Digimon Adventure: A Yamato l...

נכתב על ידי Rubyrose645

136K 2.7K 437

He was my best friend for years... until he suddenly shoved me away. For years I thought that our friendship... עוד

The Adventure Begins
Rise of Greymon
Garurumon Howls!
Birdramon gets Firepower
Kabuterimon's shocking attack!
Togemon in Toy Town
Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo!
Memories tell the truth
Evil shows his face
Legend of the Digidestined
Departure For a New Continent
The Dark Network of Etemon
Arrival of SkullGreymon
The Crest of Sincerity
The Piximon Cometh
The Prisoner of the Pyramid
Rise of MetalGreymon
Forget about it!
WereGarurumon's Diner
No Questions Please
Princess Karaoke
Sora's crest of Love
The Gateway Home: The Crest of...
It's All in the Cards
Return to Highton View Terrace
Almost Home Free
The Ninth Digivice
Gatomon comes calling
The Ninth Child Revealed
Show us your power
City Under Siege
Wizardmon's Gift
The Battle for Earth
Enter The Dark Masters
Sea-Sick and Tired
Under Pressure
Playing Games
Trash Day
The Ultimate Clash
No More Games
Crest of Light. A Mage and Queen
True Power
The beginning of the final battle
Now Apocalymon
Fate of Two Worlds
Book Two Sneak Peak
Book Two is out!!

Our Battle

1.1K 33 1
נכתב על ידי Rubyrose645

We flew off to a barren landscape, then landed so we could take a look around on foot. I watched as Tk, Kari and their digimon went over to the edge of the cliff and built a small monument for the Numemon, honoring their sacrifice.

The others went up the hill nearby to scope out the surroundings. I stayed behind to keep an eye on Tk and Kari, just in case something happened.

However, as they built the monument, I felt something dark come our way.

"Thank you, Numemon. We'll never forget you." Kari said after they finished the monument, "You'll always be in our hearts and our memories.

"And don't worry, we'll make sure you get reborn in primary village." Tk added.

I smiled as the two of them stood up and walked back to me, grabbing my hands as we went to catch up with the others.

"That was a nice thing you two did for the Numemon." I said.

"Thanks, Raya." Kari said, "We thought it was the least we could do after they helped save us from Machinedramon."

"And now we have another reason to save the digital world. To get our friends reborn." Tk added.

I chuckled at their enthusiasm. It was nice to see them looking on the bright side even in this type of situation.

We walked up the hill and saw everyone gather around Izzy as he hooked his computer up to Andromon.

But what really caught my eye was the tall structure in the distance. It was rounded at the top, but completely black in color.

I could feel the darkness coming off of the structure, and I knew that a certain digimon was waiting.


"That's it, we're all ready." Izzy said as he began typing, snapping me from my thoughts and bringing me down to Izzy's computer screen.

"That's great, Izzy, but ready for what?" Tai asked.

"Just wait a minute and you'll see. Okay Andromon, show us your stuff."

"Engage heat conduction." Andromon said. He placed both hands on the ground and nothing happened. Well, nothing visible at least.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"It's actually quite simply, really." Izzy said, "Andromon is using geothermal energy conducted directly from the ground. "

We all looked down at the computer screen and saw a digital map of the structure in the distance.

"Way cool." Koromon said amazed by the digital map.

"Hey, that's Spiral Mountain, isn't it?" Biyomon asked.

"This is like having our own portable microwave." I sweat dropped at Tentomon's comment.

"See that's where we are right now. Right at the top." Izzy said pointing at the blinking red dot at the very top of Spiral Mountain.

But we were all confused about how we got to the top in first place.

"That doesn't make any sense. How did we get all the way up here?" Tai asked.

"I'm sure glad I can't see down. I don't like high places." Kari said with relief.

"It's like Chumon said, the most powerful Dark Master is way on top of Spiral Mountain." Tk recalled.

"See, I told you we were close." Sora said.

"Well give you a medal later." Tai groaned.

I smiled, but then felt something dark head our way. I quickly pushed Kari and Tk behind me, tapping into Luna's power and changing my form.

"Raya, what's the matter?" Luna asked.

Everyone turned around towards me and stared with confusion.

"Something's heading our way." I answered, glaring at the darkness in the distance.

"Intruder warning." Andromon said, "Interloper detected."

Suddenly, a horrible laugh echoed through the air. We turned towards the direction of the laugh and saw a black digimon fly up above us.

