Chapter 6

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About an hour later, both men emerged from the interogation with mixed feelings.

"Dad, this helped us a bit. But not all the way." Harry moaned.

"Its true we will get James back. It just sucks it will be on his own time." Sirius answered.

"Dad, there has to be another way!" Harry groaned.

"You know we cant find another way. Time traveling rules are very black and white, we stay within them." Sirius stated firmly.

"Yes Dad." Harry said dejectedly.

"It will all be fine, you'll see." Sirius smiled

Summer 1994

"You must be the new visitor!" Tonks smiled at James.

"Im sorry, I didnt catch your name." James smiled although he already knew it.

"Nymphadora." Sirius laughed coming into the room.

Tonks' hair turned a dangerous shade of red. "Dont call me that!"

"So what should I call you?" James asked

Tonks opened her mouth, but Sirius answered for her. "She doesnt mind Dora."

Tonks turned and glared at Sirius, "I would appreciate it if you didnt answer for me!" She turned back to face smiled at James, "Call me Tonks."

James smiled at the woman, "Its nice to meet you."

"You look a bit familiar." Tonks narrowed her eyes.

"I thought so too Dora, but I must be seeing things." Sirius sighed.

"I only allow this one to call me Dora, you hear me?" Tonks demanded.

"Yes ma'am!" James smiled saluting her.

"I like this kid." Tonks grinned.

"So tell me, what is the Order having you do?" Sirius asked.

"What is this Order?" James asked, but he already knew the answer.

"An underground society of witches and wizards, little one." Sirius smiled.

James scowled, trust his grandad to still call him little one.

Summer 2017

Lily Luna was lonely. She missed her big brother, yes she missed that immature, pranking prat of a brother. It was too quiet in the Potters house without James to make an adventure out of everything.

"Oi, sickle for your thoughts?" Al asked knocking on her door.

"James, Al." Lily sighed.

"I know, I miss him too. Life is more exciting when you have a prankster in the family. Come on, why dont we play Exploding Snap? Uncle Ron should be here soon." Al smiled.

"You know I can never pass up a game with my favorite brother." Lily giggled.

The siblings were on their third game when a CRACK! sounded off.

The two looked at one another and Lily ran towards the sound. Instead of Ron, Luna had appeared.

"Auntie Luna! What are you doing here?" Lily squealed running the blonde.

"Hi sweetie. Ron was called into the store. I had the day free, so I can watch you instead. Why that husband of mine bails on babysitting is beyond me." Luna smiled.

"Where's Hugo?" Lily asked at once.

"At Audrey and Percy's, Rosie is with him too. Sorry Lils." Luna smiled sadly.

"Thats ok. Its a bit too quiet here without James." Lily sighed.

"Harry told me what happened.  James will return, I can tell you that. But not the way he left you." Luna sighed.

"What do you mean?" Lily asked leading Luna into the kitchen where the Potter kids' tower pf cards had exploded.

"Aunt Luna!" Al cried launching himself at the woman.

"Al, nice to see you. As I was saying Lily, James wont return the same." Luna began.

"Why?" Lily and Al asked in unison.

"The time turner he used is a very special one. Only one other one like it exists." Luna began.

"Tell us more!" The siblings begged, their tower of cards forgotten.

"That time turner is very special. It has Fate Magic inside." Luna began in a low voice.

"I heard about Fate Magic. Its incrediblely tricky." Lily breathed.

"Yes. But heres the thing, the time turner works only for those who need it. James was transported to the past for a reason." Luna explained.

"Why though?" Al asked

"Wit beyond measure is mans greatest treasure my dear. The time turner must have sensed James needed an escape. The only way for him to return is after he learns an important lesson." Luna smiled.

"How do you know all of this?" Lily asked.

"It happened to a friend of mine when I was at Hogwarts." Luna shrugged.

"Does my dad know about any of this?" Al asked.

"Hes probably finding out right now." Luna smiled. "Did you know that James has a time limit of 1 year in the time that he's stuck in?"

"A year?!" Al gasped.

"What do you mean a year?" Lily asked feeling faint.

"If James doesnt learn the lesson he was sent back there for, he'll be forever trapped in that time period." Luna frowned slightly.

"Forever?!" Al and Lily screamed.

"Huh. I thought I gifted your family with my favorite book; The Time Traveler's Myths." Luna's froqn deepened

"Mum and Dad always thought those myths weren't true." Lily whimpered.

"I didnt mean to scare either of you. All of the knowledge you need is in that book. Those myths are simply ideas that havent been proven. It was titled Myths to catch attention. I hope Harry and Sirius arent chasing their tails." Luna mused.

"Aunt Luna, you know my father, he rarely reads books. Hermione's the bookworm." Al rolled his eyes.

"Hmm...I at least expected Sirius to know about that book." Luna sighed loking unfazed. "Want to continue your game?"

Summer 1994

James was busy perusing Grimmauld Place's library.

"Hugo?" A knock came at the door.

James looked up to find Sirius in the doorframe. "Yes?"

"Ive tried very hard not to tell the others, but I have to know." Sirius stated.

James' insides turned to lead and he cursed himself. He should have known better than to fool his grandad, the most brilliant prankster that ever lived. James took a breath and decided to play dumb. "Know what?"

"Im going to ask a series of questions and Id appreciate it if you answered honestly. No lies or games about it." Sirius continued in a low voice.

James nodded. "Yes Sirius, but can you please close the door?"

Sirius sighed and closed the door.

"That wont be enough for the eavesdroppers in this house." James smirked.

Sirius narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but waved his wand to soundproof the room. "Now answers please. What is your real full name?"

James sighed, "James Sirius Potter."

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