The rose and the wolf (A sona...

By amilearose

51.1K 1.3K 149

When a girl named Amy Rose goes into the woods to a beautiful mountain sight on a full moon with many stars i... More

Author's Note
First time meeting and Familiar eyes..?
A bit of trouble
My New Wolf Friend
Meeting Sonic's Siblings
My Big Bad(Nice) Wolf
Christmas Party
Dropping Tempretures
Moving in and a Mysterious Guy
Roommates and Mistakes
Big brother, Movie night(afternoon), and Sky
Christmas Day and Troubling Pains
Sonic's complete Transformation and Kidnapping
Lost of a brother and Plan making
THE PLAN and...
An acquaintance of Shadows and Who?
Years Later...
Return of a Familiar Friend
Chaos in the Town and a Rose's rage
Freeing Sky and Abduction
Searching and Plans
Big brother and Sky on a mission
Rescue mission Successful
Taking care of the Rose and Friends
Doctors appointment and Unexpected circumstances
The unexplainable realization
Mrs. Robonik
Slowly building rage, and New help
Running out of Time
What used to be a lab and a New Guy?
The waking Rose and safely returned home
Learning something new and odd happenings
Packing up
Sky's Pain
Sonic's Pain
Hidden Secrets and Strang behaviors
Pain and...A date
Ticking Clock
Revealing Secret and Rage
Sonic's Interest/Crush
A Mysterious gift and Rainy days
Strange behaviors and Plan Making
The confession
Sleepover at Amy's and Nighttime work shift
Carnival and Secret protector
Author's note

The BIG BAD Wolf..?

4.6K 98 20
By amilearose


Quick Author's Note: I put a lot of thought into how I wanted the first chapter to go, and I'm so excited about how the rewrite of this book will turn out, I'm literally bouncing with excitement.

I also hope you both enjoy this rewrite as well, Peace! And Enjoy!!


Chapter 1


It was a calm starry night with a full moon glowing brightly in the sky. A soft breeze brushed through a young preteen's pink quills. 
Her pretty red dress softly dances to the wind's gentle flow, as the leaves crunched on her favorite red and white heeled boots that she always liked to wear no matter what the occasion was.

She had a soft skip in her step as she was walking in the woods at night she heard of a place in the woods where she could see the moon and stars up close without any trees or buildings in the way. So what better way to star gaze than to be wearing her favorite outfit, well minus the bright red headband she tends to wear as this time she just left it at home.

She didn't mind it being left behind she just want to do a quick viewing of the stars and then turn her tail back home quickly, she just needed to see the area.

"He said it was right about here right?" she mumbled to herself until she finally arrived at the cliff sight where she gasped at the site of all the stars that danced in the sky, her tail wagged with joy up until a branch snapped startling her.

Quickly turned around her ears pointed forward as if listening out for anything until they pressed against her head when her jade green eyes met glowing emerald green eyes that pierced through the pitch black darkness that hid in the trees, as they glared at her.

"H-hello?" she stuttered hesitantly almost unsure when a low growl rumbled in with the bushes startling the pinkette further before she slowly started to sidestep towards the trail until the growling got louder when the owner of such intimidating growls slowly began to reveal itself.

As its large shadow crept into the moonlight revealing a dark blue werehog that glared at her.

"W-what are you? Y-your not-," she whispered to herself in a panicked tone before backing away while the creature kept closer to her until she stumbled over tripping over her own feet by accident.
But due to this, the werehog leaped at her pinning the preteen down as she whimpered and shut her eyes tightly prepared to feel any form of pain, which...didn't come...

She soon decided to slightly open one of her eyes peeking when she just saw the creature just staring down at her unmoving before she decided to slowly make eye contact.

When the werehog slightly lowered his head down sniffing her for a second before growling at her as she flinched quickly turning her head away tears filling her eyes as her ears lowered once more when it roared before running off into the night leaving, her alone scared stiff.
Light hiccups left her lips before she curled up in a ball shaking as she didn't want to move unless it was to come back just because it heard her. 

She lay there for a while before making sure for real that it wouldn't return as she slowly got up from the ground shakily then she took off running as fast she could while crying to herself...




The same girl from yesterday was now taking a walk with her friend a small rabbit who was around 6 years old as they held hands together a Chao flew beside the rabbit happily.

"Thank you for coming with me Cream," she says with a soft smile on her face "your welcome Ms. Amy," Cream says as the Chao squeaked happily, the three were taking a familiar path through the woods to the cliff area to watch the sunset together.
Though the young rabbit wouldn't be able to stay too long, since she still had a bedtime and she didn't want to worry her mother either.

But she could stay for a bit.

"Can, I ask you a question though?" Cream then asked, "what is it?" Amy replied with a soft smile on her face "if you're so scared to come here, why do you return?" Cream asked with a tilt of her head.

"Ah well...The place here is really pretty, and well...I also want to show my best friend too," the pinkette said with joy before lightly pulling the small rabbit into a hug.

Cream giggled as she hugged Amy in return then the two continued walking.

When they finally made it to the cliff site when the young rabbit and her Chao gasped looking at the beautiful scene in front of them. The sky was slowly turning a soft yellow with a mix of oranges and reds that created soft pinks on the clouds as the sun was slowly lowering.

It was as if it was a real-life moving painting...That wasn't on technology.

"Wow, Ms. Amy," Cream said amazed as she was mesmerized by the site in front of her while slightly letting go of the pinkette's hand "isn't it beautiful?" Amy said her tail wagging.

"It is," the young rabbit replied "Chao Choa," her Chao squeaked while landing on her head gently as the two soon sat down together, watching the sunset.
Until it was time for the 6-year-old to get home though Amy decided to stay longer and since it was still light out she could get home quickly.

So with a flap of her ears Cream flew home with her Chao Cheese at her side leaving the pinkette by herself as Amy sighed softly watching the sky.

"Oh, I wish I had someone here with me," she muttered to herself while pulling her knees up to her chest her ears lowered slightly imagining the romantic setting a soft blush on her face.

She stayed there for hours losing track of time and when she came back to reality it was nighttime as she yelped "uh oh," Amy muttered to herself as she quickly got up and wipe the dirt off of her dress.
"I need to hurry home," she muttered to herself before turning around when a growl caught her off guard causing her to slip off the cliff sight, when did she get that close to the edge, was her last thought before she screamed just as she began falling.









I felt something wrapped around my waist tightly causing me to yelp at the sudden feeling of being caught before I was then placed on the ground then something grabbed me by the back of my dress pulling me away from the cliff as I watch in terror.

But I didn't dare move until I was dropped once I was far away from the cliffside 'oh my god...' I didn't move until something nudged my back as if whatever it was, was trying to get me to move.
But I remained still until I heard a slight growl that scared me once more but it didn't sound as scary as it did earlier.

Until it pressed its wet nose against my cheek as I glanced over to see the large wolf I saw yesterday, before whimpering.

'W-what does it want from me..?' I started shaking when it licked my cheek 'is it...trying to calm me down?' I slowly lowered my guard when it started to push me to stand up on my feet like I was just learning how to walk.

Then once I could stand on my own it walked away into the bushes leaving me there, as I watched in complete shock 'why...did it save me?'




Heyo! Chapter 1 is completed!!
Oh man, this is much more detailed than it's original plot line, gosh I can't wait to see how you guys react to my new idea's that I have for this series!!! 

Ok, ok, now. I hope you guys put your hands together cause I might just go ahead to throw out chapter two as well *evil giggles*

That's all I wanted to say to you all UwU 


Edit to the edit

I might change the original picture for this chapter. MIGHT. Ok, that's all I wanted to say.
Bye bye!!

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