"You stupid pile of recycled scrap metal, you spoiled my entrance." The digimon woman said. She was covered in black tight leather and chains, her hair a pale platinum white and eyes glaring at us with a mischievous grin on her pale face.

"We should've known there would be a welcoming committee." Sora said as she, Kari and I glared at the digimon above.

"She looks like a witch." Kari said.

"Now that's rude Kari." I said, "You're giving her way too nice of a compliment."

"What Lady Raya says is true. She's much worse than that, she's one of Piedmon's nightmare soldiers." Andromon said.

The digimon above smiled even wider than before, "I'm sure you're all tired, you poor things need a rest. A nice long rest."

She charged at us, but Koromon jumped up to attack. A bright light shone over him as he digivolved to Agumon.

"Pepper Breath!" Agumon shouted, spitting out a ball of fire from his mouth. The ball of flames hit the enemy, but it had no effect. Not even a scorch mark.

She smirked, swinging her large clawed hand at Agumon and cutting out of the sky. He landed hard on the ground.

As Tai went to comfort his fallen partner, the rest of our digimon digivolved, and I changed to form copy Lekismon.

We all flew around the enemy, who smiled and chuckled.

"You just made my job a lot easier." She said, spinning around and lifting her arms up, sending a wave of bats to attack us.

"Darkness Wave!" She shouted as the bats came closer.

We all groaned in pain when the bats and a shroud of dark light hit us blowing us back.

"Lightning Blade!"

"Electro Shocker!"

"Meteor Wing!"

The two attacks flew towards the dark digimon, but she easily flicked them away with just the wave of her arm.

"I'm sorry, are we just playing?" She asked jokingly, "Let me know when you're ready."

"Hand of Fate!"

"Double Tear Arrow!"

Once again our attacks were dodged, just when Angewomon atracked with her Celestial Arrow, it hit and did the most damage.

An idea popped into my mind as I changed from Lekismon to Angewomon.

"Raya, what are you doing?" Lekismon asked me.

"Didn't you see how Angewomon did damage to her? Itll be better if I use her form to fight with." I explained.

I flew up towards the enemy who went after Angewomon and blocked her attack before she could hit my friend.

"Izzy!" I shouted, flying down towards the group, "Quickly, give us an update on this nightmare is."

"On it." He said, quickly pulling up the digimon's profile.

"LadyDevimon, said to be the ultimate fully digivolved fighting soldier, she serves as gatekeeper and bodyguard for the last Dark Master."

"Seriously nasty." Tai said, then turned to Sora, "we've gotta do this right. Sora, you and Tk take Angemon and Birdramon. Find Matt and bring him back."

Sora looked at Tai shocked with disbelief, "What, you want us to leave in the middle of a battle?" She asked.

We looked back up at the battle on the sky, watching our digimon get the data beat out of them.

"Just go. We'll handle this on our own. We have to. And if worse comes to worse, then we always have our trump card. WarGreymon!"

"Oh, I'm a trump card." Agumon said, not really sure if he knew what a trump card was.

"The time's come to stop acting like a bunch of children. We're facing the last of the Dark Masters."

I galred at the mention of his name.

"Piedmon." Izzy muttered under his breath.

"That's right." I said, "We don't know where he'll strike, or when but I can feel that it'll be somewhere close by. And soon."

"Right, and we know that he's strong. Real steong." Tai added, "This won't be just another fight. This one's for keeps. We've got to be ready for it."

Tk smiled, understanding what Tai and I were saying, "So that's why you want us to go find my brother and bring him back before Piedmon shows up."

"Yeah, Tai and Raya are looking at the bigger picture." Izzy said, "It's not about this fight, its about the next one, see?"

"This will be the biggest battle of our lives and right now, we need all of our friends." I said.

"Each battle, all we've been doing is taking it as it comes, barely hanging on." Tai added, "We've gotta put it all together as a team. That means Matt, Mimi and Joe, too. We've let enough digimon sacrifice themselves for us. It's our turn, now."

Sora smiled behind us, "You're right."

"Celestial Arrow!" Angewomon shouted, firing her arrow at Ladydevimon, before she dodged the attack.

"I need to get up there and help." I said, flapping my wings and flying up to the fight.

"Go Angemon!" Angewomon shouted.

"I'll help her while you two are gone!" I added.

