Wonderwall || James Sirius Po...

By Lizzie_Forbes

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wonderwall - someone you find yourself thinking about all the time; a person you are completely infatuated wi... More



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By Lizzie_Forbes

Saturday had finally come, Cassie had been looking forward to it since Thursday before potions. Every student waited for Hogsmeade weekends impatiently, but ones with dates made the minutes pass by even slower than usual. Halloween hadn't been very exciting, just another day of classes. The teachers had attempted to come up with 'cool' and 'fun' activities that were Halloween related for the students. Cassie hadn't been impressed. The feast had been it's normal large and impressive thing, causing Cassie to not exactly care about that either.

But finally, finally it was Saturday.

James had walked over to Cassie at the Slytherin table. Her outfit was flattering, a v-neck dark blue jumper on top of tight black jeans with boots.

"How do I look?" She asked him panicky. James was confused by her sudden interest in her appearance and how she'd barely greeted him.

"Beautiful." He shrugged as the truth slipped from his mouth.

"Really?" Cassie let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you. I hope you have fun at Hogsmeade." She jumped up from her seat and kissed James cheek before going off to where Blaise was waiting for her outside of the doors.

Her date was fun. Blaise and Cassie started off chatting about quidditch, something Meg could go on for hours about honestly. At some point Blaise must've grown bored of that subject because he quickly moved on to potions. They eventually moved on from school as a subject and talked about their family and friends, telling hilarious stories.

"He didn't?" Cassie snorted in joy as the two left their fifth shop that day.

"I swear he did." Blaise promised with a returned laugh. Cassie glanced at the time and saw it was already one ten. James was going to be angry. Luckily she was almost at the Three Broomsticks now. She let out a sigh.

"I had a lot of fun." She started.

"Date doesn't have to end yet." Blaise told her. Cassie sighed again.

"I promised James and Alfie that I'd meet up with them at one." Blaise's face fell and he scrunched his nose in disgust.

"Potter?" Cassie nodded.

"Yeah, we're friends." She informed him, although she was sure he already was aware of the fact.

"Hm." Instead of really acknowledge the information Zabini leaned in and kissed Cassie.

They stood in the cold, breath intermingling right out front the Three Broomsticks. Cassie felt Zabini deepen the kiss, his mouth opening, she reciprocated quickly. Her hands went to his jacket and pulled him into her. He pulled away then, a huge smirk on his face.

"You'll go on another date with me?" It was more a statement than a question.

"Yeah." Cassie felt slightly breathless.

"How about a picnic on Wednesday for lunch?" She nodded at his suggestion.

"Sounds perfect." He winked and waved.

"See you around Cassie."

"Yeah." She reiterated. Blaise's back disappeared as he turned a corner. Cassie let a grin overtake her face and she stood for a little longer in the cool air.

"You're late." The voice was colder than the air. Cassie whipped around, coming face to face with James.

"Sorry, I lost track of the time." Cassie apologized genuinely as she wondered how long James had been standing there behind her. He didn't say anything, all he did was shrug and walk into The Three Broomsticks. Cassie followed quickly. "I really am sorry."

She told him, but still got no answer.

James stood outside of the Slytherin dorms waiting for Cassie impatiently. He tapped his foot and glanced at his watch. Cassie had forgotten her potions book and ran back to get it, James offered to walk back with her and was now despairing. He felt as if Cassie had been gone an hour, in actuality it had only been two and a half minutes.

The Slytherin Common Room door swung out, James face eagerly glanced up, hoping for Cassie. His face morphed into a quick scowl when it wasn't Cassie. It was Zabini. James glanced back down at his watch, prepared to ignore Zabini completely.

"Stay away from Cassie." The voice hissed, spitting like a real snake might.

"Excuse me?" James glanced up at Zabini incredulously.

"She's not yours. She's my girlfriend, so back off." James' patience with Zabini was always short, but he felt it ebbing away faster than normally. He tried grasping the last strings of calm he could, but they were yanking away powerfully. Deep breaths he told himself.

"So what?" His voice was cold and it took a lot of strength not to pull his wand on the slimy git. James clenched his hand in a fist, knowing Cassie wouldn't appreciate her boyfriend ending up in the Hospital Wing.

"So you're a Gryffindor. Cassie deserves better than the likes of you and you know it." Zabini spat the words out menacingly. James hand went to his pocket, grasping his wand. He took another deep breath, stopping himself from pulling the weapon out.

"I'm better than some pureblood supremacist that imagines himself superior because his daddy won best smile award in Witch Weekly." James was rather proud of his insult. Zabini clenched his teeth and hissed at James again.

"Like I said she's not your girlfriend. So stay aw-" James laughed humourlessly.

"She isn't yours either, but she is my friend." Zabini suddenly appeared triumphant as he spoke the next words.

