Chapter 7

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"No, its not possible!" Sirius glared at James.

"Im not Prongs back from the dead!" James exclaimed his hands raised in defense.

"How do you know about him?" Sirius demanded. "Who are you?"

"You will need to be more specific please." James smiled mysteriously.

"Where are you from?" Sirius began.

James shook his head, "not the right question, so Im not going to answer."

Sirius was cursing, here stands a boy that holds his brother's name and his attitude reminded him of Prongs. "Stop with the games please!"

James sighed and pulled out the time turner from under his shirt.

Sirius gasped, "a time turner?! You're from the future?!"

"Guilty." James laughed sheepishly.

"Who are your parents?" Sirius demanded.

James knew better than to joke with Sirius on this matfer. "You have to promise not to tell anyone in this house about me being from the future."

"Please, Im no idiot. Besides when your parents come to get you, I expect to be obliviated." Sirius shrugged.

"Yeah, but they arent coming." James answered.

"Why not?!"

"I honestly dont know."

"Ok when are your from and who are your parents?" Sirius was beginning to loose his patience.

"Ginny Weasley and your son Harry Potter.  I was told by Dumbledore that I cant return home until I learn a lesson. Whatever that is." James rolled his eyes.

"Im your grandpa?!" Sirius gasped.

James nodded.

Summer 2017

"Luna!" Ginny exclaimed when she came home. Lily and Al were busy reading.

Luna smiled and went to hug the redhead. "Hello Ginny. Ron couldnt come, he chose the WWW over babysitting."

"Typical. Did the kids behave themselves?" Ginny asked.

"They always do. Before I go, you should read the book I left out on the dinning room table. I must go pick up Rosie and Hugo." Luna smiled before apperating away.

Ginny groaned, coming into the dinning  room. "My eldest son is trapped in the past and my best friend tells me to read."

"Mum, you're home!" Al grinned.

Ginny smiled warily and hugged her son. "Did you have fun with Luna?"

"Yes. I was reading this book." Al closed the book and slid it over to Ginny.

"The Time Travelers Myths?! Oh Al, I dont have time to read a fictional book." Ginny sighed.

Al raised his eyebrows, "you always told me that reading relaxes you Mum. Dad and Sirius are no closer to finding James. There is no point in being stressed. If we are all still here, obviously James didnt screw up our present yet."

Ginny sighed, "fine, I do need to relax." Ginny took the book from Al and went up to her room.

As soon as Ginny was upstairs, Lily came down. "Did Mum take the book?"

"Yes Lils." Al smiled

"I wish we could have told her everything." Lily sighed.

" Aunt Luna trusted us not to tell Mum. Besides where's the fun in telling her straight out?" Al smirked

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