Hold Me

Από My_Kinkyy

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Beauty is stuck in her luxurious lifestyle, she gets everything handed to her. She becomes a model for he mot... Περισσότερα

Character Analysis
Chapter 1- Stick Around
Chapter 2 - Connect
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 26

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Από My_Kinkyy

Draye POV

After driving for 2-3 days we had finally reached Delaware. The only reason I decided to head out to Delaware was because my grandmother lived out there. When I called and let her know we were coming she was so excited. My mother, sisters and I had told her about Beauty multiple times over the phone. She couldn't wait to see her in the flesh. But what I couldn't wait for was her cooking.

"Draye" Beauty yawned half way sleep. "Are we there yet, I'm hungry"

"Actually yes we are" I pulled up to my grandma's big white house with the picket fence. Dwayne and Sarah were already there sitting on the porch.

"Hey they're here!" Sarah yelled turning her attention to my car pulling in. They both met us at the driveway helping Beauty and Kash out the car. Me and Dwayne grabbed the 7 duffel bags up to my old room I had here.

"So Gma cooking and you know how she throw down with them sauteed shrimps" Dwayne stated while rubbing his hands together.

"Good because I'm hungry, but in the mean time we need to head over to our old trap house to put these diamonds up." I said in a hushed tone so only he heard me.

"Alright but Gma wanna speak to you before we leave."

Beauty POV

All the women were sectioned off in the kitchen like always. Draye's grandma Paulina was very sweet. She was about 5'2 with a very smooth honey brown complexion. And she didn't look a day over 30. She had really long silky sandy red hair that framed her face perfectly.

"Hey bae" Draye whispered in my ear. I was sitting at the kitchen table on my laptop to see if my online class was at 100%.

"You scared me!" I turned around for his lips to crash into mine. But I was still kinda shy in front of Paulina so I pulled away.

"Don't stop because of little ol me" she laughed turning back to her food on the stove.

"Granny I gotta go into town really quick so hopefully that food be done when I get back" he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then he gave me another peck on my lips and left out. My eyes were still close breathing in his heavy cologne. The sound of my phone quickly snapped me out of my trance. It was my research teacher for my online class.


"Hey Beauty, I just wanted to congratulate you on completing the course." Mrs. Teller cheered through the phone.

"Oh thank you" I cheesed as if she could see my smile.

"Yeah and another thing you have 36 credits. Now you are officially done with all of your classes so you are the first real high school graduate of 2015 my dear" after hearing her tell me those words I couldn't help but squeal in excitement after standing up. Sarah and Kash ran in the kitchen and Paulina turned around with big eyes.

"What's wrong Chile?" Paulina asked me.

"You're looking at the first high school graduate of 2015!" I screamed jumping up and down.

"Oh congrats!" She came over to hug me. As well as Kash and Sarah came to congratulate me.

"So what are you gonna do now Bea?" Sarah questioned looking at me. At that moment I honestly didn't know where to go from there. I never even considered my plans after high school.


"What about your fashion line you wanted to create?" Kash blurted out before I could answer.

"Um.." All of a sudden I got light headed out of nowhere. My head started to spin fast that I nearly fell onto the floor.

"Oh my god Beauty are you okay?" Sarah jumped to the floor after I squatted down to prevent from falling over.

"Yeah, I'm just light headed that's all."

"Here drink this" Kash passed me a glass of ice water.

"Hey Paulina did you spill peanut butter on the floor?" The smell of peanut butter filled my nose like I was sitting in a pile of it.

"Yeah, earlier but I cleaned all that up. Why?" She turned over to look at me confusingly.

"I can smell it" I mumbled to myself.

"You said something Beauty?" She replied.

"Uh no I just need to go lay down that's all"

"Hope you feel better Bea" Kash called out to me. Sarah of course wanted to follow me up to Draye's room.

"Why are you following me?"

"Don't think I don't know what's going on here Bea" she said still following me.

