Chapter 17

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Summer 2017

Al hurried to grab a washcloth for his sisters head. He used warm water and came back to Lily's room. "Now Lily, just relax. Im going to put this warm cloth on you. I need to get a fever reducing potion. Will you be ok if Kreacher watches you?"

"Kreacher!" Lily whinned.

The old house elf appeared. "Mistress?"

"Get a fever reducing potion please!" Al replied.

Kreatcher snapped his fingers and a vial of blood red liquid appeared. Ginny always made sure to have healing potions in her house. "For you, Master."

"Thank you. Can you make ministronie soup and bring it here?" Al asked.

"Yes Master." The old elf bowed and disappeared.

Al glanced down at his sister. "Al!" Lily whinned.

Al smiled and flipped the damp cloth over. The boy frowned when the side that was touching Lilys forehead seconds ago was boiling hot. "Lily, I need you to sit up for me. You need to take this potion, ok?"

Lily sat up and drank down the potion. She made a sour face. "That tastes foul!"

"Sorry Sis." Al winced

Summer 1994

Hermione was very worried. Not only were the cuts on Harrys hand getting worse, he almost never talked to her! Hermione knew she had to do something. The young witch wrote a letter to Sirius telling the man what was going on.


"Hello?" A familliar voice called.

James' head snapped up. That was Remus!

"About time you show your face here Moony!" Sirius laughed.

"Nice to see you too, Padfoot. This assignment for Dumbledore took me out of the country. Who are you?" Remus smiled at James.

"Im Hugo." James amiled extending his arm.

Remus' eyes narrowed. "You remind me of an old friend."

James smiled, "I had the feeling."

Suddenly an owl flew in through the open window.

"Finally! Its about time I hear from Harry." Sirius smiled as he untied the letter. The owl flew off and Sirius frowned at the parchment.

"What is it?" James and Remus asked in unison.

"Damn it!" Sirius shoved the letter to Remus and hurried from.the room.

"Where are you going?" Remus asked.

"Hogwarts! Watch Hugo for me, please!" Sirius bellowed before disapearing into the closest fireplace.

Summer 2017

Al talked with Lily all morning as Kreacher fed her soup. He felt so out of his depth and wondered for the thousandth time, where was Luna?!

Suddenly Al heard a loud CRACK! downstairs. "Kreacher, stay with Lily."

"Yes Master."

Al thumped down the stairs and was shocked to see Hermione standing in front of him.

"Hi Al." Hermione smiled shyly.

"Are you here to watch us?" Al asked.

"Yes, wheres Lily?"

"Shes sick today. So shes in her room." Al replied.

"Have you been taking care of her?" Hermione smiled.

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