Kold World

Sincerely_Kenya által

279K 12K 3.2K

Kola, a 24 year old hopeless romantic with a tough exterior and is very protective over what she considers he... Több

.......I'm Confused
It's happening....


3.4K 200 30
Sincerely_Kenya által


Lazy night's memories were foggy. All I could remember is getting a text from Ashely saying that she thought her water had broke. When I got to the house she seemed fine and she gave me some tea to drink. I drank it and that's when I became loopy and was in bed with her and Winter then Kola walked in the room. I tried to tell her that I don't know what was happening but I couldn't get the words out. I was so thankful that she didn't leave me in that room but now she isn't talking to me.

I can understand why she's upset but she has to understand that I was drugged and I got something for both of them bitches because they got me fucked up. That shit was wrong as hell and low key got a nigga feeling violated. It's gon be hell to pay as soon as she drop my child.

"Love I fixed some food for you," I said to Kola as she walked in the kitchen. She just walked past me and to the fridge like I said nothing. "Kola I told you that girl told me her water had broke. I showed you the text why you not believing me?"

"The best thing you can do right now Justice is stop fucking talking to me." She said walking past me. She made sure to bump me in the process causing me to sigh. I really gotta do something to make it up to her because she was pissed.

I started to brainstorm ideas. I honestly hated it when Kola was mad at me. This wasn't my fault though and I was just as mad as her. I texted Parish to ask him what should I do to make it up to Kola. Maybe he can ask Dallas and she could give me something.

I was so pissed I decided to call Ashely just so I could threaten her.

"Hello," She answered happily.

"Bitch you and yo dumbass friend got life fucked up! As soon as you have my child I'ma whoop yo muthafucking ass! Dog ass lame-ass hoe," I yelled adding emphasis on I so she knows.

"Don't talk to me like that. You forget I control whether you see your daughter or not."

"Like hell, you do bitch how I'm feeling right now you won't even be around. Take it how you want. You got one more month and then it's me and you bitch. And tell Winter that I better not catch her ass out here in these streets cause it won't be nice."

"Your girl already fucked up our car."

"HA!" I laughed loudly. "That's not shit compared to what I'm gon do."

"Justice please," She started to cry. Ashely knew that I was so serious with her. That shit she did was so foul I can't even explain it. You gotta be a really fucked up individual to even think to do some shit like that.

"Don't cry now you wasn't crying when you did it," Kola came into my view with a dress on like she was going somewhere. "I'll see you when I do," I said then hung up. "Where you going, mamas?"

"One of my friend's water just broke," She smiled as she went to grab her keys. I quickly snatched them before she could. "Give me my keys."

"Ko please don't do something stupid," She snatched her keys away from me.

"I'm grown I do what I want," Rolling her eyes she wanted out of the house slamming the door in the process. I know that I should trust her and I do, but she's mad right now and she was just with her ex a couple of weeks ago.

Sighing, I went into our room and laid down on the bed. I had nothing to do since I've officially stopped husting. It was a hard decision to make but I knew I had to do for my family. I'm about to become a father and I don't need my daughter around shit like that. I still had my connections in case I wanted to get back in, but I doubt that would ever happen.

It was still a shock to me that I was having a baby well babies since Kola is pregnant too. We had an appointment in a couple of days to see if everything was good. Truth be told I was more excited to have a baby with Kola than I was with Ashely. It was just the simple fact of how much she put me through I wanted no parts of her. I just hoped and prayed that my little girl was nothing like her mother.


Kola still hadn't come home and I was starting to get worried. I had texted and called her but there was no answer to either one of them. I put a PSA for everyone that I knew that if they saw Kola contact me immediately.

"Justice you here!" I heard Rebel call followed by a baby's cry. I got up and walked out of the room to find him holding a baby I instantly smiled.

"Oh is this him," I carefully took him out of Rebel's arms. "Hey, King. I'm Justice," I introduced myself to him. I looked at Rebel to see that he had his head resting on the table with his eyes closed. "Aye?" He looked up and that's when I noticed that bags on his eyes. "Where you been and why you so tired?"

"King got colic so I haven't been getting much sleep." He yawned putting his head back on the table.

"Well, where is his mom?" He sighed deeply and just shook his head. "My bad," I mumbled looking down at King.

"No she made me but she copped out. Penny helping me but I'm by myself." I'm glad that Rebel is stepping up to the plate to take care of his son but I know that it's not going to be easy. He might need me more than ever now.

"Well you know I'm here for you and I got yall like always."

"Yeah, I know. Where Kola?" He asked looking around the house. I told him about everything that's been happening from her meeting up with her ex to Ashely and Winter rugging me.

"Damn man you need to get custody that bitch crazy as hell."

