hostage (jjk+kth)

By guktaebliss

107K 3.3K 443

triggering maybe?? kookv gang AU co edited with @guksnanamilk this shit sAd this is my first book so pls don'... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Three Years Later
Haha Just Kidding Here's an Epilogue
PLEASE READ (it doesnt matter where you are in the book just read this please)

Chaptwr Sixty Six

439 11 5
By guktaebliss


Jungkook Focus

I woke up with Tae the next morning, feeling fuzzy. My head hurt. My eyes stung. My shoulders were sore. I groaned and moved my hand up to my forehead. Taehyung shifted in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes. "Morning sleepy," I whispered. He lifted his head up, starting to blink the sleep out of his eyes.

"Morning," he replied lazily. Then set his head back down on my chest and was quickly back to sleeping. The heavy rise and fall of his breathing, his parted lips, his quiet murmurs... God, What is he doing to me?

I stroked his hair until I realized I should probably get up and prepare. Prepare to speak to everyone. Literally everyone.

The night before, Namjoon explained that if we were all ready, we would possibly be able to fight the Tiger gang off. Possibly. I was going to speak in front of every single person in the gang and warn them to be prepared for anything.

I nudged Taehyung's shoulder and he slowly lifted his head up again, resting his chin on my chest to look up at me. He was so cute. Ruffled hair on on the side of his head, plump, red lips, cloudy, sleepy eyes. Stop that! I scolded myself. "Sleepy, we need to get up," I said.

Taehyung nodded. "Why is your face all red?" He asked quietly. His voice was really deep from just waking up. Pretty voice. Pretty face. Pretty boy. My pretty boy.

I shrugged. I didn't know what he was talking about. Taehyung lifted his arm and rested his hand against my forehead from where he was laying.

"You have a fever."

"No I don't, I'll be fine."

"Jungkook you have a fever."

I blinked. Taehyung sat up and got off the bed, then rushed into the bathroom. A few moments later, I heard the tap squeak and water started turning through the pipes. It was the bath water tap. Taehyung came back out and grabbed my hand, pulling me up and dragging me with him.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Taehyung beamed at me. "This is what you did for me, so I'm returning the favor." His smile made my heart melt. We sat down next to the tub and Tae took my hand, pulling it to the water. "Is this okay?"

"Can you make it a little colder? I asked. Taehyung did so and I nodded. "Thanks," I said. Tae put in bubble bath and once the tap was turned off, he had a towel and everything already set up.

I stood up and groaned in obvious mock pain. Taehyung giggled. "You're too much," He said. I groaned again. "I'm too weak to undress myself," I said. "I might collapse at any moment."

"Oh you poor thing," Taehyung said sarcastically. "Whatever will you do?"

I wiggled my eyebrows. "Help me?"

Taehyung blushed and started stuttering. "I-uh- s-sure-"

I laughed and kissed his forehead. "It's okay baby. You don't have to if you don't want to. I was only joking." Taehyung nodded. "I'm sorry..." he said, looking down. "I feel like I keep leading you on and then going back to being timid." I picked up his hand and rubbed my thumb across the top of it.

"Tae, you're not doing anything that could upset me. Why do you always act like you're scared of my reaction if you do anything you think I might not like?"

Taehyung blinked. I chuckled and kissed his forehead again. "You know I love you right?" I asked. Taehyung nodded. "Good. Now if you don't feel comfortable, then leave the room for a minute. I'll be quick." Tae scurried off and once I had made it into the tub, he came back in and sat down next to me.

"Do you feel sick?" Tae asked. I shrugged. "It's not going to keep me in bed," I said. "I have a very important thing to do today."

"I know. But when you're done, you're gonna rest."

I sighed. "Tae, I have to get ready and be prepared for anything the tiger gang might do. I need you to be safe."

"My safety might be your priority, but mine is for you to be healthy and happy. Right now you are not healthy, so as soon as you come back from what you have to do, you are going to let me take care of you until your fever is gone."

"But that would take all day!"