"What are you talking about?" I let out a faint laugh.

"Okay keep playing dumb but you can't hide something that can't help but be seen."

3 hours later

"Bae wake up" Draye begged with his head on my back.

"Draye I'm tired, leave me alone."

"I'm bored wake up" he blew into my ear making me hop up.

"You are so childish" I went into his bathroom to brush my teeth.

"I wanted to talk to you for real though" I rised my mouth out and pulled my hair back into a bun.

"About what?" I sighed tired of talking.

"You said you'd give me an ultimatum right" I nodded as he continued to talk. "Well I took it, I'm done for good."

"Seriously? So no more drugs, illegal shit, or crazy people trying to kill me, period point blank?" He nodded winning my best interest. This really made me fall for him even more. Thinking about the fact that he is willing to change things in his everyday life for me means a lot.

"Now only thing I have to do illegal is find out who put that hit out on you and I'm done."

"Okay that's understandable"

"Of course it is" he chuckled kissing my lips. "Aye what's this I hear about you almost falling out in the kitchen earlier"

"It was nothing, I was just over excited about being the first graduate of 2015 in my school" I stated with the biggest smile on my face.

"For real so you're done with the online class!" He appeared to be happier than I was.

"Umhm. Now you have me 40% of the day"

"What happened to the other 60%?" He continued looking at me with squinted eyes.

"Eating and sleeping" we both started to laugh at my silliness.

"Well get up because the food been finish" we headed down to the dining area where everyone were seated. The long table was topped with baked fish, chicken Alfredo, garlic sticks, sauteed shrimps and lobster. My mouth watered just looking at all the food. Even though I was hungry I got sick to my stomach.

"I gotta go to bathroom" I flew out the room down the hall to the bathroom. I was so shocked that I threw up so much considering I hadn't eaten since yesterday.

"Beauty are you okay? I got something for you" Sarah knocked at the door.

"Umhum, um just give me a minute" I said between gasps. She disregarded everything I said and came in anyway. "Well can you at least lock the door behind you" I wiped my mouth off with tissue before flushing it down the toilet.

"Here" she passed me a CVS bag. Inside was a pregnancy test.

"You can't be serious!" I sarcastically responded.

"I'm dead serious, you have all the symptoms I had in the early stage" my heart skipped at least 2 beats listening to her.

"I'm not pregnant Sarah get out"

"Fine, but I'll let you just hold on to that"

Draye POV

"Where's Beauty?" I queried looking at Kash chow down.

"She went to the bathroom with Sarah" she grumbled with a mouth full of food. Sarah walked in with a frustrated look on her face.

"What's wrong?"

"Beauty's just a little sick that's all" she shrug it off. I jumped up making my way to the bathroom only to bump into her in the hall.

"You okay?" I asked with my hands cupping her face.

"Yeah I'm good, let's go eat" I knew she was lying but I didn't wanna get into an argument. I just wanted to make sure she was alright.

We all sat down having a good time eating and just chitchatting.

"I wanted to wait but I think it's time to tell everybody" Sarah stated looking at Dwayne.

"Tell us what?" We all murmured.

"We're having...a girl!" They cooed together.

"Oh that's great!" My grandma cheesed so hard I thought her cheeks would get stuck like that.

"Congratulations bruh, you gonna have a lil girl!" I said dapping him up.

"Honestly I was nervous about the whole becoming a father thing but now I'm totally cool with it." He simply replied looking at Sarah with such admiration.

"What about you Draye?" My grandma butted in.

"Huh?" Me and Beauty mumbled in unison.

"Wassup with her great grandkids?" Dwayne laughed.

"You already got ha started boy" I joked. "But on the real, ion think I'm having kids any time soon."

"Why not?" Sarah pouted.

"I'm not ready, honestly"

Beauty POV

After hearing that conversation the only thing on my mind was taking that pregnancy test. Just when I entered Draye's bathroom my phone buzzed on the counter. Candace's name and picture flashed on the screen.

