 31 - Doppelgangers
Special Chapter 32 - J + T = Forever
Special Chapter 33 - A Christmas Jori

Special Chapter 25 - Married life then and now

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By Darkob996

In the first half of this filler chapter Tori and Jade are married from a couple of months and have just started attending college while living in their first apartament together. The second half is set several years later instead after Tori and Jade had their kids and Tori became a famous popstar while Jade became an actress and screenwriter. WARNING: explicit sexual contents and language near the end.

"Honey I'm back. Picked sushi for dinner!" Jade said coming back to her and Tori's apartment that evening. She had been to her parents house that afternoon to take what was left of her stuff, since her and Tori had just moved into their new apartment after their honeymoon, to attend the LA performing arts academy college.

"Nice! You're such a sweetheart Jade!" Tori said while getting up from the couch to help her wife with some bags and the food she had taken at Nozu. In that moment Jade saw that there was another girl on the couch. She recognized her, she was one of the girls from their acting course at college, a nice tall girl with dark hair and bangs. She was called Nikia if Jade remembered right. Jade looked at her suspiciously for a moment before she hugged her wife and started caressing her on the cheek, pushing her hair away from her face like she wanted to give her a kiss. But instead she bit her earlobe in a seductive way, giving it a lick before letting it go. Tori giggled at the sensation.

"Baby! What are you doing?" she asked her still giggling.

Just making sure she knows you're my property Jade thought giving the other girl a look before releasing Tori's ear completely.

"Saying hi to my wife. I've been out the whole afternoon, haven't you noticed?" Jade responded to Tori

"Yeah, how come by the way? Thought you only had to take a few things from your house?" Tori asked her

"I stopped by your house too, to take some clothes you had forgotten and a few other things... Your parents say hi by the way, and I got a little surprise for you..." Jade told her smiling

"Really? Awww thanks hun" Tori exclaimed caressing one of Jade's cheeks as she nodded smiling. Than she looked towards Nikia again

"Didn't know we had guests!" she said doing her best not to look annoyed from Nikia's presence

"Babe, you remember Nikia? She is in our film's project for the acting course. We exchanged numbers earlier at the campus cause she told me she had a few ideas for the short movie we're shooting" Tori explained. They took a project that semester to shoot an independant movie for their acting course.

"Hi! Jade right?" Nikia said getting closer to them and extending an hand to Jade. Jade looked at it for a moment like she was contemplating not take it but then she decided to shake her hand.

"Yep. I'm writing the script, you know... And I don't think I ever said I needed 'ideas'" Jade said to the girl

"Jade! Don't be rude! She said we can film most of the scenes at her parents house" Tori explained

"Yeah. I read the plot you started writing Jade. I think it's very good, and I immediately thought that we could've shoot some of the scenes at my house since it's very big and I also have a swimming pool!" Nikia said

"Oh. Well that sounds good" Jade responded

"Great! I'll tell about it to the other guys in our project too! We can meet at my house next Monday if it's good for everyone, ok? I already gave Tori my address" Nikia continued

"Of course, Monday it's perfect for us! Right love?" Tori asked Jade hugging her with an arm around her waist and looking at her

"Yeah Monday is fine. Thank you Nikia" Jade said.

"But of course! You guys are so cute by the way! Can't believe you're already married and have your own apartment too! I mean how cool is that!" Nikia said looking at them.

Tori was giggling at the compliments hugging Jade tighter before kissing her on the cheek "So cool!" she said before continuing "So, want to have dinner with us Nikia?"

"I really gotta run now, but thank you! I'll let you know if Monday is good for the others too. Bye!" she said opening the door and getting out 

"Bye Nikia! See you soon" Tori said.

"Yeah bye" Jade also said while the girl was waving at them.

After she got out they closed the door and Tori said "Yes! Now we have a setting thanks to Nikia! Aren't you happy about it dear?"

"Yeah it was nice from her to let us use her parents house" Jade said smiling before she turned on the TV while Tori was preparing their sushi for them to eat on the couch.


After dinner Tori was kissing her wife all over her neck so many times that at one point Jade started feeling aroused

"Do you want to go to the bedroom or we do it right here?" she asked smiling.

Tori chuckled "Can't we just cuddle on the couch for another bit? Or all you can think of is sex when I'm kissing you?"

Jade laughed "Of course we can keep cuddling. But I gotta warn you that you're starting to turn me on" she said

Tori laughed too bwfore she said "I love to see that you're still so jealous sometimes. Like before... Even though you should know by now that I only love you"

"Jealous? Me? Nah... I'm a mature married woman now, and I trusts my wife. I'm not the same from high school."

