Slashed: A Naruto Fanfiction

By Shaxoss

409K 5.8K 4.6K

"Funny isn't it, Sasuki? With our backgrounds, our roles could've been easily reversed." They were born into... More

The Facility...
The 12
Taste of Power
Clash of Titans
Sight to See
Eyes That Reflect the Heart
Genin Team
Reality and its Capacity
13 to 18
Under the Moonlight
Fate? There's no such thing
Once More
Sato Yoshio
My Will. . . My Purpose
Will of Sensation
Reason. . . Suspiscion
Make me
The Book
The Beginning of the End
Are You?
Death? Perfection?
To the Top
Place to Stay
Momentum. . . Inertia
Failure? It's an Option
Heads or Tails?
Before the Storm
Forest of Death
Finish Line
She is Crazy!
True Desire
Start of the Rebellion
The Konoha Crush
Lagnarok vs Dawn
Clash of Gods

A Target

13.9K 214 125
By Shaxoss


It's been a almost a year. A year since the he let the Cloud-nin escape. Naruto didn't regret it at all. He wanted some excitement. Something that bandit camps can't give him. The Akatuski has perished.

Well... almost. That cinnamon roll mask that's named: Tobi, is still alive and kicking. Orochimaru got absorbed by Sasuki. Itachi got killed by Sasuki a month or two ago.

Pein was also killed by Sasuki. Konoha basically did all the work and eliminated the Akatsuki. Naruto... well, he was sitting back and training while they were getting injured in the frontlines.

Currently, Naruto was out buying food from nearby town. The town was nameless and was not even featured on the Elemental Nations map.

So, this was a pretty good place to buy necessities without getting tracked easily. Naruto walked down the town. He got many stares and people backed away.

They think I'm dangerous. They technically weren't wrong and he was dangerous. But he meant no harm. That is if they don't harm him as well. Pftt! Who was he kidding. No one in the town could defeat him. You may think this is just pure arrogance.

But it's just facts.

His prowess in battle is almost on par with a Kage. Maybe the same level. But the only way to test it out is to actually fight a Kage.

Fortunately, the strongest Kage of the nations probably hates him and is after his head. Yes. The Raikage is the strongest Kage at the moment. He heard that he has gathered 1 of the 5. But, that was old news. Naruto has only found this shit out recently.

Luckily, he can only use 1 of the 5 because of his intent to use them.Naruto walked pass the edge of the town and was now heading towards his cave. As he walked, he gained a small smirk.

Looks like he really hates my guts if he's sending in 5 jonin-level ninjas to their deaths. They were behind him, hiding in the tree. Naruto's eyes flashed into his sharingan.

They can't see it... yet. Naruto yawned and stretched his hands out. He continued walking as he said. "I'll finish you 5 in record time." Naruto disappeared in a flicker of flames. The 6 widened their eyes as they tried to look for Naruto.

"They're all dead." The genjutsu that was established was undetected, and it got them to death's doors. The last jonin scurried away like an academy student.

Are they really jonin? Naruto thought as he pinned the jonin with his katana. Naruto crouched down to his level. "Who sent you after me?" The Cloud-nin tried to break free from the katana.

"You can try to struggle as much as you want." Naruto took out a kunai from his holster and in a blink of an eye, the kunai was inches away from the person's eyes.

"I'll ask again. Who sent you after me." Naruto said with not much patience. "F-fine! I-I'll tell you. It was L-Lord Raikage! H-he sent us! There's a-a camp full of n-ninjas a m-mile from to the east!" The Cloud-nin was begging for mercy.

"Thanks for your answer." Naruto brought his kunai down to his throat in a matter of seconds and sliced his neck cleanly. The eyes slowly started to lose their life force.

Naruto stood up from his crouching position, a grin never leaving his face. Naruto wiped the blood from his katana.

Let the massacre begin.


"When's the attack?" A Cloud-nin asked as he got a bottle of booze. Laughing could be heard throughout the camp. "In a few days, so don't drink too much!" They all laughed as they did a collective of cheers with their drinks.

They were all having the time of their live... for now. An explosion could be seen as screams of death was flooding the camp. Their eyes widened.

"Quick! We're getting atta-!" The person couldn't finish since a kunai was lodged into his head. As the man dropped dead, a person with a fox mask could be scene taking the kunai back with his own hands.

