Not So Innocent (In Six Month...

By KillerRain

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Gulf's feelings and plan to destroy Lhong. Techno dealing with his pain and trying to figure more about himse... More



335 19 0
By KillerRain

Gulf's P.O.V:

The next day I woke up to find myself laying in a small bed and Ai Thanya hugging me in her sleep.

I smiled and ruffled her hair then stood up and sat on a chair beside the bed.

P'Thorn opened the door and entered smiling at Ai Thanya who was still sleeping then he looked at me confused.

"Ummm...She had a nightmare last night...She didn't want to disturb anyone so she asked me to stay here" I said smiling awkwardly.

"Oh...I thought you were a pedophile for a second there" He said chuckling.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Well...Ai Thanya gets a lot of nightmares about dolls lately... Maybe I shouldn't have let her watch Chucky" He said.

"Huh?" I asked dumbly.

He chuckled nervously.

"You let a six years old girl watch Chucky?" I asked dumbly.

"Well...I was watching it...She just walked in on one of the scenes" He said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Well I'm no one to talk since I'm also a sucker for horror movies...I've been watching them since I was probably seven" I said.

"Wow...And your parents let you?" He asked.

"Well...I used to watch them with the father but I also watched alot of them with aunt Fern and my uncle" I said.

He sighed and nodded.

"I'm sorry...I know I shouldn't be here" I said referring to the current situation with Ai Thanya.

"Oh...Don't be...Thanks for helping the princess" He said smiling.

Then he gently shook her awake.

After some time she finally sat up and rubbed her eyes drowsily.

Then the three of us went downstairs to the dining room.

Aunt Fern was helping Mrs Kirigun in the kitchen Ai Type wanted to help too but they insisted that he shouldn't bother.

Me and aunt Fern decided to move to another place until the other house is cleaned up.

The Kiriguns offered us to stay with them instead of going to a hotel.

"Slept well?" Ai Type asked me.

"Yes" I said sitting down beside him.

"Good" He said smiling.

"Nong Gulf...Why don't you go wake up Nong Tharn?" Mrs Kirigun asked.

I nodded and went to Ai Tharn's room.

He was on his phone doing something he probably didn't notice me.

"Oh...You're awake?...Mrs Kirigun is preparing breakfast...She asked me to wake you up" I said.

"Oh...Ok" He said quickly hiding his phone under the covers.

"You're texting Lhong right?" I asked with a knowing look.

He sighed and nodded.

"Good...Tell him I said hi...And that I'll get back at him for what he did yesterday" I said.

"Ai Gulf..." He started.

"Shut up" I said then left the room.

I went back downstairs.

"Aunt Fern...I'm going back to check on the house ok?" I asked.

But I didn't wait for her reply and left the house quickly making sure that I didn't leave the pills behind.

I took a taxi and went back to the house.

The car I bought looked as if it caught fire.

I sighed and shook my head.

I guess I have to buy a new one then.

The house was completely fine...Except for the fallen door and a few broken vases.

I went to my room which was a mess.

The bed sheets were torn.

My phone and laptop were stolen.

The drawers were opened widely and there was broken glass all over the floor.

Then there was a writing on the wall above my bed which said Die in bold red big letters.

I sighed and shook my head.

He's even stupider then I thought.

Then I heard footsteps running upstairs towards me and yelling for me to not move.

I climbed down the ladder by my window and ran as fast as I can making sure that my wallet is with me.

I bought a new phone and a new SIM card.

Then made my way back to the Kirigun's.

(Meanwhile at the Kirigun's household)

Tharn's P.O.V:

Khuan Fern started her daily work with Ai Type.

I tried to text Lhong so many times but he didn't answer any of my texts so I decided to give up.

I was spending time with Ai Thanya while they worked at the garden.

After some time Ai Thanya went for piano practice and I started playing a game on my phone.

P'Thorn came in and said that he saw Lhong's brother P'Krit at the mall.

"Lhong is at the hospital" P'Thorn said.

I sighed heavily.

"P'Thorn can you please talk to him...I mean I hate him...I really do because of what he did to Ai Type and Ai Tar...But I also know that he doesn't deserve what's coming for him whatever it is" I said.

"Ai Krit said that he was admitted to the hospital because of severe illness" P'Thorn said.

"I don't know what's happening exactly but I think he should just leave...I mean there's no reason for him to stay here anymore" I said sighing.

"That still doesn't make sense" P'Thorn said.

We stayed silent for some time.

"Are you in trouble?...Should I be worried?" He asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not in trouble P...But Lhong is...I don't know what I should do...I tried my best...But maybe he might listen to someone else...Maybe he will listen to you P" I said.

P'Thorn sighed and nodded.

"What do you want me to say to him then?" He asked.

"Tell him that he should be careful... Better yet leave Bangkok" I said.

"I don't know exactly what happened but tell me what you know...You can tell me anything" He said.