"Yeah you're totally not the same, I mean it's not like you still love those horrible horror movies that you force me to watch with you. And you don't still have a collection of scissors that thank god I was able to not let you keep in our room. And you don't still like to dress in black, and play violent videogames in your free time..." Tori was saying with so much sarcasm that she started chuckling

"Ok, I'm the same for that kind of stuff, but not for the jealousy thing" Jade told her.

"Sure, that's why as soon as you got back home and noticed Nikia you pulled that show right in front of her. You know when you started biting my ear..." Tori said smirking.

"It's not my fault if your ears are so sexy" Jade said which made Tori laugh "Also the old Jade would have probably got angry at the simple fact that you were alone in the house with another woman. But this new mature Jade has complete trust in you. In fact I didn't give two shits about that Nikia. I mean, did I make a scene?" Jade asked her

"Well, you were pretty rude to her at start, actually" Tori said.

"No. I was just being me. Only because I'm sweet to you doesn't mean I have to be it with everyone. Remember, I'm still Jade fucking West" Jade said winking at her wife 

Tori smiled "Oh I know. And that's why I love you, mmmh my wife is the baddest and hottest bitch in the world!" she said starting to kiss Jade's neck again. 

"That's right!" Jade exclaimed chuckling before closing her eyes to enjoy her wife's kisses, while caressing Tori's long brunette hairs.

Jade was about to lift Tori's shirt up when the Latina pulled away from her and said "Wait! You told me you had a surprise for me before! You said you stopped by my house for it!"

"Yeah well you'll have to wait to see it tomorrow, cause right now I have something else in mind" Jade said trying to strip Tori from her shirt again, but her wife stopped her saying "Oh come on you know that I'm not a patient person! I want my surprise!" 

Jade rolled her eyes "I married such a baby..." she said making Tori giggle and clap her hands excited while she got up to pick a bag of stuff she had picked from Tori's house. She took some clothes out of it and then picked something else and showed it to Tori. It was her Cuddle-me-Cathy doll. Tori looked at it with an happy and moved face and quickly took the doll in her hands to hug it "Awww! Such a good surprise! Hey Cathy! I'm so sorry I forgot to pack you with the rest of the stuff! This woman right here made me lose my mind!" Tori said laughing while pretending to show Jade to her doll.

Jade shook her head in an exasperated way but she was also laughing "Ok, now don't make me regret giving you that doll!"

"Oh Jade! You can't imagine how much she means to me!" Tori said at which Jade replied "I can actually. Remember that time you had to give Trina the lead in your play at school cause she had stolen this doll? You said you had it ever since you were 5" 

"Aww darling! You remembered that! See, these little things are what make me love you every day more!" Tori said kissing her wife on the lips before saying "By the way was it you who sabotaged Trina during that play back then? You can tell me now..." Tori said winking at her wife

"Nope. It wasn't me" Jade told her. Tori looked at her unconvinced "Are you sure?"

"I swear! Did I ever lie to you?" Jade asked her. Tori looked at her even more skeptical

Jade rolled her eyes "Ok let me rephrase it: did I ever lie to you ever since we are together?"

"Fair enough... Then it must have really been an accident cause we've never found out who did it" Tori said before continuing smiling "I also remember you saying in your version of the story that I had called you pretty"

"Well you did..." Jade responded

"Not that time. But you were right... I was thinking it" Tori confessed

Jade smiled "I knew it"

Tori hugged her doll to her chest and said "If we will ever have a daughter, I'm gonna give Cathy to her one day! Thank you Jade!" Tori said.

Jade nodded, while smiling looking at Tori hugging the doll before picking a little purple book from her bag "I also found this in your room. Next to Cathy" she said showing it to Tori.

Tori looked at the little book and picked it from her wife's hands "You found my old diary! Wait did you read it?" she asked looking a bit suspicious.

"No. Cause I respect your privacy" Jade told her before adding "Why, there's something you don't want me to read there?"

"Maybe..." Tori said. Jade looked at her curious but then Tori just laughed saying "Nah, not really, I used to write on this way before I even met you. When I was in junior high school. After that I was just writing a few ideas for some songs here" she opened her diary and her eyes lit up as she said "But actually there are a couple of pages about you... From when I was starting to realize I liked you... But they are maybe a bit too embarassing to read out loud, if I remember right..." Tori said blushing lightly

"Tori, I'm your wife you shouldn't be embarassed about anything around me... Except maybe for that time you farted in bed when you thought I was asleep" Jade said laughing loudly

Tori looked at her shocked "You promised me you were never gonna talk about it again!"