"Honestly, I've really been thinking about it. But that's court and you know how that is." I hated going to court but when it comes to my child I'll do whatever to protect them. I was just scared that somehow Ashely would get full custody and never let me see my daughter.

While we were talking the front door opened slightly and Kola walked in. She had a cup in her hands and sunglasses over her eyes. I watched as she turned towards Rebel and me and took her shades off.

"Where you been?" I asked and she just turned and walked into the room like she didn't hear me. I handed King to Rebel and walked into the room. "Kola I don't know what the hell wrong with you but you need to stop. You carrying my child I have the right to know where you at."

"He got you knocked up too Kola," Rebel said peeping around the corner. "Congrats."

"Rebel find you something to do." I closed the door in his face. "Kola you need to stop, be mad all you want but don't leave this house and not tell me where you're going."

"I went to the doctor," She said turning to face me.

"Is everything alright?" I went to put my hand on her stomach but she moved back. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not pregnant. It was a false positive." I walked over and sat down on the bed as she talked. "Well I mean I was pregnant but I lose it before I even knew. My hCG levels were still there when I took the test so that's why it came out positive."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Justice I just found out."

"No, Kola why didn't you tell me you were going to the doctor? I thought we were going together. I wanted to be there I should've been there." My mind was kinds of fucked up right now. "You not by yourself in this relationship. If I didn't come in here pressing you would you have even told me?"

"Yes," She breathed out and I just looked at her. "I would've told you eventually," She confessed. I stood and began walking out the room. "Justice wait," She grabbed my arm.

"Kola move because you wrong as fuck for that. You really weren't going to tell me?" She looked at me and sadness filled her eyes. "Man watch out," I snatched away from her and left the room.

Rebel was gone so I just went to my panting room and sat on the couch. I don't understand Kola at all we've been together five months. In that time we've been through so much but she acts like it means nothing sometimes. I can't even deal with her.

My phone ringing in my pocket snapped me back into reality. I answered it without looking.

"Justice," Ashely whined causing me to sigh. "The baby is coming."

"I'm about to hang up because I don't got time for this."

"WAIT-" She screamed and requested to facetime. I accepted and that's when I saw her on the bathroom floor in clear pain. I jumped up as she turned the camera around and showed that the baby was crowing.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled running out the room. "Stay there I'm on my way did you call the ambulance?"

"No," She shook her head. "Justice I'm scared something doesn't feel right."

"I'll be right everything is going to be okay," I said as Kola came out of the bedroom. "Just keep breathing okay?" I had to keep Ashely calm no matter what.

"What's going on?" Kola asked but I just ignored her and grabbed my keys. I made sure to give her a kiss on the head before I left though. As pissed as I was towards her I wanted to show her a little affection since I was leaving.

I stayed on the phone with Ashely reminding her to breathe while I sped to the house. It took longer than it should have since polices were out and I had to hit my breaks a couple of times.

When I finally got there I ran inside to house and heard her screaming from upstairs. I ran into the bathroom to find her on the floor with her legs spread open. I called the ambulance and crouched down while we waited for them.

"She was coming but she just stopped. God, I hope she's okay," She cried looking down. Our daughter's head was sticking out but that's all I could see the top of her head.

I knew time was crucial and the ambulance was taking forever so I started to look up what to do. I read some parenting books but none told me what to do in case something like this happens. I started to see things saying that the baby could be suffocating and that caused me to go into full panic mode. I dialed the ambulance back.

"What's you-"


"Sir I sent them they're on the way."


Soon, sirens were heard and I sighed in relief. They rushed in and found her on the floor. Quickly she was picked up and loaded into the back of the ambulance. I rode with her to just keep her calm. They put a breathing mask over her face and something on her stomach so they could monitor the baby.

Doctors and nurses surrounded us as the ambulance doors opened. They took Ashely to the back while I had to wait in the waiting room. I called Parish and let him know what was going on.

I wanted to call Kola, but she just found out that we lost our baby and I thought the last thing she wanted to see was my baby with a bitch she hates being brought into the world.

Parish came quicker than I expected. He gave me a brotherly hug then sat down next to me.

"Found out anything?" I shook my head and sighed. Ashely wasn't looking good when they took her back there and even though we've been through all of this shit I didn't want her to die. My daughter needs her mother I couldn't give her that.

"We lost the baby," I spoke lowly but he heard me. "Kola and I did." I didn't want to say just Kold because I didn't want to make it seem like I was blaming her. It wasn't her fault at all.

"Damn man, I'm sorry how you holding up?"

"I just found out so it hasn't really hit yet you know? But I'm good I gotta be for Ko."