Naruto quickly dispatched another 3 Cloud ninjas in seconds. Naruto was disappointed. This wasn't as hard as Naruto imagined.


Everywhere. It went on anything and everything. Naruto's clothes was bathed in blood. His hair flowed as he killed many more ninjas. His cold eyes never showing weakness or faltering. He had only one goal and one goal.

To kill every single person in the camp. A lightning attack came his way. Naruto effortlessly dodged the attack and landed on the ground perfectly and safely.

I'll show you a real lightning attack.

Naruto started to quickly weave hand seals that were unseen by the naked eye. Sparks of thundering lightning started to grow. "Lightning Release: Lightning Dragon" A dragon made from lightning was formed from created out of thin air.

It attacked the ground that they were all attached on. Debris was scattered all over the place. "You're not a real ninja." Naruto's voice could be heard in the endless smoke.

"Someone who becomes a ninja for glory is nothing but another piece of trash laying on the ground." A scream of terror could be heard. Silence covered the battlefield. A drop of sweat was created by the last Cloud-nin in the camp.

A soft but deadly voice rang from behind the man. "And you're one of them." Naruto's katana pierced the poor man's heart. The man's vision blurred as his soul was given to the devil.

Naruto stood there, unaffected by the many people that he had killed in just a few minutes.

My job is done.


Another few days passed as no news was heard. The Cloud had not sent more ninjas after him. But one thing was still clear. Enryu hated him. Naruto was interfering with the war that did not involve Naruto whatsoever.

And it was only a matter of time before Enryu sends more of his ninjas after Naruto's head. But Naruto was waiting.

Waiting for that moment to happen.


"Are you in position?" Asked a person with a Leaf forehead proctor over his left eye. Numerous responses were delivered. The Cloud had created a main camp just a few miles away from the gate of Konoha.

A Konoha attack force was created for the sole purpose of taking down the main camp to ensure safety of the Leaf. "Remember to make your to the middle of base. The building holds the stronger opponents, so be careful." Kakashi said.

"Start in 3..."



"Go!" An explosion from all four entrances appeared. Death shadowed over many of the people in both the camp and in the attack force.


Bodies dropped on the ground. Lives were getting taken away left and right. This raid wasn't going to end without losses from either side.
The attack force slowly started to make their way to the middle of the base. But when their hopes were high and in cloud 9, an overwhelming amount of killing intent washed over them.

A person was standing on top of the base. He was buff and looked to be very strong. The main attack force looked him and widened their eyes. Their plans of taking down the camp base was about to go down hill if this man was here.

It was the brother of the Raikage: Inugami Airu. His power was at the level of a Kage. He was indeed dangerous. Airu was looking down on them with a confident posture. His power did exceed the power of even Sasuki.

Even if Sasuki activated her mangekyou. She would only be able to barely go toe to toe against Airu. But... if he used her curse mark with the mangekyou...

Airu jumped down and created a mini-earthquake. He quickly glared at the attack team. "How dare you attack my people!" He growled as he crushed a Leaf-nin. In a blink of an eye, a dozen Leaf-nins fell on the ground dead.

Blood splattered on the ground. Many cries of horror were heard but silenced. "You'll pay for that one!" Sasuki aimed her katana at Airu's head. But to her surprise, Airu caught the katana and effortlessly broke in pieces.

No.. way... Sasuki got delivered and punch to stomach. Blood came out of her mouth as she got was sent meters away. Kakashi activated his single mangekyou sharingan.

I'll need this to assist me. A swirl appeared on Airu's left leg. Airu looked towards Kakashi with a smirk. "That feels weird." Kakashi's mangekyou couldn't keep up and finish the Kamui and got a punch that felt like a hundred pounds to his chest.

Sakura appeared behind Airu and attempted to use a chakra-powered punch to break Airu's bones. But before Sakura could make contact, Airu caught the punch with such ease. Sakura's eyes widened with such surprise.

H-how! Airu threw Sakura across the field. But suddenly, a skeleton-like humanoid creature knocked Airu to the concrete wall of the base. "That hurt like hell." Airu commented. Airu appeared from the concrete wall with blood dripping from his back.

Airu appeared in front of Sasuki's susano'o and punched it. Sasuki got flown back a meter or two, but no damage taken. "It looks like that creature of yours is both defensive and offensive." But Airu knows something.