Jade was still laughing "I don't know why you're still so ashamed about it, it was so funny!" she said mimicking a fart sound with her tongue between her teeth

"Stop!" Tori told her embarassed

Jade pecked her with a kiss on the cheek while doing her best to stop laughing "I love you baby. And if you love me too you shouldn't care about these kind of things with me"

Tori smiled "Of course I love you jerk!" she said so Jade smirked and continued "So are you gonna let me read what you were writing about me or not? I bet they were things like 'oh my gosh I'm such a Sally Peaches yet I'm in love with such a bad girl! But she is so good in bed'!" Jade said mocking Tori with her imitation of her voice

"Ok just for doing that I'm not letting you read my diary, anymore" Tori said.

"Oh please!" Jade told her

"No. You know I don't talk like that" Tori continued but she was clearly smiling

"Please babe! I just like teasing you, you know that! I'm so curious now!" Jade exclaimed looking Tori in the eyes

Tori stared back at her in awe before giving her wife with a quick kiss on the lips and saying "Alright, but it's not fair that you use those impossibly beautiful blue eyes to always get what you want from me!" 

"It's fair and I'll always do it" Jade said while Tori was opening her diary while rolling her eyes. "So many memories... I only wrote a couple of pages about you since I was not really writing on this by the time I got in Hollywood Arts. I wrote about how happy I was when we sang together with the Icarly guys at Kenan's party... When I realized I was in love with you after the Platinum Awards... And after we made love for the very first time..." Tori said blushing a bit

Jade smiled "Read that one" she said. 

Tori blushed more "Well... On second thought this might be a little too explicit and embarassing to read..." she was saying but then Jade took the diary from her hands.

"Jade!" Tori exclaimed trying to take it back but Jade pulled away from her reach and started to read "'Dear diary... Oh my god I just lost my virginity to a sex goddess!'" Jade read Tori's words before bursting out in laughter again.

Tori hid her face behind her hands embarassed "I knew you would've made fun of me... Oh God... I'm so embarassed!" she said

"I swear I'm not making fun of you! And thank you for the compliment by the way!" Jade told her trying to hold her laughter with tears in her eyes from how much she was having fun before continuing to read "'Of course that sex goddess is also the love of my life. Jade West.'" Jade read before looking at Tori who had removed her hands from her face and was now looking at her smiling. Jade took her wife's hand in hers and continued to read "'I heard many say their first time wasn't that special. Well to me it was. It was the most special night of my life. Touching myself while thinking about her was not even remotely as satisfying as making love with her for real'" Jade read and started chuckling once again.

Tori's face was red by now "Ok enough!" she said trying to pick her diary from her wife but Jade pulled it out of her reach again

"Come on Jade, it's so embarassing!" Tori continued

"You think this is embarassing? Wanna hear what I was doing when I was wih Beck?" Jade asked her

"Not really" Tori replied

"No... I mean... Sometimes I was thinking about you while me and him... You know..." Jade said

Tori looked at her smiling and surprised "Really? Oh my god!" she said laughing

"Yeah... Why you think I pretended to hate you for so long? I couldn't even have sex with my boyfriend anymore without thinking of a certain Latina..." Jade explained

"Baby you know what that means right? We both secretely liked each other from the start! We were meant to be! If only we would've realized it sooner... we could have been together from the very beginning... maybe from that day you helped me out of detention at school" Tori told her

"I'm sorry baby. At the time I was still not ready to admit to myself that my... Let's say infatuation for girls was something more than that. Plus I was with Beck. And considering how things ended up between Cat and Robbie when she left him for Sam, maybe it's better that Beck and I broke up by realizing to not be in love anymore instead of me dumping him for you" Jade said

"Yeah perhaps you're right. Well it doesn't matter now, as in the end we've still found out to be in love" Tori told her smiling at her wife