"All right." Angemon said, flying away with Birdramon. We smiled as they left, when all of a sudden, Angewomon shouted in pain as Ladydevimon kicked her in the back of the head.

"Oops, sorry blondie." She taunted smirking at my digimon friend as she slammed face first into a large rock on the ground.

I turned around and glared at Ladydevimon, growling at the dark nightmare.

"How dare you do that to my friend you gothic reject!?" I shouted, pulling my arm back as the wings on my left wrist extended, making the bow for my arrow.

"Celestial Arrow!" I shouted, firing my arrow at Ladydevimon and hitting her hard on the arm.

I heard Sora and Tk fly away and smiled to myself when I heard them promise to come back.

Angewomon quickly flew up to my side and readied to battle the enemy.

"Angewomon, are you all right?" I asked.

"I'm fine, Raya." She answered smiling at me, "Now, let's beat this dark digimon."

Ladydevimon laughed at our, thinking that our passion for her defeat was hilarious.

"You think you two can defeat me?" She asked, "I'd like to see you try. Darkness Wave!"

The bats rushed towards us, but we were prepared. We held out our hands and blocked the attack with a powerful light.

However, while we were distracted we with defense, we didn't notice the enemy sneak up behind us until she grabbed the two of us by the hair and swung us around like a couple of rag dolls.

"Around we go!" She shouted with delight, our screams of pain like music to her ears.

All of a sudden, I felt the crest of knowledge activate.

"Kabuterimon, digivolve to... Megakabuterimon!"

The large red beetle digimon flee close to us, ready to help in any way he could.

"I never liked that bleached look!" Ladydevimon said as she let go of our hair, throwing us towards Megakabuterimon.

"I got cha." He said as he caught us, but we weren't through with Ladydevimon just yet.

We wiggled out of his grip and flew as fast as we could towards Ladydevimon, Angewomon slapping her as hard as she could while I went in after her and kicked her in the back just as hard.

In return, Ladydevimon slapped the two of us, this continued with kicking and slapping for a minute or two. Although, it was funny to hear Kari screaming at us to kick Ladydevimon's butt.

However, I wasn't so sure if she should've been watching this type of fight.

"Enough of this!" Ladydevimon said, flying above us and proceeding to kick us so hard that we were sent down to the ground, crashing hard enough to make a big crater in the rocky soil.

"This game is over!" Ladydevimon screamed, "You're grounded, and I'll be taking the little mage along with me, but first... Black Wing!"

Her hand turned into a long sharp Lance as she rushed downwards to attack Angewomon and me. But just as she was getting closer, Megakabuterimon jumped in front of the attack just in time.

"You broke it!" Ladydevimon screamed in horror when she saw her lance broken in half.

"Aww, send me the bill." Megakabuterimon said sarcastically.

Angewomon and I flew out of the cater and up into the sky in front of Ladydevimon.

"You're right, Ladydevimon, this game is over!" Angewomon said.

"It's time for you to meet your fate!" I added, light shining from both me and Angewomon.

"Not yet! Darkness-"

"Heaven's Charm!" We shouted, forming two large crosses out of light and attacking.

The light immediately deleted Ladydevimon, reducing her to digital dust. I sighed, relieved that the battle was over and we could at least rest for a few minutes.

The digimon de-digivolved and I turned back to normal, falling on my butt next to Lekismon, who went back to being Luna when I rejoined the fight.

"How's my back? Can you see anything? I hope it didn't leave a scar." Tentomon panicked to Izzy.

I laughed at his overreaction, but my laughter stopped when o felt another darkness come towards us.

"Tai, do you see what I see?" Agumon asked as the two looked out into the distance.

I stood up and looked where they were and saw what was giving me this dark feeling.

"Is that?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's him." Tai answered, "And it doesn't look good that's for sure."

We all immediately put up our guard, getting ready to fight our last battle for the digital world.

"That guy doesn't wanna waste time, does he?" Izzy asked.

"Suit up, Agumon, you're on." Tai ordered.

"It's about time." Agumon said, running ahead and around digivolving.

I walked up to Tai and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Tai, let me fight too in WarGreymon form." I said. He looked at me with concern in his eyes, but I knew deep down that something was about to happen that would help win this fight. And I had to be apart of it.

Eventually Tai nodded, "All right, nust be careful, we don't even know how strong this guy is." He said.

"No problem." I said, changing into WarGreymon and waiting for the battle to begin.

This was our last battle, and we were going to win.

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