"But I get to kiss her Potter and let me tell you, she's a fantastic snog." Zabini stalked off with his evil smirk. James growled and turned to punch the wall behind him after Zabini was out of sight. It's been hard enough to watch that slime kiss Cassie outside The Three Broomsticks the day before, let alone hear more about it.

"What did the wall ever do to you Jamie." Cassie teased as she skipped over to him, potions book in hand. James didn't answer, but followed her. Cassie stuffed her book in her bag before grabbing for James hand. She brought them to a halt as she examined James throbbing pink knuckles.

"I'm fine." James muttered, knowing what she was thinking. She giggled at that and shook her head.

"No, but you will be once I heal this." Cassie's wand was in her hand before James could protest. She tapped his knuckles, they felt like they'd been doused in icy water for a brief moment. The throbbing pain dwindled away, leaving James' hand as good as new.

He smiled at Cassie and thanked her. He wasn't sure how she managed, but she turned his bad mood to sunshine in a mere second. She always seemed to do that. Skipping into the rain falling over your head and dragging the rainbow behind her, forcing the storm away. With a sigh James looped his arm in Cassie's and walked with her to potions.

Her usual smile was so bright. James decided he wouldn't tell her about Zabini, there was no need to ruin her good mood. No reason to cause problems just because James hated Zabini. Cassie was happy and that's all that mattered.

Upon arriving at potions, James noticed Alfie and Hannah were already sat together. James sent Cassie a knowing look. She winked as they took the seats in front of their friends.

"Did you have fun with Chris yesterday?" Cassie turned in her seat and asked Hannah innocently.

Chris Creevey was known to be a whiz in Transfiguration and Hannah was awful at the subject, to put it kindly. She nodded.

"Yeah, actually he was really enlightening." Hannah was excited about finally understanding a new theory. Alfie didn't know this however. His face was slowly turning redder at the girls' discussion.

"Oh, I bet." Cassie winked at Hannah and turned in her seat as Professor Boot began the lesson. James grinned at the flash of anger and pure jealousy on his friend's face. He glanced over to Cassie to see a rather evil smirk. Cunning Slytherin down to her last bone.

When potion brewing began, Alfie immediately offered to grab the supplies for Hannah. He returned to their shared desk and offered her his help a few moments later. Cassie was grinning wider and wider at the obvious flirting Alfie was initiating. Hannah was very confused to begin with, but unashamedly flirted back just as bad.

Cassie pointed her wand under her desk and muttered a spell. Hannah's cauldron exploded and she let out a loud scream. The potion only landed on Hannah, causing her skin to begin turning blue. She squeaked in horror.

"Mister Jordan would you please lead Miss Belby to the Hospital Wing." Alfie jumped up from his seat.

"Of course Professor." He offered his arm to the still squawking Hannah. She gratefully accepted and together they left the room. When the door clicked shut behind them, Cassie melted into a puddle of giggles. James began guffawing soon after, his laughter stirring with hers. Their intermingling laughter caused others to join in. Layla was holding back her own giggles as she turned to fix Cassie with a glare.

"You did that, didn't you." Her accusation was a whisper. Cassie blinked innocently at her best friend.

"Who, me? Don't you think James is more likely to pull a stunt like that?" James spluttered in half humour and half indignation.

"I know it was you, trying to play matchmaker. Honestly-"

"Succeeding in being matchmaker, actually." Cassie informed her two friends with a grin. "By the end of the day those two will be together."

Alfie escorted the blue splotched Hannah to the Hospital Wing. She was frowning to herself.

"What's wrong?" He inquired surveying her face with concern.

"You mean beside the blue skin?" Hannah brought a laugh bubbling from Alfie's chest. He nodded waiting for her to continue. "I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong. I swear I followed the directions precisely."

Alfie snickered at her concern. Here she was turning blue and she was worrying about what she'd done wrong.

"You don't have to walk me all the way down. I'm not hurt." Hannah said it bluntly.

"Oh, right. I don't mind." Alfie was hesitant. "That is if you don't mind me using you to miss class." Hannah giggled.

"Of course not. I'd probably do the same." The two walked in silence for a few moments. "So, do you think I can pull off the blue skin?"

Hannah gave Alfie a very serious face. He was prepared to answer back jokingly, but somehow the truth sprang from his lips before he could stop it."

"Actually, you still look rather pretty. You always are beautiful, so I suppose it shouldn't be a surprise really." Hannah came to a screeching stop and gaped at him.

Hannah had always been rather outgoing, so it wasn't as much of shock as someone might expect when she leaned in and kissed Alfie. He reciprocated thoroughly. There lips mashed together. The kiss was warm and slow, but rough and wild.

Alfie never imagined that he'd kiss a girl in the middle of a corridor, when they were supposed to be in class and while her skin was slowly turning pale blue, but maybe that's what made the kiss so spectacular. So full of Hannah. She always surprised him and Alfie quite liked surprises, especially when it meant her blue lips were melting into his.

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