"True. Anyway let me read some more of what you wrote about our first time, I'm really getting into it!" Jade said smirking while Tori relesed a resigned sigh when her wife kept on reading "'It all started after our wonderful date at an italian restaurant. It was so romantic! We shared bites of each other's food feeding one another like we were long time lovers already! Then we went back to her house. Luckily I was wearing my sexy bra and underwear to surprise her. And I think she liked the surprise very much' yep I totally did" Jade confirmed to Tori who was smiling now. Then Jade continued "'And then we did it! Her naked body... Wish I was better at drawing cause she is so flawless that she deserves a painting of her beautiful and completely naked curves' aw Tor... You're so sweet" Jade laughed "'and it was like... Ecstasy. When I felt her mouth there and her tongue hitting all the right spots in me, I was going crazy from the pleasure! And she seemed to enjoy it just as much as I was' wow Tori ever thought about writing erotic romances? Cause I'm getting turned on just by reading your words. Not to mention by the memories..." Jade said winking at her wife who also giggled even though she was still blushing. Then Jade continued to read "'It was like we were waiting for that moment from like forever. She was so sweet when she started touching me... And when I felt her fingers in me I was feeling so good that for a moment I felt like crying in a wonderful mix of pleasure, pain, happiness and excitement. Now I think I know what Jade meant when she mentioned 'the good kind of pain' briefly, once a long time ago'" Jade who was smirking while reading started chuckling while Tori hid her face behind her hands again before Jade continued to read her diary "'It was simply amazing. And just when I thought things couldn't get any hotter, it was her turn... Not to brag but she told me she had never had a better sex, after I went down on her. And oh my god she tastes so good down there that just the thought of it makes my head spin!'" Jade chuckled "Well thank you love" she told Tori removing her hands from her face and kissing her on the nose. She was smiling but still blushing. Then Jade kept on reading "'And when I was touching her there, it was such an intimate moment... I felt so connected to her. Both physically and emotionally. It was so beautiful, definetely something I'm eager to do again (many times)'" Jade smirked "And you did it, many times" she said to Tori who also smiled before Jade continued to read "'But even though sex was amazing (more like incredibly amazing!) what made me cry in happiness last night was Jade telling me that she loves me. I would've never thought this day would come. I feel like a true woman now, and not only because I just lost my virginity to the woman I love. But also because I realized something last night: this is who I am. That's why everything happened so naturally between us last night. And why I had no problem to tell my parents about Jade (even though now I'm grounded for the weekend to have spent the night at her house before telling them that we are together). I don't care that we are both girls, what we have is special, and I want to be with her. I'm into women and she is the woman for me, I couldn't be more certain of that'" Jade read before looking at Tori smiling tenderly at her. Tori smiled back at her. Jade left the diary on the couch and Tori did the same with her doll and they both stood up hand in hand looking at each other in the eyes.

"Well now you know..." Tori said at one point

"What? That I'm able to turn you into an horny writer by making love to you?" Jade teased her smiling

Tori smirked and playfully slapped her arm "No... I mean yeah, that too, but..." Jade laughed before Tori continued "What I meant is... Now you know that you were always my one true love"

Jade smiled "I love you Tori. I love you like I never loved anyone else. Sometimes I think no other person can possibly love someone as deeply as I love you. You're my soulmate" she said

Tori gaped at her speechless for a bit before she said "Ok that was too sweet which means we go straight to bed right now!" Tori said leading her laughing wife to their bedroom "But I'm not tired!" Jade teased her wife giggling, "Good cause sleeping was the last thing on my mind!" Tori replied to her. Jade laughed "Okay! But I wanna hear you call me a sex goddess like you did in your diary while we are at it!" she said. "Course! Gonna eat you out all night after what you said!" Tori told her. Jade smiled "Make it half of the night! I want some too!" she responded.


*15 years later*

Tori was talking at the phone in their new house.

"...Lola and Jen will be so happy to spend some time with you and dad while we will be at Ellen's tommorrow, mom!" Tori was telling her mother smiling "...No, Jade is still on set right now. Yeah... She has been on there all day. Again... ever since she finished her script she is so busy directing the shootings of her new movie. I guess I'm starting to understand now how she felt when I was in tour or recording songs, before I took this break... Yeah... True. I was actually thinking of prolonging it a little. I love my fans and to perform but... During these months of break I realized I was missing my family even more than I thought, the last few years... which says a lot cause I was missing them like crazy every day I was away" Tori was saying when she heard her daughters screaming upstairs, clearly fighting with each other.

"Gotta go now mom... Yeah the girls... Well Trina and I were fighting way more than them, when we were around their age and older. Remember?" Tori laughed "Ok. Bye mom. See you and dad tomorrow" she said closing the call.