"Wassup?" I sighed.

"Why you sound so down, it's time to turn up!" She shouted.

"I'm not in the mood"

"Atlantic City, the party is too hype. I was thinking since you were in Delaware you wouldn't mind coming to the club to get drunk with me"

"I have this huge migraine"

"Come on, aren't we supposed to celebrate for you finally being done with high school" I did want to celebrate but not that way. Lord knows how much I hate hang overs. The phone got noisy and I could here a man's voice in the background. "Ima ask her..hey Bea Corey wanted to know if Draye can come out tonight"

"I'll see what he has planned" I hung up and proceeded to take the test. When I opened the door Sarah and Kash were sitting on Draye's bed facing me. Sarah snatched it from my hands after pinning me down with all her weight.

"Come on give it back!" Dwayne burst in the room being nosey.

"What are y'all doing?" He asked looking confused.

"Kash catch it!" Sarah threw it to Kash who was standing in front of Dwayne. It flew right over her head and right into Dwayne's hands.

"Give it here!" I jumped up trying to pry it out his hand. But he was too tall and too strong.

"Woahhh! What the fuck is this!" His jaw dropped looking at the test. "Yoo why is this shit wet!"

"Babe she peed on that end" Sarah informed him.

"Man get this shit!" He tossed it in my hands then left. I looked down at it to see it had 2 lines.

"Yeap you're pregnant welcome to the club" they both walked out into the hall.

"Sarah please don't say anything! And make sure Dwayne doesn't either" after hearing Draye clearly state that he didn't want to have any kids soon I didn't want him to know just yet.

"Okay but somebody's gonna have to tell him soon, and that somebody is you"

Draye POV

"Granny what do you think about Beauty?" My granny is an important woman in my life. So of course I valued her opinion wholeheartedly.

"Remember the way your grandfather and I use to stair at each other in that chair..She looks at you the same way." My grandparents had been together since the beginning of time. They were madly in love with each other. Even when my grandad died she still saw herself as a married woman. "I honestly like her, hell I love that girl already, she seems so down to earth and passionate."

"She is that's what I love about her" I smiled reminiscing about her beautiful face.

"But I think you kinda hurt her feelings earlier, shid you hurt mine too"

"How? what did I do?" She had lost me from there.

"The whole time you were saying you didn't want any kids the glow in her face just went dull."

I wasn't even paying attention to Beauty when we were talking about kids. "Maybe you should take her feelings into consideration about things but first make sure she is wearing this" she got up to get her jewelry box from of her dresser. I couldn't really see what she took out but she balled up her fist. Then she placed a small circle thing in my hand.

"Your wedding ring granny I can't take this"

"If you don't Ima knock you up side the head. Besides you don't have to give it to her just yet. I been wanted you to have this but you never came to visit." She closed my hand then went to put the box up.

When I entered my room Beauty sat on the bed just staring off into space.

"Hey" she jumped at the sound of my voice.

"Um, hey I didn't see you come in" she mumbled holding onto the pillow in her lap.

"How could you, you're just staring in space. What's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm just so tired, but I'm starting to get insomnia" she sighed leaning her head back.

"Do I need to put you sleep?" I joked.

"No I definitely do not need that" she replied looking at my lap.

"Well what's wrong?"

"Nothing but um, I talk to Candace she and Corey are out in Atlantic city he insisted that you come out tonight."

"Well get ready then" I demanded getting up from her side.

"Oh no I'm not going, I'm way too tired and I don't feel like getting drunk with Candace she doesn't know when to quit" she said sticking her head under the covers.

"I guess I'm staying here then"

"No go have fun, besides I don't need you trying to put me to sleep or wake me up" she giggled making me laugh.

"Alright well I'm coming back early though, so be ready"

The club was hype and of course Candace the bartender served us drinks non-stop. I was on GTV vodka with a big fat blunt in my hand. I was having the time of my life til I accidentally bumped into Camilla. My drink went right into her eyes.

