Missing (One Direction)

By baileekup123

2.5K 68 34

Five girls, Five boys, Revenge, and Betrayal. They say everyone has a fate and I believe it was theirs to go... More

Missing (One Direction Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Who Plays Who
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Missing Trailer
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Thank You!

Chapter 23

28 1 1
By baileekup123

Author's Note

I have decided that this book is mostly based on Zayn and Violet, Harry and Emma, and then Kaley and Louis for now so that is the only POV you will see and you will hear about the others from time to time.


Violet's POV

So now all of us girls are upstairs changing while the lads are doing the same. Zayn wasn't to happy about the idea of me in a bikini in front of the 5SOS lads and I'm a bit nervous too, when Calum and Luke stare and stuff it's a bit uncomfortable but not much they are just being friendly and I was wearing a really pretty dress soooo. I also noticed Luke was staring at Emma also. So I decided to wear my black strapless bikini with a black see through lace on the back. Emma is wearing a neon pink strapless bikini and same with Kiristen but it's green and has straps. Then Kaley is wearing a regular black bikini with one polka dots on it, lastly Nicole's bikini is purple. We go outside to the pool and the lights are on so everything looks cool and is lit up. The lads are already down and since it was warm out I decided to jump right in, but once we came out all eyes were on me and Emma. By all I meant the 5SOS lads by 5SOS lads I mean mostly Calum and Luke and then Harry and Zayn staring daggers at them. Emma and I looked at each other not knowing what to do. So we ignore decide to ignore it, and I go over to the diving board debating whether I should do a back flip or cannonball. After a little bit of thinking I decide to do a back flip. It's a room full of boys might as well impress them. So I turn around and spring off the board curving my body so I can make sure I go into the water feet first and not landing on my head or back. The water was cold but refreshing, I come back up and start swimming to the shallow end of the pool where everyone else is. I make my way over to Zayn and he kisses my cheek and then puts an arm around my waist. "I didn't know you could do that" Zayn says but in a questioning tone. " Babe I used to do gymnastics remember" "oh yeah, that was a perfect back flip though" "thanks" I say responding to his compliment. "We should play chicken" I hear Calum yell, "yeah I want to play too" I respond. "Ok, well I don't want to play with Michael, Luke, or Ashton on top of me so Violet will you be my teammate and I think Luke wants to play so Emma will you play" he say yelling to Emma I nod telling him I'm in and Emma does the same. Zayn goes to object but it's to late and Calum is already getting me on top of his shoulders. Zayn is pissed I can tell he is clenching his fists and I swear he is gonna punch Calum. I quickly hurry the game on and I end up winning, once we are done I quickly jump off him and go over to Zayn kissing him. "Babe calm down I love you" I say against his lips before pulling away and he is now smiling. "How come I've never seen this bathing suit before" he whispers in my ear, "hmm I don't know you tell me" I say teasing him. Zayn just laughs "I love you" he says "hmm" I hum. "Zayn I have a question, could you teach me how to play the guitar?" I ask out of nowhere, "yeah of course babe, why all the sudden" "I don't know, I've always wanted to know how to play but never had the time and now I do because I don't have uni until like after Christmas and as of right now volleyball and softball aren't going on. Also I'm not modelling or working." Zayn just nodded his head showing me he was listening. It was now early morning like 3 and we all decided to go to sleep. Kaley and Louis avoided each other all night but they are sleeping in the same room so ha! They are totally going to be going out or going on a date either way I'm happy. Zayn and I go up to our room I grab a tanktop and shorts and head to the shower.

Zayn POV

Violet just got in the shower and I'm still a little bit mad about the whole thing with Calum she even said he was her favorite! But I have to believe her that everything is fine, she loves me and as long as I'm around when she is with him nothing can really go wrong. He won't make a move on her in front of me because he know i'm her boyfriend. I also can't wait to start teaching her guitar, it will be so much fun. I think she will really like it and get the hang of it pretty fast. Vi has been in the shower for about 10 minutes now and I hear her getting dressed and slamming cabinets and stuff. She finally comes out and the bathroom is still in one piece, I'm getting a shower tomorrow when I wake up. Violet lays next to me in bed and hides her face in my chest. "Are you tired" I ask "uhmm" is all I get which I'm guessing is a yes, so I get up and turn the lights off. When I get back in bed Violet is facing the other way so I pull her into my chest and wrap my arms around her. Her body immediately molding with mine. I fall asleep to the steady breaths the beautiful girl wrapped in my arms who I'm so lucky to have.

