Being The Daughter of A Gospe...

By RayeSimone

3.7K 312 819

Go through a journey with Micaì who happens to be the daughter of a well known gospel artist Micah Stampley... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
before i update
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 12

87 7 14
By RayeSimone


So today is my fourteen birthday and I'm still sleeping yall like a baby since I dont have to go to school today and Alyssa I noticed is not on the bed.

Must be helping mama cook breakfast but I'm the special girl today its ma birthday yall.

" Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to my baby girl happy birthday day to you my princess" dad sang I immediately woke up.

" Thank you daddy where Alyssa and mom " I said

" Your welcome baby girl and they are downstairs waiting for you cause your mom and I are carrying to breakfast" he said.

" Ok daddy I'm going to go get ready " I said as he hugged me and left out my room.

I went to my bathroom and took off my clothes I slept in and went straight in the shower I scrubbed my body with cucumber and melon body wash and then I washed my body then I got out the tub and wrapped a towel around my body .

I washed my face and brushed my teeth then I went in my room and slipped on my underwear then I went and grabbed my outfit for today.

Her outfit

After finding my outfit I did my natural hair in a neat ponytail then I grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

" Happy Birthday to my second born Micaì Keithra " said mom as she hugged me .

" Happy birthday bestie girl I love you and you are always there for me " said Alyssa and she hugged me.

" Thank you yall I woke up to daddy singing happy birthday and its amazing to celebrate my birthday with family " I said .

"Ok so we got to get going babe did you put half of her gifts in the jeep yet " said dad.

" Yeah I did so let's go we need to eat then take her to her next surprise after breakfast " said mom.

So we all left the house and went into mom's jeep wrangler dad was driving while mom was in the passenger seat and we were in the back.

We arrived at IHOP within three minutes so mom got the gifts out and we got out the jeep and we all walked in .

The hostess led us to a table and we all sat down and she handed us some menus .

" Baby girl so I have got some stuff for you " said mom as she gave me four gift bags .

I opened the gifts she got me I opened the first gift and it was a watch it was a G shock digital watch.

" Mommy  thanks so much I love it " I said as I slipped it on my wrist and adjusted the time.

Then I opened the next gift bag and it was a necklace set and it was so beautiful.

" Mom this is so beautiful I love it I'll wear it Sunday for my presentation " I said.

" I know when I saw this set at the jewelry store I had to get it for you" said mom.

I really like it and I will wear it when I sing for dad and do my presentation for him.

Then I opened the third gift and it was a cross necklace and it was just beautiful I can wear this while running

Then I opened the last gift bag and it was some church dresses that I can wear to church.

" Ok baby girl I believe I got some stuff I know you will like " said dad so he handed the first gift it was wrapped.

When I opened it I knew it was one of the gifts I asked him for I was so happy yall .

" Thank you so much daddy I know that look mom " I said as I opened my new iPhone.

" Micai you a daddy's girl you always under your dad and on his lap" said mom.

" Its not like I'm named after him mom a mommy's girl " I said.

" Micaì your first name came from ya dad's first name which is Micah and your middle name Keithra came from his middle name Keith and you have his last name Stampley " said mom

" I forgot I'm name after my father and how am I a daddy's girl mom cause if I fight dad gets the belt and whenever I back talk he speaks harshly and yells "I said.

" That's because you be trying your dad but he your daddy and your his child " said mom.

" Caì how you forget your name after me and you a daddy's girl " said dad.

" Alyssa let me tell you what mom and dad did last time it was my birthday so dad went away on tour and he told me he might not make it for my birthday last year so I feel some lifting me out of bed see I just wrapped my hands and level around them so someone kept poking me and I thought it was MJ and then I was like Mj you been playing in dad cologne cause I kept smelling daddy's cologne then I realized I was on somebody I opened my eyes it was dad I cried in his chest I was so happy girl " I said.

" I had to get her good but she wouldn't budge I kissed her cheek so much she just placed her head on my shoulder" said dad.

So we ordered our food and drinks and kept on talking then we ate and drank.

We left and we went to my next surprise which was skate city I was happy because my parents made my day so great.

We had lunch then we went home and relaxed then soon we had dinner and a cake eventhough my party is Saturday.


Quick update

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I need yall to share this book as well because it is low on reads thank you and bye

The next chapter will be up later

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