"My eyes are on fucking fire!" She screamed in pain.

"I'm soo sorry" I grabbed napkins to help get her cleaned up.

"You don't have to help me, okay. I already know you don't like me" she mumbled into my ear.

"It was an accident Okaayyy. I'll tell you what let me buy you a drink to prove that I'm really sorry" I was really drunk so of course I was being awfully nice to that bitch.

"Deal" we went up to the bar where Candace was and all took shots.

"Here drink this!" Candace quickly passed me a clouded drink with I don't know what in it. But I drunk it anyways which was dumb ass hell. Everything slowed down and got blurry. The only thing I could hear was my barely steady heartbeat. And then I was gone in the mix.

Markelle POV

For some reason I could not find my phone or daughters anywhere. I searched all over the fucking city looking for Beauty and Kash. Dwayne or Draye hadn't gotten back to me since the diamond heist.

"Shawn you wouldn't happen to know where Dwayne and Draye are?"

"You ain't get they phone calls or messages. Look Draye got some package from a Zoe." He rambled off. "Somebody put a hit out on your daughter"

"Are you fucking serious!" I jumped up from my office desk.

"And that's not all, he also got a Fed File case. They building up a case against you man" he shook his head looking worried.

"Damn! So where they at?" I asked rubbing the back of my head.

"They took the girls and left town to go visit somebody grandma" he replied.

"Fuck! Go hit up Ricardo and tell him to finish the job" Cristal and Diamond were tortured for 2 days straight. But with the Feds snooping around I needed them both dead asap. When he left I called out to Mia who was in the next room over.

"Wassup boo?" She walked in with her six inch heels on. Wearing nothing but all black including her lipstick.

"I need you to go to my bank in town and get all my money switched to my off shore bank account."

"Why baby?" She whispered coming behind me. Her long black nails caressed my chest as she hugged me from behind.

"That's Beauty's and Kash's college funds that's why now go. Oh and have my private bank account wired over to yours" I needed all my money moved out so that if the Feds did pursue this case that I'd still have my money.

"Alright but someone left this on your gate dialer out front" she handed me 2 envelopes then left. I made sure she was completely gone before opening them up. The first envelope was pictures of Mia and a very familiar girl. She was light skinned with black hair at shoulder length. The girl had a picture of Beauty, giving it to Mia. On the back of the picture was a note.

Be careful who you surround yourself with, besides you never know who they're doing backyard work with to take your daughter out.

This shit just wasn't adding up to me at all. I ripped open the second envelope to see pictures of me doing some very illegal things. Of course there was a note on the back of it too.

Feds are onto you, only a matter of time before you're behind bars with the same man your daughter or should I say "daughters" put there.

Why was this shit happening to me at this point in my life. The only thing I was glad about was the fact that Beauty was no longer in town. So whoever's after her can't hurt her as long as she's gone.

Draye POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs being cooked. I had the hugest hangover in the world. I sat up in an unfamiliar hotel room with all my clothes on the floor. I looked at my phone to see it was 11:30 am. Plus I had 9 missed calls from Beauty.

"Shit!" I grunted then quickly got dressed. But I couldn't find my jacket or shirt that I had on at the club. I stuck my head out to see my jacket on the couch. And there was a woman in the kitchen who looked so familiar from behind. When I opened the door it squeaked making her turn around. My worst nightmare began when I saw Camilla standing there in nothing but my shirt.

"Hey you're finally up"

"Um yeah I have to go" I firmly stated going to the door.

"You don't want any breakfast? Or hear how much of an animal you are in bed?" She smirked stepping to me.

"I gotta go" my body was moving at the speed of light. I got in the car about to head back to the house. Then I remembered I had no shirt on. I drove to the store and brought a white tee. My thoughts of last night was still a blur. I don't remember leaving with Camilla, or even sleeping with her. But that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

"Shit! I fucked up"

Beauty POV

It was 11 something in the morning and Draye never came in last night. I couldn't help but worry about him. I called him like 10 times and he still didn't pick up.