Kaley POV

It was around 3 in morning by the time we all went upstairs and trust me I didn't want that time to come. I walked up to Louis and I's room hoping I would be lucky and he wouldn't be here yet, so I could run in grab clothes and sprint to the shower but nooo things just don't go my way. Louis just has to be sitting there on the bed playing his phone, and no I can't be a fucking ninja and somehow get to the shower with clothing without him noticing. On they way I have to knock over like 3 things ugh! I try to make a run for it but Lou grabs my arm and forces me to sit down. I of course sit there pouting like a toddler. (Bold is Kaley) "Kaley we really need to talk about what happened earlier today" "Psh what are you talking about" "The kiss" "what kiss" "Kaley I felt something and I know you did to, the sparks" "what sparks" "these" and before I know Louis lips are on mine and we are snogging. Once we pull apart we are both breathless and all I say is "oh those sparks". I don't know what to say but apparently Louis does "will you go on a date with me?" and their is no way I could say no but I was still kind of speechless so I just nodded my head. I swear Louis smile went from here to China, I kind of thought he was gonna pass out but instead he kissed me again and then again they were just pecks that went on and on. He wasn't going to stop and I wasn't going to tell him to either. After about 10 pecks he stopped and now I was as smiling and he made me giggle again. I don't giggle, stupid Louis! Louis finally let me go and I took a quick 5 minute shower throwing on a tee and sweat pants, and Louis was in pants but was shirtless and DAM I thought I was drooling for a sec, luckily I wasn't. Out of nowhere I decided to say that I was hungry, so Louis and I went down stairs in search of food even though it was 4 in the morning a grabbed a bag of chips and we went back upstairs. Tonight going to sleep wasn't as weird, we both weren't almost falling off the bed but we weren't wrapped in each others arms either. The telly was on and I was eating my chips while Louis flipped threw the channels. At 4:30 I was done eating, we picked a channel, and I thought I was going to pass out I was so tired right when my head hit the pillow I passed out. The chips were on the ground and somehow in the middle of the night Louis and I kept inching closer and closer as time past.

Louis POV

Today well now yesterday and this morning were the best days of my life. Kaley and I kissed about 12 times and I'm going to be going on a date with her. Also now things aren't so awkward. Kaley fell asleep about half and hour after we came back up with the food but I just couldn't fall asleep I guess I was just so happy about kissing Kaley and getting to go on a date with her I can't sleep. I'm going to have to ask Violet on ideas of what I should do for our first date because I have no idea. I don't want to disappoint Kaley with a shit date. I'm not going to get any sleep with the rate this is going. I thought of all the ideas of dates that I could do ice skating, dinner, movie, picnic, double-date, bowling, carnival if their is one, beach, shopping. None of them sound good enough for a first date with Kaley. I know she loves food and I don't think she likes ice skating or bowling. A movie might be boring. I want to do a whole bunch of little things all together. Ok I've got it! Now I just have to plan the little hings and stuff. I also have to talk to Violet to make sure Kaley will like it. Like I need to know if I should do it day or night, when, make sure no paparazzi will see. I don't want paparazzi to ruin are first date, Kaley would hate me if that happened. So I should also talk to the lads to see if they can help me with that part because if paparazzi are around the lads can keep them busy and away from Kaley and I. I decided to clean up the room a bit why I think about our date, so I grab the chips and take them back downstairs and I decide to play some FIFA for a bit until I get tired so I grab a controller and I'm in the middle of the game when I hear Kaley yelling my name so I run back upstairs to see what's wrong. When I go upstairs Kaley has a pillow over her head to block out the beeping of my phone which I can't seem to find. I finally find it and it is under a pile of laundry and I have no idea how it got there oh well. I pick up my phone and immediately turn it on silent so Kaley can go back to sleep. I look at the screen to see a text from an unknown number? Hmm I wonder who it could be. I probably shouln't answer it could be some fan but how would they get my number. I click on the texts between the number. All I know is that they are from around here.

(Conversation Louis in bold)


who is this?

oh don't you know Lou Bear it's me Sophie


Yeah the girl who kidnapped you!

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