Fate/Misguided Paths (Male Re...

By vashen01

134K 2.7K 2.9K

Y/N L/N lives an entirely normal life, before one night, he goes to sleep and wakes up the next day to realiz... More

A Sudden Change [1]
An Awakening [2]
An Unlikely Ally [3]
Something... a Bit More Normal... [4]
A New Challenger [5]
Finish a Problem, Start Another [6]
You're Kidding [7]
A Quick Break [8]
A New Threat [9]
Task Failed Successfully? [10]
What Absolute Scum [11]
Explaining Some Characters [A/N] (Maybe/Not Really Spoilers?)
A Fitting Wrap [12]
A Talk with Vashen [A/N]
Vashen Rises from the Dead [A/N]
Another Familiar Face [14]
Uh.. a Leak? [15]
Tied to a Bomb [16]
As Expected [17]
Lucky? Or Spent? [18]

Dodgeballin' [13]

5.3K 128 171
By vashen01

Boi o boy. That dude's dead. This chapter'll probably be mostly slice of life, so bear with me for now. Hmmm... I'm running out of stuff to write up here, that's a problem. Well, what the hell, let's get to the chapter!

Is that so? How fortunate for us that he was eliminated. Yes, it truly would've been an issue if he had killed the boy beforehand. Yes, everything is going as planned. No, no, take your time. We can't afford for you to be exhausted on the promised day. Yes. Of course. Understood. Report back to me on your usual date.

The man hung up, before turning to look outside the window. He took a look at the sky, before smiling.

It will all begin soon enough.

You yawned, before groggily sitting up. You looked around, before picking up your clock and squinting at it. You put it down and stretched, before moving your blanket to get up.

Y/N: "!?"

Under your blanket, Jack was cuddled up close to you. You looked around again, before looking at her sleep peacefully by your side. After a second, she yawned, and sat up.

Jack: "Mmmh? You're awake....?" She rubbed her eyes tiredly.

Y/N: "Yeah, but... why are you in my bed, Jack...?"

Jack: "When we woke up... you were still asleep, so we decided to wait..." She sat next to you, half asleep, as you got out of bed. You grabbed your clothes as Jack groggily hopped out of bed and followed you.

Y/N: "I'm going to go change, mind waiting here?"

She gave a nod, letting you go to the bathroom. You quickly changed and came out, Jack by the door. She followed you closely as you walked into the living room.

Medusa: "Morning." You smiled.

Y/N: "Morning."

Cu: "It's just eggs, but food's on the stove, kid."

Y/N: "Got it!" You stepped over a passed out Astolfo and Nero as you made your way to the kitchen.

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Jack sitting at the table and watching Chibi Y/N as he gets food!]

Y/N: "I'll be back soon, I promise." Jack shook her head as she held onto your shirt.

Medusa: "Y/N always comes home, Jack. You'll see him tonight." You nodded and pet Jack on the head, who seemed to contemplate that for a bit, before giving a small nod and letting you go.

Y/N: "I promise I'll be back soon, okay?" She nodded again, before you started leaving.

Jack: "Be safe, Papa." Jack closed the door, leaving you completely confused as to why she called you that. You decided to talk to her later about it, you were going to be late for the train if you didn't hurry...

You quickly ran to the lobby of the apartment complex before running outside, heading towards the station.

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Vashen using a TimeskipTM really close to another TimeskipTM!]

You changed your shoes to your indoor shoes, before you heard a voice.

Tetsuya: "Yo, new kid!" You looked up, seeing Tetsuya walking towards you.

Y/N: "Yo, Tetsuya." He smiled.

Tetsuya: "Sorry I bailed when we were walking around." He changed your shoes as you weakly chuckled.

Y/N: I'm glad you did, actually.

You cleared your throat, ignoring what you had thought.

Y/N: "It's no big deal, really. I was just about done myself."

Tetsuya: "Ah, alright."

The two of you walked to class, where you both took your seats as the teacher walked inside.

Teacher: "Alright, settle down."

The students stopped talking a bit and payed attention to what the teacher had to say.

Teacher: "You will all be having P.E. today." People started groaning, while another student raised his hand.

???: "I thought the P.E. teacher got fired!"

Teacher: "He did, but they managed to find another one." The students groaned louder, as you chuckled weakly.

Y/N: That's right, I have to find a gym to workout at...

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Nero and Chibi Jack stalking Chibi Y/N while he's in class!]

PE Teacher: "Alright! We're playing dodgeball today, ladies!" Everyone was lined up like they were in a boot camp as their teacher walked back and forth. You and Tetsuya stood at the end of the line, feeling uneasy.