"It's not possible P I'm really sorry... But Ai Type will be worried if not horrified if that secret comes out...Please try to convince Lhong to do as I said" I said standing up.

Then I went to help my mother set the table for breakfast.

Ai Gulf wasn't back yet.

After we were done with breakfast my mother asked me to go change the bed sheets in Ai Thanya's room.

I was in the middle of it when I noticed a small white bead near Ai Thanya's bedside.

I took it in my hand and inspected it for what felt like a minute trying to figure out what it was.

Then I put it in my pocket and went back to my task.

Then suddenly it dawned on me.

But by the time I did that Ai Gulf was already back.

He was telling Khuan Fern about what happened to the house.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the house.

I started talking when I was sure no one was following us.

"Are you crazy?...You're giving him hallucination pills?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

He stayed silent but diverted his gaze to the ground.

I grabbed his shoulders harshly and slammed his back to the wall.

"If you don't stop he might die...DO YOU WANT THAT?" I yelled angrily.

He still stayed silent.

"Why are you so messed up?...Why can't you be normal?...Why can't you be forgiving like Ai Type?...What happened to you?...Why are you so different from your brother?" I asked not loosening my grip on his shoulders.

Then he started shaking and I realized that he was crying.

"I can't be like Ai Type...If I became lenient and forgiving then this is going to happen to him again and again and again" He said not looking up at me.

"I won't let this happen to Ai Type again" I said.

"And I won't either because I'll make sure that they are all severly punished and damaged beyond repair" He said.

"But Lhong is going to die if you keep this up...You have no right to do that to him...You have no right to kill him" I said.

He chuckled and shook his head then finally looked up at me.

"What right did the roofer have to do that to an innocent child?...What right did your dear friend have to destroy my brother again?" He asked.

Then he pushed me away from him.

"What right do you have to stop me?...Who's side are you on?" He asked glaring at me.

"I'm on no one's side...I want the best for everyone...Slowly killing Lhong won't solve the problem" I said.

"Then stop me...I dare you" He said glaring at me.

"Don't you understand?...This will never make Ai Type happy...Hell it will never even make you happy" I asked.

He stayed silent.

"Where did you find it anyway?" He asked.

"In Ai Thanya's room by her bed" I said.

"I'm sorry about her" He said.

"What if she picked it up thinking it was candy?...She would have gotten seriously hurt" I said.

"I really didn't mean it" He said.

"I don't care if you meant it or not...You're not supposed to be using them anyway...Listen here...I'm not going to let you hurt my little sister too...Got that?" I asked.

"I said I'm really sorry...I didn't even know I forgot it there" He said.

I sighed and shook my head.

I'm sure he's sincerely sorry for letting this one slip but his behavior was still wrong.

"Tell me what happened" I said.

"It's none of your concern" He said coldly then started walking back to the house.

I sighed and shook my head then followed him.

(Later that night with Techno)

Techno's P.O.V:

I was at the cafe.

Me and Ai Champ decided to meet later because he wanted to accompany me to the therapist's office.

Which wasn't actually bad.

But what was getting on my nerves now is P'Kwan.

Who suddenly showed up at the cafe about a month ago asking his friend P'Sun if he needs more workers.

Luckily P'Sun seeing how uncomfortable it was for me rejected him nicely saying something about the cafe going through a rough patch and that he can't hire more workers for the time being.

Knowing that P'Sun carefully spends money P'Kwan didn't buy it at first.

But he eventually decided that he doesn't want to work as long as he can be a regular customer.

Which was also still quite uncomfortable since he always pops up in front of me out of nowhere.

I'm being nice but my patience is running thin.

And I have been learning boxing lately so it won't be a nice situation considering the current situation and my newly discovered anger issues.

I sighed and walked to one of the tables but I was interrupted by Ai Mork and Ai Rain.

Ai Pete and Ai Kao were also there sitting on one of the tables.

"Ai No...This guy is back again... Sorry I tried but he wants you to be his waiter" Ai Rain said.

I sighed and nodded.

"Do you want me to kick him out?" Ai Mork asked.

"No that won't be necessary" I said.

He shrugged and Ai Rain went back to work.

I sighed and walked to P'Kwan's table which was right beside Ai Pete's table.

"What's your order" I said unenthusiastic.

I mean how the hell are you going to date the brother of your ex stalker who you also stabbed with a butcher's knife?

That's the situation right now.

"I want a Chocolate and cherry cake with caramel latte" He said smiling.

"Will you stop ordering my favorite stuff?...It's getting really weird and creepy" I snapped.

He shrugged and went back to doing something on his phone.

I sighed and shook my head then walked to the kitchen.

After a few minutes I put a lemon cake with green tea in front of him.

"I didn't order that" He said.

"Oh sorry...I'm must have zoned out on your babbling after you suddenly started liking chocolate cakes" I said rolling my eyes.

