Nearly Heartless {Book 1}

By LostOnNeverland2319

100K 2.2K 134

Miracle Forbes " I was never heartless, just nearly heartless. " Completed More

Another Mikaelson's in town
Gathering the troops
Testing it out
Telling a backstory
Bruises and Dizziness
Running with the wolves
Whispers: part 2
Nursing him
Full Moon
Bad Ideas
What is going on?
In Love
Authors Note!!!!
Love at last
Secrets Out
The Choice part 1
The Choice Part 2
The *DUH DUH DUH* date
"Yes!"...or not.
The Planning
The Death
The Wedding

The *cough* "meeting"

15K 162 8
By LostOnNeverland2319

My eyes fluttered open to reveal Caroline standing above me shaking me furiously. "Caroline, can you please stop?" I asked rubbing my eyes tiredly. "Now that you're awake I can." She stopped, smiling at me as I sat up, leaning against my bed post. "Why did you wake me up?" I asked, a fake growl in my voice. "Oh, Miracle, stop pretending to be mad, we both know you aren't capable of anger." She pushed herself off of my bed and walked towards my closet. "Oh, and to answer your question, we have a meeting to attend." She pulled out an outfit and put it on my bed. It was a dress. Short, red, strapless dress. "This must be one fancy meeting." I hopped out of bed and went towards my younger sister who was walking towards the door. As soon as she was about to pull it open I slammed it closed again. "Caroline, what kind of meeting is this?" I asked. Her eyes shifted to the ground as she held back a reply. My glare intensified causing her to snap under pressure. "Fine, it's a party. For you." She explained. "Caroline." I scolded. "I know you said you didn't want one, I just couldn't resist." She explained. We had a thirty second stare off before I caved. "Fine I'll go." I snatched the dress up from my bed and pulled it on. "Thank you Mira! And happy birthday." She smiled running out of my room.

The dress I was wearing fit my figure perfectly. "Hey Mira." Elena greeted me with a smile as I strutted to my main destination for this party: the bar. "Hey Lena, what got you to come to this stupid party?" I asked a smirk placing itself on my lips. "Because even though you aren't capable of fun, I thought I should have some." She laughed. "I am capable of fun, I'm just not capable of enjoying it." I rolled my eyes, smirk still clear on my face. "Yeah, Yeah, whatever. Go drown your sorrows at the bar." She joked. "Sorrows? I can't have sorrows." I laughed as we stopped walking. "With your life, you're lucky." She teased. My eyes narrowed into a joking glare as I began to chase her through the grill, nearly knocking everyone down. "Ok, shows over." Damon ruined our fun, dragging me and Elena to a table and making us sit. I was sat next to Stefan and Caroline, who scooted in after me. "I have some news about Elijah and Klaus' issues." Damon, who was at the head of the table, explained. "Well, spit it out!" Bonnie urged. "If you would give me a second I would." Damon glared at her, her glare winning the fifteen second contest. "Okay,apparently, Klaus did something to piss off Elijah and now Elijah wants revenge." Damon explained. I rolled my eyes. "What does this have to do with any of us?" Caroline asked. "Well, Klaus only cares about one thing..." Damon trailed off. "Me." Caroline sighed. My heart stopped and my breath hitched in my throat. "So, you think that Elijah is going to hurt Caroline?" I asked focusing myself on the conversation. "That's what I'm saying, keep up." Damon clapped his hands. I glared at him before standing up, slamming my hands on the table, causing everyone to snap their heads in my direction. "That's not going to happen." I snapped walking to the bar. "Someone's in a bad mood." A british voice observed from next to me. I turned my head towards him and rolled my eyes. "Hello Kol." I scoffed. "Hello darling." The original smirked at my harsh greeting. "What is it that you want so you can get it and leave?" I asked turning my body to face him. "Well, isn't it obvious? I want you." He whispered seductively. "Oh, Kol, you know I won't give in to your so called charms." I retorted with a smirk. "Well, I wouldn't have to use my charms if compulsion would do its job, let's test that again shall we?" He leaned closer to me to look me in the eyes. "Go ahead, it won't work." I shrugged. "We'll see about that. Kiss me." He compelled. I leaned closer to him and just as I was about to reach his lips I moved, swiftly, to his ear. "Told you it wouldn't work." I whispered before facing the bar again. "How do I know you're not just on vervain?" He asked picking at the fries he was eating. "I'm not. How long are you going to continue this project Kol?" I questioned facing him once again. "Until we find out why you can't be compelled and why you don't have emotions." He bit into a fry. "Okay then, what is your next experiment Dr?" I joked, looking at him with my best daring face. "I need to stay with you, all night, all day, make sure you're not downing vervain or wearing it" He smirked. "What about Caroline? I still live with her you know? And my mom?" I pointed out. "Don't worry, if they show up I'll disappear." He shrugged. "Yeah, well two out of three people in the house have super hearing." I frowned. "That's another thing we need to check out. Don't worry about the hearing, ill work it out." He smirked. "Okay, then it's a deal." I stood up after realizing that I had finished my drink that Matt set in front me. "Where you going?" Kol asked. "Home. You coming?" I asked. He, obviously, jumped at the opportunity. "Meet me outside I have to do something really quick." I explained looking towards Caroline. "Okay." He winked before disappearing. "Hey Care!" I exclaimed running over to my oblivious little sister. "What's up Mir?" She asked tucking a peice of hair behind her ear. "I have a stomach ache, I think I'm gonna go home." I held my stomach in fake agony. "Are you okay? Need me to go with you?" She asked worried. "No, ill be fine, just need to rest, you have fun." I smiled reassuringly before leaving the grill, slamming the door on my way out. As soon as the door is closed I hear Kol slow clapping as he appeared from behind my car. "Nice preformance." He chuckled leaning against my car. "I find it extremely sad how you know what my car looks like." He pulled open the passenger door for me. "I've seen it enough times." He walked to the driver side and got in. "Since when were you driving?" I asked as he closed the door. "Since now." He smirked starting up the car.