???: "Dodgeball? Seriously? That's a game for kids!" The teacher pointed off towards the school.

PE Teacher: "Laps!"

The kid sighed, before running off.

PE Teacher: "Any more questions?"

It was quiet.

PE Teacher: "Good! The rule's we're playing with are:

-If you catch a ball, no penalty!

-If you hit someone, they're out!

-If you get hit in the face, you're out!"

Everyone seemed a bit annoyed with the rules, but no one said anything.

The teacher chose the teams before starting the game.

Tetsuya: "So... It looks like we're on opposite sides this time, new kid."

You looked at Tetsuya, who was on the other side of the white line. You looked at his team, and then compared them to your team.

His team was filled with all the jocks.

Yours was filled with the scrawny kids.

Y/N: "We're going to get decimated..." Tetsuya chuckled.

Tetsuya: "If anything, I'm sure you'll something outta your hat." He walked off as the coach started yelling about how the game was starting. You exhaled and did the same, heading for your side.

The game didn't go very well. Almost instantly, your team was annihilated, leaving you by yourself.

Jock1: "Let's just wrap this up already."

Jock2: "Here, give me the ball, I'll finish him!" They tossed the foam ball to the eager jock, who grinned as he pulled his arm back.

You just stood there, unamused, as he threw the it with all his might. The ball connected with your chest, making the other team start cheering.

PE Teacher: "Safe!" The jock looked back, confused.

Jock2: "What? But I hit..." He looked back at you, to see you had caught it.

It was quiet for a moment, before the jock pointed at you.

Jock2: "How the hell did you catch that?"

Y/N: "Simple. You throw like a girl."

You acted nonchalant as the jock seemed to take it personally.

Y/N: That was a lie, it totally hurt.

Jock2: "What was tha--" The foam ball suddenly connected with his face, making him fall over, pretty much out.

Jock4: "W-Whoa! Y/N just blasted him to pieces!"

Tetsuya: "Called it."

Another jock picked up the ball, before chucking it at you. You easily dodged it, before walking off and grabbing it. The jocks all nervously watched you as you approached them. You suddenly stopped, before striking a Jojo pose.

Jock4: "Haha. Is that a JoJo refer--" You took advantage of his distraction and lobbed the foam ball, connecting it with his chest.

PE Teacher: "Out!" The jock mumbled to himself and walked off.

Jock3: "D-Damn it, how is he...?"

Jock1: "It's fine, we have the ball this time!"

The jock picked it up before watching you closely. You made a big deal of looking bored, yawning and rubbing your eyes.

The jock grinned as you did so, lobbing the ball at you with intense speed.

Jock1: "Try dodging that, you crazy fre--"

You casually made a 'C' with your body, and the ball sailed by harmlessly.

Jock3: "H-He dodged his fastball!?"

Y/N: Not gonna lie, Japanese dodgeball is a bit...

The PE Teacher whistled, before dumping a whole ton of foam balls on the court. The Jocks grinned as you weakly chuckled.

Y/N: I just had to ask.

The jocks quickly picked up their ammo, before lobbing everything they could in your direction.

You did a little dance, dodging the foam balls they tossed your way, before catching the last one. You quickly stepped forward, hitting one jock on the shoulder, and then dodging another ball. Tetsuya sighed, before picking up a ball himself.

Tetsuya: "Well, looks like it's time for me to get serious." You smiled.

Y/N: "Let's see what you got."

Jock1: "T-They're so menacing..."

Kid3: "Y-Yeah."

Tetsuya stomped on the ground, before blasting the ball towards you. You twisted at an odd angle, letting the it pass you. It hit the fence, getting stuck in the bars. You looked at it, before looking back at Tetsuya who was casually smiling and stretching his arms.

Tetsuya: "Well, looks like I'm rusty!"

Y/N: "Don't get cocky." You grabbed a ball and dashed at him, before jumping up and throwing the ball at him. He moved his head aside, smirking.

Y/N: He can dodge too?  You quickly landed on the ground and picked up another ball, using it to block an incoming projectile.

Tetsuya: "Not bad, new kid!"

Y/N: Cloooose....

You stood up, smiling.

Y/N: "Thanks. But I'm not done just yet." Tetsuya grinned.

Tetsuya: "Good, because I'm just about warmed up!"

