Moon and Stars || OT7

By lilosworld

153K 7K 1.5K

"How can the reason you don't want me at Big Hit be that you're afraid the boys will fall in love with me?"... More

Prologue: Who's that?
The ISACs pt.2
The Afterparty
The Boyfriend
The Collab
The Collab pt.2
Release Day (m)
The Label
Messed Up
Truth or Dare
I'm Free
Season of Feelings
Valentine's Day
The Kiss
The Kiss pt.2
Enamored (m)
Not So Secret (m)
A Celebration of Sorts (m)
The Tour
Welcome Back
The Family
The Family pt.2
Finding Out
Awards to remember
The End
Wake Up
My Choice
In My Feelings
Fake Love
A song about you
The Party
The Party pt.2
The Party pt.3
A Promise
The Date
Christmas (m)
First Time (m)
Stuck With You
The Photographer
What prison has done
New Steps
Another reveal
Hey Sister (m)
No More Playing
Late Nights (m)
The Dinner (m)
The Aftermath
Hurting (m)
The Wedding
The Wedding pt.2
The Morning After
New Beginnings
What happens in Paris
Birth Day
Epilogue: Ever After
~ Character Index ~

New Friends

1.1K 68 1
By lilosworld

November 2018

When Moonhae finally started filming her first TV series, it was so much better than she could have imagined. The Japanese cast welcomed her to the family like any other member and she was excited to use her language skills once again.

For her role, they put her in a tight jumpsuit and a bubblegum pink ponytail wig. As she's meant to be portraying one of the main character's older sidekick, they made her wear the highest platform heels she's ever seen. When she came to set, the crew quickly realized she wasn't much taller than the main actress, so in an attempt to visually change that, those horrific heels came into the picture. Nevertheless, she's been having a blast filming and hanging out with her sweet cast members.

Of course she's missing Taehyung more than anyone, but they've gotten so much better at staying in touch and being long distance. It's one day after BTS has finished their Tokyo shows that she gets some suspicious messages in their group chat.

"Mmmmmmh can I tell her?", Jimin writes.

"No, shut up", Jin quickly responds.

"What's going on", she writes back impatiently.

"AHHHHHHHH", Taehyung now pops into the conversation.

"This is gonna be so AMAZING!!!", Hoseok cheers.

"WTF???", she responds, clearly confused.

"Just wait and see", Namjoon is the last to text.

The very next day her manager comes to her on set looking apprehensive.

"Moon, there's um... How do I say this? Just follow me?", he merely says, waving her over.

He leads her right outside the warehouse they're filming in. As soon as the sunlight hits her, she hears the voices. Those damn voices.

"MOONHAE!", and suddenly there's seven chaotic guys hanging onto her.

"What the fuck?!", she almost looses her balance, "What are you guys doing here?"

"We have a few days before we go to Osaka, so we were allowed to come visit you in our free time!", Taehyung exclaims, pushing some of the other members away to give her a proper kiss.

"You guys are insane", she scoffs, but she can't suppress her glee.

"And you have pink hair!", Jimin grabs at her wig in amazement.

"It's my character's", she mutters, much rather just having her usual raven locks instead.

"I obviously looked better with pink hair though", the now gray-haired boy smirks.

"Why are you so tall?", Namjoon brings attention to her heels.

"Long story..."

"How can you walk in those things?!", Hoseok gasps.

"So when do we get to meet the cast?", Taehyung cuts in excitedly.

"Oh no, I'm not taking y'all in there", she shakes her head adamantly.

"Why not? We're behaved", Jimin pouts and bats his eyelashes.

They all look at her with puppy dog eyes. No one on earth can resist seven BTS members looking at you like that.

"Fine", she sighs, "I hope you practiced your Japanese."

As soon as they step back into the warehouse, things immediately become chaotic, as expected.

"Moonhae!", one of her co-stars calls out to her, "I got you the cookie you wanted!"

A young man in a tousled white wig and an excited smile comes rushing over towards her, holding a big chocolate chip cookie in one hand. Taehyung's eyes immediately narrow themselves as the dressed-up boy hands her the treat.

"Who are all of these people?", he seems surprised when he spots the group behind the girl.

"Oh these are my friends..."

"Do you know BTS?", Taehyung asks in a serious tone, but everyone starts laughing.

"Oh! You're that boy band that's in the media all the time with Moon!", the boy says sweetly.

"And you are?", Taehyung responds cooly.

"This is Kaito. He plays the male lead character", Moonhae explains quickly.

"Nice to meet you", he bows politely and the others do the same, "You must want to meet Aya as well, right? I think she's near the makeup table."

"Oh, well, we don't have to...", Moonhae says reluctantly, but the boys are already shuffling in the direction that Kaito has pointed them in.

A young girl stands next to some stylists fixing up her hair. It's a soft light brown that frames her delicate round face sweetly. Her rosy pink lips slightly part when she sees the large group of boys standing in front of her.

"Hi, Aya", Moonhae pushes her way through to the girl and introduces them, "These are some uninvited guests that decided to drop by."

"Are you BTS?", she smiles a little.

They nod and greet her politely. That's when she pauses for a moment, scanning each one of them, before her eyes rest upon Taehyung.

"You must be Moon's boyfriend then?", she looks amused, but completely innocent.

Taehyung, however, glances over at Moonhae in a bit of a panic. Telling people about their relationship really isn't the safest thing to do.

"It's fine", she assures him as if she's reading his mind, "Aya's become a good friend of mine."

"So tell us about yourself, Aya", Jimin steps forward, a light grin spreading across his lips. One that immediately heightens Moon's alertness.