"It's ok Carmen, you can take the rest of the day off. Thank you" Tori said to their colf, a middle age hyspanic woman, while she was finishing dusting in the living room 

"Thank you Mrs. Vega-West" Carmen responded

"Carmen! Why so formal? I told you many times to call me Tori!" she said

"That's true, sorry Tori. It's just an habit cause your wife told me to call her Mrs. Vega-West" Carmen explained

"But you work for us from over two years now!" Tori told her

"Yeah, but I guess she is still mad at me for that time I called her Mrs. West forgetting that you kept both of your names" Carmen said

Tori smiled "Oh, don't mind my wife, she can be a little harsh sometimes but she is not mad at you Carmen. She just likes to be the bossy-type, you know? You should have met her when we were younger..." she laughed before continuing "...You don't know the things I had to do to get her to like me. It's just her personality"

"I noticed" Carmen said

"But she is the nicest wife ever and a wonderful person. I can assure you that she really appreciates everything you do for us, just like me" Tori continued

"Thank you" Carmen told her looking grateful "See you tomorrow yes?" she asked her

"Oh no, take tomorrow too. The house is perfect and my parents will stay with our daughters. See you next week ok?" Tori said

"Sure, thank you missis... I mean Tori. Say hi to your wife for me!" Carmen told her before leaving the house. "I will, bye Carmen!" Tori waved at her before she went checking on her daughters. 

They were in Lola's room. When Tori entered they were arguing and Lola was on her bed while Jennifer was glaring at her looking threatening with her hands on her hips. Lola's room was pretty big, it had pink walls with flowers drawn on them and had lots of stuffed animals and a dolls house in it. She also had a computer. It was pretty different from her sister's room that had green walls instead, Jade's old collection of dead bugs, some toys and a flat TV screen. Lola didn't want a TV screen cause she liked to go watch TV with her older sister in her bed. In fact despite fighting sometimes, the two sisters were still very close and Lola looked up to her older sister so much, which was something that Jennifer really liked about having a little sister, cause she knew that when their mothers were not home, Lola was looking at her like she knew everything because she was older than her. But in that moment the two sisters seemed angry at each other.

"Jen, Lola? What's going on?" Tori asked entering in Lola's room. She noticed in that moment that Lola was hugging her old Cuddle-me-Cathy doll at her. Tori smiled for a bit before her younger daughter started speaking.

"Jen wants me to give her Cathy, but she doesn't want to be with her! She is mine now!" Lola said sticking her tongue out at her sister

Jennifer looked furious "She is not yours... And she is a doll she doesn't want anything!" she told her

"Then why you want her?" Lola asked her sister

"I told you! Mom gave me that doll before you were even born! It's not fair that you always keep her in your room now!" Jennifer said trying to pick the doll from her sister's hands with force but she jumped off her bed and went to hid behind her mom.

Tori looked at both of her daughters each at a time barely able to contain her smile.

They are so cute... They both want my old Cuddle-me-Cathy doll 

"Girls come on... Don't fight, Cathy belongs to both of you! I gave her to both of my daughters afterall!" Tori said

"You gave her to me first!" Jennifer stated 

"Yeah but then you said you were too old to play with dolls so she is only mine now!" Lola said from behind their mother. Jennifer tried to catch her but Lola screamed and continued to hid behind Tori

"Ok enough!" Tori said with a calm but firm tone of voice separating her daughters before continuing "There's no reason to fight!"

"Yes there is one! I need that doll!" Jennifer said

"Jen, honey, are you sure you don't want her just because your sister has her now? Cause I can also remember you saying that you were too old for dolls" Tori said to her daughter.

"Ha ha mom agrees with me!" Lola said sticking her tongue out at Jennifer again "What a child!" her older sister angrily told her

"Lola don't make your sister angry, if she changed her mind and she also wants to play with Cathy..." Tori was saying to Lola when Jen interjected

"I said I was too old to play with dolls. But I still liked to keep her in my room ok?" Jen told her mom.

"If you're not even gonna play with her why do you want her so much?" Lola asked her sister

Jennifer blushed and stayed silent "Just give Cathy back to me!" she said.

"No!" Lola yelled

Jennifer groaned in frustration and stomped her foot 

"Ok girls this is what you can do, you can keep her with you each at a time. One day you can have her Lola, and the following Jen can keep her in her room. Ok?" Tori said to her younger daughter. Lola seemed to think about it.

"But she wants to stay with me all the time! Just like she stayed with you when you were little mama Tori!" Lola said.

"She also stayed with me when I was little!" Jennifer interjected "When I was a child I was scared of the dark. Scared of bad dreams. But with Cathy in the room with me I wasn't cause it was like I was never alone. I know it's silly but I miss her now..." Jen explained

"Aw baby!" Tori said hugging her older daughter "There's nothing silly about it! I was also scared of the dark when I was younger. I still am to this day a little bit. And Cathy used to keep me company too"

"Cathy was yours, so I liked to think that when she was in my room, a part of you was always with me too, mom. You know, when you were away..." Jennifer continued hugging her mom tightly.

"Awwww but now you have me in person every day, cutiepie, and you know my heart will always be with you. With both of you!" Tori said extending an arm to make her other daughter join them and hug her too. Lola immediately hugged her mom and her sister. When they pulled apart Lola said "I'm so sorry Jen I didn't know Cathy meant so much to you. You can have her if you want" she told her extending the doll at her sister.