Everything seemed to fall still, before Tetsuya quickly threw his projectile at you, making you dodge and throw one yourself. He quickly blocked it and lobbed a ball at you, which you caught. You grinned, before chucking a ball at him. Tetsuya blocked it, but he didn't see the other ball you had thrown until the last second. He managed to avoid it, before you called out to him. He looked in the direction of your voice to be greeted by a foam ball smashing into his face. He recoiled backwards, before dropping everything and diving for the ball. You reacted faster and kicked a ball at him, accidentally hitting him square in the face, and making him faceplant.

PE Teacher: "Out! Y/N's team wins!" Your team started cheering, quickly swarming you as Tetsuya peeled himself off the floor.

Tetsuya: "Nice fight, new kid." He gave you a thumbs up as his nosebled.

Y/N: Hey, hey, go get that checked out and stop acting cool...

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Y/N taking Chibi Tetsuya to the nurse!]

Tetsuya: "You want to find a gym?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I've been meaning to workout for a while now..."

Tetsuya: "Ooh~? Trying to impress someone?"

You gave him an unamused look as he chuckled.

Tetsuya: "I know of some places. I'll text them to ya later, is that fine?" You smiled.

Y/N: "Sure. Thanks."

Tetsuya: "No problem."

The two of you headed to the Boss' Bar, where you were greeted by Medusa and Jack, who were sitting in a booth. Jack quickly stood up and rushed over to you, giving you a hug. You chuckled as Tetsuya looked down at Jack, confused.

Y/N: "Hey, Jack. I'm back, just like I promised." She gave a nod.

Jack: "Welcome back, Papa." You froze, as Tetsuya slowly looked up at you. You stood in cold sweat as Medusa pretended not to hear what she had just said. 

Tetsuya: "Hey, paaaaaaaaaaaal~"  He took you by the shoulder and led you away, before leaning in closely.

Y/N: "I-I can explain?"

Tetsuya: "Ohoho~ You better~"

Y/N: "W-Well, you see, she's my little si--" Medusa cut in, making the two of you look up.

Medusa: "Actually..." You felt a cold chill go down your spine.

Tetsuya: "...?"

Medusa: "He in fact is her father." 

(Y/N)/Tetsuya: "....What." 

Medusa: "Mhmm." Tetsuya fell silent as you felt your soul leave your chest.

Tetsuya: "Y-You... YOU DID YOUR MOOOM!?" 


Medusa looked at the two of you, placing a hand over her womb. She gave the two of you a smile, before shaking your head.

Medusa: "Of course he didn't. It was a gene mistake. My body used his genes instead of his father's." Tetsuya looked down at Jack, who didn't really know what it was they were talking about.

Tetsuya: "Oh... I guess that makes... wait. Why does she look so much younger?"

Medusa: "That's due to using the wrong genes. Mistakes were made, so she ages slower mentally and physically." Tetsuya squinted at Jack like he wasn't buying it, before he pinched Jack's cheeks.

Tetsuya: "I guess that makes sense." You nearly fell over from his sheer lack of attention.


Tetsuya: "Well, I'm gonna go use the bathroom real quick, keep an eye on my stuff, Y/N!" He handed you his bag before walking off. You set his stuff in a booth before walking over to Medusa.

Y/N: "What the hell was that about!?" 

Medusa: "I was covering for you, Master."

Y/N: "Not everyone is as gullible as Tetsuya!"  

Medusa: "It would be much more suspicious if you had 10 sisters." You facepalmed, before exhaling.

Y/N: "But making Jack my sister/daughter is weirder, don't you think...?"

Medusa: "Hmm... saying that it happened because of a gene error is believable." You sighed as you got ready for work.

Y/N: "I don't think so..." It was quiet for a moment, before Medusa chuckled.

Medusa: "Who knows? We're already having our first marital spat..." She had a small smile on her face.

Y/N: She's enjoying this, isn't she...?  

You exhaled, before getting behind the counter. 

Y/N: "Anything you want to order?" 

Medusa: "Something simple, if you would." You smiled.

Y/N: "Right. Coming up." 

Chapter 13 done! Hooo, boy! Medusa's makin' moves! And Y/N has a kid/daughter. That's niiice. What was that? You wanted to know what Mordred is up to? Fair enough, fair enough. 

Vashen pulls aside a curtain to reveal Mordred looking over an application, confused. She scribbles 'Arthur's Heir' under 'Why we should hire you' before nodding and pocketing it. Vashen puts the curtain back, before grinning. 

She's busy. Anyway, the next few chapters should be a small crossover arc with BenBones5 so keep an eye out for it! (It might take longer for it to come out though, since he likes to make longer chapters ;;-w-) Anyway, that's all from me! I'll see you guys next time, so stay tuned!

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