Chapter 1

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James Sirius Potter sat at the dinner table attempting to read his textbook. But, no matter how hard he tried, he couldnt focus. "Mum, this is so boring!" James called out.

"Sorry James, you can have fun after you finish the essay for Neville." Ginny replied coming into the room. "I expect it completed by tomorrow."

"Yes, Mum." James replied rolling his eyes.

"Stay out of trouble tonight James. Al, Lily, we're leaving! Hermione will be here in 5." Ginny shot her eldest son a stern expression. She then bent down to kiss Albus' head.

"Bye Mummy! I'll see you tomorrow!" Lily came bounding down.

"Be good James. No fooling around before Hermione arrives." Harry stated. "Watch Lily and Al ok?"

"Yes Dad." James sighed. At times he hated being the eldest. 

"Bye Mum and Dad!" Albus looked up from his book.

"I expect all three of you to be asleep by the time we return. Ok? Listen to what Hermione says." Harry shot his kids a smile before disapperating.

A loud CRACK later, the house was silent.

"This is bull! Why must I have my homework done first?" James complained.

"You know Mums expectations when it comes to school." Lily came into the dinning room with a pack of crayons and a coloring book.

"I wish magic could give me ideas." James sighed.

"It cant. Sorry big bro. Besides you have only 2 more years until the Trace is taken off." Al smiled.

"Dont remind me." James grumbled. "I wish I could be your age again. 10 and full of promise."

"Come on James, homework cant be that bad." Lily replied.

"I need an adventure! We have 5 minutes before Aunt Hermione arrives. As fun as she is, I dont want her to repeat what Mum said." James sprang up.

"Im good James. Unlike you, I think Aunt Hermiones fun." Lily replied.

"Of course you would, you little Ravenclaw." James ruffled the girls red hair affetionately. "Ill be upstairs."

Al narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "What are you up to?"

"Nothing! I need some more parchment from my desk thats all." James chuckled running upstairs.

"Do you believe that?" Lily asked

"Not in the slightest. Come on." Al replied as the two followed him.

"Al, Lily, what are you two doing?" A woman asked from behind.

Both kids turned and smiled, "nothing Aunt Hermione." 

"We're trying to keep an eye on James when it should be the other way around." Lily rolled her eyes.

"Reminds me of times with your father." Hermione smiled. "But knowing James, we'd better get up there."

The trio wasted no time in getting to the second floor. Hermione looked in her nephews room, only to find it empty.

"I swear." Hermione mumbled.

"Look!" Al gasped.

Lily and Hermione followed Als finger and saw the door to Harrys study was ajar.

"Oh no. We need to get in there. Hurry kids!" Hermione ran towards the office.


As soon as James came upstairs, he went straight to his dads office. No way was he down to finish a boring essay when summer just began.
He needed time away from his siblings and tried the door to Harrys office. Normally when Harry and Ginny went out the man kept the office locked.

However, since Harry got home late, he had forgotten to lock the door. Taking full advantage of the quiet house, James opened the door and stepped in.

He gasped in awe. So many items in the room caught his eye. More importantly an hourglass attached to a gold chain, a time turner. The teenager put it around his neck and began to fiddle with it when the door opened.

"James! Take that off right now!" Hermione shrieked.

James jumped causing his fingers to slip and suddenly the teenager was gone.

"Where did he go?!" Lily demanded.

"Back in time, Im afraid. But when? No idea. Oh Ginny, please dont kill me." Hermione moaned waving her wand. The silver otter had appeared to the delight of Lily.

"Ginny, Harry Im sorry about this. But James tried on the time turner in your office and now is gone." Hermione waved her wand as her patronus streaked out of the house.

"What do we do now?" Lily asked

"Wait for your parents, Im afraid." Hermione sighed.


Summer 1994

James landed in a closet with a loud THUMP! The teen quickly got up.  "Oh Merlin,  I'm in #12 Grimmauld." He murmered looking around. His childhood home looked so scary and dark. He knew he was in big trouble now.

James is a smart boy, besides being a wrreckless prankster most of the time. He wanted to time travel so he could escape his own life. "I wonder when I am."

Suddenly a pair of footsteps approched. James tried to work the timeturner, but nothing happened. Quickly he tucked the necklace under his shirt.

Seconds later, the door opened and James found himself staring into the eyes of his teenaged father. 

"Merlin help me." James mumbled.

"Hello, who are you?" Harry asked with narrowed eyes.

"Im not a Death Eater, you can check my arms to be sure. What is the date?" James asked quickly.

"Its Augest 8, 1994. Im going into my fifth year. Whats your name?" Harry asked as he rolled up James' sleeves.  He had a feeling this boy seemed familiar.

"Im... Hugo." James lied. He knew he couldnt tell anyone in the past about their future, it could mess up his present.

"Lets get you out of here." Harry stated taking the boys hand.

"Harry, what was that noise?" An eerily familiar voice asked as the two teenagers came into the empty dinning room.

"A new friend Hermione!" Harry smiled at James.

"He cant be a friend Harry! No one is supposed to know about this house!" Fourteen-year old Hermione fretted.

"I promise you, Im no enemy. Look, can you please tell her?" James turned to his teen father, hoping the kid would explain to his future aunt.

"I checked Hermione, he has no Dark Mark on his arms. Besides, he looks to be younger than us. He has to be a wizard since no Muggles know about this house." Harry explained.

Hermione sighed, "never hurts to be too cautious."

"Is um....Professor Dumbledore here right now? By any chance? I lost my way and Dumbledore is the only one that can help me get home."  James cut in quickly.

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