I blinked. I liked the sound of him taking care of me. Like it was a mutual thing even if Tae couldn't do so much. "Okay," I said quietly, and Taehyung covered his eyes. I took that moment to change and when I was in the tub, he opened up again and sat next to me on the ground, resting his head llin his arms on the edge.

"I love you so much," I couldn't help myself from saying it again. "I love you so, so much." Taehyung blushed and smiled. "I love you too," He whispered back. I sat up straight and placed my fingers under his chin, pulling his face up so I could look at him clearly. Taehyung looked back at me, into my eyes, with his bold but shy expression. His golden smooth skin. Beautiful blue eyes. Plump, red lips...

I pulled his face closer to mine until our noses touched and closed my eyes, our breaths mingling. "I love you more than I've ever loved anyone, Tae, so if anything ever happens to you- if anyone so much as lays another finger on you again... I will lose myself. I don't know what would come over me or what I would do."

"I don't know what I would do either, if I'd lost you," Tae whispered back. "So let's not lose each other. Now kiss me already, I can't hold myself any longer."

I smiled and pulled his face even closer, tickling his lips with my own for a moment before pressing them together, then licking his and requesting entrance.

And it was a really good kiss. It lasted for a very long time and we ended up making out until my bathwater got really cold and Tae's shirt was soaked. His hands grasping at my bare shoulders and my hands pulling him ever closer by his neck and hair. His white shirt was so soaked that when we pulled apart, I could see all his injuries clearly as if the shirt wasn't there.

Taking note of the ones that looked more fresh, I went back in for more, pushing him upwards and standing up to step out of the tub. I held him against the wall and kissed him again starting to hear small moans and sighs coming out of him. "Hold on," I whispered. I left him at the wall and put on a shirt and underwear.

And then, of course, went back to making out. I slipped his shirt off, as the water was pretty cold and I didn't want him to freeze. I couldn't get enough of him. His taste kept me coming for more. Somehow we had made it all the way out of the bathroom and onto my bed, where I pinned Tae down and began kissing him sloppily. When we got back into the whole flow of things, I took a risk and trailed a hand down to unbutton his pants. He didn't shy away. His dynamic changed as if he knew I was doing it, but he was still trying to find out if he should care.

In a swift movement, his pants were off and I broke the kiss to look at his legs. There were nasty scars underneath his shirt that didn't look very well taken care of and I wanted to see if there were more on his legs.

"What are you doing?"

"Tae, why haven't you treated these?" I asked quietly. There were bruises on his hips and the top part of his thighs and on the inside of them there were scratches and even more bruises. I felt my anger bubble but had to keep my cool. "So that EunHo dick went this
hard, huh?" I said in a low voice.

Tae didn't move. His swollen, reddened lips and starry blue eyes held the same fear they did when I first found him. When he was scared I would do something like rape him. "Taehyung you need to treat these scratches, they look painful."

"W-Will you help me?"

"Anything, Tae. I will do anything for you. Now let's change your shirt and go upstairs."

I'd gotten Tae into some comfortable clothes and we headed up to the hospital room we were in the night before. "So what do you need?" I asked. Taehyung walked to the cabinet and pulled everything out, then brought it all back to the table next to the bed.

"I need to use this to clean them," Taehyung  said, pointing to a bottle with a brown cap. "And then this to help it heal faster, then of course, wrap it in  a
bandage." I nodded along and Tae sat down . "Which ones are the more serious ones?" Tae shrugged. "I wanna show you how to do it before we get to that one."

"Okay. Where do we start- wait I meant where are the bigger ones. Did he do anything worse than these scratches?" Taehyung looked at me and nodded hesitantly. "Well then let's hurry and get to that."

Taehyung let out a gasp of surprise when I pulled his pants down to his knees and grasped tightly into my shoulders, eyes wide. I laughed. "Alright, show me how it's done," I said. Taehyung smiled a little and started to teach me how to take care of the scratches on his thighs. After a while he turned around and let me get the ones on the back of his legs- flinching every time I touched his skin.