Jennifer took it from her hands and looked at her then she said "Thank you. But mama Tori is right. She belongs to both of us. Now it's your turn to have her, little sis. Tomorrow it's mine. Ok?" she said giving the doll back to Lola who smiled "Oki doki big sis!" she said hugging her again.

Tori smiled tenderly at them "Aw how did I get so lucky to have the sweetest girls in the world as my daughters!" she said.


Later that night Tori was in her and Jade's bed reading a book. She was wearing just a red transparent babydoll nightwear and a skimpy thong. As soon as she heard Jade coming back in their house she put her book away and took her glasses off her face. She checked herself once more looking at the ceiling (they had a mirror ceiling in their room), then she got under the sheets smiling while covering herself almost to the neck. She liked to impress her wife with these kind of surprises.

Jade took a bit to go in their bedroom. She had called Tori earlier telling her she would've ate something on set with the rest of the cast for dinner, so she knew that the only reason she was taking so long to come to bed now (despite the fact that it was quite late) was that she was checking on their daughters cause she wasn't able to see them the whole day. Tori smiled widely thinking about how sweet her wife was. 

When Jade came into their room she found the lights on and Tori in their bed smiling at her.

"Jeez... What a day. Hey Tor... You still awake?" Jade asked her wife

Tori nodded "Heeey pretty... I was waiting for you my love"

Jade smiled back at her getting closer to her and kneeling next to the bed to kiss her wife on the mouth.

"You're such a sweetie" Jade said after releasing the kiss

"Love you my angel" Tori replied to her wife looking at her in the eyes

Jade laughed "Angel? Did something happened?"

"What? No! I can't call my wife angel without her getting all suspicious about it?" Tori asked her with a fake offended expression

Jade continued to laugh "Sure you can. But usually when you do it, you have either something to apologize for or you're trying to seduce me" she said

"Well, right now which one do you think it is?" Tori said licking her lips slowly in a seductive way.

"Mmmh... My love has been thinking of me all day huh?" Jade asked her smirking

"Yep" Tori confirmed

"I love you babe, but I'm so tired right now... And tomorrow we have to be at Ellen's. I'll make it up to you tomorrow night ok?" Jade told her.

"Oh... But of course Jade don't worry" Tori said to her wife caressing her face before Jade stood up and started to undress to get ready for bed.

"Have Jen and Lola been good?" Jade asked Tori while kicking off her stiletto heels.

"Of course. You know our girls, they fight from time to time but when they make peace they are just the cutest" Tori said

"That's cause they took everything after you" Jade told her wife smiling.

"Oh please, you're a sweetheart, you just don't like other people to see it. But our daughters and I know that!" Tori told Jade

Jade blew a kiss to her wife while she was removing her stockings from her thighs each at a time using a nearby armchair as a support for her legs. She had also stripped from her jumpsuit and was just in her bra and panties right now so Tori was starting ogling her body.

"So, at the phone you told me that your parents are gonna be with the girls tomorrow, right?" Jade asked Tori while removing her second stocking from her left leg.

Tori didn't reply. She was drooling at her. Jade noticed that and smirked "Hello?" she said snapping two fingers at her wife. Tori turned back in her senses and replied with a quick "Huh? Yea sure... But do you really have to be such a tease while undressing even when you don't want to do it?

Jade started giggling "You think I was teasing you?" she asked her. Then she licked the palm of her hand and proceeded to finish taking her dark stocking off her thigh in a seductive way before throwing it to Tori who was looking at her wide eyed.

"This is how I tease you. You should know by now Tori" Jade told her

"Oh Jade! You know I'm gonna jump you as soon as you get in bed now, right?" Tori said making her wife chuckle.

"Nope you'll have to wait till tomorrow night. I want to enjoy it and now I'm too tired" Jade responded.

Tori smiled in a teasing way "Alright babe" she said throwing the sheets off her body and revealing her sexy babydoll to her wife whose jaw seemed to drop to the floor. Tori briefly giggled seeing Jade's expression before she pretended to start sleeping on her stomach to make her ass being in full dispaly in front of her wife, before saying "You don't mind if I sleep with the sheets off? I'm so hot tonight... In all senses" Tori said. Not even a full second later Jade jumped on their bed right on Tori and started hugging her body at her pushing her hair away from her neck to kiss her, making Tori giggle "Thought you were tired!' she said 

"I was? I don't remember anymore... All I can think of is making you mine right now!" Jade told her. She was touching everything of her body and when Tori tried to turn around Jade kept holding her still under her to make her keep laying on her stomach. Then Jade slid on her wife's body until she was looking directly at her wife's ass in a skimpy red thong matching the color of the babydoll she was wearing.