The other customers noticed my sarcasm so Ai Pete and Ai Kao walked to us to try and defuse the situation.

"Ummm...Is something wrong?" Ai Kao asked.

"No" I said walking back to the kitchen.

Pete's P.O.V:

Me and Ai Kao followed Ai No to the kitchen.

"So what actually happened?...Come on you can tell us" Ai Kao said putting his hand on Ai No's shoulder.

Ai No sighed and took a deep breath Ai Mork also came to the kitchen.

There was still Ai Rain and Ai Manow to serve the customers outside.

Ai No looked at Ai Mork and I realized that Ai Mork still didn't know so Ai No was probably hoping that he'd leave since he still wants to keep this to himself.

I turned to Ai Mork.

"Ummm...How about you go back work?...P'Sun is going to give you an earfull for slacking you know" I said smiling.

He cringed then nodded.

"Alright...But tell me if you need help ok?...I mean that guy over there...I don't trust him for some reason...He seems batshit crazy" Ai Mork said.

Ai No chuckled and shook his head then Ai Mork left.

"Well?" Ai Kao asked.

"Well...Ummm...You already know about Ai Sun...That's his older brother P'Kwan..." Ai No started.

Then after what felt like minutes Ai No finally finished his explanation.

"Wow...You're a magnet" I said whistling.

Causing Ai Kao to smack the back of my head.

"It's not the time for lame jokes" Ai Kao said.

"Alright...Alright you can go back to work...Me and Ai Kao are going to tell him off nicely ok?" I asked.

He looked reluctant but eventually nodded.

Then me and Ai Kao walked out of the kitchen and went to P'Kwan's table then sat down.

"Sawadee Krap" Me and Ai Kao said waiying.

"Oh...Ummm...Sawadee Krap" He said waiying back.

"Alright...Let's get straight to the point...Ai No is our friend..." Ai Kao started.

"So you have two ways which will probably lead to the same outcome" I said.

"Huh?" He asked confused.

"Ummm...Ai No doesn't like what you're doing" Ai Kao said smiling awkwardly.

"So it's either you leave the nice way or I'm going to punch you hard in the face" I said.

Ai Kao facepalmed.

"I think it's none of your concern" P'Kwan said standing up.

"I just said that we are his friends so yeah it's our business actually" I said standing up as well.

Ai Kao was still sitting but I heard a slap sound so I guess he facepalmed again.

"If he wants me to stop then he should come himself and tell me" He said folding his hands over his chest.

I sighed and was about to punch him when Ai Kao lowered my hand.

"We're asking nicely...Ai No said that he was uncomfortable with your behavior...It would be better if you talk this out with him later...But for now I think you should leave quietly" Ai Kao said smiling awkwardly.

P'Kwan glared at us and sighed.

"Fine" He said then walked to the counter probably to pay for his order before leaving.

And I didn't sit back at my table until I made sure that he was completely out of sight and about ten meters away from the cafe.

Then I continued sipping my drink in peace.

Me and Ai Kao stayed behind until Ai No's shift was over.

After Ai No told Ai Kao everything Ai Kao moved back to his mother's house.

After practically crashing at my place for the past two years uninvited.

Well not that I'm complaining but I'm glad he's back home since his mother gets sick sometimes.

Ai No took off his apron and me and Ai Kao walked to him.

But then the door opened and a tall muscular guy walked in.

"Ummm...We're closed for the day" P'Sun said.

"Ummm...Sorry...I'm not here to order...I'm here to pick Ai No" The guy said.

I looked at Ai No pointedly and whistled.

"Nice score" I said smiling.

Causing Ai No to look down flustered and Ai Kao to pinch me as the guy looked away embarrassed.

"We were waiting for you to give you a ride but it looks like we don't have to worry about that now... Ummm... Sawadee Krap...I'm Kao...And this is Ai Pete" Ai Kao said smiling and extending his hand for the guy to shake.

"Oh...You're the PeteKao from the hashtags?...I have to say that you two really make a nice pair...I'm Champ...It's very nice to meet you both" The guy said shaking Ai Kao's hand then mine.

"Same here" I said smiling.

Then Ai No and Ai Champ left.

Champ's P.O.V:

"So...You have been living with them?" I asked while we both walked to the bus stop.

"Ummm...Yeah?...At Ai Pete's house to be specific" He said.

"Ummm...Ok...But...Your parents called me yesterday" I said.

"What did you tell them?" He asked turning to look at me horrified.

"I said that I didn't know anything except that you were working at a cafe...But I didn't mention it's name...I even managed to distract them from asking about it...But they are going to eventually find out" I said.

He sighed and nodded.

"Don't think about it too much ok?...It will just add more stress you don't need that now" I said.

"Yeah" He said.

We finally boarded the bus.

"Thanks" He said suddenly laying his head on my shoulder.

I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Don't mention it" I said smiling.

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