After he was all bandaged up, he stood up and pulled his pants back up. I frowned. "What about bruise patches? You've got enough bruises to share with the entire gang."

Taehyung shook his head. "No I don't want them. I'm fine just dealing with them myself. They'll heal quickly."

"Okay," I agreed. I wanted to get to the more serious cuts he was talking about earlier. He pulled off his shirt and I recognized the marks I'd seen in my room. Scars old and new. Bruises healing slowly on his waist, chest, and arms. Faded hickeys that I clearly remembered we're not from me. Scratches lining his neck and chest and stomach that were still red- even after being there for a week.

"Which one's the worst one?" I asked. Taehyung hesitantly pointed to his back. "Oh yeah," I said. "I guess that makes sense. It's easier to scratch back there than-"

Taehyung shook his head. "Not fingernail scratches."

I frowned. "Then what? Did he- did he use knives in you too?" I felt my anger bubble in the pit of my stomach. Taehyung shook his head. "It was from the cave wall." He said. I frowned. "His fault?"

"Mhm. He dragged me down it when he put me on the floor and it tore up my skin."

"H-How many times?" I asked, my hands shaking. Taehyung blinked, clouds forming over his eyes as he looked at the floor. "How many times did he rape me?"

My breathing became unsteady and my hands
twitched next to my side. Taehyung blinked and grabbed them, squeezing them tight.

"Don't get mad right now," He said. "It's pointless. He's not here, so there is nothing you can do. Let's just take care of the wounds."

"When he gets here I will kill him myself," I muttered. Taehyung blinked and looked down again. "I know," he said in a small voice. Afraid. I furrowed my eyebrows and felt something pierce my heart. I knelt down and grabbed his hands again. "Sorry," I said. "I don't want to scare you."

"It's not you," He said, in the same voice with the same look in his eyes that painted out doubt and worry and fear. "He is a really strong leader, Jungkook. And you are very strong too, but you are still seventeen. He's been alive longer and knows more than you do."

I sighed. Yeah and to top that off, he's my father. My real biological father. I think. I stood up, letting go of his hands. "I will protect you at any and every cost. Even if I was killed I would come back from the grave and beat the shit out of everyone who touches you."

Taehyung smiled. "Yes because I'm your hostage," he said. I nodded. "My hostage." I repeated. Taehyung's smile made me feel calmer and happier. Of course, until he turned around and showed me the wounds on his back. It was like he was painted red brown on the back. It was a huge patch of skin from his shoulder blades to the middle of his back missing. Replaced with dried blood and untreated.

I pictured Taehyung's smile and delicately pushed him down into the bed stomach down. "I'll be gentle," I said. "Just relax okay?"

Taehyung nodded and I uncapped the first bottle and started washing it over the wound. Taehyung went rigid, like, really tense, and I could hear his breathing become short and uneven.

After I finished with that, I started massaging the contents of the next bottle into the wound. Being soft, but making sure it was getting where it needed to be. After that, I put the bandages on securely and kissed the nape of his neck. "All done," I whispered.

Taehyung relaxed and I smiled when he turned around to look at me. "Thanks," He said. I kissed his cheek. "I'm here for you," I said. Taehyung sat up and we took care of the scratches on his front side, then Taehyung went and found me some fever medicine.

"Let's go take a nap," I suggested. We'd had a late night taking care of namjoon and catching up with him. I didn't know if it was just me or not, but Namjoon didn't seem to hate me anymore. Probably just because he was exhausted though.

And then of course, Taehyung and I stayed up all night talking and kissing until we dozed off at around three in the morning.

"Don't you have the prepare what you have to say to the rest of your gang?" Taehyung asked. I put dropped in my stomach. "I-I don't know that it'll be that hard," I said. "Talking in front of all of them, yeah. But I know that all I have to do is tell them we're going to be attacked. I'll be fine."