"Oh my god I will never get over the perfection of this ass" Jade said slapping her wife's ass one time a bit harder than what she intended. Tori moaned in pleasure and had to bit her lower lip to not ask her wife to continue. Something about being spanked used to turn her on like crazy, Tori had found that out when her and Jade were still very young, after they had started dating but in that moment she knew she couldn't be too loud.

"Baby, remember our daughters are asleep! We have to be quiet!" Tori whispered to Jade. But she wasn't sure she had even payed attention to what she had said as her wife was now too busy at pushing down her thong before diving her face between her ass cheeks. Tori moaned trying to not be too loud while feeling her wife's tongue in her. Not long after that Jade also slid a finger in her pussy continuing to lick her ass. Tori was whimpering trying to hold her moans. After a bit Jade grabbed her ass tightly with her other hand (the one that wasn't busy in her pussy) and said "I just came, just by pleasuring you..." 

"Oh gosh..." Tori said panting excited

"Are you close too? Come with me babygirl" Jade whispered to her before resuming to lick at her ass.

"Oohhh babyy!" Tori moaned as she came. "Yes... that's it... You're so sexy Tori" Jade said releasing her face from her wife's ass and sliding her finger out of her pussy. Then she sat on the bed and made her turn grabbing one of Tori's legs from her ankle and making her roll on the bed. Tori was still panting while Jade started ogling her breasts through her transparent red babydoll. She immediately started kissing her boobs through the fabric of the nightwear before she ripped it apart using her teeth and her nails to have better access to Tori's boobs.

Tori giggled "Hey! This babydoll was new!"

"Sorry I'll buy you another one... I can't think straight at the moment!" Jade said before starting to suck on her wife's nipples.

Tori laughed even more "You can't think straight anymore from 17 years now, actually!" she said caressing Jade's hair while she was sucking her tits. She heard her laugh too against her left breast for a moment before she lightly bit her nipple making her gasp. After that Jade released Tori's boob and sat on her straddling her hips to look at her wife. Tori smiled at her wife and started caressing Jade's stomach. She noticed that she had a funny face: her expression was a mix of lust and amusement.

"We are together from 17 years, married from 15, yet all the time we make love it's always as exciting as the first time. Only even better cause we know each other so well now. I mean I thought I just needed a good sleep after a day on set like today. But you knew that what I really needed was my wife to surprise me with her hotness!" Jade said.

Tori smiled "I love you Jade"

"I love you Tori" Jade responded before she undid the clasp of her bra revealing her big boobs 

"Mmmhmm oh yes!" Tori exclaimed looking at her wife's breasts with a lustful expression.

Then Jade started removing her panties. Tori tried to get up and push her on the opposite side of the bed "Let me be on top" she said but Jade stopped her putting her underwear in her wife's mouth and pushing her back saying "Not tonight...tonight I want to rock you like a hurricane!" 

Tori looked at her with wide eyes and her wife's black underwear still in her mouth while Jade was sliding between her legs. She took one of Tori's long legs and lifted it up kissing the lenght of her thigh and then starting to kiss her foot, making Tori more excited every second. Then Jade placed her wife's leg on her shoulder and set her vagina against Tori's one and started bucking her hips, making their pussies brush against one another, their clits touching with evey thrust. Tori's eyes started to roll in the back of her head from the pleasure she was feeling combined to her wife's scent that she was inhaling from her panties that she still had in her mouth. She was also glad to have them cause they were preventing her from moaning too loudly in that moment. Tori was also matching Jade's thrust moving her pelvic to make their pussies have even more friction. Jade was struggling to keep quite too while holding on Tori's leg on her shoulder for dear life. At one point Tori started to occasionally touch and pinch Jade nipples while they were grinding on each other. 

They were moving so fast that their bed was starting to squeak always more under them. They were both so close as they felt themselves getting wetter and their pleasure becoming unbearable to keep holding it by being quiet. Tori released Jade's underwear from her mouth and screamed loudly "YESSS! My pussy has always been yours Jade! I belong to you! Make me come, make me come baby! Oh yesss! Like this YESSS!" she screamed as she came when Jade kept slamming her pussy always harder against hers.