"Go to my room, You know where it is." I sighed as I walked up the steps and into the living room. "Miracle! Is that you!?" My mom called. "Yeah, it's me!" I threw my purse down on the couch before running upstairs. "So, that's your name darling? Miracle?" Kol asked as I closed the door. "Shit. You heard that?" I asked. "I like it. Miracle." He flopped down on my bed. "I'm surprised. After eighteen work sessions with me, you just learned my name." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Sorry about that, someone wouldn't tell me." He fake glared at me. "Oops, must have forgot, or maybe I didn't want you to find me." I rolled my eyes sitting in the spinning chair in front of my computer desk. "You love me." He joked. "I'm not capable of love and even if I was, I wouldn't love you." I scoffed. "Speaking of, time for our next experiment." He clapped his hands. "What do you need?" I asked. "Your hand." He smirked holding his hand out to Me. I put my hand on top of his, he pulled my hand to his lips, kissing my hand, before biting down onto my wrist. "Shit!" I cursed retreating my hand. "Sorry, let me see it." He took my hand and observed my wound. "Is it supposed to heal?" He asked. "I'm not sure, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't." I shrugged rubbing my wrist. "So, what are you?" He sighed in curiosity. "I'm human Kol." I sighed. "No. You are not human." He observed. "Okay then." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "What's that?" Kol asked. "What's what?" I asked pulling my hair into a high ponytail. "This." He asked, ripping my necklace off of my neck. "Hey! Give that back!" I reached for my silver necklace shaped like a heart with wings. "Why do you have it?" Kol asked examining it. "My...I just do!" I snatched it from him putting it back on. "Ok...give it back, you can't wear it yet." He held out his palm. My eyes brimmed with tears. "W-what? Why?" I asked clutching it in my hands tightly. "It's just a necklace darling, I won't break it." He smirked. "I-I can't take it off." I refused. "Why not?" He asked. "I just can't!" I snapped. "You have to darling, it's for an experiment, I'm thinking you may have doused it in vervain." He explained. "I didn't, I swear." My hand trembled. "I can't just believe you." He shrugged taking it off of my neck. I let him, even though it upset me. One of the only things that really upset me. "Ill give it back when I'm done experimenting." He put it in his pocket. "Whatever, I don't care." I shrugged, my previous tantrum forgotten. "Ill be back." I stood up and strolled calmly to the bathroom. As soon as the door was shut I closed my eyes and sighed before staring in the mirror, tracing my finger over where the necklace used to be. My eyes were dry and normal, but the small ache I had in my stomach was breaking at me every moment it wasn't there.