"Beauty you wanna go shopping with me?" Sarah asked standing in the doorway.

"Shopping for what?" She pointed to her belly referring to the baby. "Yeah sure, um did you see Draye today?"

"Nah why?" She came in sitting at the foot of the bed by my feet.

"He went out last night and didn't come back and I'm really worried" we both got quiet after hearing footsteps out in the hall. Draye stepped in the room looking a hot mess. He had bags under his eyes and had hangover written all over his face. "Draye!" I ran to him.

"I'll leave you two, but be ready to go shopping around 1 o'clock." Sarah slipped out the room. I waited til he laid down then smacked him.

"Man what the fuck!"

"You had me worried sick about you. First you don't come home, then you don't answer your phone!" I folded my arms across my chest with my back to him.

"Look I got really wasted and couldn't drive okay" he tried to pull me back so that I was facing him.

"Dont touch me!" He sucked his teeth still looking at me.

"Whats wrong with you Beauty, why you so bipolar?" He had officially pushed my buttons.

"You know what Draye forget you!" I stormed out just before slamming his room door.

"This is cute don't you think" Kash said to me trying to get Sarah's attention.

"Let me see" Sarah hummed looking at a baby onesie. "Do you think it's cute Bea?" I heard her taking but I really wasn't listening. My mind was on Draye and how I was gonna tell him. "Beauty!"

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts to look at her.

"Did you say something?"

"I was asking you if you think this strawberry shortcake onesie was cute"

"Beauty you okay?" Kash asked reading my facial expression.

"Um yeah I'm good"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I think you should get it, with these strawberry printed booties" I quickly changed the subject so I wouldn't have to tell them that I hadn't told Draye yet.

"Alright time to go to check out and get some food" Sarah cheered.

We pulled up to Dairy Queen because we all wanted some some food and ice cream. We walked in and stood in line behind 3 other girls. My day got worse when Camilla and Brandy turned around after ordering.

"Why is that we seem to run into you everywhere?" Brandy asked with sarcasm in her voice.

"Oh I don't know maybe I'm stalking you" I shot back. Camilla just stood there waiting for the 3rd girl at the counter.

"Candace we'll be over here" Camilla shouted while still staring at me. Candace turned around to almost knock me over.

"Oh Beauty I'm sorry"

"It's fine I was way to close to you anyway"

"So tell Draye that Corey said he really had fun last night and congratulations again" she rushed over to the table with her cousins.

Sarah ran to the bathroom while Kash gathered our food. I got our cups going over to the soda fountain. It wasn't surprising that Camilla came over at the same time.

"So why didn't you you come out last night?" She grinned like she knew something I didn't.

"Oh you were there too?" I asked while filling Sarah's cup up with strawberry lemonade.

"Oh course, me and Draye had a ball" her words echoed off in my head. Then I spilled my cup of fruitopia all over the floor. "Draye did say you were clumsy"

"What?" I responded in disbelief.

"Yeah he said you're clumsy and always crying. Like why are you so sensitive" she snickered. I didn't even think and my hand was colliding across her face. She grabbed a hands full of my hair unbalancing me. We both fell to the floor knocking over all the drinks I fixed. My fist repeatedly dug into her face and head.

"Beauty....what....are....you....doing!" Sarah's voice was slowed down. I couldn't even see because I began to black out. But my hands never stopped pounding her up side the head. And before I knew it my body was being lifted up from off of her.

Authors Note

Shit just got so real!!
Camilla and Beauty just fought in Dairy Queen
Draye believe it or not got really wasted and slept with Camilla.
Camilla is in the MM above.
Beauty is pregnant
Sarah's having a girl.
Whose the girl in the picture with Daniel?
Should Draye tell her or should he keep this a secret?
Should Beauty tell him or is it too late?
What will happen next?
#Comment #Vote #Enjoy

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