"Ohhh baby! YEAH! Toriiii! Oh yes, love! Amazing!!!" Jade also screamed as she came a split second later, but she didn't stop she continued bucking her hips against her wife making their pussies continue to brush against one another as the pleasure kept increasing so much that both of them were literally shaking in ecstasy as they started feeling multiple orgasms

"Ohhhh my God.... You're sooo hot honey! This is.... Epic! Ohhhhmmmhhh.... Ahhhh.... Yesss!" Tori was screaming

"Yeah! Feel my pussy against yours baby? Soooo goooood.... Ohhh Gosh... More! Fuck! Let's keep going! Till the bed collapses!" Jade was moaning always more loudly while they were brushing their womanhoods together but then a scared voice coming from the corridor brought them back to reality.

"Moms what's going on, are you ok?" It was Lola's voice.

"Oh shit!" Jade exclaimed stopping moving on top of Tori

"Damn!" Tori exclaimed grabbing Jade by the waist with one quick motion and pushing her down on the bed and next to her before hurrying to pick up the sheets to cover their naked bodies. Their daughter's footsteps were getting closer to their room and then she entered it opening the door. Luckily they were both under the sheets by then and only their faces were visible.

Lola looked scared "Mama Jade, Mama Tori, are you ok?" she asked them

Tori and Jade were still panting and Tori was holding the sheets to cover herself to the neck when she started to speak

"Yes... We're... ok... Darling... Don't worry..." was all she was able to say

Jade tried to speak but she was still catching her breath so she just made the 'Ok' symbol with her hand.

"But I heard you screaming and you don't look ok... You're all sweaty and breathing fast!" Lola told them. She was hugging Tori's Cuddle-me-Cathy doll at her while talking

"We just... had a bad dream, baby, we're so sorry for waking you" Tori told her the first excuse that came up to her mind.

"Ohhh" Lola said

"Well... More like... a very good dream, actually!" Jade said trying to hold in laughter.

Tori glared at her wife

"Then why were you screaming and... swearing mama Jade?" Lola asked her mom

"Oh hmmm..." Jade seemed to think about it

"And why are the lights on?" Lola asked again

"We... must have forgotten them on, cause we were very tired..." Tori invented before continuing "Also mama Jade is very embarassed for swearing, ignore her Lola. Why don't you go to your room? Mama Jade and I will read you one of the fairytales you like so much, to help you go back to sleep!" Tori told her daughter smiling.

"Yay! Let's go then!" Lola said trying to push the sheet off of her mothers but Tori and Jade held on to them and immediately yelled "No!" 

Lola looked confused, before pouting at them

"Sorry little one, just give your mommies a couple of minutes ok?" Jade told her.

"Oh, ok. Don't take too long!" Lola exclaimed before leaving their mothers room.

After she had left, Jade and Tori looked at each other

"It's your fault!" they both said and both looked shocked from the other accusation.

"My fault? Who was the one who wanted to do it so badly tonight?" Jade asked her wife

"But who was screaming so loudly at the end?" Tori said

"Both of us, and don't even try to deny it!" Jade told her

 "At least I wasn't swearing! You know Lola is still so innocent, I don't want her to learn those kind of words! I always scold Jen about it too!" Tori told her

"If I were you I would be more worried about the fact that our eight years old daughter almost caught their mothers having sex!" Jade replied.

"Yeah... Come on let's put something decent on and go make sure she is ok" Tori said getting out of bed.


After reading Lola a fairytale and make sure she was sleeping peacefully again Tori and Jade went to check on Jennifer too but she seemed asleep from a long time already. She was regularly breathing, so her moms didn't disturb her and went back to their room. While getting back in their bed Tori said "We're lucky Jennifer doesn't wake up easily"

"Yep. She could sleep even during a tornado. She took that from me" Jade said yawning.

Tori hugged her in bed "Anyway... Apart from almost getting caught by Lola, tonight was easily one of the best sexual experience of my life" she said.

Jade smiled "Yes, same here... I was enjoying your lips on mine so much before Lola interrupted us" 

Tori seemed confused "But we weren't kissing in that moment"

"I was talking about another kind of lips..." Jade said smirking with a malicious expression

Tori shook her head giggling "Perv!"

Jade continued to laugh "Look whose talking" 

"At least I don't make lame dirty jokes, after sex" Tori told her before silencing Jade with a kiss.

"Sometimes I wish we could never leave bed and just make love like this over and over again" Jade said after a bit

"If we had a dollar for each time one of us said something like that after having sex..." Tori was saying

"We would be so filthy rich right now, that we wouldn't know what to do with all the money!" Jade concluded for her at which both of the women laughed.

"Goodnight baby" Tori told her wife snuggling closer to her in their bed to hug her

"Goodnight love" Jade replied leaning her forehead on Tori's while holding her in her arms.


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