"Miracle!" My best friend, Max, yelled chasing after me as I walked down the road. "Hey Max." I smiled. "Hi." He smiled. My stomach fluttered as his words reached my ears and dug themselves into my brain. "So, how was soccer practice?" I asked him as we walked home. "Um...I quit..." He scratched the back of his neck. "What? Why? You love soccer and you're amazing at it." I questioned. "Well, I needed to do something and the coach told me that if I leave I can't come back." He looked down. "What did you have to do that was so important?" I stopped in my tracks. "Oh, um, this." He smiled sheepishly before kissing me passionately. I kissed back immediately. "That was- Uh." I could see my breath in the air, the snow under my feet. "I'm sorry. I just I really like you, maybe even love...I've never been brave enough to tell you, but I decided today would be that day and I understand if you don't like me back." He looked away. "Max, I've liked you since the day I met you." I smiled. "Really?" He asked hopefully. "Yes." I laughed. He pulled something out of his pocket and walked behind me. "What's going on?" I asked. "Miracle Forbes, will you be My girlfriend?" He asked as he put a necklace around my neck. I admired its beauty as the light shone on it. "Yes." I nodded, smiling. "Now, please, don't take that off, got it?" He smiled hugging me from behind me. "Got it." I smiled.

Three months later

"Miracle!" Max teased holding my hands as he made fun of my height. "That's not fair." I pouted. "She's right!" Caroline called from her room across the hall. "Told you." I teased. It was silent for a moment while we just stared at each other in adoration. "Miracle, I love you." His words hit me like a bullet. "Max, I-I don't feel like that about you yet, I'm just-" He interrupted me. "Oh. I'm sorry." He sighed. "I didn't mean to upset you." I sighed. "It's fine, I have to go." He stood up and walked away.

A few hours later

"Miracle!" Caroline screamed running to my room. "What?" I asked worriedly. "It's Max, he's at the hospital!" She called. My heart stopped and I raced to the hospital, not bothering to use a car. Soon I busted through the double doors of the hospital and ran to the receptionist. "Where is Max Halls room?" I asked, trying to catch my breath. "He's in surgery, poor guy got hit by a car." She clicked her tongue. "What?" I asked breaking down in the waiting room. "Are you a friend of his?" The lady asked. "I'm his girlfriend, Miracle." I sighed calming down a bit. "Miracle. He really cares about you, when they got him in here all he would do was mumble your name, over and over again." She explained. Tears began to trickle down my face. He was the only person I ever cared about, other than Caroline, no one else could spark emotions in me. "Is he going to be okay?" I asked. "Ill let you know when I know." She sighed. I sat down and waited. Eventually Caroline showed up with my mom. "Is he okay?" Caroline asked. "I don't know, he's in surgery." I sobbed. "Miracle, I've never seen you like this." My mom hugged me. "I-" I attempted to speak over my sobs. "Miracle Forbes! You may go see him now, room 234." The lady at the desk smiled. I rushed passed doctors and sick old people into a hospital room where Max was laying, awake on the bed. "Max." I ran up to him. "Miracle." He muttered. "I'm here." I cried. "Look, I know Miracle, I know I'm going to die." He explained. "No. You can't die!" I cried. "I don't have a choice, if I did, I'd stay with you forever and ever. We would grow old and have kids." He rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "I love you." I sobbed. "I love you too." He closed his eyes. Then the monitor began to do that beeeeeeeep thing it does. The doctors had to carry me out as I sobbed, clutching my necklace with all of my might, wishing it would bring him back.

A/N: Heyy my dinosaurs, I hope you like this new fan fiction, I think I have a addiction to writing,oops. Oh well. If you have any questions don't be scared to ask, I don't bite...or do I? Kidding I don't, if you just wanna talk I am open to it, so thank you for reading and if you like it please vote, comment, and/or follow.
Rawr(it means I love you in dinosaur.),

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