Running Out Of Time

By Maria146

12.6K 237 79

Two time traveling stories, two different lessons to be learned with 1 year to return to their own times S... More

Ages & Parents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 25

329 4 3
By Maria146

"Albus Potter!" Minerva called

Als stomach dropped, he never expected to be the first one!"

"Hello, Mr. Potter. Not a bad mind, a load of bravery. Where to put you?" A voice stated

"I dont want people to fear me, I only want to be respected." Al whispered.

"Determination and strong willpower. I know...GRYFFINDOR!"

Al slumped back in relief then made his way to the table.

"Scorpius Malfoy!"

"Gryffindor!" The hat yelled

One by one everyone was Sorted. Al felt a pang of sadness knowing his older brother wont ever see him get Sorted.

"Attention please!" Minerva called standing up at the middle of the High Table. "Welcome to all of our new students. And to our older ones, welcome back! We have an exciting year for you. There will be weekly dueling tournaments against the people in your house. Everyone is allowed in this.  Four duels will go on and from those 4, a winner will emerge. Each winner in each house, will go up against one another, whoever wins is the winner of the week. And each month a champion will be selected from each house to compete against each other in a House wide duel. This will depend on how many duels a student has won. For each weakly winner, 30 points to their house. Each monthly winner, 75 points to their house. At the end of the year, the student who has won the most duels will select one professor of their chosing to duel. Mind you, the professors and myself will not go easy on you. We may use spells you've never seen or learned about. If the student wins, they will recieve 200 points to their house. The final duel will happen a week before the going home feast. So pay attention in classes, any and all spells are allowed in duels. Thank you."

Chatter broke out while everyone began to eat.

"Ooh, Im so going to compete in those duels!" Al said excitedly. He knew he had the Charms and Transfiguration skills of a 5th year. His mum had him tested by a Ministry offical.

He knew hed be the quiet young threat no one is going to see coming.

Winter 1995

"This stinks!" James complained the morning everyone was leaving.

"Cheer up James, we'll write to you." Ginny hugged him

"Thanks Mum."

Teenage Ginny blinked. "Right, forgot."

"No worries."

James was secretly getting worried. He arrived in July of last year, and now he had only half a year to figure out his lesson.

"Im cutting this close."

"Are you ok, James? Usually you love to play chess." Sirius commented.

"Im fine, but I need to learn my lesson soon. As much fun as it is to be in the past, I miss my family." James sighed.

"I know you do. We'll figure something out, I promise."

James sighed heavily, "I hope so."

"Why dont you tell me what it is you miss about them?" Sirius asked.

"Lilys excitement over learning a new spell. Shes only 7, but Merlin she could give grandmum Lily, a run for her money. I wish I had never left my family. Sure they are here now, but its not the same."  James sighed.

"How so?"

"I miss Dads joyfullness and Mums nurturing side. I dont see that here, all I see is an upset and angry Dad and a lovestruck mother." James commented.

"What about the pressure you wanted to escape?"

"I can handle it. I thought I needed to know who I am without my siblings, but I cant know myself without them." James sighed.

Suddenly the time turner glowed and began to vibrate, "congragulations, James Sirius Potter! You finally found the lesson you needed to learn! Never forget to cherish those you love and never take them for granted. All of those you interacted with will forget you ever came. Feel free to speak of your experience." A woman stated.

James waved his wand, summoning his Herbology report. "Bye Sirius, see you in 20 years!"

Fall 2017

James appeared right where he was in the past. He looked around, relieved to see the white walls and hear the silence. Wait, silence? Where was Al and Lily?

James walked about the house, but all rooms were empty. He looked at the calander tacked on the fridge and his eyes almost bugged out. September 18th?! He was in the past for 6 months, but in his time he was gone for only 3?

"Oh, what a headache." The teenager groaned. The teenager wasnt aware that he had tripped a silent alarm.

Ginnys wand flashed red, someone had broken their wards! Waving her wand, she cast her horse with her message. "Harry, theres been a breach in our wards. I cant come home right now. Im cramming for a deadline, can you please check it out?"

The horse disappeared where she knew her husband would find it.


Albus was smiling, he was happy to make friends with Ling, Chos daughter. The two became best friends, almost joined by the hip.

The day that James returned though, something happened. Al and Ling could sense it. Teachers were running around securing the castle against invaders? The ghosts were looking a whole lot gloomier than usual.

"Ling, whats happening?" Al asked

"I dont know."


"Hello?" Harry called the minute he returned home. The house looked the same.

James was in his room when he heard his fathers voice. "Dad!"

Harrys head turned to attention at that voice. "James?! Is it you?"

The teenager came downstairs and was about to run to Harry, but stopped when his fathers wand was pointed right at him.

"I broke Mums favorite vase when I was little. I sometimes question if Slytherins are really bad. And...I saved Lily from a broken leg last spring." James added hastily.

A smile broke Harrys serious expression. "Youre back!"

"Yes Dad, I am." James smiled

The reunion was short lived because a cat patronus appeared.

"Potters," the voice was McGonagall's. "Come quickly Albus has been injured."

"Uh-oh. Your coming with James." Harry replied before notifying Ginny.

"Of course I am! Its my little brother!" James replied.

The End...

Just kidding! To be continued in Just In Time. To be published soon!!

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