Taehyung nodded and followed me down to my room, where we climbed back into bed and started cuddling. I placed a kiss to his forehead and looked into his eyes. "I love you," I said. He smiled sleepily and nodded. "I love you too," he replied. I kissed him on the lips and pressed my forehead to his, and slowly, we fell asleep.


"You all probably wonder why I'm talking to all of you now, for the second time since I became leader."

I spoke into the mic. I was on ground level speaking to a large room packed with people that I didn't recognize. I didn't get out much. "This is extremely important, so listen up." I tried to sound as moody and serious as possible so that they would listen.

"There is a fight coming. I don't know how many people will be coming, but the last attack happened in the Savage Tooth Gang not long ago." Namjoon stepped up, still bruised and bleeding from his encounter with the enemy. Some people gasped with shocked expressions, while others looked angry, and a few people looked up at me with disbelief and mistrust.

"The Tiger Gang are coming. They want our blood. They want absolutely no survivors, so I expect they will be many in number. I advise you to protect your children, prepare your weapons, and be ready for them whenever they come."

"Did he tell you that? How can you trust him?" Somebody shouted from the crowd. I looked at Namjoon, who was glaring at whoever said that. "Do I look like I just came from a fancy tea party with the Tiger Gang leader? I didn't get injured for nothing and now my gang is all gone. Dead. dispersed. Now listen to this guy or you'll be next, idiots." I blinked at Namjoon's response and turned back to the crowd.

"I'm not saying we should trust him completely, but none of us should be surprised if the Tiger Gang just came knocking at the door for a fight."

"Why does the Tiger Gang want to fight us anyway?" A girl shouted. She looked familiar, bright eyes and dark hair. She looked young. "Like, wasn't there supposed to be a peace offering or some shit so we could war against the Hemos? What the hell happened to that?"

My breath hitched. I didn't think about an answer for that. More people began to argue. "The Tiger Gang aren't known for being nice. Maybe they just didn't care about the offering."

"Yeah well wouldn't we know if the whole ordeal happened? Like would Jungkook tel us whether we were going to war or not?"

"Does that mean that it never happened and we still have the hostage?"

"Are you accusing our leader already?"

"He's a fucking kid, we can't just trust him."

All of these accusations and arguments seemed only to get louder and a headache pulsed through my mind. "Everyone shut up!" All you need to know is that they are coming and will kill us all if we're not ready." I left it at that and left the platform with Namjoon.

"What are you going to tell them?" Namjoon asked. "About Tae, I mean."

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "I don't know. I just won't tell them anything."

"Will they believe you?"

"They're going to have to. If anyone decides to take his situation into their own hands and trade him off, they're not going to get very far. I'll beat them up myself."

Namjoon was quiet for the rest of our walk to the elevators. He took one up to the dorm level while I hopped into mine and headed down to see Tae again.

Once the doors slid open, I stepped out and found Tae sleeping peacefully on the bed. I smiled to myself and walked over to him, tucking him in tighter. Then I pulled out my gun and walked to my closet to load it.

I hopped onto my bed and put the loaded gun under my pillow, then wrapped my arms around Tae and closed my eyes to fall asleep.

"How was it?"

I opened my eyes to see Tae's pretty blue ones staring back at me tiredly. I sighed. "It was okay."

"Did anything happen?"

I hesitated. Should I tell him they're suspecting his presence?

"No. I just told them and left. They weren't too happy about pinning their trust on Namjoon, but they'll be fine. They got the message."

"Your voice sounds hoarse." Tae said. I nodded. "Sore throat. It kinda hurts."

Tae reaches up and placed his hand on my forehead. "God, your hotter than before! You need medicine." He spring up and slipped onto the bathroom for a moment, then appeared with a water bottle and some pills.

"Did you bring a supply down here?" I asked, wondering when Tae brought medicine down here. He nodded. "Can never be too safe." I took the water and swallowed the pills down. "Thanks," I said. Tae hopped back in bed and laid down next to me. "Now go to sleep, unless you don't want to get better."

"Okay," I agreed. I sunk into the pillows and let him envelope me in his warmth. Then I fell asleep.

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