"But just how much damage can it take?!" Sasuki widened her eyes as punches were getting directed quickly at her. Slowly but surely, the defense of the susano'o was failing. Cracks were slowly appearing on the susano'o.

Crap! I need to think of something. Sasuki kept on thinking and thinking. She then got a sudden idea. I'll use 'it'. Just before the susano'o broke, Sasuki's right eye started to bleed.

"Amaterasu!" Black flames appeared as debris flew from the magnitude of the punch. Sasuki brought her hand over her eye to stop the pain from overwhelming her. She panted and panted.

But it was ov-!

Sasuki suddenly felt a rush of wind behind her. Sasuki widened her left eye as she got a massive punch to the gut. Sasuki hit a wall. "How did you escape?!" Sasuki yelled in agony. Airu smirked as she poinged towards a burning Leaf-nin.

"I was just barely fast enough to react." He reacted from the blood coming out of Sasuki's eye. Team 8, 9, 10 and the rest of the attack force appeared around Airu.


I better head towards there. I felt some strong chakra from all the from here.


All started to charge towards Airu, in hopes to defeat him. Airu cracked his head and knuckles. "You think you can defeat me? You're not even half as strong as that girl over there." Kurenai tried to place a genjutsu on him... but failed.

"Sucks to be you." Airu said as he placed a raw kick towards Kurenai. Airu then moved on towards the much weaker Leaf-nins. Blood fell om the ground as numerous bodies dropped on the ground.

He's overwhelming us all! Shikamaru couldn't think of a plan just from all the pressure that getting thrown at them.


I'm almost there...


Team 8 and 9 were drained and defeated. The two teams were laying on the ground covered in blood.

If anyone tried and use a technique, Airu quickly reacted and stopped them. For instance, Guy and Lee tried to tap into the '8 Gates', but failed couldn't both couldn't make it pass 'Gate of Life'.

They both couldn't sustain it and depleted their body's. Shikamaru nodded towards his team. "Choji, distract him." Beads of sweat rolled down their forehead's.

Choji nodded.

"Expansion Jutsu" Choji expanded into a ball-like shape. "I'll roll you into a piece of flat dough!" Choji rolled towards Airu at insanely fast speeds.

If I catch him, my hands will feel like I touched a fire jutsu. Airu with his large bravery, brought his hands forward. "Let's see who wins!" Airu caught Choji while rolling. Choji continued to roll even faster.

The ground started shake. But this was sadly interrupted with Shikamaru yelling towards Choji.

"Choji! Move!" Choji complied and backed away in time for Shikamaru to connect his 'Shadow Possession Jutsu" successfully. "Shadow Possession complete." Shikamaru smirked as his plan was going to plan.

"Ino! Use your mind transfer!" Shikamaru yelled. Ino immediately nodded and weaved her clan's special hand seal. "Mind Transfer Jutsu" Ino's body collapsed onto the ground. Ino's consciousness was transferred to Airu's.

"Choji! Expand and hit him with all you got! Ino! Just before Choji hit Airu, get out of the body!" This was the only chance they had. Choji expanded his body and rolled towards Airu. Just before Choji gave him a direct hit, Ino transferred back to her body.

Smoke was created from the shockwave. Once the explosion cleared, Choji was on the ground, panting. Airu was backed away a few meters away, coughing up blood.

"I must say. That was clever. But there is one you should know. My body can take on your attacks." Airu charged towards the rest of team 10 and quickly disposed of them.

Their combat ability weren't the best. And they certainly do not compare to Airu's ability in combat. Nobody was in state to fight. They had lost. Well... not Sasuki. She had not given up.

"I'll fight till my last breathe." She had her katana in hand. Her mangekyou and curse mark level 2 activated. "Come at me." The two charged towards each other, this was a battle who can endure better.

Their attacks connected. Sasuki appeared behind Airu and delivered a punch to the back. Airu kept his ground and rushed back in. Airu saw an opening and gave a clean kick. "You're powerful. But your power isn't enough to match me or my brother."

But Airu must say. His body can't hold for much longer either. He had let them get hits off that are crucial in defeating Airu. Sasuki, with no time to react, had a punch inches away from her face.

Shit. Sasuki thought as the fist connected. Or did it? There was a damage done to the area around her, but Sasuki was nowhere in sight. "This seems a bit cliche. A guy saving the damsel in distress." Naruto was holding Sasuki in the so-called 'princess carry'.