"I know you get tired of that shit," I looked at him questioningly. "Being strong for everybody. Shit you strong for Rebel, me sometimes hell and now Kola. I can't even imagine and now you gotta be strong for your child."

"I'm used to it," Was all I said as the nurse came into the room. I stood up and made my way towards her.

"Unforutaly we had to do an emergency C-section because the baby was stuck and unable to breathe. Fortunately, we got baby out in time and we're able to save both of them. You have a beautiful baby girl who's ready when you are." I couldn't help but smile at her words.

"Can I see her?" She nodded and lead me to the back. I walked into the room and saw that Ashely was asleep with the baby next to her. "Oh my God," I whispered as I carefully picked her up.

She was beautiful and just looking at her made me emotional. I turned my face away not wanting to cry in front of her.

"I love you so much," I whispered hold her close to my chest. "I got you baby daddy got you no matter what." I wasn't really excited because I knew I would really be stick to Ashely then, but looking down at my daughter I knew none of that shit matter anymore.

She was the most important thing to me and I was going to cherish her for the rest of my life.

"I was thinking Julianna," Ashely spoke looking over at us. I nodded not taking my eyes off my baby.

"Julianna West," As soon as I spoke her name I felt something in my heart sting. This little girl had me hooked already. "I'm a father," I said shocked. I was really responsible for a life now. I was excited, but at the same time that scared the shit out of me.

Later that night I was woken up by doctor's rushing in and running over to Julianna. Ashely looked over at me scared as I hoped up and tried to see what was happening.

"What's going on?" They said nothing as they quickly carried her out of the room. I followed behind them but was stopped by a nurse as I tried to walk into the room they took her in. "What the fuck happened?"

"Julianna stopped breathing in her sleep and they're trying to resuscitate her."

"Resuscitate?" I asked frantically.

"We thought everything was fine but it seems that her suffocating in the womb caused some damage. We're doing everything we can sir but you have to stay calm."

"How the fuck I'm gon stay calm when my child is not breathing?" I yelled stepping towards her a bit.

"Justice stop it," I felt someone tug my arm. "Come on sit down," It was Kola and she took me over to a seat to sit down. "If she comes from you she's a fighter everything will work out."

Sighing, I just laid my head on her shoulder. I was so happy to see her. She was my peace so just being beside her calmed me down a bit. My nerves were still high though and anything could set me off.

Fifteen minutes later and they still hadn't told me anything. No one came out of the room and I felt as if I had to throw up. Just thinking that I lost a baby with Kola and that could possibly happen again had me in tears.

I laid my head on Kola's shoulder hiding it from view and let the tears flow out. She knew I was crying so to comfort me she just rubbed my head soothingly.

"Sir?" I heard someone call and I jumped up. "Julianna is doing better now but we want to monitor her in the NICU for a while. She wasn't supposed to be born for another month so it's crucial that we keep her. You and Ashely will be able to come home though."

"When can I see her again?" I asked about my baby.

"Every day from 9 am to 9 pm. We have some guidelines that I can print out for you." I nodded and she walked away.

"I'll be right back I gotta let her know what's going on." Kola nodded as I walked back to Ashely's room.

"Thank God they won't tell me anything. What's going on where is my baby?" I let Ashely know everything that had happened and by the end of it, she was in tears. "I don't know what to do."

"I'll come to get you every day so you can see her." She nodded wiping her hand with her face. "Kola's outside," I decided to let her know because if Kola wanted to see Julianna then I would let her know and I thought Ashely should know that.

"Oh my God girl are you okay," The door opened and Winter rushed in. "Guess who I saw outside," She said eyeing me.

"I already told her. Now ain't the time I'm telling you that right now." If Winter was to try me right now nothing would be able to stop me from getting on her ass. I guess she could see how serious I was because she changed the subject asking Ashely what the baby's name was.

I walked out of the room to find Kola with her arms folded in the chair. She didn't look upset though but tired.

"Baby go home I'ma stay here until 9 and just UBER back home."

"No," she shook her head I sat back next to her. "If you're here I'm here." It made me happy and showed that she actually cared about me if she was staying. I nodded and wrapped my arm around her comfortably.

About an hour later Ashely was being wheeled out of her room.

"Where are you going?" I asked looking back at her.

"Home," She spoke in a duh tone. "I'll be back later but I can't stay in that bed anymore." I nodded then turned back around. Kola and I said nothing as we sat with her head resting on my shoulder and my head resting on top of her.

The only thing I cared about right now is my baby; my Julianna.


So I'm going to keep Kold World going lol.

I've come this far and I ain't no pussy so I'm not stopping. 

I do have a lot of plans for this book so it's going to be kind of a long one. I hope you all are enjoying it.

Thank so much for reading! 


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