"Well, I play the lead character...", she falls shy under Jimin's intent gaze.

"She's a really talented actress", Moonhae gives her props.

"You're also very pretty, you're fully Japanese?", his eyes never leave her.

"No, actually my father is American, so I'm half half", she blushes.

"Well, it's wonderful to meet you, Aya", he now carefully grabs her wrist and places a soft kiss on her hand.

"Jimin!", Moonhae smacks him away from the girl.

"Oh, it's fine, Moon...", she giggles nervously, playing with some strands of her light hair.

"We need Aya and Kaito for the next scene, come on up!", the director then calls out.

They stay behind the crew and their equipment as she excuses herself to join her co-star on set. Moonhae immediately starts whisper-shouting at her flirtatious friend.

"What the hell are you doing?! She's only eighteen! You're like five years older than her! You thought it was weird for me to hang out with people older than I was, well this is seriously weird!"

"Calm down, Moonhae", he chuckles at her upset form, "I was just being nice."

"Yeah, you were being Jimin nice", Jungkook grunts from next to him.

"What does that mean?", he scowls.

"You know how you get around gorgeous girls."

"Oh yeah? Well we all know how you get around girls", he scoffs back at the younger.

"I have a girlfriend now though", he reminds him smugly.

"Sure", he narrows his eyes.

"Anyway, doesn't matter!", Moon cuts back in, "No more hitting on my co-stars!"

"Fine", Jimin pouts.

"Let's see how long that'll last", Taehyung laughs from behind them and earns himself a harsh slap on the arm from his hyung.

Luckily, their attention is then brought to the scene being filmed in front of them. The set is made up to look like a typical low-income Japanese apartment and the two actors stand in the middle of it, playing out the scene.

"I want you gone! I want you out of my apartment!", Aya's character bursts out angrily.

"But I live here now. You know I can't leave you, right?", Kaito's character on the other hand remains fairly calm.

"Why not?! Just go to one of those other stupid girls that keep clinging to you!"

"Are you seriously upset, because you're jealous?"

"No, you idiot! I hate you! Why would I be jealous?", she huffs.

Kaito takes a step closer towards her.

"You're so stupid, you know that?", he underplays a smile.

"Who are you calling stupid?! You're the one who-", she's suddenly cut off by Kaito's lips on her's.

Softly pushing her hair behind her ear, he deepens the kiss. Their on-screen chemistry is definitely something to remember.

"You idiot...", she murmurs as he breaks away from her.

After a few moments of them gazing hazily into each other's eyes, the director yells "Cut!".

Their faces immediately relax as they break character and they can't help giggling at each other, Kaito saying something funny to Aya and making her laugh. He cutely pokes at her cheeks, seemingly teasing her in a friendly way.

"Moon, we need you in the next scene", the director calls out to her and she follows quickly.

Once she leaves them, Jungkook, who's still standing next to Jimin, notices his icy stare directed at the two actors on set.

"You good, Jimin?", he prods the boy in the side.

"You know...", his jaw clenches slightly, "I really don't like Kaito very much."

"Tell me about it", Taehyung agrees, suddenly appearing beside his friend.

Once the work day ends, Taehyung decides to go home with Moonhae instead of going back to the hotel with the rest of his members. Her managers set her up with a small apartment near their filming location for the time being, so they head over by car service, snuggling in the back seat the whole way.

Even when they step through the door and end up on the couch, they keep in each other's arms. Being long distance can be difficult and when they're finally together again, sometimes they get so tired yet comfortable that could just lay with one another for hours.

"Yeontan made a poop on his walk last week. I was so proud of him", Taehyung beams down at her as she rests against his chest.

"Wow, what an achievement", she says sarcastically.

"Hey, you know it's harder for small dogs like him. He probably worked really hard on his anxiety as well to do it outside", he continues seriously.

"What kind of dogs have anxiety?"

"Mental health awareness for dogs is important, you know", he lectures her.

"So are you going to keep talking about Yeontan's poop or are you going to tell me you love me?", she bats her eyelashes at him.

"Now you sound like Jimin", he chuckles.

"I'm not that much of a validation whore."

"Oh?", he raises his eyebrows with a smirk.

"Hey!", she swats at him.

"I love you", he says sweetly and leans down to kiss the pouting girl.

"So how do you like acting?", he then asks the tired figure lying on top of him.

"It's fun, I guess. But I have idol duties and practice on top of it, so it gets to be a lot. But I love the cast. Don't you think they're great?"

"Mmh", he grunts, not very convincingly.

"What's wrong?", she immediately knows something's up.

"It's just...", he pauses for a moment, "I don't like that Kaito guy."

"Kaito? He's like the sweetest soul!", she seems surprised to hear his concern.

"Sure he is", he stares out the window.

"He reminds me so much of you, actually", she lightly taps on his chest to gain his attention back.


"You're jealous, aren't you?", she giggles.

"No, I'm not", he still doesn't look at her.

"Kaito's nineteen years old, Tae. You have nothing to worry about", she starts laughing even more, "Like seriously, what kind of person do you think I am? I'm not Jimin."

Now Taehyung can't suppress the grin spreading across his face, "Yeah, whatever. I wasn't jealous anyway."

"Of course not", she smiles before leaning in to kiss him again.

"You know...", surprisingly, he gets a little shy, "I really liked that costume you were wearing."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah... You don't happen to have that pink wig somewhere?", he licks his lips.

"I should've known you had an anime kink", she says giggling, thinking back to all the anime he watches and the manga he reads.

"I don't have a...", he defends himself, but trails off when he realizes it himself, "Oh..."

"Let me go find that wig then", she winks at him before striding towards the bedroom.

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