"Naruto?" Sasuki asked, her mangekyou and curse mark level 2 deactivated for a brief moment. Sasuki then realized what happened. "Put me down!" Sasuki demanded. Naruto just raised an eyebrow and did what she asked.

"You would've been dead if I wasn't here." Naruto said with a hint of smugness. Naruto grabbed Sasuki's katana held it towards Sasuki.

"Take it. We have to defeat this sucker." The others that were watching this thought they were seeing a married couple argue. "Shut up, I know that." Sasuki grabbed the katana and directed at Airu. Naruto's and Sasuki's eyes turned cold and hard.

"Let's do this." They both charged Airu. Their katanas were at hand.

Naruto and Sasuki at the same moment threw their katanas. As their katanas got closer and closer towards Airu, Naruto decided to speed it up a bit.

"Wind Release: Airway" A boost of wind accelerated the speed of their katanas in one go. Airu barely managed to scrape through and dodge just because of his surprise.

I'll need to end this fast.

"You won't be able to dodge this, blondie." Airu appeared in front of Naruto with his fist creating paths of air. Naruto smirked. "You think that, but you don't know that my visual power surpasses even Sasuki over there." His eyes morphed into the mangekyou.

"And you don't know that I see everything coming my way." Naruto said with a deadly tone as he dodged the punch just from tilting his body.

Naruto moved to Airu's side and swung his fist. "Aggh!" Naruto hit Airu in the spot that was weakened. Sasuki appeared from the back swung her katana diagonally.

Airu huffed and puffed. Airu punched the ground with lots of strength behind his punch. Smoke made its way in the battlefield. Rushes of wind started to circle them. Without knowing, Naruto and Sasuki got punched from the back.

The two winced in pain as they stood up. "Sasuki, does genjutsu work on him?" Asked Naruto. She just answered by shaking her head. "He is very resistant and aware of genjutsu." Naruto nodded with that answer. Naruto looked towards at Sasuki.

"I've got an idea." Sasuki looked at Naruto.

"What do you propose?" Asked Sasuki.

"I'll power up your fire with my wind. The magnitude of the damage will increase substantially." Replied Naruto. "Wow, didn't think a dobe like you would think of something smart like that." Naruto just snorted at Sasuki.

"Shut up, teme and do what I said." Sasuki just nodded. She started to weave hand seals.

"Fire Release: Dragon Flame Jutsu" A fire dragon appeared from Sasuki's mouth. As this was going on, Naruto did his own pair. "Wind Release: Air Spray" Wind came out of his mouth. The wind and fire connected and increased in power.

The jutsus made contact with Airu. It was a direct hit. Smoke covered Airu and his surroundings. Yes... The smoke cleared and revealed a badly burnt Airu. At first, Airu was going to charge into the flame dragon, but did not expect it to multiply in power because of the wind jutsu.

"Sasuki" Naruto only said. Sasuki knew what it meant and they charged. Airu was in a vulnerable state. They had to take advantage of that.
But just before they were going to stab Airu, 3 Cloud-nins appeared in front of him.

"Airu-sama, We were sent to the main camp to deliver necessities, but it looks like we have to deal with them." They were much weaker than Naruto and Sasuki.

Naruto and Sasuki looked at each other and nodded. Airu doesn't care about them. He may say he does, but he definitely thinks that his life is more important than the others. Naruto mused.

The two charged towards 3. This will take only a few seconds. In that split second, Naruto and Sasuki appeared in front of the nobodies and quickly ended their life full of pain and misery.

They widened their eyes as two punches were connected to their faces. The two landed on the ground with their head throbbing in pain. It soon subsided, but Airu was quickly retreating in a hurry.

"No!" Sasuki tried stand back up. But she was quickly pushed back down by sudden pain in her eye. I've overused my mangekyou. Sasuki hadn't used the mangekyou too much, but when she did, she absolutely used it to its fullest.

"I'll go after him." Naruto said as he took his katana and immediately ran towards Airu. How is he so fast?! Naruto thought as his base speed was paling in comparison to Airu. Every few meters that he sprinted, Airu would practically triple that.

Naruto gritted his teeth as he began losing sight of Airu. Fuck! Naruto thought as Airu was completely out of his sight. "How could I lose him?!" Naruto asked himself. He punched at a tree.

Bark fell onto the ground. Naruto looked back and sensed that the Leaf-nins have recovered safely and are coming his way. "You're here to come get me, huh?" Naruto morphed his sharingan back to 3-tomoe.

"We may have failed to kill Airu, but we can still retrieve you." Kakashi said as he held onto his gut. "I'll fight you all. No matter what, I'm not going back to Konoha." Naruto slowly turned his head.

"You won't defeat me. After all, an Uchiha can only be beaten by another Uchiha." A black skeleton was emitted from his body. Pain washed over Naruto's body. But he held on.

Even further! The skeleton evolved into an even stronger stage. It was still as large as before, but the appearance changed. I feel the overflowing power inside me. But at the same time, the constant drain of chakra and the pain inside of him increased.

Naruto dropped to the ground where the rest were. He walked and slowly increased his speed. Naruto's susano'o had a katana that resembled what Naruto was really good at. Naruto suddenly dashed towards them quickly.

Naruto went towards the leader of the squad: Kakashi.

"From what I saw from Sasuki, the humanoid is both defensive and offensive. It also looks like it can evolve and grow weapons. All we have to do is crack the defensive abilities of the humanoid." Kakashi said.

Naruto's susano'o swung its blade in a diagonal direction. Naruto backed away as he saw Shikamaru's shadow possession going after him. As Naruto backed away, Choji came in, barely able to sustain his 'expansion jutsu'.

Naruto saw the shadow possession coming his way. Naruto widened his eyes he was practically trapped. Or was he? Naruto substituted with a log. He appeared just a 5 meters away from the log that he substituted with.

Naruto had his susano'o came back to life. Unfortunately, his ignorance got the best of him and got his ethereal fighter hit with Sakura's deadly punch. "Cha!" To Naruto's surprise, he was blown away. Naruto gritted his teeth as his susano'o swung its katana in the air.

The wind around them rippled and got manipulated to Naruto's bidding. Naruto closed in on Kakashi. "You may think all you have to do destroy the susano'o with brute force. But here's a tip: Don't get too close." To Kakashi's surprise, he got pulled inside the ethereal warrior.

"You may just get pulled in." Naruto punched Kakashi out of his susano'o right after. Naruto made eyes contact with Guy and Lee.

They're one the most dangerous out of all of them. Naruto dashed towards them at high speeds. "On, no you don't." Kurenai said as she placed a genjutsu. Naruto smirked as he said.

"You're a pretty good genjutsu user." His face suddenly darkened. "For some non-Uchiha." Naruto blasted out of the genjutsu and continued his way towards the duo. But unfortunately, the time that he was in the genjutsu was useful for them.

"Naruto-kun. We won't hesitate to go into the '8 Gates' to retrieve you back!" Lee yelled as Guy and Lee was at the 'Gate of Life'. "Do you know when a person invades and person's cerebral nervous system?" They widened their eyes.

"That's right. Genjutsu." Naruto simply said before he burned into flames. Naruto punched Guy, who got knocked onto Lee.

But suddenly.

Naruto's eyes turned back to normal. Strain on his eyes and body was overwhelming him. Hey, Kyuubi. Can you give me just a bit of chakra to sustain at least a 3-tomoe? Naruto mentally asked in a sweet tone.

Only this time. I was taking a nap, human. Naruto felt a bit of chakra enter his system. Thanks... Naruto activated his 3-tomoe, bashing through the pain he was getting. Naruto felt his vision slightly deteriorate.

I've overused it for today. Naruto brought his eyes towards the others. His cold eyes turned stoic. I'll play with them just a little bit more. But if Naruto had to be honest. Naruto would rather run away and go back to his cave.

But running away was something you when there are people stronger than oneself. And Naruto was definitely not inferior to them. Not now, and he never will be.

Naruto crossed his fingers together.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto had a clone appeared right next to him. Naruto stuck his hand out towards his clone. Naruto had to be quick. Sasuki had recovered and was coming their way.

A blue orb of chakra appeared on the palm of Naruto's hand. Once it was finished, Naruto built up momentum, before smashing the 'Rasengan' in the ground.

Large debris covered the battlefield.

Sasuki just barely appeared before a flash of yellow disappeared into the forest. Once the attack's impact was finished, the others were on the ground, with lots of cuts and bruises.

Sasuki clenched her fist at her failure once again.

He got away again.



This was a long chapter that I did.

4k+ words were included in the chapter. This took 1 and a half days to create.

Thanks for 1k reads. Just amazed on how fast this book is actually growing.

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